Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: dragoonite on August 15, 2013, 09:22:18 PM

Title: crazzirabbi lying about being scammed
Post by: dragoonite on August 15, 2013, 09:22:18 PM
I find it funny that i cant post to even defend myself from being called a scammer in this thread here

I made a deal with crazyrabbi to purchase his account on dragons tale for 1.5 btc.  The deal made was to pay him 200 up front which i did and 50 btm a week for 4 weeks or till the time DT(rakeback) was completed.  He started asking right away for money up to 12 times a day in the public chat and multiple pms.  at first i was nice bring the debt down signifigantly to 1.115 btc then today again in public chat he asked again. I find it very aggrivating seeing that we had a deal/contract and i have given him almost 200 btm 6 days into the deal as well as the first 200 btm and told him dont ask everyday if i have some ill give it to you but he continues to persist.  i finally said are you trying to make me look bad or something like whats the deal and then he goes off calling me a scammer liar when i have done nothing wrong to him nor have I said im not paying you

then he makes that post telling everyone not to trust me im a scammer trying to destroy my reputation.  I warned him there would be issues if he did.  My reputation is worth alot more than 1.115 btc i owe him and i told him you lie about me on any public forum consider the debt paid in full and have many witnesses to that.

i just wanted to post my side of this story for people to see

gl to all

Title: Re: crazzirabbi lying about being scammed
Post by: stormlighter on August 15, 2013, 09:29:38 PM
I took the liberty to quote your response and paste it in his thread

Title: Re: crazzirabbi lying about being scammed
Post by: dragoonite on August 15, 2013, 09:32:41 PM
I took the liberty to quote your response and paste it in his thread

ty stormlighter very much appreciated

Title: Re: crazzirabbi lying about being scammed
Post by: stormlighter on August 15, 2013, 09:35:17 PM
No problem. Hope you both settle your issue. Good luck :)

Title: Re: crazzirabbi lying about being scammed
Post by: dragoonite on August 15, 2013, 09:49:37 PM
As a response to his post cause he doesnt read english well i guess.  I posted in the public chat if you do anything to ruin my reputation that the debt is to be considered paid in full and have many people that witnessed that i said that.  you report me as a scammer when no scamming cheating or lying on my part had been done to hurt my reputation unjustly.  there is a cost to that dont think you can try and hurt people wrongly and have no consequences.  that is like calling random guy on the street a rapest... you think hes not gonna kick the fucking shit outta you.  you are getting off quite easy based on the infraction and unjust accusations you have made.