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Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Lostpike on January 02, 2018, 06:45:46 PM

Title: Volta
Post by: Lostpike on January 02, 2018, 06:45:46 PM
Rumors are NVIDIA will announce the new line up at CES on January 7.

Anyone here holding out on buying any new GPU till Volta comes out?

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: Pendrak on January 02, 2018, 06:57:26 PM
Rumors are NVIDIA will announce the new line up at CES on January 7.

Anyone here holding out on buying any new GPU till Volta comes out?

Nop, i buy any AMD GPU available, the problem is that there are gone thanks to the eth.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: QuintLeo on January 03, 2018, 03:01:00 AM
I rate that as "probability zero" on announcement at CES.

 I'm not anticipating seeing an announcement on Volta consumer cards prior to Nvidia's annual "confrence" think in March, and won't be shocked if they don't announce 'till April-May timeframe.

 AFAIK they haven't announced a new GPU at CES in at least a decade.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: Turkish88 on January 03, 2018, 05:40:35 AM
Nvidia must release soon new generation - AMPER
It will be one of the part of VOLTA
targeting performance i think will be +30%

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: hous26 on January 03, 2018, 06:31:37 AM
I just want them to restock the dang 1070 ti's!  My orders have been on back-order for weeks!

I'll make my third rig with Volta cards as soon as they come out but, Nvidia plz, I want to finish my second rig.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: QuintLeo on January 04, 2018, 08:17:37 AM
Ampere is the next generation AFTER Volta - I would not anticipate seeing THOSE cards 'till late 2019 or possibly early 2020.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: damNmad on January 04, 2018, 11:32:35 AM
Good to know that NVIDIA are releasing a new line up, any idea or rumors about individual algo hash rates??

Any price predictions? looks like we are going to see lots of new miners entering into the market with these new releases.

Hope they are good at power consumption, as it would be hard for people like me who are paying $0.20/kWH.

What is the AMD new lineup called? they already released VEGA series which are really good for cryptonight! looking forward to see what they have under their sleeves!

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: Lostpike on January 04, 2018, 05:51:14 PM
Good to know that NVIDIA are releasing a new line up, any idea or rumors about individual algo hash rates??

Any price predictions? looks like we are going to see lots of new miners entering into the market with these new releases.

Hope they are good at power consumption, as it would be hard for people like me who are paying $0.20/kWH.

What is the AMD new lineup called? they already released VEGA series which are really good for cryptonight! looking forward to see what they have under their sleeves!

No clue about AMD. However, they are sticking with HM2.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: QuintLeo on January 04, 2018, 10:14:17 PM
Nvidia is going with GDDR6 on at least some of their cards, per Samsung.

 I would anticipate the Volta generation seeing a 10% or slightly higher list price to start with, at least in part due to the current very high memory prices.

 Performance - based on the Titan V, I'd estimate 25% higher performance on algorithms that are NOT "memory hard" at about the same power point as current Pascal cards.

 I doubt they are going to be designed for "lower power" than the card each model is going to replace, but instead are going to target "higher performance for the same power budget".

 AMD has 2 new "generations" in the works - but both are refreshes, a "second" refresh for the Polaris lineup and a refresh for the Vega lineup.
 The rumours so far seem to be that the Polaris next refresh will show up LATE this year, the Vega refresh sometime next year at the soonest.
 The Pascal update will probably go to GDDR6 NOT to HBM (I've seen at least one comment out of a memory maker somewhere about that) while the Vega lineup like the Fury cards it replaced will stick with HBM.

 I would bet AGAINST Nvidia skipping the Volta genearation for consumer cards - they're already a bit overdue based on their normal timing for a Pascal replacement, a March-to-May timeframe Volta consumer card lineup would keep them fairly close while pushing their current competative advantage vs AMD.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: Dlikrot on January 04, 2018, 11:31:34 PM
Waiting to mine only makes you lose. Diff and price increase always makes it worth while to start as soon as you can with what’s available now, that’s my experience.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: QuintLeo on January 05, 2018, 08:44:58 PM
It would be worth waiting *IF* there was any probability at all of a Volta announcement at CES - but since that probability is basically ZERO....

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: philipma1957 on January 05, 2018, 09:43:19 PM
I do not think they will rush it out.  If lucky March  most likely May.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: Metroid on January 05, 2018, 09:55:35 PM
In few months eth mining is done, so gddr6 will be great for coins that use ethash, question will be how will be the mining world when eth is gone hehe, a huge crash for all coins or a huge pump, hard to say. Say whatever you say but take notice that eth is a huge train, taking other coins to huge gains. If eth is gone, who knows what will happen.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: lunobird on January 05, 2018, 11:24:10 PM
Your going to need two voltra 2070's to mine the same amount of coins as a single 1070 ti mining now , due to constant difficulty increase as time goes by.

Time is money.

Title: Re: Volta
Post by: bucketofsocks on January 06, 2018, 12:56:30 AM
They're not coming anytime soon, NVIDIA has basically no competition right now, because even if you argue that Vega isn't a steaming pile of crap, you couldn't buy one if you wanted to. If next gen stuff was right around the corner they wouldn't be taking the time to release more iterations of the current gen i.e. 1070ti and the rumored 5gb 1060