Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: boldar on August 16, 2013, 02:23:50 PM

Title: [XPM] Install and Run Primecoin High Performance Linux on BAMT 1.1 for Litecoin
Post by: boldar on August 16, 2013, 02:23:50 PM

I was having issues installing Primecoind HP9 ( on my LitecoinBAMT1.1 ( rigs, and ended up working through it. I know that a lot of you might be having the same problems, so I've listed my install and config steps that are a slight variation of the Ubuntu 13.04 and CentOS 6.4 instructions by mikaelh.

On a fresh image of BAMT 1.1 ( by bee, do the following steps:

Step 1. Installing the required dependencies

Starting with installing htop to monitor system resources and cpulimit to throttle so the performance of your GPU mining doesn't take a hit:

sudo su
aptitude install cpulimit
sudo apt-get install htop

Installing Lib:
apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb4.8++-dev -y

Step 2. Compiling GMP

apt-get install libgmp3-dev

Step 3. Compiling primecoind

wget -O primecoin-0.1.2-hp9.tar.bz2 ""
tar -xvjf primecoin-0.1.2-hp9.tar.bz2
mv primecoin-0.1.2-hp9 primecoin
cd primecoin/src
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-

Step 4. Configuration

Replace genproclimit=[number] with the number of cores you have on your rig. (I recommend using one less than the number if you don't want to use CPUlimit or if you have a multi-core system, hence 3 because I'm on a quad-core)
mkdir ~/.primecoin
echo "rpcuser=USER
rpcallowip=" > ~/.primecoin/primecoin.conf

sudo mv primecoind /usr/local/bin/.

Creating run, stop and watch scripts to make for easy management:
echo '#!/bin/bash
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
killall --older-than 10s -q run-primecoind primecoind
function background_loop
        while :; do
                primecoind >/dev/null 2>&1
                sleep 1
background_loop &' > run-primecoind
chmod +x run-primecoind

echo '#!/bin/bash
killall -q run-primecoind
primecoind stop' > stop-primecoind
chmod +x stop-primecoind

echo '#!/bin/bash'
watch -n 5 'primecoind getmininginfo & primecoind listaccounts & primecoind getconnectioncount & primecoind listtransactions' > watch-primecoind
chmod +x watch-primecoind

Step 5. Starting mining

Type the following to start mining:

If you want to throttle the process, use this code or incorporate cpulimit into your run-primcoind script above:
cpulimit -e primecoind -l 90 &
This let's you still have 10% of your processing to feed your OS and GPUs.

Step 6. Monitoring the progress

Type this to check the mining status:

Step 7. Stopping mining

Type this to stop mining:

That's it, you should be up and going mining 2 currencies at once with your rig!...  Thanks for listening!

Inspiration for this guide was derived from Mikaelh's guide located here. (
Please support the hard work!

bee for the awesome updated BAMT 1.1 distro (,2924): LRHxoNPBSVYhQL8u9cvVzdkJo7vvyhBDCE
mikaelh for HP9 ( and Original Linux Compilation Guide ( 1FR6QG6n1ozSsokGGp2kkpt7eHrgs23QxQ
And if you want to throw a few XPM my way because this helped you out: AKH7wdkQYPZsc7WgdQRaabzHK17f8Q5EAc

Title: Re: [XPM] Install and Run Primecoin High Performance Linux on BAMT 1.1 for Litecoin
Post by: gigawatt on August 16, 2013, 02:36:58 PM
Hey!  Glad to see a primecoin guide being written.

I wrote one a while back and I've made a few tweaks to some of the default scripts mikaelh made.
Feel free to borrow any of the code from it.  :)

edit: Here's a direct link ( to the script for easy access.

edit2: I might steal your idea of cpulimit if that's alright.  Some VPS don't like people maxxing out CPU usage, so having a means of throttling it may be a good thing.

edit3: Just a note, you probably don't need to set genproclimit if you're going to use cpulimit.  If you're using 3 of 4 cores, you'll never have it go above 75% usage.

Title: Re: [XPM] Install and Run Primecoin High Performance Linux on BAMT 1.1 for Litecoin
Post by: boldar on August 16, 2013, 02:43:57 PM
Right on!  Yeah, feel free to use the idea! Yeah, with so many great minds there's bound to be a duplication if work. That's one of the things I love about the crypto-mining community...  lotta helpful folks :)

Yeah... that's one of the reasons I included htop, so they can monitor and make that decision themselves... weird how 80% becomes <20% on quadcores, but you can't use 380% as a parameter. :(