Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: relik on December 29, 2017, 09:21:57 PM

Title: Armory does not see unconfirmed transactions
Post by: relik on December 29, 2017, 09:21:57 PM
I had Armory (96.3) instance running quite some time, but needed to move it to another box.
After setting it up there, builiding db from scratch I noticed some of my unconfirmed transactions are not seen by Armory.
They are in bitcoin core mempool on the same server - I even tried to broadcast them again using core and Armory, rescanning db - and it didn' help:-(
How Armory is maintaining mempool? - what I understand it's loading mempool from network, not from bitcoin core mempool.
Is there any way to enter missing tx from mempool into Armory?

Title: Re: Armory does not see unconfirmed transactions
Post by: goatpig on January 01, 2018, 04:33:43 PM
How Armory is maintaining mempool? - what I understand it's loading mempool from network, not from bitcoin core mempool.

It holds its own mempool in the zeroconf db file

Title: Re: Armory does not see unconfirmed transactions
Post by: relik on January 02, 2018, 10:28:34 PM
Is there any way to add transaction to this file?

Title: Re: Armory does not see unconfirmed transactions
Post by: goatpig on January 03, 2018, 11:53:57 AM
The ZC parser only processes tx that it gets from your node. The tx your broadcast through Armory are pushed as is to your node. The DB will then requests the tx by hash from your node. This sets in motion the inv packet and subsequent tx fetching that happens for all ZC your node sees. Only after that process is the tx parsed and added to the DB's mempool (if it's relevant to your wallets).

In other words, there's a unified pipeline that's only ever triggered by your node pushing a tx to the DB (which for all intents and purposes, mimics itself as a node to your actual Bitcoin node).

This gives you 2 ways of getting a ZC to appear in your GUI:

- Carry over the zeroconf db to your new db folder and cycle ArmoryDB.

- Successfully push your tx again to your node. If that tx is already in your node's mempool, you'll have to clear, or it won't let your broadcast it again.

Title: Re: Armory does not see unconfirmed transactions
Post by: relik on January 03, 2018, 09:19:43 PM
Thanks for detailed explanation.
Will try to clear mempool and push tx again.

Title: Re: Armory does not see unconfirmed transactions
Post by: relik on January 03, 2018, 09:27:10 PM
And it did work!
Thanks a million