Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Rostos on January 15, 2018, 12:13:36 PM

Title: Creating artificial wealth
Post by: Rostos on January 15, 2018, 12:13:36 PM
Hi all

I am fascinated by all this on so many levels.

I have many questions.

The one that is bugging the most is this.

So basically if i want to buy something using bitcoin, i will need to buy bitcoin first at the current market price, then use those coins to purchase various items. At this point in time, i am paying a significant price to purchase bitcoin.

Instead of doing this, why cant i (if i have capital) get some programmers together and start up my own crypto currency.

So essentially i start my own up, issue coins, where i will own a good percentage of it, then list it on the market.

After the price rises, i will just use those coins to purchase what i was going to purchase.

So it feels like you can create something out of your backside based on nothing and use it to purchase things.

I am sure i am missing alot of things.

Arent all crypto currencies essentially the very same in its nature? I know there are some differences, but ultimately they are the same in their nature?

If this is the case, why cant my coins that i issue be of the same value as others? Why would my coin be worth less than others?

Why would i pay a price for something where i can essentially create the same thing myself and generate signficant wealth myself?


Title: Re: Creating artificial wealth
Post by: DooMAD on January 15, 2018, 05:51:02 PM
If this is the case, why cant my coins that i issue be of the same value as others? Why would my coin be worth less than others?

Why would i pay a price for something where i can essentially create the same thing myself and generate signficant wealth myself?

If you do a really good job with your coin, there's a chance it might have value eventually.  But the thing that would give it value is the support from its userbase.  It's not just a matter of people simply using the coin, either.  People would have to believe in your coin, which isn't an easy thing to achieve.  It would need to find a niche where it could thrive and not just be a carbon-copy of other coins with first-mover advantage.  You have to stand out from the competition, which is tricky in a market where we've seen countless new ideas and innovations over the years.  It's also (usually) not something that happens overnight.  Bitcoin took 8 years to reach the value it now has.  If you think you have the vision, the resources and the dedication to make a success of it, feel free to try.

We've seen more attempts than we can count from people who thought they could emulate Bitcoin's success and make a tidy profit for themselves in the process.  Suffice to say most of them were never heard from again.  Just remember that if it were easy, everyone would be creating high valued coins.  Most altcoins are quite rightly worth very little and only have the limited value they do due to speculation, pump'n'dumps and the general buzz around crypto in general.  People also tend to notice if the developers are holding a large proportion of funds for themselves and that's definitely not how you get people to use or believe in your coin.

Hope that answers your question.