Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: jerrysmith on December 24, 2017, 05:26:23 PM

Title: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: jerrysmith on December 24, 2017, 05:26:23 PM
 :o Its a matter of annoyed ,
And I have doubt, is it really true?
In some cases  Morgan Stanley's assumption may correct.
Expecting valuable perception of Bitcoin experts .........

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: OmegaStarScream on December 24, 2017, 05:33:59 PM
I wouldn't take anything about bitcoin seriously when It's coming from the banking system or their supporters. The comparisons they made with Visa etc. could be somehow fair as both are payment systems but Bitcoin is only here for 8 years. If there is demand, there value, as easy as that.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: soham on December 24, 2017, 05:41:19 PM
You really can't expect anything better from a mainstream banking institution. 518 billion of USD has gone out of the banking channel due to the crypto currency boom with bitcoin leading the way. So it's not surprised that the banking companies will target bitcoin and start negative comment on it. The trend was started by JP Morgan, followed by DBS and now carry forwarded by Morgan Stanley. Nothing new in it. So start ignoring such negative comments for our betterment.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: jerrysmith on December 24, 2017, 05:43:29 PM
Thanks for your opinion

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: 1bitcoinsnet on December 24, 2017, 05:44:22 PM
When a group of people get together and AGREE that what they are exchanging has value, it's a currency as long as those people agree it has value.

First currency was probably shiny rocks and shells then people learned how to smelt metals and metals became valuable and a unit of currency in trade.

Today fiat only has value due to people agreeing it has value, it is not backed by anything, none of it.

Now BTC and all Crypto is a new technology that allows like minded people to accept the digital byte as a unit of value to trade goods and or fiat.

So as long as people AGREE it has value, it has value.

The crypto markets are the value setters based on people willing to trade crypto or fiat on the exchanges for something a group of people AGREE has value.

Of course old world bankers that think fiat has value can't wrap a brain cell around crypto.

They're not in the group of LIKE MINDED PEOPLE that agree it has value.

When a group of people agreed Tulips in Holland were RARE they built a currency around it, then some ships doing trade realized they could import Tulips year round and get goods or metals for them, so the RARE Tulip became common and lost it's value.

As long as an agreed currency is rare and cannot become common, the people valuing it will value it.

For years Cuban said crypto had no value, now he's buying in at super high rates.

Of course the vested interests of old world control that owns the fiat will try to say zero value.

Hey morgan stanley, I can take my coins I got starting at $5 bucks years ago, bring them to an exchange and get what I want, I can find other people with wallets and trade for what I want, so in REALITY it has great value and the value will keep going up due to scarcity as long as NEW LIKE MINDED PEOPLE join the group of others that already see value in crypto.

Negative news is great news, the reason, it puts CRYPTO into the conversation and then the people who are prone to be LIKE MINDED find the others that see fiat is bullshit and join the club of like minded people that want to see value in something that is rare and growing in acceptance.

I could care less what fortune 500 companies take it, the fact is I've been taking it online since '10

I take it today, not just BTC but lots of coins I like.

So keep trashing crypto dinosaurs, you're extinct and forgot to die already.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: BaXTeR403 on December 24, 2017, 05:44:50 PM
They know Bitcoin is gonna continue taking off. It's just FUD. They want price to drop so they can buy low. Happens all the time. When you see negative news, buy. When you see positive news take some profits off the table.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: likeBTC on December 24, 2017, 05:48:52 PM
Just fud, this guy clearly does not even understand how the economy works, i dont understand how the fuck is he even able to talk when he did a lot of mistakes on his life.
bitcoin doesn't have a real price, and even if it has one, we can see it on the real market.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: nizamcc on December 24, 2017, 05:59:25 PM
They are just trying to divert others' focus out of Bitcoins while bagging in Bitcoins aside by taking advantage of these "corrections" which make it a low-value asset for some time. Believing them and putting yourself aside would be stupid and really unacceptable because they are losing on Bitcoins when it goes up. You know you have to pay fiat (which you send through banking system only) to buy Bitcoins, right? Even if just 10% of people start investing in BTC at global level, banks will go bankrupt.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: squatz1 on December 24, 2017, 06:03:09 PM
Cause Morgan Stanley is a bank, one of the prime industries that will fail if Bitcoin is to takeover the marketplace. This is like asking for tips from someone who sells solar panels about your gas heater, they're of course going to lead you in the direction of not going towards Bitcoin -- it's expected.

So don't trust anything that Morgan Stanley would say on this topic. Make your own opinion.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: Sowik on December 24, 2017, 06:18:05 PM
Because he is trying to sound smart and ruin Bitcoin. If they actually want to do this they can but I doubt they will.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: Tipestry on December 24, 2017, 06:19:10 PM
E-commerce adoption is an outdated metric for cryptocurrency. To paraphrase Andreas Antonopoulos, I'm not interested in using Bitcoin to buy stuff I'm Amazon. I can already do that well enough with credit card. What I'm interested in are new applications that wouldn't have been possible with fiat.

Criticizing Bitcoin for lack of e-commerce use would be like criticizing smartphones because people don't use them for cell phone calls as much as they did with flip phones.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: odolvlobo on December 24, 2017, 06:19:17 PM
The difference is optimism vs. pessimism.

The people that wrote that article are pessimistic about Bitcoin. They focus on its problems and shortcomings, and they are intentionally short-sighted. They correctly believe that current price is not justified by its current utility, but they refuse to accept that future adoption and improvements could justify the present value.

On the other side are the optimists. The correctly look to the potential benefits, but they focus on an idealized future -- one that may not even be possible. They go to irrational extremes to justify their wishful thinking, and they intentionally remain ignorant of reality.

In the end, you have the endless articles by the pessimists stating that the optimists are irrational or naive and that Bitcoin is a failure because it is not what the optimists believe it is. And you have the endless rants by the optimists stating that the pessimists are ignorant or malicious, and that Bitcoin will succeed because it is more than what the pessimists believe it is.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: Beerwizzard on December 24, 2017, 06:24:12 PM
:o Its a matter of annoyed ,
And I have doubt, is it really true?

They already said that the blockchain and cryptocurrencies are valuable technologies and instruments. The cryptocurrency will "worth zero" untill this cryptocurrency is owned  by Morgan Stenley or some other bankers. They they will asume that thie coin is legit and worth something. BTC is already crossing interests of too many people so they won't let it become 0

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: heringasem on December 24, 2017, 06:31:47 PM
And who believes in this guy? Obviously that the price is purely decided by the supply and demand, not on the price that he decides to put it.

I am tired of all this kind of people who are always talking shit about bitcoin, why dont they get a life instead of talking bullshit?

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: chuckblocker on December 24, 2017, 06:37:21 PM
bcos they aren't trading any

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: sjefdeklerk on December 24, 2017, 06:41:01 PM
His key argument seems to be that no one is adopting it. Last year 5 of the top 500 companies supported bitcoin, this year it went down to just 3.

But there are of course more arguments like the insane high transaction fee of $55, the extreme slowness of the coin, it seems there's just no future for bitcoin itself.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: Silber on December 24, 2017, 06:42:43 PM
ask a taxi driver what he thinks about Uber
ask an Hotel owner what he thinks about airBnB
ask a Banker what he thinks about Bitcoin

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: tomahawk9 on December 24, 2017, 06:43:33 PM
:o Its a matter of annoyed ,
And I have doubt, is it really true?
In some cases  Morgan Stanley's assumption may correct.
Expecting valuable perception of Bitcoin experts .........
What did you think a member of the banking system was gonna say? That bitcoin is the future? These financial institutions have finally accepted the harsh truth, that Bitcoin is here to stay, and it is encouraging people to take their savings out of the control and bureaucracy of the system to put them in a decentralized system where they will not be monitored, track, or registered, and they won't have to worry about someone sharing their personal data to other parties.

This is only the beginning of the scare tactics and FUD campaign, expect more in the future.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: kotajikikox on December 24, 2017, 06:47:42 PM
You really can't expect anything better from a mainstream banking institution. 518 billion of USD has gone out of the banking channel due to the crypto currency boom with bitcoin leading the way. So it's not surprised that the banking companies will target bitcoin and start negative comment on it. The trend was started by JP Morgan, followed by DBS and now carry forwarded by Morgan Stanley. Nothing new in it. So start ignoring such negative comments for our betterment.

i agree with you buddy banking industries have a negative comments for bitcoin, the bankers want destroy bitcoin because bitcoin threat in the banking industries.
banker scared about the popularizeation of bitcoin banks in the future closed and bitcoin bank raised.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: pixie85 on December 24, 2017, 06:56:05 PM
I wouldn't take anything about bitcoin seriously when It's coming from the banking system or their supporters. The comparisons they made with Visa etc. could be somehow fair as both are payment systems but Bitcoin is only here for 8 years. If there is demand, there value, as easy as that.

They like to compare cryptocurrencies with established fiat systems and currencies like Euro, Dollar, PayPal and other. Bitcoin isn't being used even by 1% of the users of fiat and its already on everyone's tongues. It also hasn't been around as long as any of these companies and currencies, it's even younger than most banks.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: Jet Cash on December 24, 2017, 07:02:12 PM
Can Bitcoin be valued like a currency? No. There is no interest rate associated with Bitcoin.
That statement shows the value of their comments. We are now in an era of negative interest rates for fiat "currency".

The other fact to consider is that if they really thought it had a zero value, then they wouldn't be buying it privately.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: Rickirs on December 24, 2017, 07:24:45 PM
When a group of people get together and AGREE that what they are exchanging has value, it's a currency as long as those people agree it has value.

First currency was probably shiny rocks and shells then people learned how to smelt metals and metals became valuable and a unit of currency in trade.

Today fiat only has value due to people agreeing it has value, it is not backed by anything, none of it.

Now BTC and all Crypto is a new technology that allows like minded people to accept the digital byte as a unit of value to trade goods and or fiat.

So as long as people AGREE it has value, it has value.

The crypto markets are the value setters based on people willing to trade crypto or fiat on the exchanges for something a group of people AGREE has value.

Of course old world bankers that think fiat has value can't wrap a brain cell around crypto.

They're not in the group of LIKE MINDED PEOPLE that agree it has value.

When a group of people agreed Tulips in Holland were RARE they built a currency around it, then some ships doing trade realized they could import Tulips year round and get goods or metals for them, so the RARE Tulip became common and lost it's value.

As long as an agreed currency is rare and cannot become common, the people valuing it will value it.

For years Cuban said crypto had no value, now he's buying in at super high rates.

Of course the vested interests of old world control that owns the fiat will try to say zero value.

Hey morgan stanley, I can take my coins I got starting at $5 bucks years ago, bring them to an exchange and get what I want, I can find other people with wallets and trade for what I want, so in REALITY it has great value and the value will keep going up due to scarcity as long as NEW LIKE MINDED PEOPLE join the group of others that already see value in crypto.

Negative news is great news, the reason, it puts CRYPTO into the conversation and then the people who are prone to be LIKE MINDED find the others that see fiat is bullshit and join the club of like minded people that want to see value in something that is rare and growing in acceptance.

I could care less what fortune 500 companies take it, the fact is I've been taking it online since '10

I take it today, not just BTC but lots of coins I like.

So keep trashing crypto dinosaurs, you're extinct and forgot to die already.

Very nice explanation , although its really a threat to traditional fiat currency based system.

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: bitcoinzen on December 24, 2017, 07:27:10 PM
Morgan Stanley are culprits of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy they don't want to see growing a parrel currency

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on December 24, 2017, 07:33:36 PM
Once an issue is raised around Bitcoin everybody turns a prophet. Sadly, no prediction or prophecy around it has come true. However, I won't believe any FUD expressing that the price of Bitcoin will amount to nothing, especially if it comes from a member of the banking sector. Who remembers the JP Morgan boss and his judgement about Bitcoin a few weeks ago? And how it turned hogwash?

Title: Re: Why Morgan Stanley says the true price of bitcoin might be zero ?
Post by: ardhigalau on December 25, 2017, 04:13:03 AM
It can be said that bitcoin begins to become a teenager, all need a process so that bitcoin is fully accepted wherever located. We just need to support bitcoin as well as possible.