Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: genjix on July 08, 2011, 12:35:24 AM

Title: Bitcoin Consultancy - develop bitcoin fulltime
Post by: genjix on July 08, 2011, 12:35:24 AM

Anybody interested in working with the Bitcoin client fulltime? Below I've posted the job posting. Getting paid to work on Bitcoin fulltime with other skilled & enthusiastic developers fulltime here in Poland :)

   #bitcoinconsultancy on Freenode <-- feel free to drop in and say hi

We're currently a group of 6 passionate people from Europe/UK/US (with more to come soon) that wants to push Bitcoin forwards. We'll give preference to applicants with previous contributions to Bitcoin or other free software projects.

Eventually we hope to pay the entire Bitcoin community, but for now we're still in the growth stage. Afterwards we can then provide a foundation to help people in the future by organising conferences, helping with legal advice wrt bitcoin or helping court costs .etc

Our strategy for bitcoin acceptance is:

1) pay people to work on bitcoin. Bitcoin can only develop as a secure, scalable and stable piece of software with fulltime developers.

2) get business interests financially invested. In the case of an attack on the network, they will have their hands in the cookie jar and be financially motivated to defend bitcoin.

3) set a positive legal precedent. When a government comes to look at bitcoin, they will be far more likely to rule positively if they see a long running, legal, honest and regulated exchange. That way we become the policy makers, not misinformed senators.

4) aggressively dispel ignorance through the press. Ties in with 3)

5) provide a platform to enable people to keep doing their work.

Apologies for the long rant. If anyone has any other skills they can offer apart from C++ coder below then still feel free to message me. Maybe we could accommodate you still in some form, although we have a lot of offers from skilled developers and it's hard :p (we're still expanding).

About Warsaw:
- Very safe (
- We live in the town centre near the historic area (
- Travel info (
- Hot girls, good links with rest of Europe, large linux group, major european cultural centre .etc

Network Programming - C++, Linux

Recruiter: Bitcoin Consultancy
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Salary: Salary negotiable
Job Type: Minimum 4 months. Potentially permanent.

The Role

Bitcoin Consultancy is looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic developer to be
responsible for development of an opensource project. This person should have
experience leading large projects with hundreds or thousands, or millions of
lines of code. Previous contribution to opensource projects is a definite plus
together with experience in the bittorrent protocol and the boost asio library.

You will be part of a team on the cutting edge working on an exciting new
technology as opposed to a nameless piece of internal corporate technology.


- C++ development experience is essential in a large scale project
- Previous participation in an opensource project
- Solid experience with crypto and hashing algorithms
- Expertise in programming under Linux
- Able to use boost::asio
- Excellent problem solving and multitasking skills, with a logical and
  pragmatic attitude

Other desirable skills include:

- Scripting experience with Python
- Knowledge of the bittorrent protocol
- Compiler and linkers experience
- Working knowledge of development tools such as debuggers, profilers and
  tracing utilities
- Knowledge of database engines, primarily MySQL

The Company:

Bitcoin Consultancy is a new startup focused around providing Bitcoin related
services. We are the maintainers of the only UK exchange with a daily trading
volume of $20k. Our group has been featured in most of the major news publications.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Consultancy - develop bitcoin fulltime
Post by: Binford 6100 on July 08, 2011, 02:49:21 AM
good luck & best wishes!
pla keep 'us' informed :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Consultancy - develop bitcoin fulltime
Post by: wumpus on July 08, 2011, 08:24:15 AM
Is this on location only, or do you have remote working positions as well?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Consultancy - develop bitcoin fulltime
Post by: Forp on July 08, 2011, 04:13:30 PM
Anybody interested in working with the Bitcoin client fulltime? Below I've posted the job posting. Getting paid to work on Bitcoin fulltime with other skilled & enthusiastic developers fulltime here in Poland :)

We're currently a group of 6 passionate people from Europe/UK/US (with more to come soon) that wants to push Bitcoin forwards. We'll give preference to applicants with previous contributions to Bitcoin or other free software projects.

Sounds great. If I didn't already have a job which presumably is more stable than a bitcoin job I would apply :-)

Still, would be interested somewhat in teaming / cooperating, if you have a model for this.

3) set a positive legal precedent. When a government comes to look at bitcoin, they will be far more likely to rule positively if they see a long running, legal, honest and regulated exchange. That way we become the policy makers, not misinformed senators.

No. I clearly and certainly do not want governments in bitcoin. I want areas which are free from regulation and free from governments. The p2p nature of bitcoin makes it possible to have a working system without governments. And even more: For many of us the perspective of working towards a government-free and regulation-free area is the very reason of being active in the area.

I do not mind that my two 6990s make a lot of noise, heat my room and comsume a lot of power. I never check mining profitability and BTC value versus power consumption. I invest a lot of time and effort into programming (among others, I have a version for producing my own genesis block, I have my own block explorer, and more, and will be forthcoming with this on github.).

But the moment, governments touch bitcoin, I will pull the plug. Or, rather, have my bitcoin client run on a different config file.

To me, chatting with my neighbor or sending a few encrypted bits and bytes to my network friends, is a core right I exercise without government intervention. Bitcoin, to me, is the extension of this right into the monetary area. Income tax on bitcoin is fine (as part of tax law). But no policy making in bitcoin with the exception of the individual user making his/her individual decisions in front of their computer screens.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Consultancy - develop bitcoin fulltime
Post by: genjix on July 09, 2011, 07:36:55 AM
I agree, but would you rather a government says bitcoin is used by child molesters or terrorists, or they say here are our legal requirements?

Project is on site for now :) Maybe in the distant future we will do the remote thing once we have contributors to the projects to support.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Consultancy - develop bitcoin fulltime
Post by: Forp on July 09, 2011, 01:57:55 PM
Project is on site for now :) Maybe in the distant future we will do the remote thing once we have contributors to the projects to support.

That's great and I'll check it. As a general idea: The more open this is, the easier it is to cooperate...

I agree, but would you rather a government says bitcoin is used by child molesters or terrorists, or they say here are our legal requirements?

Governments have been using the argument of child molestation and terrorism for more than one decade to build up a more than Orwellian surveillance infrastructure. Our luck is that - until now - it has not really been used to the full extent of its technical possibilities. Governments are already using this line of reasoning against bitcoin and we will see more intense attacks in the future. There is no advantage for political or financial institutions in bitcoin so they will use every possible approach to destroy it, once it becomes a factor of true public importance. There is a reason why Satoshi is a pseudonym.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Consultancy - develop bitcoin fulltime
Post by: Luke-Jr on July 09, 2011, 02:24:02 PM
Is this on location only, or do you have remote working positions as well?
I'd also be interested in this. Nobody seriously expects people to go to an office for IT anymore, do they? :P

Title: Re: Bitcoin Consultancy - develop bitcoin fulltime
Post by: genjix on July 10, 2011, 02:52:40 AM
We have no office ;D

But for now we're in very formative stages. Generally coding remote works great when everybody knows what needs to be done. Now, it's less than ideal. Coding together on location means you get a lot of face to face dialogue and discussion, and you move forwards because you have your group's guidance and are there to do this task.