Title: Bitcoin sent from standard to segwit address - transaction dissappeared Post by: mekler23 on December 21, 2017, 07:26:56 AM Hi!
I've sent bitcoin from a standard address to a segwit wallet (both in Electrum), and got confirmation that the transaction was sent (TXID). The fee I put was low (about 70-100 satoshi/byte) but I also allowed replaceable. However, after a short while, the transaction (which got a number) just disappeared from the wallet history. It happened after a few minutes, not days. So it doesn't seem to be that the wallet cancelled the transaction. Any idea what it is and why it happened? I am using the newest wallet version (3.0.3) Thanks! Title: Re: Bitcoin sent from standard to segwit address - transaction dissappeared Post by: mekler23 on December 24, 2017, 01:42:16 AM Update:
I have added a bit to the fees, but something weird is going on:
How long will it take to see any change? is there an average time frame? Thanks! Title: Re: Bitcoin sent from standard to segwit address - transaction dissappeared Post by: Abdussamad on December 24, 2017, 04:16:58 AM If the transaction is low fee then you can bump the fee (https://bitcoinelectrum.com/frequently-asked-questions/#my-bitcoin-transaction-is-not-confirming-what-can-i-do). But first to get the transaction to show up switch servers (https://bitcoinelectrum.com/how-to-switch-to-a-different-electrum-server/) until you it does.
Re: what happened, electrum relies on electrum servers for its view of transactions relevant to your wallet. If the server you are connected to has dropped the transaction from its mempool because of low fees then electrum won't see it. So if you change servers you should hopefully find it again in your wallet. |