Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: coin_counter_88 on January 09, 2018, 12:53:47 AM

Title: Future of crypto currencys
Post by: coin_counter_88 on January 09, 2018, 12:53:47 AM
I got involvend many times in the same discussion and I would like to know what the comunity here think about it.
One side think that crypto currencys will be the future, but on the other sinde there are a lot of people who think itīs just a big bubble which will explode.
Of course they will hold their establishing for the near future, but what do you think is the status in letīs say 7 years?

Title: Re: Future of crypto currencys
Post by: Vod on January 09, 2018, 12:56:17 AM
One side think that crypto currencys will be the future, but on the other sinde there are a lot of people who think itīs just a big bubble which will explode.

Both sides are correct.

Blockchain technology / Cryptocurrencies are the future.
Bitcoin is a big bubble that will pop.  I feel it is overvalued right now.

Title: Re: Future of crypto currencys
Post by: twothirtyfive on January 09, 2018, 12:58:14 AM
One side think that crypto currencys will be the future, but on the other sinde there are a lot of people who think itīs just a big bubble which will explode.

Both sides are correct.

Blockchain technology / Cryptocurrencies are the future.
Bitcoin is a big bubble that will pop.  I feel it is overvalued right now.

100% agree.  But I do intend on cashing in while the body i still warm =P

Title: Re: Future of crypto currencys
Post by: mk4 on January 09, 2018, 02:31:14 AM
Cryptocurrencies are indeed the future, in my opinion. With that said, I don't mean most though, probably only like 5% or probably even lower of the current cryptocurrencies will survive.

Are cryptocurrencies a bubble? Most likely. Probably a majority of the people in our ecosystem are only in it for the money, buying shady coins(like TRON(TRX)), and only looking at the potential profits and not the technology behind it. But it doesn't mean these projects will die though, projects like bitcoin and ethereum doesn't even care about the price; as price isn't an indicator of a project's success.

-just my 2 satoshis

Title: Re: Future of crypto currencys
Post by: gerrymh5 on January 09, 2018, 07:06:23 AM
We've entered the digital age and no doubt that everyone around the world will use Cryptocurrency as their transaction tool.

Title: Re: Future of crypto currencys
Post by: Vod on January 10, 2018, 12:09:45 AM
Kodak has joined the cryptocurrency craze by launching its own KodakCoin, a cryptocurrency for photographers. As soon as the news was announced, Kodak's stock (KODK) jumped more than 60 percent.

Cryptocurrencies are here to stay.   Bitcoin may not be...

Title: Re: Future of crypto currencys
Post by: BTCforJoe on January 10, 2018, 08:58:49 AM
I agree with @Vod. Everyone shills Bitcoin as being the 'be all end all' crypto, but it's currently flawed and I believe it to be past the point of reparation.

With that said, cryptocurrencies are undoubtedly the future of money, and Bitcoin did pave the way with the introduction of the Blockchain. As more and more companies realize this, they'll take Kodak's lead and start creating their own digital currency... Kind of like a secondary stock market option for their customers and proponents.