Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MrCrabs on July 09, 2011, 11:26:07 AM

Title: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: MrCrabs on July 09, 2011, 11:26:07 AM
It been pointed out to me that if everybody keeps hold of there Bitcoins in the hope that they become fabulously wealthy . Its not going to happen. Bitcoins wont be valuable until I can buy a book at Amazon or a burger at McDonald. Bitcoins Value is in the way it can be used..

So what about this. Is it fair to assume that most people on this forum have a few Bitcoins? Give some of them away. Get them into circulation. Tell people about this forum. Tell them to give some away. There are 33k members on this forum.

Lets do the numbers People. What would happen to the BTC value (@Mt Gox) if over night the amount of people who held Bitcoins doubled. Im faurly sure it would cause it to change. It doable.

Could I ask someone with good words to come up with a Cover letter that explains what Bitcoin is. How to get a wallet onto a computer . Simple things for Jo Public to grasp the concept P2P money.
If your on this forum its safe to assume your fairly geeky and this is easy for you.. When I spoke to my brother who's in banking in Ireland (poor bastard) about Bitcoin he thought I gone totally mad. But its his birthday soon. Guess what he's getting for his birthday. 1 shiny freshly hashed Bitcoin.

Maybe I'm Dreaming . Tell me if I am.
Bitcoin are  Revolutionary
Pay it forward
It will come back.
 :) :) :)

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: Trader Steve on July 09, 2011, 11:42:38 AM
It been pointed out to me that if everybody keeps hold of there Bitcoins in the hope that they become fabulously wealthy . Its not going to happen. Bitcoins wont be valuable until I can buy a book at Amazon or a burger at McDonald. Bitcoins Value is in the way it can be used..

So what about this. Is it fair to assume that most people on this forum have a few Bitcoins? Give some of them away. Get them into circulation. Tell people about this forum. Tell them to give some away. There are 33k members on this forum.

Lets do the numbers People. What would happen to the BTC value (@Mt Gox) if over night the amount of people who held Bitcoins doubled. Im faurly sure it would cause it to change. It doable.

Could I ask someone with good words to come up with a Cover letter that explains what Bitcoin is. How to get a wallet onto a computer . Simple things for Jo Public to grasp the concept P2P money.
If your on this forum its safe to assume your fairly geeky and this is easy for you.. When I spoke to my brother who's in banking in Ireland (poor bastard) about Bitcoin he thought I gone totally mad. But its his birthday soon. Guess what he's getting for his birthday. 1 shiny freshly hashed Bitcoin.

Maybe I'm Dreaming . Tell me if I am.
Bitcoin are  Revolutionary
Pay it forward
It will come back.
 :) :) :)

Here's an easy quick-start training on bitcoin for the newbie:

As far as giving some bitcoin away: I suggest offering something of value in exchange for bitcoin. Give bitcoin holders a reason to spend. FREE has no value. If you give somebody something for free it is usually not appreciated.

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: Piper67 on July 09, 2011, 11:45:33 AM
This is a pretty good idea. And here's how it could work... I wonder if instawallet can come up with a system by which I can send someone a "gift" of a wallet that already contains some BTC. I'd love to give that to my children, for instance, and then tell them to go on, where they can buy something they want.

I'd suggest giving your loved ones accounts, but that would get me in deep trouble here :-)

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 09, 2011, 12:27:31 PM
This is a pretty good idea. And here's how it could work... I wonder if instawallet can come up with a system by which I can send someone a "gift" of a wallet that already contains some BTC. I'd love to give that to my children, for instance, and then tell them to go on, where they can buy something they want.

I'd suggest giving your loved ones accounts, but that would get me in deep trouble here :-)

When I was young, I saw my mother give a purse to her lady friend as a birthday (I believe) present. She either put a dollar bill or a two dollar bill in it. I asked her why and she said it was customary to do such. I just spent the the last few minutes on Google finding such a tradition, but came up empty handed. I wanted to show proof with a link. Maybe some reader here can shed some light on this tradition.

At any rate, I thought about this while reading the wallet gift idea (above). An instant wallet (instawallet) already seeded with .2 BTC to be given to women on their birthday.

Speaking of women, would they not rather have an instapurse?

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: Steve on July 09, 2011, 12:37:12 PM
I don't think giving bitcoins away is that effective.  The most likely outcome is the person will simply forget about it and lose it.  I also don't think it's a very good idea to try and push people into bitcoin in general (people generally don't like stuff shoved in their face).  I think there are generally three things to do to make bitcoins a success:

- buy stuff with bitcoin
- sell stuff for bitcoin
- make bitcoin more user friendly

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: Sandoz on July 09, 2011, 12:44:14 PM
IMHO the best way to stimolate circulation. Distribute money amongst your bitcoin agnostic friends!

Bet about something with them for a BTC.
Offer to pay them BTC for something you owe them.

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: wumpus on July 09, 2011, 12:49:56 PM
I think a better way than to give coins away is to make it possible for people to earn BTC using simple online jobs. For example, something like Amazon's mechanical turk.

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: Jaime Frontero on July 09, 2011, 01:08:11 PM
This is a pretty good idea. And here's how it could work... I wonder if instawallet can come up with a system by which I can send someone a "gift" of a wallet that already contains some BTC. I'd love to give that to my children, for instance, and then tell them to go on, where they can buy something they want.

I'd suggest giving your loved ones accounts, but that would get me in deep trouble here :-)

this is exactly correct.

i remember when PayPal first started seriously taking off.  aside from their original tag-line: "always free - we make our money on the float!" (* sigh *), does anybody remember how they bootstrapped themselves?  i do.

you could send somebody money with PayPal even if they didn't have an account.  all they had to do was pretty much open a link, type in their name and click a couple of radio buttons.

it was brilliant marketing.

we need that.

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: kwukduck on July 09, 2011, 03:45:14 PM
What a good idea, i'll just buy a bunch of bitcoins and give them away for free!

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: Trader Steve on July 09, 2011, 05:12:58 PM
What a good idea, i'll just buy a bunch of bitcoins and give them away for free!


Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: cypherdoc on July 09, 2011, 06:34:12 PM
you know all the beggars will just ask for more!

Title: Re: An Idea to help make Bitcoin work. Towards Critical Mass
Post by: MrCrabs on July 09, 2011, 08:10:26 PM
What a good idea, i'll just buy a bunch of bitcoins and give them away for free!

Yah while their cheap.