Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: giantdragon on July 31, 2013, 04:05:12 PM

Title: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on July 31, 2013, 04:05:12 PM
We are proud to announce major update on Daily Bitcoins (!

Tired of low efficiency of the banner ads? We offer brand-new advertising model that provides excellent conversion rates which have been already proved on promotion of my another service (Peerbet).
Now you can start own voucher campaign on Daily Bitcoins and distribute vouchers with free credits to our users. Even small amount of 0.0001 BTC free credits is rather enough to force the users to pay attention to your service and with high probability spend their own funds on it!

It won't take much time to setup voucher campaign on Daily Bitcoins. Read this tutorial (http://localhost/dailybitcoins2/vouchers-help.php) for more details.

Another improvements have been made:
  • You can request prizes directly on Peerbet and accounts,
  • You can set default address to receive prizes,
  • Voucher codes that you win now being saved in the profile,
  • SSL.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: dree12 on August 01, 2013, 01:46:20 AM
Your link to the tutorial is broken.

I think this is a very innovative idea, and is perfect for Bitcoin. That said, I have some critiques.

  • Proofreading. A lot of the English is generally low-quality. There are free proofreading services offered on these forums; you should give them a try.
  • Voucher value does not seem to be count towards the Limit, even though the advertiser is also paying for those. This should be explicitly stated to prevent confusion.
  • Est. giveaways per day: 236 would look better as Est. 236 giveaways per day.
  • Currently, vouchers play second fiddle to the prize, even though they are often worth more than the prize. Perhaps vouchers could increase in prominence by being displayed before the prize is collected. This also persuades advertisers to give larger vouchers, because then they'll have a greater click-through rate.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 01, 2013, 02:04:27 AM
Proofreading. A lot of the English is generally low-quality. There are free proofreading services offered on these forums; you should give them a try.
I contacted you as you did proofreading last time.

Voucher value does not seem to be count towards the Limit, even though the advertiser is also paying for those. This should be explicitly stated to prevent confusion.
This is already stated in tutorial (, but if it is not clear I can add also notice to the page where you create campaign.

Currently, vouchers play second fiddle to the prize, even though they are often worth more than the prize. Perhaps vouchers could increase in prominence by being displayed before the prize is collected. This also persuades advertisers to give larger vouchers, because then they'll have a greater click-through rate.
If we will display which voucher the user have won before he will take it (the same way as we do now for prizes), he will unlikely to take small vouchers at all.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: bcp19 on August 02, 2013, 01:10:54 AM
Is the site having problems?  I put in my address, typed the captcha, clicked send and I get a yellow box that says "Please wait a while..." which never goes away.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 02, 2013, 02:11:35 AM
Is the site having problems?  I put in my address, typed the captcha, clicked send and I get a yellow box that says "Please wait a while..." which never goes away.
You need to refresh JavaScript (just press F5). Also make sure you have disabled ad-block.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 03, 2013, 03:54:10 PM
After adding new payment methods to payments script, an unexpected bug appeared that caused marking pending payments as processed while they were not actually sent.
Only Bitcoin payments for August 2/3 affected, Peerbet and were sent normally. This bug was fixed now and I hope never occurs again.

Please sorry for inconvenience. If you remember approximate amount you expected to receive on August 2/3, write it to me and I will send it.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: jmillions on August 03, 2013, 06:35:51 PM
My user account is no longer working on both your services that I use (Peerbet and DailyBitcoins). Is this something you're working on or do I need to create a new account?

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 03, 2013, 08:01:25 PM
My user account is no longer working on both your services that I use (Peerbet and DailyBitcoins). Is this something you're working on or do I need to create a new account?
Send me your e-mail via PM, I will reset the password.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 13, 2013, 07:56:09 PM
Added possibility to check voucher's validity before redeem.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 18, 2013, 03:20:08 AM
The first third-party voucher campaign started on Daily Bitcoins by Devfaucet (!

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: ARTHurt on August 18, 2013, 12:23:31 PM
great job with your website, I love it!

Although, I do have 2 remarks and 1 request:

- is there possible to have an option to "Send delayed payments to PeerBet Account" aditionally to "Execute delayed payments" for those who change their mind and decide to transfer wallet winning to Peerbet

- is there a way to make verification integrity of the address to avoid sending funds to aleatory text in the clipboard when doing the paste in the address text?

And here is the request I have (due to my mistake I admit), to unblock the funds from some wrong clipboard text I paste in, and somehow send it to me?
I have:
- 0.00005 in "our dtheycl" address
- 0.00001 in "2   Kiosk 3   Game Center" address

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 18, 2013, 04:59:53 PM
is there possible to have an option to "Send delayed payments to PeerBet Account" aditionally to "Execute delayed payments" for those who change their mind and decide to transfer wallet winning to Peerbet
Many users don't create accounts on Daily Bitcoins, so this feature could be potentially abused (i.e. hacker could steal funds only knowing Bitcoin address on which Bitcoins were requested).

is there a way to make verification integrity of the address to avoid sending funds to aleatory text in the clipboard when doing the paste in the address text?
I don't run bitcoind on the VPS because it slowdown the server, so it is not possible now.

And here is the request I have (due to my mistake I admit), to unblock the funds from some wrong clipboard text I paste in, and somehow send it to me?
I have:
- 0.00005 in "our dtheycl" address
- 0.00001 in "2   Kiosk 3   Game Center" address
Send me PM with new address and I will fix.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: ingrownpocket on August 19, 2013, 03:49:14 PM
is there a way to make verification integrity of the address to avoid sending funds to aleatory text in the clipboard when doing the paste in the address text?
I don't run bitcoind on the VPS because it slowdown the server, so it is not possible now. validateaddress

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 20, 2013, 02:35:51 AM
Automatic Bitcoin address validation have been enabled. You may need to refresh JavaScript files by clicking F5.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on August 29, 2013, 08:33:50 PM
Now you can generate redeemable voucher codes to sell or transfer funds from your advertiser's account.

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on September 18, 2013, 06:50:53 PM
Batch voucher redemption have been added. Now you can redeem up to 200 codes at once!

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: Mlady3014 on November 27, 2013, 09:56:39 PM
I keep getting "disable ad blocker" after I submit my address and captcha, but the ad blocker is disabled on my computer/browser. I wasn't having these issues earlier today when I successfully sent in my wallet address and captcha for the 0.00001 BTC. It was only later today (1 hour ago) I received the "disable ad blocker to request your prize" message. The bitcoin prize was up to 0.0001 at that time. I tried a second time after that a few minutes later, the same message pops up. Since Daily Bitcoins was working earlier today, and I don't have the ad blocker enabled...this may be something on Daily Bitcoin's end (buggy?).

Anyone else having similar issues?

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on November 28, 2013, 04:50:48 AM
I keep getting "disable ad blocker" after I submit my address and captcha, but the ad blocker is disabled on my computer/browser.
Make sure you see all banners on appropriate places fully loaded. Advertising networks sometimes go offline or performing too slow...

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: rizhiy87 on December 02, 2013, 03:18:45 PM
I have some vouchers redeemed in my account. Can I generate new woucher from my account and resell it to somebody?

Title: Re: Daily Bitcoins - New advertising type with efficiency superior to banner ads!
Post by: giantdragon on December 02, 2013, 08:11:41 PM
I have some vouchers redeemed in my account. Can I generate new woucher from my account and resell it to somebody?
Yes, you can. Click "Generate voucher" in the profile.