Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Wonga on August 13, 2013, 12:27:54 AM

Title: Creating a Charity
Post by: Wonga on August 13, 2013, 12:27:54 AM
Hiya everybody!  I have a question for you.  I'm a longtime bitcoin fan/owner and forum lurker.  In that time, I have seen a lot of things that seem ... scammy to me.  What I wanted to pick your brains about is this:

If I wanted to create a wallet with the intent of turning the bitcoins over to a charity, how would I do this without seeming like a guy who is trying to abscond with your bitcoins for my own personal gain?

So far, the only idea I've come across is to try to get the organization ( ( ) to set up something on bitpay.  But I was hoping to have the donations flow through my wife's blog. (I guess this is my personal gain in this matter)  Unfortunately, the only way that would work is if I converted the bitcoins back to USD through coinbase or some other exchange.  Which is the part that would come off as a scam to me if I was a random forum lurker looking at this post from a crazy guy asking for your coins.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Title: Re: Creating a Charity
Post by: favdesu on August 13, 2013, 08:12:43 AM
Personally, I would contact / Athene, and try to make them accept bitcoin as a donation method. Those guys are smart, and I'm sure they'll see the benefit in btc quick. You could offer them your help.

If I had the time, I would go for it :)

Title: Re: Creating a Charity
Post by: Wonga on August 13, 2013, 04:13:12 PM
Thanks Favdesu!  I was unaware of that site.

I'll try to contact Athene and see if they would be willing to set something up for btc.  :)

Title: Re: Creating a Charity
Post by: J603 on August 13, 2013, 06:44:32 PM
I don't know how easy it will be to find a real charity that accepts BTC. Most charitable organizations won't be able to spend the BTC, so they would have to transfer it to fiat, and that's a waste of time.

Title: Re: Creating a Charity
Post by: p2pbucks on August 14, 2013, 01:46:09 AM
 disclose all information and use third party authentication

Title: Re: Creating a Charity
Post by: Wonga on August 15, 2013, 05:06:05 PM
disclose all information and use third party authentication

That's what I was thinking of doing at first.  Perhaps I'll run the charity annually and just not expect too much until I build community trust.  The next big drive is a few months out, so I have some time to work out the details.

I'm going to contact the SD CCFA and see if they will accept donations in BTC first.  I think that would be ideal.  That way the organization could convert the BTC to USD if they wish, or just use BTC to fund programs/research on their own.

I appreciate the suggestions  :)  I'm afraid I have more enthusiasm than knowledge, so your insight is very appreciated.