Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bitfools on January 04, 2018, 04:48:25 AM

Title: ISLAM Ban's BITCOIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-HoneyPot " NWO Tracking Currency
Post by: bitfools on January 04, 2018, 04:48:25 AM

Well it was bound to happen, the cards are now falling, the Russian's and Chinese may have fallen into the 'NSA' NWO order trap, but now its official, the Islamic word has announced that "BITCOIN" is KOSHER.

Make no mistake that Nakamota-SAtoshi is NSA, that SHA-256 is NSA, that ESCDSA 266pk1 was carefully chosen because of its weak property's,

BITCOIN is now the largest PONZI 'Tulip Mania' in Human History, and ISLAM is telling its people not to follow the ZIONIST  'Synthetic Money' off the cliff.

Title: Re: ISLAM Ban's NSA-COIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-CIA "Cashless NWO OPT-OUT
Post by: bitfools on January 04, 2018, 04:50:13 AM

Islam still has codes against usury.  Codes disallowing usury have been removed from Christendom.  Christians are thus guilty of being dupes to the forces of mammon.

See Hoffman, usury in Christendom.

Central banks in western world, for most part, are "stock owned," meaning they are corporations who fabricate money at interest.  Their profit motive is to make money from money, a form of usury.

Usury is sordid gain, the taking of something for nothing.  Harm to individuals groups and institutions is the "free lunch" or takings, thefts in the form of higher prices. 

Money's true nature is law, and proper money fluxes in relation to goods and services.  The west does not have proper money.  Islam, as much as it sucks, at least tries to deal with the money problem. 

Mohammed was a merchant in Mecca, and while he was alive, Mecca was an entrepot city on middle east caravan trade routes.

Who controlled the trade routes?  Our usual ((suspects)), were taking usury on the exchange rates between gold and silver.  Our friends used their sneaky in-group methods to hose down the people of Mecca.  Medina was even more of Jewish controlled city. 

Islam codes against usury because of Mohammed's bad experience with Jews.  Jews in turn have a religion that promotes usury as a method of war against "others."

Is BITCOIN "Kosher"? Did the NSA ( owned by Israel/Mormon Utah ) create BITCOIN in its own image to destroy Asian economy's? Does a bear shit in the woods, is the Pope Satan?

Title: Re: ISLAM Ban's NSA-COIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-CIA "Cashless NWO OPT-OUT
Post by: bitfools on January 04, 2018, 05:20:39 AM
Wow, so this means only western hairlips are using BTC to get rich quick?

I wonder how long this will last?

Me thinks as long as QE keeps feeding the ponzi, courtesy of Israel/Federal-Reserve Bank 1913,

Russian & Chinese must be catching the drift, I think in days there will be an official pushback on BTC aka nsa-coin

Title: Re: ISLAM Ban's BITCOIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-HoneyPot " NWO Tracking Currency
Post by: bitfools on January 04, 2018, 06:06:24 AM
Wait, say it ain't so, BITCOIN came from a jap guy living in LA, ... who was a ron paul Liberatarian, that wanted the poor to have free banking right?

Title: Re: ISLAM Ban's BITCOIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-HoneyPot " NWO Tracking Currency
Post by: bitfools on January 04, 2018, 08:07:33 AM
so it always goes back to the your either a ZOG conspirator, or your a anti-zog 'mooooooooslim', just two binary choices, even with btc,

next question up, is bitcoin left or right? liberal or conservative??

many here will say never mind with 'poltics', we're getting rich, ...

mao said all 'political power comes from a gun', the power of the US dollar is by death, be knowst to all who venture in bitcoin, if it be true that BITCOIN is/was a danger to the us-dollar then all bitcoiners would be de-factor traitors and hung or murdered by the gov

Title: Re: ISLAM Ban's BITCOIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-HoneyPot " NWO Tracking Currency
Post by: Starone1 on January 05, 2018, 08:43:54 PM

Well it was bound to happen, the cards are now falling, the Russian's and Chinese may have fallen into the 'NSA' NWO order trap, but now its official, the Islamic word has announced that "BITCOIN" is KOSHER.

Make no mistake that Nakamota-SAtoshi is NSA, that SHA-256 is NSA, that ESCDSA 266pk1 was carefully chosen because of its weak property's,

BITCOIN is now the largest PONZI 'Tulip Mania' in Human History, and ISLAM is telling its people not to follow the ZIONIST  'Synthetic Money' off the cliff.
We must respect to all religions because they are repeatable for human beings if Islam consider bitcoin is harm so maybe they feel something wrong in bitcoin but I believe that bitcoin is a digital currency and it’s here to help humanity all the people around the world they are earning from bitcoin and it’s going to help them in their food ,clothes  and also in their education bitcoin is also no using in donating a lot of people are donating bitcoin for poor countries which is also a very great effort by bitcoin to the poor people.

Title: Re: ISLAM Ban's BITCOIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-HoneyPot " NWO Tracking Currency
Post by: emuLOAD on January 05, 2018, 08:54:54 PM
Must we respect religions? Never really understood why one very specific type of ignorance is tolerated and protected like this.

Islam, like plenty of religions obsessed with control love to ban this and that. considering islam's rules on money, usury, banking, etc... not exactly a shocker. not to mention these folks--the ones calling for these rules--arn't generally speaking the most foreward-thinking, future-oriented individuals in their communities.

There is enough sillines in the crypto world without adding religious absurdities to it

Title: Re: ISLAM Ban's BITCOIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-HoneyPot " NWO Tracking Currency
Post by: Vitolife on January 05, 2018, 09:18:43 PM
Well, we should not include religion into cryptos, an this is only opinion of one mufti, he is not Islam. Here you have another side why Bitcoin is more halal than any paper currency

Title: Re: ISLAM Ban's BITCOIN aka 'BITCOIN/SHA-256' NSA-HoneyPot " NWO Tracking Currency
Post by: jeffer8035 on January 05, 2018, 11:06:32 PM
be tulips or you should not take advantage but something like bitcoin that is distributed on several computers in the world that you have it virtually but you have it in your wallets that can not be done but I do not think it is ponzi and that it is also auditable. tulips were audited or the tickets in the world you know how many