Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: Lethn on August 08, 2013, 06:39:44 PM

Title: Would someone explain the Ubercart bitcoin module to me in English?
Post by: Lethn on August 08, 2013, 06:39:44 PM
I think I may have found a backup solution to my webstore woes and it seems to be ubercart which has a nice configurable interface and doesn't scream at you for not wanting to farm peoples personal information and sell it on the black market. There's only one problem, the fucking tutorial isn't written in English and appears to have been written for programmers rather than normal people and neglects to mention a step that would let me enable the module properly! WHY GOD WHY?!

Here's the module that seems to be fairly up to date compared to a lot of the stuff I normally see

This is the tutorial

Now I'm sure reading through this tutorial people will go "But Lethn, can't you just go and google it?" the problem is that's exactly what I did and it just made the whole thing worse because I didn't understand a word of it and the google searches tended to just point me to unhelpful wikipedia pages. I'd really appreciate if you guys could explain these steps properly or point me to a tutorial that I could use that shows you how to do everything in basic English, I did enable the Bitcoin client to run as a daemon server correctly I think but then the tutorial drivels on about apt-get routines and completely neglects to mention what they are for a noob so now I'm stuck :( >_<.

Title: Re: Would someone explain the Ubercart bitcoin module to me in English?
Post by: Kouye on August 08, 2013, 11:35:22 PM
You probably need to tell us at what step you're stuck, and what is not working as described.
Cause It actually looks pretty much like english, already, to me.  ;D

Title: Re: Would someone explain the Ubercart bitcoin module to me in English?
Post by: Lethn on August 09, 2013, 07:16:29 AM
The apt-get routine and checking it's all working, I have all the configuration stuff sorted out I think, I'm just trying to get it all working with the actual cart module now >_< :P

Title: Re: Would someone explain the Ubercart bitcoin module to me in English?
Post by: ShireSilver on August 10, 2013, 08:21:13 PM
I'd suggest just using bitpay's ubercart plugin. No need to worry about securing a bitcoin daemon (or even having one running), and it just works well. [I've been a Drupal developer for several years now, and I'm using BitPay's plugin.]

Title: Re: Would someone explain the Ubercart bitcoin module to me in English?
Post by: on August 10, 2013, 08:39:21 PM
I'd suggest just using bitpay's ubercart plugin. No need to worry about securing a bitcoin daemon (or even having one running), and it just works well. [I've been a Drupal developer for several years now, and I'm using BitPay's plugin.]
On top of that you will need 9-10 GB of space for blockchain file.

However if you still want to use it.

First you need to update your vps then install bitcoind

apt-get update
apt-get install bitcoind bitcoin-qt
<- This will install and setup bitcoind

then start bitcoind (or run bitcoin-qt until the block chain is complete, and then run the bitcoind once you close bitcoin-qt)

Once you start it type ./bitcoind getinfo and should get a response.

Then run this
bitcoind -rpcuser=testuser -rpcpassword=testpass -debug
( this sets the username and password that is allowed to connect to bitcoind)


Then Follow step 2 instructions

Ps: I have never installed Bitcoind on a vps before,i just posted whatever was in article with some extra info.

I'm not sure but you might need to create a .conf file