Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Securities => Topic started by: techsavver on August 07, 2013, 09:47:31 AM

Title: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: techsavver on August 07, 2013, 09:47:31 AM
Just got off the phone with a SEC specialist. He said that the SEC is looking into Bitcoin security exchanges, and if they are unregistered and offering unlicensed securities then they are violating the law and has advised me to not invest. I asked him about if being virtual and for educational purposes covers it and he said he cannot say.

Oh and he asked me if I have lost any money in anything Ethan Burnside offered, I take that as burnside here

If you don't believe me ask them here they called me back.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: drawingthesun on August 07, 2013, 09:53:55 AM
Just got off the phone with a SEC specialist. He said that the SEC is looking into Bitcoin security exchanges, and if they are unregistered and offering unlicensed securities then they are violating the law and has advised me to not invest. I asked him about if being virtual and for educational purposes covers it and he said he cannot say.

If you don't believe me ask them here they called me back.

Whoa! How arrogant are these fools?

Next time you speak to this SEC specialist please ask him what gives the USA control over all the worlds exchanges? I think the assumption that if the USA disagrees it must be illegal arrogant and dense.

What law is being violated?

Perhaps in the USA but most of us live, do business and exist outside the USA.

I hate that country so much, such utter arrogance I can't believe it sometimes.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: solex on August 07, 2013, 10:06:08 AM
The problem is not so much the exchanges, it is that US citizens are using them.

For the SEC chair-polishing bureaucrats this means the sheeple are doing something without permission. They are sticking their heads through the barbed wire and munching on long green grass on the other side. How dare they? This must be stopped even if it means torching the grass with a flamethrower. The sheeple must be administered by the SEC for their own good!

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: drawingthesun on August 07, 2013, 10:12:13 AM
The problem is not so much the exchanges, it is that US citizens are using them.

For the SEC chair-polishing bureaucrats this means the sheeple are doing something without permission. They are sticking their heads through the barbed wire and munching on long green grass on the other side. How dare they? This must be stopped even if it means torching the grass with a flamethrower. The sheeple must be administered by the SEC for their own good!

I understand this, nothing would make me happier for US citizens to be the only people in the world fully denied any Bitcoin commerce. The USA stabbing itself in the foot and missing out on the new economy is a dream for the world, for the USA to finally lose out on something because of their stupid laws.

If the busybodies and lawyers finally destroy the country it would hopefully free us all from the USA forever, I can't wait for that country to crumble away and never return.

USA please close the borders, shut off your internet, deny your people Bitcoin and leave the rest of the world alone.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: burnside on August 07, 2013, 10:46:48 AM
(removed 8/7/13. was causing more uproar than it was worth.  better to not feed the trolls.)

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: Rannasha on August 07, 2013, 10:55:38 AM
Just yesterday the poster that started this topic tried to singlehandedly switch BTC from SHA-256 to Scrypt as hashing algorithm and got pretty much laughed out of the Development subforum. I don't take his words too seriously.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: stslimited on August 07, 2013, 11:45:04 AM

All offers were made prior to FinCEN guidance regarding Bitcoin, were made in good faith, and were intended exactly as stated on the site -- to be traded as an educational and entertaining exercise.  Oddly enough, were I to willy-nilly shut them down now, I can be almost certain that some people WOULD hold me responsible for their losses.  Thus the FinCEN guidance puts me in a catch-22 with the SEC and there are lawyers working on figuring this out.  However, if you have lost USD on any of these;

Burnside, you have this odd patchwork of Securities law understanding, I thought you would get this resolved with your lawyers but some of the stuff you say just doesn't make any sense regarding the inevitable dilemma you are in.

the SEC doesn't care about FinCEN, they care that you are offering securities, unregistered securities that have not applied for an exemption. The SEC does not (technically) judge the merit of an investment, they only look to see if the right amount of disclosure is taking place.

it doesn't matter that your registration is in belize, they will tell an administrative law judge (a rent-a-judge who works in the sec building) that what you do is affecting interstate commerce and that will give them federal jurisdiction and enough rationalization for the federal judge to sign the "emergency asset injunction" which is a court order to freeze all applicable assets, including your computers, wallets, etc under penalty of contempt of court.

You can be using a myriad of disclaimers and plausible deniability to get around this. Given that your exchange does not have the capabilities to verify that customers are american citizens.

Anyway, nobody panic. we can work with the SEC, but it would be so much easier if your computers were not in the united states, to go along with your disclaimers.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: LordMeowMeow on August 07, 2013, 12:00:08 PM
This is the elephant in the room. I hope Burnside and Ukyo are working on this as a team to make sure a shutdown and a seizure of funds won't happen.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: ArcticWolf on August 07, 2013, 12:03:38 PM
This is the elephant in the room. I hope Burnside and Ukyo are working on this as a team to make sure a shutdown and a seizure of funds won't happen.

Ukyo has been all over this from the beginning:

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: redbeans2012 on August 07, 2013, 12:04:57 PM
This seems like a troll post. 

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: ArcticWolf on August 07, 2013, 12:06:21 PM
This seems like a troll post. 

Perhaps they are trying to re-instigate the panic sells that happened last time the SEC was mentioned, so they can get some cheap shares?
Pretty weak attempt at manipulation if thats what it is.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: LorenzoMoney on August 07, 2013, 12:20:59 PM
Just looked at this:;u=85582;sa=showPosts

WOW! You say really flaky things. 

Just got off the phone with a SEC specialist. He said that the SEC is looking into Bitcoin security exchanges, and if they are unregistered and offering unlicensed securities then they are violating the law and has advised me to not invest. I asked him about if being virtual and for educational purposes covers it and he said he cannot say.

Oh and he asked me if I have lost any money in anything Ethan Burnside offered, I take that as burnside here

If you don't believe me ask them here they called me back.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: sayaz on August 07, 2013, 12:47:51 PM
Just a casual reminder bitcoin is switching to scrypt

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: Rival on August 07, 2013, 12:52:48 PM
Just a casual reminder bitcoin is switching to scrypt

Bitcoin will be switching to punch-cards. Invest in punch-card readers while they are still cheap. Potential profits of over 10,000%.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: ft73 on August 07, 2013, 01:04:01 PM
Just got off the phone with a SEC specialist. He said that the SEC is looking into Bitcoin security exchanges, and if they are unregistered and offering unlicensed securities then they are violating the law and has advised me to not invest. I asked him about if being virtual and for educational purposes covers it and he said he cannot say.

Oh and he asked me if I have lost any money in anything Ethan Burnside offered, I take that as burnside here

If you don't believe me ask them here they called me back.

Smells like trolling, especially the "Oh and he asked me if I have lost any money in anything Ethan Burnside offered, I take that as burnside here" part ...
I don't think SEC is managing this kind of personal matters at phone with anybody...

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: ThickAsThieves on August 07, 2013, 02:14:33 PM
Public Beta - Terms of Service
We will do everything in our power to protect you and your virtual goods. However, beyond the content of our cold wallet, the exchange is NOT responsible for ANY bad things that happen to you, your securities, your BTC.
Full Release - Terms of Service

BTC-TC,, BTC Trading Corp, The Corporation - A Belize company operating a website for the purposes of education and entertainment via trading of digital virtual commodities. The Corporation has zero legal tender exposure in any jurisdiction.

฿, BTC - A digital cryptographic virtual commodity. Traded on the internet. Not recognized as legal tender in any jurisdiction. Frequently used as "online gaming tokens".

Digital Stock, BTC Stock, Virtual Stock, Stock - A digital virtual commodity, traded within this website. Not recognized as a real legal security in any jurisdiction.

Digital Bond, BTC Bond, Virtual Bond, Bond - A digital virtual commodity, traded within this website. Not to be recognized as a real legal security in any jurisdiction.

Digital Fund, BTC Fund, Virtual Fund, Fund - A digital virtual commodity, traded within this website. Not to be recognized as a real legal security in any jurisdiction.

Disclosure Statement

BTC Trading Corp Stock Exchange (BTC-TC) is a fictional stock market simulation operating for entertainment and educational purposes only.

To be very clear, BTC-TC is not a real-world stock exchange and does not offer opportunity for direct real-world investment or profit. While we fully expect listed virtual companies to follow through with their virtual business plans, please KEEP IN MIND AT ALL TIMES -- shares purchased on this stock exchange simulation do not entitle you to legal real-world rights to a listed virtual company as you would expect from a real company.

BTC-TC operates via our website which acts as a clearinghouse for the trading of BTC-TC listed "Securities". The underlying companies are virtual and none of the companies offer "registered" investment quality securities for sale in any form whatsoever. BTC used to purchase virtual stock here are in essence being transferred to the ownership of the person you are buying the virtual shares from, and not BTC-TC. All stock and shares purchased are for purely entertainment only, and not considered part/whole ownership in any legal entity or real life company.

The terms "profit" and "earnings" as used within the context of the website, and any claim of monetary value therein, relates solely and specifically to the valuation of BTC within our virtual economic ecosystem.

The BTC "currency" is a virtual computer generated currency, not redeemable for monetary value from BTC-TC.

BTC-TC offers no direct opportunity for conversion of (BTC) to legal tender currencies including USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, etc.

Notwithstanding the warnings herein, BTC-TC as designed and offered is a serious stock exchange simulation. The participants here “play for keeps” and their time and BTC-based holdings represent a considerable investment in our community.

Your participation here is not without risk. You could lose some or all of your BTC invested here. Only invest here what you are willing to lose.

There are additional policies, rules and Terms of Service for participation as published and amended from time-to-time. Please review and fully understand them before trading.

Finally, the operators of BTC-TC make no representation of any kind regarding the accuracy, fitness for purpose, or use of the software residing on this website. Your use of the software in any manner whatsoever shall constitute an understanding and acceptance of this Disclosure Statement in its entirety. The individuals who operate the software residing on this website offer no warranty and offer no remedies whatsoever for its use or consequence. You play this stock simulation at your own risk.

Terms of Service

BTC Trading Corp Stock Exchange (herein and commonly referred to as "BTC-TC" or "") is a fictional stock market simulation residing at ("website") and is owned and operated by the "Shareholders" (A loosely knit group of forum members) of BTC-TC.

Through the website, BTC-TC allows registered users to access and use services that we offer related to virtual online environments, including but not limited to, providing a "marketplace" for trading "Stocks" that represent fractional ownership interests in "publicly-traded" virtual Corporations (fictional or otherwise) that also do business related to virtual online environments typically either via our website, or via a website of their own design, or via online forums, etc. All of the foregoing services described herein are referred to collectively as the "Services". This document, (herein the "Terms of Service" or "Agreement"), is a binding legal agreement between you and BTC-TC and it applies to you whether you are a "Registered User", "Visitor" or "Member Company".

A "Registered User" is a registered user of the website or Services and may be recognized as either a "Buyer" (one who initiates a Stock purchase) or a "Seller" (one who has offered Stock Certificates for Sale via BTC-TC). Registered Users are commonly called "investors" on the website.

A "Visitor" is a person that accesses the website or Services but is not registered with BTC-TC. Visitors are permitted to view but may not post or edit our content, or participate in the market.

A "Member Company" is any entity (fictional or otherwise) whose "stock" is "traded" on the BTC-TC stock market simulation.
This Agreement limits BTC-TC liability and obligations to you and allows us to change, suspend or terminate your access to and use of the website, Services and your BTC-TC account.

We urge you to carefully read the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement and all other policies and disclosure statements referenced here or elsewhere on the website. Such policies are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and collectively form part of this Agreement.



Eligibility of Use

A)   To be an BTC-TC User, use the website, Services and have an BTC-TC account, you must be at least eighteen (18) years old. The website and Services are a platform through which BTC-TC Users can enhance their virtual online environment experience and through which BTC-TC Registered Users can trade virtual goods and services, including but not limited to the "purchase" or "sale" of "publicly-traded" “Virtual Corporation Stock.”

B)   BTC-TC is not a party to any relationship or separate agreement entered into between BTC-TC Users and disclaims any and all liability relating thereto. For example, BTC-TC is not a party to the transactions between BTC-TC Members for the sale or purchase of virtual goods or services including Stock Certificates via the website but rather acts as a non-fiduciary third-party intermediary between transaction counter-parties.

C)   BTC-TC Members are not employees, agents or contractors of BTC-TC. The website, Services and access to an BTC-TC account are not available to temporarily or indefinitely suspended BTC-TC Members. You are responsible for all equipment necessary to use the website and Services.

Registration and Setup of an BTC-TC Account

A)   When you register with BTC-TC and set up your BTC-TC account, you must provide BTC-TC with accurate and complete information. You agree to promptly update your BTC-TC account information with any new information that may affect the operation of your BTC-TC account. You will be required to verify any email address that you wish to use on the website or Services, and your initial BTC-TC registration will not be complete until you have verified at least one email address. Please see the "FAQs" (Frequently Asked Questions) section of the BTC-TC website for further information on the email verification process. You authorize BTC-TC directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary or appropriate to verify your email address or validate your BTC-TC account information.

B)   You will not use false identities or impersonate any other person or use a username, email address, or password that you are not authorized to use. We encourage you to read and thoroughly consider our privacy policy for information about our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information we receive from BTC-TC Users.

C)   You are responsible for safeguarding and maintaining the confidentiality of your username, password and corresponding BTC-TC account information. You agree not to disclose your password to anyone. You agree that you are entirely and solely responsible for any and all activities or actions that occur under your BTC-TC account, whether or not you have authorized such activities or actions. You agree to immediately notify BTC-TC of any unauthorized use of your username, password or BTC-TC account.

Termination, Suspension of Services, and Modification of this Agreement

A)   BTC-TC reserve the right in its sole discretion, at any time, to modify, discontinue or terminate the website or Services or to modify or terminate this Agreement without prior notice. All modified terms and conditions will be effective immediately upon posting on the website. If any modification is not acceptable to you, your only recourse is to cease using the website and Services. By continuing to use the website or Services following any posting of a new Agreement or policies on the website, you accept and agree to be bound by the new Agreement or policies.

B)   Without limiting other remedies, BTC-TC may at any time suspend or terminate your BTC-TC account and refuse to provide access to the website or Services and suspend your ability to buy or sell using the website or Services without reason or notice to you. Such termination or suspension amounts to a termination of this Agreement by BTC-TC. In addition, BTC-TC may notify authorities or take any actions it deems appropriate, without notice to you, if BTC-TC suspects or determines, in its own discretion, that you may have or there is a significant risk that you have failed to comply with any provision of this Agreement or any other policies or rules established by BTC-TC; or engaged in actions relating to or in the course of using the website or Service that may be illegal or cause liability, harm, embarrassment, harassment, abuse or disruption for you, other BTC-TC Users, BTC-TC or any other third parties of the website or Services. You may stop using the website or Services at any time. Subject to the terms and conditions herein, any Comments (defined below) may remain on the website or within the Services even if you terminate your BTC-TC account.

C)   Any suspension, termination or cancellation will not affect your obligations to BTC-TC under this Agreement (including, but not limited to, proprietary rights and ownership, indemnification and limitation of liability), which by their sense and context are intended to survive such suspension, termination or cancellation.

Intellectual Property, Proprietary Content and Ownership Rights

A)   Certain types of content are made available through the website and Services. "BTC-TC Content" used in this Agreement means, collectively, the text, data, graphics, images, BTC-TC trademarks and logos and content made available through the website and Services, excluding User Submissions. "User Submissions" as used in this Agreement means, collectively, the text, data, communications, messages, graphics, images, photos, video files and other content and information which BTC-TC Members post, upload and otherwise submit to the website or Services.


C)   You will not remove, alter or conceal any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the website, Services, BTC-TC Content, User Submissions or related products and services and you will not reproduce, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works based on, perform, display, publish, distribute, transmit, broadcast, sell, license or otherwise exploit the website, Services, BTC-TC Content or User Submissions (other than your own User Submissions). BTC-TC and its licensors own all right, title and interest, including all worldwide intellectual property rights in the website, Services and BTC-TC Content contained therein, other than your own User Submission.

D)   User Submissions-License Grant. BTC-TC does not claim ownership rights in your User Submissions. However, by uploading, posting, submitting or otherwise transmitting any User Submission on or to the website or Services, you hereby grant to BTC-TC a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sub licensable, perpetual and irrevocable right and license to use and exploit (e.g. crop and resize) your User Submissions as necessary to provide you with the Services. You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to grant the foregoing licenses to BTC-TC.

E)   User Submissions-Limitations. You acknowledge and agree that BTC-TC may, at its option, recategorize any User Submission and establish limits concerning User Submissions, including, without limitation, the maximum number of days that User Submissions will remain available via the Services or on the website, the maximum size of any files that may be stored on or uploaded to the website or Services and the maximum disk space that will be allotted to you for the storage of User Submissions on BTC-TC’s servers. BTC-TC will have no responsibility or liability for maintaining copies of User Submissions on our servers, and you are solely responsible for creating back-ups of your User Submissions.

F)   User Submissions-Disclaimer. BTC-TC does not have any obligation to monitor the User Submissions that are uploaded, posted, submitted or otherwise transmitted using the website or Services, for any purpose and, as a result, is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, appropriateness, legality or applicability of the User Submissions or anything said, depicted or written by BTC-TC Members, including, without limitation, any information obtained by using the website or Services. BTC-TC does not endorse any User Submission or any opinion, recommendation or advice expressed therein and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against BTC-TC with respect thereto.

"Buying", "Selling", "Trades", BTC-TC "Fees"

A)   At present, simply visiting the BTC-TC website and reviewing its content is free of charge, however, BTC-TC, does charge virtual fees to BTC-TC Registered Users for various transactional privileges including but not limited to "buying", "selling", or "trading" "stock certificates or shares" via the BTC-TC stock market simulation. BTC-TC also charges virtual fees and/or assesses virtual fines to BTC-TC "Member Companies" for privileges and Services, and other activities including but not limited to "underwriting", "compliance", "auditing", "Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s)", etc. We reserve the right to initiate charges for use of the website, to amend or modify BTC-TC pricing policies or Services at any time without prior notice, however, where practical and at BTC-TC’s sole discretion, will generally provide (30) days advance notice of the introduction of any new charges, changes to our current pricing policies, or modifications of our fee structures as published and amended from time-to-time on the BTC-TC website.

B)   Sellers generally set their own prices and all prices are subject to change at the Seller's sole discretion. As a Seller you hereby authorize BTC-TC to collect the amounts due from "Buyer(s)" for each transaction you initiate. You authorize us to deduct any transactional fees or commissions "earned" thereof by BTC-TC including Agent or Affiliate Commissions pursuant to our fee shcedules, and deposit any remainder into your BTC-TC account.

C)   Buyers. As a Buyer you hereby authorize BTC-TC to withdraw fees from your BTC-TC account and deposit them into the BTC-TC account of the relevant Seller. You must already have sufficient BTC on deposit in your BTC-TC account to complete a transaction with a Seller.

D)   You are solely responsible for all costs incurred by you in using the website and Services. BTC-TC is not responsible for issuing refunds relating to transactions between BTC-TC members.

E)   BTC-TC will not provide refunds in any circumstances and does not provide any customer support for goods or services sold or purchased through the website or services. If you have a problem as a result of a purchase you should contact the seller.

Obligations of BTC-TC Registered Users, Member Companies and Interactions Between Buyers and Sellers

As an BTC-TC Registered User, Visitor or member Company, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

A)   The website and Services are merely a platform through which BTC-TC Users can enhance their virtual online environment experience and through which BTC-TC Registered Users can buy and sell virtual goods and services.

B)   BTC-TC is not responsible for the use or exchange of any information, files, goods or services between BTC-TC Registered Users and/or Member Companies. BTC-TC does not refer, endorse, recommend, warrant or guarantee any virtual goods or services provided or offered by Sellers or any specific Seller and nothing will be considered as a referral, endorsement, recommendation, warranty or guarantee of the foregoing by BTC-TC, and does not generally review or officially nor effectively police statements made by BTC-TC Registered Users and/or Member Companies in their User Submissions or the User Submissions in general.

C)   BTC-TC does not generally make editorial or managerial decisions concerning any User Submissions, nor will BTC-TC be responsible for any Seller's failure to comply with his or her obligations or any laws or regulations concerning the content of his or her Listings. BTC-TC does not control, nor is it responsible for, the truth, accuracy, completeness, safety, timeliness, quality, appropriateness, legality or applicability of anything said or written by BTC-TC Registered Users and/or Member Companies, including, without limitation, any information contained in a User Submission (including any Forum Posting, News Article, Prospectus or Business Plan).

D)   BTC-TC reserves the right to contact BTC-TC Registered Users, Member Companies or any other parties, in compliance with applicable law, in order to evaluate compliance with the rules and policies of this Agreement.

E)   You will cooperate fully with BTC-TC to investigate any suspected unlawful, fraudulent or improper activity, including, without limitation, granting authorized BTC-TC representatives access to any password-protected portions of your BTC-TC account.

F)   You are solely responsible for your interactions (including any disputes) with other BTC-TC Users. You understand that BTC-TC does not in any way screen BTC-TC Users. You are solely responsible for, and will exercise caution, discretion, common sense and judgment in, using the website and Services and disclosing personal information to other BTC-TC Members.

G)   You agree to take reasonable precautions in all interactions with other BTC-TC Users, particularly if you decide to meet an BTC-TC User offline, online, or in person. Your use of the website, Services, BTC-TC Content and User Submissions is at your sole risk and discretion and BTC-TC hereby disclaims any and all liability to you or any third party relating thereto.

H)   You will not upload, post, submit or otherwise transmit any User Submission: (i) that you do not have the lawful right to use, copy, distribute, transmit, display or sell; (ii) that infringes the intellectual property rights or violates the privacy rights of any third party (including, without limitation, copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual property right, or moral right or right of publicity); or (iii) that is inaccurately described and misrepresents the virtual good or service you are advertising.

I)   You will not upload, post, submit or otherwise transmit, via the website or Services, any User Submissions (including screen names) that: (i) are unlawful, harmful, threatening, harassing, defamatory or hateful; (ii) contain objects or symbols of hate, invade the privacy of any third party; or (iii) are deceptive, threatening, abusive, inciting of unlawful action, defamatory, libelous, constitute hate speech. BTC-TC reserves the right to delete or remove any User Submissions that are otherwise objectionable in the sole discretion or opinion of BTC-TC.

J)   You will not upload, post, submit or otherwise transmit any User Submissions that contain software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to: (i) harm, interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer, computer software or system; or (ii) interfere with the access of any BTC-TC User, host or network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming or mail-bombing the website.

K)   You will not upload, post, submit or otherwise transmit any User Submissions that include code that is hidden or otherwise surreptitiously contained within the images, audio or video of any User Submissions that is unrelated to the immediate, aesthetic nature of the User Submissions.

L)   You will not take any actions which may undermine the comment system used to solicit Comments (defined below) from BTC-TC Users, including, without limitation, leaving Comments for yourself or other BTC-TC Users using secondary names or creating fake accounts to do any of the foregoing;

1)   You will not impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, through pretexting or some other form of social engineering or otherwise commit fraud.

2)   You will not use the website or Services to provide any product or services claiming success with or offering information regarding lottery numbers or for purposes of multi-level marketing proposals (for example, offering to help participants "get rich quickly" or "make money surfing the Web") or use the website or Services to promote bonus items, giveaways, random drawings, prizes, contests or games of chance.

3)   You will not collect or store personal information about other BTC-TC Members without their express permission.

4)   You will not encourage or instruct any other individual to do any of the foregoing or to violate any term of this Agreement.

M)   BTC-TC DOES NOT PERMIT THE UPLOADING OF ANY "MATURE", "ADULT" OR "PORNOGRAPHIC" CONTENT WHATSOVER. "Mature" as used in this Agreement means content that contains nudity, violence or is sexually explicit in nature. You will not upload, post, submit or otherwise transmit, via the website or Services, any User Submissions that: (i) contain content related to bestiality, rape, incest, sex with graphic violence or degradation; or (ii) constitute child pornography or child erotica. If BTC-TC finds User Submissions that it determines, in its sole discretion, violate this section, BTC-TC may, without notice, remove or block access to such User Submissions.

N)   BTC-TC reserves the right to suspend or cancel at any time and without notice any BTC-TC account that BTC-TC in its sole discretion, determines to be in violation of this or any other section. BTC-TC will take all appropriate steps with User Submissions that BTC-TC believes violate applicable laws, including cooperation with any investigation. If you see a User Submission that you believe is in violation of law or this section, please contact BTC-TC immediately.

Obligations of BTC-TC Users

A)   The website and Services may be used and accessed for lawful purposes only. You agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national and foreign laws, treaties and regulations in connection with your use of the website and Services. In addition, without limitation, you agree that you will not do any of the following while using or accessing the website or Services:

1)   Circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the website or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any BTC-TC Content.

2)   Use any metatags or other hidden text or metadata utilizing an BTC-TC name, trademark, URL or product or service name.

3)   Forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any posting or in any way use the website or Services to send altered, deceptive or false source-identifying information.

4)   Interfere with, harm or disrupt (or attempt to interfere with, harm or disrupt) any web pages available at the website, servers or networks connected to the website, Services or the technical delivery systems of BTC-TC providers or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the website or Services.

5)   Attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any BTC-TC system network or breach or impair or circumvent any security or authentication measures protecting the website or Services, attempt to gain unauthorized access to any BTC-TC account information, computer systems or networks associated with the website or Services or attempt to obtain any information or materials relating to the website or Services through any means not intentionally made available by BTC-TC through the website or Services.

6)   Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the website or Services.

7)   Attempt to access, search or meta-search the website or harvest data or Listings from the website with any engine, software, tool, agent, device, robot, crawler or mechanism other than software and/or search agents provided by BTC-TC or other generally available third party web browsers (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Opera), including, without limitation, any software that sends queries to the website to determine how a website or web page ranks, without giving notice to end users that the source of the data is the BTC-TC (or the website) and providing credit thereto.

8)   Use the website or Services in any manner not permitted by this Agreement.

9)   Encourage or instruct any other individual to do any of the foregoing or to violate any term of this Agreement.

Comments and Feedback

A)   You may leave feedback and make comments about your experience with an BTC-TC Member with whom you have interacted ("Comments").

B)   BTC-TC advises you to exercise caution and good judgment when leaving such Comments. Once you complete and submit your Comments to the website or Services you may not be able to go back and edit your Comments. You should also be aware that you could be held legally responsible for damages to someone's reputation if your Comments are deemed to be defamatory. Generally, BTC-TC does not monitor or censor Comments that are provided by BTC-TC Users unless and disclaims any and all liability relating thereto. Comments and complaints should be done privately and not in the public Forums.

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Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: pascal257 on August 07, 2013, 02:16:01 PM
Just got off the phone with a SEC specialist. He said that the SEC is looking into Bitcoin security exchanges, and if they are unregistered and offering unlicensed securities then they are violating the law and has advised me to not invest. I asked him about if being virtual and for educational purposes covers it and he said he cannot say.

Oh and he asked me if I have lost any money in anything Ethan Burnside offered, I take that as burnside here

If you don't believe me ask them here they called me back.
Santa called, he said you won't get anything for christmas.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: Franktank on August 07, 2013, 02:23:13 PM
People, stop feeding the troll. This guy has also mentioned an incoming fork to Bitcoin, converting to scrypt.

Move along folks, nothing to see here. 

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: crumbs on August 07, 2013, 02:35:33 PM
For reference

Public Beta - Terms of Service
We will do everything in our power to protect you and your virtual goods. However, beyond the content of our cold wallet, the exchange is NOT responsible for ANY bad things that happen to you, your securities, your BTC.
Full Release - Terms of Service

BTC-TC,, BTC Trading Corp, The Corporation - A Belize company operating a website for the purposes of education and entertainment via trading of digital virtual commodities. The Corporation has zero legal tender exposure in any jurisdiction.

฿, BTC - A digital cryptographic virtual commodity. Traded on the internet. Not recognized as legal tender in any jurisdiction. Frequently used as "online gaming tokens".

AKA The Pirateat40 defence, nulled (yesterday, i think).  Bitcoin is a currency.  Wordplay never works IRL.
Digital Stock, BTC Stock, Virtual Stock, Stock - A digital virtual commodity, traded within this website. Not recognized as a real legal security in any jurisdiction.

Pointless wordplay again.  If it looks and walks like a duck, it's a duck.  Has been discussed to death on this very forum.  Look at Pirateat40 case for precedence.  He argued the very same thing, failed as expected.

[... wall of text, "Not responsible because Belize, virtual and virtual and only a game" ...  Full of same fail as above.]


"Shavers argues that the BTCST investments are not securities because Bitcoin is not money, and is not part of anything regulated by the United States," according to the ruling. "Shavers also contends that his transactions were all Bitcoin transactions and that no money ever exchanged hands."

In a four-page order Tuesday, Mazzant found that federal securities law gives the court subject matter jurisdiction over the case.
"It is clear that Bitcoin can be used as money," Mazzant wrote. "It can be used to purchase goods or services, and as Shavers stated, used to pay for individual living expenses. The only limitation of Bitcoin is that it is limited to those places that accept it as currency. However, it can also be exchanged for conventional currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, Euro, Yen, and Yuan. Therefore, Bitcoin is a currency or form of money, and investors wishing to invest in BTCST provided an investment of money."


Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: LordMeowMeow on August 07, 2013, 07:58:40 PM
Even if he is a troll, it would be nice to a get a clear answer on:

- What could push the SEC to close the exchanges
- What can the exchanges do to conform to the regulations
- What happens if the SEC comes down on them, do we lose our bitcoins?

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: superduh on August 07, 2013, 08:21:57 PM
Even if he is a troll, it would be nice to a get a clear answer on:

- What could push the SEC to close the exchanges
- What can the exchanges do to conform to the regulations
- What happens if the SEC comes down on them, do we lose our bitcoins?

United State of the World?
SEC has jurisdiction in the US.
What has become of this world? why are people unable to understand that there are different rules, gov agencies, policies, procedures around the world

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: N_S on August 07, 2013, 08:41:20 PM
United State of the World?
SEC has jurisdiction in the US.
What has become of this world? why are people unable to understand that there are different rules, gov agencies, policies, procedures around the world

Maybe a better way to word it would be, 'what would happen to US residents if the SEC came down on the exchanges?'

Does anyone have any foresight into this? I remember back during the recent burnside scare regarding US residents, I believe he said he'd allow them to withdraw in a given time window. This would no doubt do substantial damage to prices across the board. Also, this assumes that he'd have any say in the matter.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: bob131313 on August 07, 2013, 08:48:02 PM
Quick note. IMHOP and limited understanding of bitfunder. The asset list:
means that there isn't even a need for a site. If the site goes down as long as the asset list is current on any other clone and they are synced, maybe a private altcoin with a specific blockchain for managing the list,  any site anywhere could reproduce everyone's holdings.

Not sure if btct maintains a similar list, maybe they can work together to create sec-coin and open up a shared api.

Of course if I am completely misunderstanding the current back-end, please enlighten me.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: somestranger on August 07, 2013, 08:52:19 PM
People, stop feeding the troll. This guy has also mentioned an incoming fork to Bitcoin, converting to scrypt.

Move along folks, nothing to see here. 
Even more obvious clue that he's trolling: he removed that particular post from his signature immediately after he posted.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: optimator on August 07, 2013, 09:09:38 PM
Quick note. IMHOP and limited understanding of bitfunder. The asset list:
means that there isn't even a need for a site. If the site goes down as long as the asset list is current on any other clone and they are synced, maybe a private altcoin with a specific blockchain for managing the list,  any site anywhere could reproduce everyone's holdings.

Not sure if btct maintains a similar list, maybe they can work together to create sec-coin and open up a shared api.

Of course if I am completely misunderstanding the current back-end, please enlighten me.

Sometimes it's hard to pick out the grains of truth on this forum... but the quoted text is one of them. If there had been a public bitcoin address ledger for GLBSE many hours of weeping and gnashing of teeth could have been avoided.

It seems any other approach is putting your head in the sand and wishing the inevitable doesn't happen. 

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: N_S on August 07, 2013, 09:11:31 PM
Quick note. IMHOP and limited understanding of bitfunder. The asset list:
means that there isn't even a need for a site. If the site goes down as long as the asset list is current on any other clone and they are synced, maybe a private altcoin with a specific blockchain for managing the list,  any site anywhere could reproduce everyone's holdings.

Not sure if btct maintains a similar list, maybe they can work together to create sec-coin and open up a shared api.

Of course if I am completely misunderstanding the current back-end, please enlighten me.

Sometimes it's hard to pick out the grains of truth on this forum... but the quoted text is one of them. If there had been a public bitcoin address ledger for GLBSE many hours of weeping and gnashing of teeth could have been avoided.

It seems any other approach is putting your head in the sand and wishing the inevitable doesn't happen. 

How can we make this happen?

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: Rival on August 07, 2013, 09:25:22 PM
If anyone thinks for one second that the SEC is not aware of these bitcoin security exchanges then they have not spent much time thinking about it. Of course they know, they probably monitor them and even read these forums. The question is whether they feel the need to do anything about them, and whether it will be cost effective to do so. I think at the moment they are stretched pretty thin with much bigger fish, and have little interest in spending their resources on things that are not causing anyone any real problems. But there is no doubt in my mind they are already aware. 

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: crumbs on August 07, 2013, 09:32:02 PM
Even if he is a troll, it would be nice to a get a clear answer on:

- What could push the SEC to close the exchanges
- What can the exchanges do to conform to the regulations
- What happens if the SEC comes down on them, do we lose our bitcoins?

United State of the World?
SEC has jurisdiction in the US.
What has become of this world? why are people unable to understand that there are different rules, gov agencies, policies, procedures around the world

-Burnside lives where?  Belize?  
-The SEC, Being a US agency, has jurisdiction anywhere US clout is sufficient, which is to say just about everywhere.  See: 400-pound gorilla.

As for your last questions:
-i don't know.
-they mostly do, they just act according to how shit works IRL, not how it's described on paper.  See: 400-pound gorilla.

Too many backyard practitioners of international law here.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: Pale Phoenix on August 07, 2013, 09:32:21 PM
Even if he is a troll, it would be nice to a get a clear answer on:

- What could push the SEC to close the exchanges
- What can the exchanges do to conform to the regulations
- What happens if the SEC comes down on them, do we lose our bitcoins?

United State of the World?
SEC has jurisdiction in the US.
What has become of this world? why are people unable to understand that there are different rules, gov agencies, policies, procedures around the world

You should definitely familiarize yourself with the concept of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty, and how it has been used worldwide to prosecute / extradite foreigners for violation of U.S. laws. It is an incredibly big stick used by Leviathan quite regularly. Not to mention that as a practical matter, all three top exchanges host with U.S. based content delivery networks and therefore have a nexus in the U.S. market.

Potentially more vulnerable than the exchanges are the asset issuers themselves. Even if they aren't U.S. based, they have offered securities to U.S. citizens, and are most likely in violation of the securities laws in their own countries as well. Even China seems to prohibit the issuance of these unregulated securities.

There is no way to know what the SEC plans to do, but based on its history of prosecutions, it seems unlikely that it will take drastic action in the absence of fraud. I'm sure some analysts at the SEC are familiar with Bitcoin securities, but in a world of limited resources, enforcement actions are usually prioritized in favor of easy cases with obviously bad actors.

All of that said, I'm of the opinion that the OP is trolling for cheap shares.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: Pale Phoenix on August 07, 2013, 09:42:41 PM
Quick note. IMHOP and limited understanding of bitfunder. The asset list:
means that there isn't even a need for a site. If the site goes down as long as the asset list is current on any other clone and they are synced, maybe a private altcoin with a specific blockchain for managing the list,  any site anywhere could reproduce everyone's holdings.

Not sure if btct maintains a similar list, maybe they can work together to create sec-coin and open up a shared api.

Of course if I am completely misunderstanding the current back-end, please enlighten me.

I believe burnside maintains a mirror of the Bitfunder list on, as well. I haven't seen a similar public list of btct shareholders, but they do mail a list to each asset issuer every 12 hours.

Dooglus has implemented an interesting idea on Just Dice. Each account can specify an "emergency address" to receive Bitcoins in the event something nasty happens to dooglus or the site. This should probably be standard on all sites facing any kind of uncertainty.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: str4wm4n on August 07, 2013, 09:43:48 PM

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: superduh on August 07, 2013, 10:47:45 PM
OP should be investigated to see if he is spreading rumors and lies in order to manipulate the market (it's illegal)

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: deltanine on August 07, 2013, 10:52:55 PM
OP should be investigated to see if he is spreading rumors and lies in order to manipulate the market (it's illegal)

He is being investigated.  I just got off the phone with a SEC specialist.  He said that OP was indeed breaking the law and would be dealt with post haste.  Oh yeah, he also said OP was a big, fat liar and to never accept a word out of his mouth as being true.

If you don't believe me ask them here they called me back.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: TheSwede75 on August 07, 2013, 10:57:02 PM
Why even pay attention to this troll? Also: Who here believes that you can just randomly call and ask about specific possible unpublished SEC investigations? Yeah..

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: joele on August 08, 2013, 12:07:04 AM
Even if he is a troll, it would be nice to a get a clear answer on:

- What could push the SEC to close the exchanges
- What can the exchanges do to conform to the regulations
- What happens if the SEC comes down on them, do we lose our bitcoins?

All our bitcoins, bank accounts will be confiscated, we all go to jail, strip and will be brutally tortured.

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: stslimited on August 08, 2013, 12:15:58 AM
Why even pay attention to this troll? Also: Who here believes that you can just randomly call and ask about specific possible unpublished SEC investigations? Yeah..

well asking if "you've lost any money" doing business with the person you speak of, is pretty common, this would help them rationalize starting an investigation

or at least starting a file and seeing if anyone else complains

Title: Re: The SEC IS Investigating Bitcoin Securities Exchanges
Post by: Ytterbium on August 08, 2013, 12:30:20 AM
Seriously, though.  I doubt it will be a problem for U.S. "shareholders.", on the other hand I would be skeptical of investing in any U.S. based company selling shares directly through the site.

Simply running a "passthrough" company doesn't mean the SEC won't be able to mess with you if they feel like it.

On the other hand, a company that's actually not run in the U.S at all probably doesn't have much to worry about.  Look at the Kim Dotcom situation - the US tried to prosecute him, but the problem is he's not American, not based in the U.S and doesn't even do any business here, so how can he be prosecuted in the US?

The idea with SOPA was that the US government would be able to just block sites that didn't follow U.S. law, like China. We can see how that went...

OP should be investigated to see if he is spreading rumors and lies in order to manipulate the market (it's illegal)

He is being investigated.  I just got off the phone with a SEC specialist.  He said that OP was indeed breaking the law and would be dealt with post haste.  Oh yeah, he also said OP was a big, fat liar and to never accept a word out of his mouth as being true.

If you don't believe me ask them here they called me back.