Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: tjohej on August 01, 2013, 03:18:22 PM

Title: Flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt
Post by: tjohej on August 01, 2013, 03:18:22 PM
I would like some Bitcoin-flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt. Then the only thing that would be missing would be sites who have these "widgets" or rather "html/javascript markup" that enables me to click on a button easily on their site("one click" gets registered for a site in Bitcoin-qt for an address x). Then at the end of the month, Bitcoin-qt asks me "Would you like to send your Bitcoin-flattr now to the addresses specified in this list y?". I press yes and I sit back, relax and enjoy myself for clicking on "yes" :D

Some others had the bad luck of having to program all this  ;D

Please link to a relevant thread that has already been opened on the topic. Couldn't find any :(

Title: Re: Flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt
Post by: Akka on August 01, 2013, 03:28:24 PM
Bitcoin-QT is just the very Basic Client and more important a full node.

It's important to have a client that just gives access to the very core functions of the protocol and that maintains the Bitcoin Network (Storing the Blockchain, Validation and relaying Block & transactions).

That's what Bitcoin QT is for. What you propose belongs IMO in an alternative client.

Title: Re: Flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt
Post by: System on August 02, 2013, 10:01:34 AM
There is always Flattr, in which you can now fund with Bitcoin ?

Title: Re: Flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt
Post by: tjohej on August 03, 2013, 01:09:54 AM
There is always Flattr, in which you can now fund with Bitcoin ?
Just found out totally randomly this:

Unfortunately I have zero experience with ruby, so I don't know if I can make this run.
Yes I use flattr, but since I among others flattr Bitcoin people, they probably want it in Bitcoin and that makes the most sense.

Flattr allows you to fund your account with Bitcoin. Though creators can only get "fake money" and not Bitcoins, so flattr needs to do something about this. Let the creators get Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt
Post by: tjohej on August 10, 2013, 07:04:18 PM = ruby scripts. I use Ruby 1.9.1.
I think it's the beginning of good btc-flattr software :)

Hard to install but I got it working after 3 days, so now it works nicely :)

The ruby script
collect addresses when clicking Bitcoin buttons like those found on and let's you choose if you want to flattr for this month or flattr permanently.

At the end of the month you manually run bitcoin_monthly_contribute.rb to do the payments to the recipients. It connects with either
bitcoin-qt -server
through RPC implemented in Ruby.

Title: Re: Flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt
Post by: Itcher on August 11, 2013, 07:49:08 PM

i love this idea.

Flattr is so easy - just load it up and spend via browser-button. Why can't bitcoin don't do the same?

In my sight it must be easy - connect the wallet to the browser, create a nice button like "Donate", make the thing compatible to apps, produce a compatible code for content-offerer and -- go ???

-- asks someone who has not a bit of knowledge about the IT-Wabble-Dabble, but is Bitcoin-Enthusiastic and likes to dream

Title: Re: Flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt
Post by: BlueTemplar on April 03, 2014, 11:17:09 PM
So, how come this excellent idea still hasn't taken off?

Consider the potential : you could have a much better way to support content creators and websites than paid advertising or Google Play-like walled gardens.

Title: Re: Flattr-like functions in Bitcoin-qt
Post by: corebob on April 03, 2014, 11:40:56 PM
Flattr is a nice way to contribute money so I like the idea.
For a client like bitcoin-qt though I think it would make most sense to create a plugin architecture, and make the Flattr function a plugin