Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: googlerankspecialist on December 22, 2017, 01:07:28 PM

Title: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: googlerankspecialist on December 22, 2017, 01:07:28 PM
i reported him yesterday to the moderator and told them i am going to the local police department
and also reporting it to
This guy threaten to go to someone's house and see if their family had anybody parts to do something
with if they don't payback the loan this is not only illegal but outrageous

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: mk354 on December 22, 2017, 01:09:31 PM
i reported him yesterday to the moderator and told them i am going to the local police department
and also reporting it to
This guy threaten to go to someone's house and see if their family had anybody parts to do something
with if they don't payback the loan this is not only illegal but outrageous
I saw that it was in lending right?

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: NUFCrichard on December 22, 2017, 01:15:53 PM
Over react much?

He is clearly joking, he doesn't have your address, he hasn't lent you any money, you haven't failed to pay back.
All of those points show that it is a joke.  He is suggesting that your offer of 1BTC interest is too good to be true.

Go to the local police, they will laugh at you if they read the thread!

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: ThatRandom8543 on December 22, 2017, 01:17:37 PM
i reported him yesterday to the moderator and told them i am going to the local police department
and also reporting it to
This guy threaten to go to someone's house and see if their family had anybody parts to do something
with if they don't payback the loan this is not only illegal but outrageous

One, you posted in the wrong area. Two, do you understand that its a joke? Three, is it because you got a negative feedback from him? Four, dont take 98% of threats you see on the forum seriously.

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: Anti-Cen on December 22, 2017, 01:30:38 PM
Sounds like the OP is being a bit of a cry baby and people like him are
always trying to hide behind what they call "Hate Speech"

I know lets ban BlackCoin (Yes they have one) if we cannot create
an ICO for WhiteCoin or are the rules not quite that simple

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: pugman on December 22, 2017, 01:40:16 PM
i reported him yesterday to the moderator and told them i am going to the local police department
and also reporting it to
This guy threaten to go to someone's house and see if their family had anybody parts to do something
with if they don't payback the loan this is not only illegal but outrageous
Vod ain't a dumbass you idiot. He has a clear and a level head than most of the people on this forum and he gave you a negative feedback because you asked for a huge amount without any collateral. The sticky in the lending sub-forum clearly mentions No Collateral No loan
You can file a case in the police department, or in the FBI, I'll give you a heads up on what will happen, they will think you're retarded and will send you away.
P.S. the admins and the moderators are only going to ignore you. So good luck. #butthurt af
How will you "report" Vod when you don't know his real name ::)

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: TheUltraElite on December 23, 2017, 05:41:33 AM
i reported him yesterday to the moderator and told them i am going to the local police department
Please learn how the trust system works. Trust is not moderated and you are bound to get a negative trust when you do the following things
1. Ask for a loan as big as 5500$
2. No collateral
3. No prior trade history
3. To top it off you are a newbie with a big mouth
and also reporting it to
This guy threaten to go to someone's house and see if their family had anybody parts to do something
with if they don't payback the loan this is not only illegal but outrageous
The only person who would scam and default a loan is you. Have you heard of "Res ipsa loquitur"? - The fact speaks for itself.
_______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Here, enjoy another negative trust rating from me.
You seriously deserve it along with more from DT2. Oh I forgot you dont know what DT is do you? poor little guy.

*Awaiting fake defamatory negative feedback on my profile*

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: TanyaDegurechaff on December 23, 2017, 06:05:23 AM
i reported him yesterday to the moderator and told them i am going to the local police department
and also reporting it to
This guy threaten to go to someone's house and see if their family had anybody parts to do something
with if they don't payback the loan this is not only illegal but outrageous

This is your fault in my opinion. there are no proof that you are illegible to loan that kind of amount in btc. There The collateral is not presented and can be easily faked.
do you have any proof that vod said that to a member? and if that was really a threat or a joke?

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: magneto on December 23, 2017, 07:44:41 AM
Firstly, him giving you negative trust for what you did(ask a $5500, without valid collateral loan as a newbie on the forum), is completely valid. If you are just butthurt because Vod gave you that feedback, it is standard procedure for him and he does it to every single newbie that asks for outrageous amounts of BTC as a loan.

He didn't have any business to do with you anyways...

I can't find the post now but it makes no sense when he hasn't lent you any money and he is threatening you, and based on everyone's reactions on this thread i think it is clear that Vod was joking. No way was he actually gonna bother go to your house or anything, lol.

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 24, 2017, 12:41:24 AM
That post got deleted in any event--I didn't even see what it was.  But Vod isn't threatening you, I'm pretty damn sure.

Sarcasm and humor do not translate well on this forum, since 90% of users here can't understand an average sentence in English.  But take the community's word for it, you're not in danger from Vod.  You'll have to live with the negative feedback, though.  So suck it up and move forward.

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: Anonymouskey on December 24, 2017, 12:45:14 PM
last week you had 104 BTC and now asking $5000 to help poor students?  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: miningdude on December 24, 2017, 12:49:39 PM
Yes I recommend you go report that kid. he doesn't deserve to be here.

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: TheUltraElite on December 24, 2017, 01:17:46 PM
Yes I recommend you go report that kid. he doesn't deserve to be here.

The only person who does not deserve to be here is you  :)

You trust rating and the references posted there are proving that beyond doubt. Stop coming to this forum - your red paint blinds my eyes and make your own forum and scam the people who join there.

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: Fortify on December 25, 2017, 11:23:09 AM
Maybe you should pay your bills instead of stealing other peoples money. I have zero sympathy for either of you, but it seems you are using a lame excuse to get out of paying what you owe. Don't borrow money if you cannot or will not pay it back, otherwise you will find people much worse than VOD coming your way. It is not illegal to visit someones house, and there is no inherent threat in that suggestion.

Title: Re: VOD Has to go He threaten life of another member for a loan
Post by: shinjunobi09 on December 27, 2017, 01:46:16 AM
Clearly overreacting much I mean why would someone do that when clearly most of us here are anonymous pretty no one knows who we are, what we do for a living aside from doing services here, no one knows where we are. So I guess it's either he is joking or just practically want to get in your mind that never do something bad or stupid when conducting transaction to someone.