Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on July 29, 2013, 09:40:09 AM

Title: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on July 29, 2013, 09:40:09 AM
Design ten 16 by 16 px smilies for coinchat:

:smile:  :)

:happy:  :D

:wink:  ;)

:sad:  :(

:angry:  >:(

:wow:  :o

:rolleyes:  ::)

:tongue:  :P

:meh:  :-\

:zzz: (sleeping)

16x16 px PNG, individual files, with name of the smiley as the file name
No animations.
Cat styled, like the coinchat cat.
Should be pixelated.

Create one smiley and post it here - I'll contact you if I want to hire you to design the rest of the smilies :)

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: s1a2d3h4 on July 29, 2013, 09:45:49 AM
I'll make a list with sugestions for the extra smilleys done in CC or here:

- :weed: (weed leaf to use in #drugs)
- :moo: (cow smiley)
- :drama: (??? dramatic smiley?)

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on July 29, 2013, 09:52:36 AM
I'll make a list with sugestions for the extra smilleys done in CC or here:

- :weed: (weed leaf to use in #drugs)
- :moo: (cow smiley)
- :drama: (??? dramatic smiley?)
Do these 3 too and you'll get 1.3 BTC :)

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: ibminer on July 29, 2013, 12:22:27 PM :smile: :tongue: :wow:  :angry:  :evil: :high: :madcow: :cow: :smile: :tongue:

... don't make fun of me, never really tried creating an emoticon on a 16x16 canvas!   ;D

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on July 29, 2013, 01:47:33 PM

... don't make fun of me, never really tried creating an emoticon on a 16x16 canvas!   ;D

They're OK but are a bit hard to tell apart. I like the style through! I'd probably suggest a lot less thicker lines.

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: s1a2d3h4 on July 29, 2013, 01:55:42 PM
Here's a sample of the emoticons my brother Croslicre is making:

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: ibminer on July 29, 2013, 02:13:32 PM

... don't make fun of me, never really tried creating an emoticon on a 16x16 canvas!   ;D

They're OK but are a bit hard to tell apart. I like the style through! I'd probably suggest a lot less thicker lines.
Indeed the lines were too thick (Fixed my post)... going to try some other things to differentiate them!

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: s1a2d3h4 on July 29, 2013, 03:13:16 PM
Ok, here they are. The first ten. :) If you like them, admin, I'll send you them in an email with the right name. :wink: :tongue: :wow: :angry: :meh: :zzz: :sad: :rolleyes: :smile: :happy:

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: 001sonkit on July 29, 2013, 03:55:52 PM :moopalm: :winner:

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: s1a2d3h4 on July 29, 2013, 05:15:40 PM
ok, here are the las ones, we changed the concept of weed and drama :P hope you like them. :moo:
instead of weed: :high:
instead of drama: :banhammer:

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: ibminer on July 29, 2013, 05:39:21 PM
Updated my post with some others... PM if you want the rest!

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: r3wt on July 29, 2013, 05:47:22 PM


Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: ibminer on July 29, 2013, 05:53:25 PM


Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: californiablue on July 29, 2013, 06:56:09 PM
ok, here are the las ones, we changed the concept of weed and drama :P hope you like them. :moo:
instead of weed: :high:
instead of drama: :banhammer:

These are too great. I've dropped out of the contest before entering. Perfection.

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: s1a2d3h4 on July 29, 2013, 07:10:36 PM
ok, here are the las ones, we changed the concept of weed and drama :P hope you like them. :moo:
instead of weed: :high:
instead of drama: :banhammer:

These are too great. I've dropped out of the contest before entering. Perfection.

Hahahah, I thinks so too! My lil bro is great :P

gotta use :high: a lot!

(I hope I won't have to use the banhammer that much)

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: Boelens on July 29, 2013, 07:21:31 PM
Except for the high and banhammer one, I like them!

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on July 30, 2013, 01:33:18 AM

Awesome! I'll compile it into a spritemap, but could the meh and roll eyes smilies be changed a little? Dots as eyes for meh, and just a small straight line for mouth for roll eyes.

Title: Re: Design ten 16x16 smilies for coinchat. 1 BTC
Post by: s1a2d3h4 on July 30, 2013, 01:36:14 AM
Ok, no probs. It's late here now, but expect them in some hours. :P

edit: Done, he's made two versions of "meh" so you can decide which one you like better. :rolleyes: :meh: 1 :meh: 2