Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining speculation => Topic started by: d57heinz on December 26, 2017, 05:02:58 AM

Title: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: d57heinz on December 26, 2017, 05:02:58 AM
So for fun i did the math today.  At 14 exahash if we add .05% each day that equates to over 5000  s9 added to network per day ?. Correct me if i am wrong.   This is amazing and explains the crazy increase in price along with the upswing in this graph. (    Even with the backup in transactions it looks like security will continue to increase as more continue to mine.. I have no doubts that scaling will be addressed this year.   Better to get it right the first time.  Look at what the alts do right as the test bed and implement the best features into btc.  Thats how i see it going down some time in the future. BTC will always remain the OG of crypto.   Anyway for those wondering why bitmain raise price.. well supply and demand.. also they expect another crazy jump in price soon.  Going to be a great 2018  ;D.

also look at correlation to this graph set at 1 wk time frame. (
Merry Christmas Everyone  And Happy New Year!

Best Regards

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: polltroy on December 26, 2017, 09:37:07 AM
I too was making similar observation some days ago. What hit me is if currently 1000-5000 new S9 or equivalent are turned on every day, where they come from? Obviously its nearly impossible to buy new miners, at least on short term, if you are lucky and are able to order you have to wait months. some of these numbers could be from old miner models being turned back on again, others from some s9 getting delivered from old batches. but anyway numbers seems huge! Can it be that the miner factories (avalon, bitmain etc) put most of their production into their own farms? or can it be someone made a more effective miner (like n10 chip) but does not offer it to public and just use it for own farming? Ideas?

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Flying Hellfish on December 26, 2017, 01:13:45 PM
I too was making similar observation some days ago. What hit me is if currently 1000-5000 new S9 or equivalent are turned on every day, where they come from? Obviously its nearly impossible to buy new miners, at least on short term, if you are lucky and are able to order you have to wait months. some of these numbers could be from old miner models being turned back on again, others from some s9 getting delivered from old batches. but anyway numbers seems huge! Can it be that the miner factories (avalon, bitmain etc) put most of their production into their own farms? or can it be someone made a more effective miner (like n10 chip) but does not offer it to public and just use it for own farming? Ideas?

LULZ of course the manufacture's are putting machines online as quick as they can...  Bitmain has HUGE FARMS.  There is no chance that these diff jumps are simply retail sales of miners.

Think about the pre-order game.  You pay them X BTC now and with that money the manufacture can put maybe 3 or 4 or 5 machines of their own online with YOUR MONEY...  They mine as much as they can drive up diff and then ship out a few units to retail customers a few months later.

Miners are literally building their competition up at a multiple rate.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: polltroy on December 26, 2017, 02:52:22 PM
so basically bitmain, avalon etc are all big scam business? taking money from "retail" miners while the only ones who can make profit are the few who cobtrol the few asci miners?

only way to have a chance to earn on mining is by gpu as this is not controlled market?

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: d57heinz on December 26, 2017, 03:57:35 PM
so basically bitmain, avalon etc are all big scam business? taking money from "retail" miners while the only ones who can make profit are the few who cobtrol the few asci miners?

only way to have a chance to earn on mining is by gpu as this is not controlled market?

all markets have a manufacturer in "control".  gpu has two main groups nvidia amd.  unless we can make these devices ourselves we are at the mercy of the manufacturers.  Should they mine for themselves? well thats for another discussion.  Asic manuf. do scam a bit in the sense they take preorders.  Allowing you to do calcs (allowing them to price higher) based on todays current network situation vs 3 months from now.  They know what its going to do as they build the machines and know exactly whats coming online with a degree of near certainty. (see the bitmain dash miner thread)  i honestly think most manufactures either collude or have insiders that share what each company has going on.  So yea they are duping the retail users by mining the profit out of the machines before shipping.  Profits can me made by mining atm but with the crazy jumps in hash my bet is on buying/hodling some coins. to me beauty of gpu is the ability to mine so many different algo's! Its more of a hedge for when btc mining isnt doing too well.  If your going to mine ideally you would want to mine all the algos.  When one is down $ most of time another is up.  mining rewards remain relatively stable this way. 


Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Flying Hellfish on December 26, 2017, 04:24:55 PM
so basically bitmain, avalon etc are all big scam business? taking money from "retail" miners while the only ones who can make profit are the few who cobtrol the few asci miners?

only way to have a chance to earn on mining is by gpu as this is not controlled market?

Scam is a pretty strong word for it.  I don't think anywhere in my post did I say or imply they are doing anything illegal.

Selling money machines to wide eyed newbs in full FOMO mode at the highest price they can, I don't believe that's illegal anywhere.  It can be looked at from a business POV as taking advantage of extremely favorable market conditions.  Selling retail will allow them to put a multiple of machines online for themselves FREE and months ahead of retail miners.  Again not sure where that is illegal.  NO ONE is forced to buy their product.

It is literally economics 101, in a free market supply and demand will set the price.  In this market we have the manufactures don't need insiders trading info, the have a demand supply ratio skew in their favor as high as 10 to 1.  This is what professional sales people DREAM about.  Life as a sales exec is easy, profits soar and you look like a genius as a sales exec when your demand exceeds supply by magnitudes..

No they're not scams they're smart legitimate business' taking advantage of extremely favorable market conditions.  Any business would do the same.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: fanatic26 on December 26, 2017, 05:56:31 PM
The ignorance in this thread is pretty impressive. This theory that bitmain is taking your money specifically to run their own miners is just plain dumb. Bitmain has 10k+ of their own mienrs sitting on the ground because even they cannot find datacenter space for them all. Why do you think they tried making agreements with places like great north data to run their equipment? They can only put them up as fast as new space becomes available so thats another conspiracy theory you can toss out the window.

An s9 makes $850/month before power costs and everyone is complaining that bitmain is holding down profits. Were none of you in this industry a year ago? Gimme a break.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: polltroy on December 26, 2017, 06:02:30 PM
i dont think gpu manufacturers have mining farms, no...

and gpu you can spend money today and start mining tomorrow..

bitmain: spend money today... wait 3 months... while they put out 100.000 miners themselves and tripple difficulty... oups if bitcoin went up u still do little profit... if bitcoin down or stable your miner is worthless because the action of the seller. sounds like scam to me!

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: polltroy on December 26, 2017, 06:19:06 PM
also in long run... if bitmain and avalon keep most miners for themselves, after a couple of years they will be close to the 50% mining power to cheat the ledger? maybe this is ONLY reason they sell miners at all? if they come close to 50% and this comes out it means RIP bitcoin.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: d57heinz on December 26, 2017, 09:50:45 PM
The ignorance in this thread is pretty impressive. This theory that bitmain is taking your money specifically to run their own miners is just plain dumb. Bitmain has 10k+ of their own mienrs sitting on the ground because even they cannot find datacenter space for them all. Why do you think they tried making agreements with places like great north data to run their equipment? They can only put them up as fast as new space becomes available so thats another conspiracy theory you can toss out the window.

An s9 makes $850/month before power costs and everyone is complaining that bitmain is holding down profits. Were none of you in this industry a year ago? Gimme a break.

Yes the ignorance displayed here in your comment is amazing.  If bitmain has so many sitting on ground and nowhere to put them then WHY are they not shipping immediately?  Hmmmm

Have a nice day


Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Flying Hellfish on December 26, 2017, 11:57:44 PM
The ignorance in this thread is pretty impressive. This theory that bitmain is taking your money specifically to run their own miners is just plain dumb. Bitmain has 10k+ of their own mienrs sitting on the ground because even they cannot find datacenter space for them all. Why do you think they tried making agreements with places like great north data to run their equipment? They can only put them up as fast as new space becomes available so thats another conspiracy theory you can toss out the window.

An s9 makes $850/month before power costs and everyone is complaining that bitmain is holding down profits. Were none of you in this industry a year ago? Gimme a break.

Yes the ignorance displayed here in your comment is amazing.  If bitmain has so many sitting on ground and nowhere to put them then WHY are they not shipping immediately?  Hmmmm

Have a nice day


Or why not sell them for 3k each (its not like that's 25 or 30 mill dollars sitting around)... LOL on top of that we can see the hashrate climbing FAST.  But ok keep running around telling everyone the hashrate/diff jumps are retail miner sales...

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: polltroy on December 27, 2017, 11:24:30 AM
how u guys can think bitmain is not scam?

1. they compete with their customers
2. they can manipulate customers profits AFTER they have money but BEFORE they deliver
3. they can use sales to manipulate their own currency
4. they have oligopoly
5. in total they can make sure only they profit and customers get zero gains (or just whatever the current capital cost for bitmain is)

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: WhyFhy on December 27, 2017, 07:00:52 PM
So for fun i did the math today.  At 14 exahash if we add .05% each day that equates to over 5000  s9 added to network per day ?. Correct me if i am wrong.   This is amazing and explains the crazy increase in price along with the upswing in this graph. (    Even with the backup in transactions it looks like security will continue to increase as more continue to mine.. I have no doubts that scaling will be addressed this year.   Better to get it right the first time.  Look at what the alts do right as the test bed and implement the best features into btc.  Thats how i see it going down some time in the future. BTC will always remain the OG of crypto.   Anyway for those wondering why bitmain raise price.. well supply and demand.. also they expect another crazy jump in price soon.  Going to be a great 2018  ;D.

also look at correlation to this graph set at 1 wk time frame. (
Merry Christmas Everyone  And Happy New Year!

Best Regards
Its because next gen is coming out and in testing phases

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: d57heinz on December 27, 2017, 07:26:10 PM
So for fun i did the math today.  At 14 exahash if we add .05% each day that equates to over 5000  s9 added to network per day ?. Correct me if i am wrong.   This is amazing and explains the crazy increase in price along with the upswing in this graph. (    Even with the backup in transactions it looks like security will continue to increase as more continue to mine.. I have no doubts that scaling will be addressed this year.   Better to get it right the first time.  Look at what the alts do right as the test bed and implement the best features into btc.  Thats how i see it going down some time in the future. BTC will always remain the OG of crypto.   Anyway for those wondering why bitmain raise price.. well supply and demand.. also they expect another crazy jump in price soon.  Going to be a great 2018  ;D.

also look at correlation to this graph set at 1 wk time frame. (
Merry Christmas Everyone  And Happy New Year!

Best Regards
Its because next gen is coming out and in testing phases

That I have no doubts about. That’s always when they sell the miners to us. When they are one step ahead. Makes sense.


Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Sandal_Hat on December 27, 2017, 07:29:27 PM
With bitmain, avalon and ebit all selling good miners next year....that cant be good for difficulty level. And miner prices are higher.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: fanatic26 on December 27, 2017, 09:46:12 PM
Yes the ignorance displayed here in your comment is amazing.  If bitmain has so many sitting on ground and nowhere to put them then WHY are they not shipping immediately?  Hmmmm

Have a nice day


1. Some of us actually do this for a living and know what we are talking about. I make the statement having firsthand knowledge of the situation, im not talking out my ass like most people on here.

2. The company is sitting on so many because it is hard to find hosting, there is a global shortage right now. Look at the GND debacle. They dont ship out already used up miners like the conspiracy theorists like to claim. They will sit on their old product that was produced specifically for internal use and sell customers the new ones being produced batch by batch. I have been to their facilities and have seen it in person.

Anything else you would like me to correct you on?

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: polltroy on December 28, 2017, 06:15:57 AM
if you have been there, could you tell us how many they produce per day? how many workers they have on assembly?

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Crypto Rock on December 28, 2017, 10:19:22 AM
so basically bitmain, avalon etc are all big scam business? taking money from "retail" miners while the only ones who can make profit are the few who cobtrol the few asci miners?

only way to have a chance to earn on mining is by gpu as this is not controlled market?

Scam is a pretty strong word for it.  I don't think anywhere in my post did I say or imply they are doing anything illegal.

Selling money machines to wide eyed newbs in full FOMO mode at the highest price they can, I don't believe that's illegal anywhere.  It can be looked at from a business POV as taking advantage of extremely favorable market conditions.  Selling retail will allow them to put a multiple of machines online for themselves FREE and months ahead of retail miners.  Again not sure where that is illegal.  NO ONE is forced to buy their product.

It is literally economics 101, in a free market supply and demand will set the price.  In this market we have the manufactures don't need insiders trading info, the have a demand supply ratio skew in their favor as high as 10 to 1.  This is what professional sales people DREAM about.  Life as a sales exec is easy, profits soar and you look like a genius as a sales exec when your demand exceeds supply by magnitudes..

No they're not scams they're smart legitimate business' taking advantage of extremely favorable market conditions.  Any business would do the same.

In principle, I agree with your comments, it's basic economics. It's a seller market.

Making their products available only in one (crypto) currency is however a move that has irritated most  of their online buyers, and may bite them back in the future, when more options become available.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Sandal_Hat on December 28, 2017, 10:50:30 AM
Imo, CNBC,bloomberg,etc are screwing things up with too much crypto news to the point it pumps btc up too much quickly and is gonna over-saturate the mining market. It is no good for anyone at this rate.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: d57heinz on December 28, 2017, 11:25:03 AM
Yes the ignorance displayed here in your comment is amazing.  If bitmain has so many sitting on ground and nowhere to put them then WHY are they not shipping immediately?  Hmmmm

Have a nice day


1. Some of us actually do this for a living and know what we are talking about. I make the statement having firsthand knowledge of the situation, im not talking out my ass like most people on here.

2. The company is sitting on so many because it is hard to find hosting, there is a global shortage right now. Look at the GND debacle. They dont ship out already used up miners like the conspiracy theorists like to claim. They will sit on their old product that was produced specifically for internal use and sell customers the new ones being produced batch by batch. I have been to their facilities and have seen it in person.

Anything else you would like me to correct you on?

Thanks for the info. Appreciate the correction.  The reason people hold onto the used miner bit is they received miners with dust in them.  They claim it needed burn in test yada yada yada.(s1/s3 days)It’s good to hear they aren’t shipping us used miners.  It’s too bad I thought the reason they were pos was because they were used and sold to us.  Since that is not the case it just boils down to shit manufacturing.  Have a nice day. Tell jihan hi for me :P


Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Raymond_B on December 28, 2017, 03:54:04 PM
I'm new here so take it for what it's worth, but my December batch S9 was as clean as a whistle and looked brand new. My January batch will be here tomorrow (go figure) so I'll report on that one. But I would offer up that the theory of Bitmain selling used units is pure conjecture. Just my observation and opinion :)

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Druiz287 on December 29, 2017, 05:15:31 AM
Imo, CNBC,bloomberg,etc are screwing things up with too much crypto news to the point it pumps btc up too much quickly and is gonna over-saturate the mining market. It is no good for anyone at this rate.

Agreed.  Plus the volatility this also produces on the trading side of things is madness.  Hopefully that will scare some of them off!

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: dlezama on December 29, 2017, 07:23:06 AM
I'm new here so take it for what it's worth, but my December batch S9 was as clean as a whistle and looked brand new. My January batch will be here tomorrow (go figure) so I'll report on that one. But I would offer up that the theory of Bitmain selling used units is pure conjecture. Just my observation and opinion :)
What do you think they do when they retire their miners? Throw them away? Maybe the cases and fans, but used boards and chips I'm sure they sell them. I actually wish mine was used, one board died pretty quickly and that's how I know it was new. People think used miners will last less, but the opposite happens with electronic stuff with no moving parts. Well tested is better :)

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: d57heinz on December 29, 2017, 12:54:30 PM
With bitmain, avalon and ebit all selling good miners next year....that cant be good for difficulty level. And miner prices are higher.

May not be great for the True decentralized miners. I’ve said it in another post. Let the manufacturers fight amongst themselves. Either they fall to side completely like spondoolies did. Or they drive diff so damn high we all reap rewards from price increase. .  That’s why I say buy and hodl coins.  The jump in hash will be followed by more price jncrease. They aren’t adding 5k worth of s9 hash to network because they see an end is near that’s for damn sure.  

Also I don’t feel the used miner bit is so much more an issue nowadays. Plus who would know they run them in clean data centers now.  It looks as good as new with exception of having to replace a fan or two.  Honestly I don’t want another thing used or new from bitmain.  I’m already looking to have their junk repaired. Not by them of course. I won’t give them another damn cent.  At least knowingly anyway.


Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: stelee68 on December 30, 2017, 12:14:54 AM
Yes, with the current jump in difficulty at exponential rate, those spending USD $5000 to get a miner is outta their freaking mind.

It would take them probably 1 year to ROI, or more.

I think it is better to sign-up for cloud mining (like Genesis, maybe?) is more rewarding than to pay $5k for a miner right now.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Crypto Rock on December 31, 2017, 04:17:14 PM
I'm new here so take it for what it's worth, but my December batch S9 was as clean as a whistle and looked brand new. My January batch will be here tomorrow (go figure) so I'll report on that one. But I would offer up that the theory of Bitmain selling used units is pure conjecture. Just my observation and opinion :)

Unless somebody comes up with a proof that Bitmain is indeed selling used units, I would assume otherwise. Common sense and industrial practice would point otherwise. Complexity of moving used units back to factory, packing them, updating shipping inventory, SKU's, employees doing this versus something else. etc .... would cost more versus the potential profit.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: CarrollFilms on January 02, 2018, 02:41:51 AM
Can I short this chart?

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: dlezama on January 02, 2018, 03:24:59 AM
Sorry, we diverged... Sticking to the thread, hashrate grow is unbelievable, aliens may be chiming in :) Who can be deploying this massive hashrate and using what hardware?

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: WhyFhy on January 02, 2018, 06:40:36 PM
Sorry, we diverged... Sticking to the thread, hashrate grow is unbelievable, aliens may be chiming in :) Who can be deploying this massive hashrate and using what hardware?
Its manufactures testing next gen hardware.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Druiz287 on January 03, 2018, 04:35:44 AM
Sorry, we diverged... Sticking to the thread, hashrate grow is unbelievable, aliens may be chiming in :) Who can be deploying this massive hashrate and using what hardware?
Its manufactures testing next gen hardware.

The plot thickens... I am looking forward to the next generation and what continuous re-engineering brings us.  At this point I don't know if it would be better to have more efficient miners to maximize return on electricity put consumed (like the S9) or less efficiency with more economical miners to have a faster ROI (like the M3).  I mine Ethereum as well, and I prefer the 1070s over the 1080s because of lower power consumption.  That's probably why I decided to mine with the S9 as well, just saying.  But maybe with this exponential curve in hashrate efficiency, the game changes priorities from owning the most efficient miners long term to recovering investment quickly in preparation for the next generation models before the current ones become obsolete due to rising difficulty.  The strategic implications for those investors with several thousand at stake merit some consideration.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: d57heinz on January 03, 2018, 08:14:41 AM
Sorry, we diverged... Sticking to the thread, hashrate grow is unbelievable, aliens may be chiming in :) Who can be deploying this massive hashrate and using what hardware?

definitely next gen in the testing .  those of us that been around a while have seen this before.  Just had another huge jump up in the chart.  Going to see a nice price jump very soon.   ;D   NEW ATH folks.


edit at 2% growth a day were talking some serious hash being thrown at the network. (20k s9's per day!)

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: WhyFhy on January 05, 2018, 12:38:51 AM
Sorry, we diverged... Sticking to the thread, hashrate grow is unbelievable, aliens may be chiming in :) Who can be deploying this massive hashrate and using what hardware?

definitely next gen in the testing .  those of us that been around a while have seen this before.  Just had another huge jump up in the chart.  Going to see a nice price jump very soon.   ;D   NEW ATH folks.


edit at 2% growth a day were talking some serious hash being thrown at the network. (20k s9's per day!)
or 10k s11's  :o

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: casparthefriendly on January 06, 2018, 06:24:02 PM
So for fun i did the math today.  At 14 exahash if we add .05% each day that equates to over 5000  s9 added to network per day ?. Correct me if i am wrong.   This is amazing and explains the crazy increase in price along with the upswing in this graph. (    Even with the backup in transactions it looks like security will continue to increase as more continue to mine.. I have no doubts that scaling will be addressed this year.   Better to get it right the first time.  Look at what the alts do right as the test bed and implement the best features into btc.  Thats how i see it going down some time in the future. BTC will always remain the OG of crypto.   Anyway for those wondering why bitmain raise price.. well supply and demand.. also they expect another crazy jump in price soon.  Going to be a great 2018  ;D.

also look at correlation to this graph set at 1 wk time frame. (
Merry Christmas Everyone  And Happy New Year!

Best Regards

Here's my response:

China is GOING to shutdown bitcoin mining in their country, one way or another.  This Tweet was from the OFFICIAL Chinese government press.  Here is the website:

Soon to see a MAJOR drop in hashnet

and Happy New Years to you to Doug.  Its GOING to be a GREAT ONE!

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: stompix on January 07, 2018, 01:38:47 AM
So for fun i did the math today.  At 14 exahash if we add .05% each day that equates to over 5000  s9 added to network per day ?. Correct me if i am wrong.   This is amazing and explains the crazy increase in price along with the upswing in this graph. (  

There is one small thing that should be considered also..
And I must emphasize on "small".

There is also the BCH chain that is getting mined by sha256 miners and hashrate that has also grown a bit hovering around 10%.
Taking into account their current hahsrate there are around 80k s9 that are missing from the chart above that have produced and set online in the last 5 months.
was showing 19 exahash yesterday......

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: d57heinz on January 20, 2018, 02:01:25 PM
So for fun i did the math today.  At 14 exahash if we add .05% each day that equates to over 5000  s9 added to network per day ?. Correct me if i am wrong.   This is amazing and explains the crazy increase in price along with the upswing in this graph. (  

There is one small thing that should be considered also..
And I must emphasize on "small".

There is also the BCH chain that is getting mined by sha256 miners and hashrate that has also grown a bit hovering around 10%.
Taking into account their current hahsrate there are around 80k s9 that are missing from the chart above that have produced and set online in the last 5 months.
was showing 19 exahash yesterday......

yea and now we are pushing 2% growth per day and we are over 18 exa(do the math  New tech is coming online now).  This is absolutely mind boggling the amount of hash coming online.  CHina isnt banning shit . Only trying to buy cheaper before this things blows up BIG TIME.    

For those that say there is no reason to create new tech since s9 is still profitable.. Well they are wrong.  100% wrong.  Why would a company stop developing and let the competition get ahead.  Hell look at bitmain and obelisk with sia.  Heheh.   What a great time to be alive  ;D


edit  ohh im sorry its 21 Exa now

Price   12,521.32 USD/฿
Hashrate   21379.74 PH/s
Activity   152 TX/min
Unconfirmed Txs   108,763
Fee Rate   0.00042367 BTC

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: vk985 on January 21, 2018, 11:43:33 AM
I too was making similar observation some days ago. What hit me is if currently 1000-5000 new S9 or equivalent are turned on every day, where they come from? Obviously its nearly impossible to buy new miners, at least on short term, if you are lucky and are able to order you have to wait months. some of these numbers could be from old miner models being turned back on again, others from some s9 getting delivered from old batches. but anyway numbers seems huge! Can it be that the miner factories (avalon, bitmain etc) put most of their production into their own farms? or can it be someone made a more effective miner (like n10 chip) but does not offer it to public and just use it for own farming? Ideas?

It is know that if you have enough money for 300 S9s, you can go to China with that money and skip the whole waiting time.

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: Thetaj on January 22, 2018, 12:36:16 PM
My guess is, they're pushing the diff of BTC up like crazy, then they pull a shit ton of Hash offline.........BTC becomes stuck, China pumps Bcash........?????profit

easiest game to ever play. I'll see you guys in Feb

Title: Re: Network Hashrate Growing at .05% per day!!! 5k s9's
Post by: stompix on January 22, 2018, 01:25:21 PM
My guess is, they're pushing the diff of BTC up like crazy, then they pull a shit ton of Hash offline.........BTC becomes stuck, China pumps Bcash........?????profit

easiest game to ever play. I'll see you guys in Feb

That easy game of your would end up costing them 12k$*12.5*6*24 a day.
Besides, to make BTC really stuck you would have to cut more than 50% of the hashpower.
Do they have that kind of hashpower?

And besides, they probably have learned a tough lesson last week.
If BTC has problems, the whole altcoin world is bleeding.
Pumping BCH right now and cutting off revenues from BTC would be suicide.