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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: LemmingTom on January 15, 2018, 08:36:03 PM

Title: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: LemmingTom on January 15, 2018, 08:36:03 PM
I was talking with my friend about technologies the other day and showed him a couple of videos. Videos were about neurocontrol and AI in robotics. He said it's a joke. Then I showed that to my other friends and they said it's all fake  ;D
I also showed them interview with Sophia robot. NO ONE BELIEVED ME. They said that robots cannot think and that the video is staged using some computer graphics
Lol. I'm kinda confused now.
Do you believe that such things possible, right? I think today's technologies can allow us to do that easily. Well, they also say that Bitcoin is a ponzi.
Why are people so skeptical?

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: CryptoEnthused on January 16, 2018, 11:46:51 AM
That's the way we are. People are conservative. They are afraid to change, it's easier to leave everything as is than to evolve. To reassure you, the internet was looked down at first as well. Just give it a little more time and people will have to change their minds about these things. This is inevitable.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: DHORBUNOV on January 16, 2018, 11:59:41 AM
Perhaps because people don't trust others? On the one hand, of course and correctly. But on the other hand, the world becomes boring and sad.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: rambi91 on January 16, 2018, 12:10:44 PM
I was talking with my friend about technologies the other day and showed him a couple of videos. Videos were about neurocontrol and AI in robotics. He said it's a joke. Then I showed that to my other friends and they said it's all fake  ;D
I also showed them interview with Sophia robot. NO ONE BELIEVED ME. They said that robots cannot think and that the video is staged using some computer graphics
Lol. I'm kinda confused now.
Do you believe that such things possible, right? I think today's technologies can allow us to do that easily. Well, they also say that Bitcoin is a ponzi.
Why are people so skeptical?

People are fed to believe that life can fit under one roof and that you pay a monthly salary to keep that roof over your head, pay your taxes and invest this gift of life you have been given to play a cog in societies mechanical greed machine. This lie no doubt plays a crucial hindrance on your ability to believe and leaves people feeling skeptical. People are fed lies from day one and soon discover that in fact it is easier to live the lie they have been fed then to question what it is that has them shackled down and tied to their responsibilities that in fact does them no good. To many people are being punished for not accepting this notion of reality and living a truthful and honest life, which can all act as a symbol of restriction on many levels, not only the lack of belief in whats possible but a lack of belief and understanding of there true selves and all that is being produced around them. Even if its fact, they'll lie and disagree because unfortunately no self righteous being wants to admit they're not in control and that they've been played for most of their life, were completely aware but chose to silence the truth.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Chuksbrownj on January 16, 2018, 12:20:08 PM
Its part of human nature, people believe whatever appeals to them

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Hubbanedy87 on January 16, 2018, 12:21:59 PM
It's our nature to avoid things we don't understand. It takes a lot of effort and sometimes even determination just to learn something new...

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: jaac on January 16, 2018, 12:31:31 PM
Because you can't trust a stranger

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Lamium_dot_io on January 16, 2018, 12:35:47 PM
A healthy dose of scepticism is an essential trait for anyone nowadays, It is being nurtured by the ever-so-growing ocean of information that people need to navigate somehow. Scepticism is a tool that should be used in order to not get lost in that ocean. Don't use it at all and you will get lost, overuse it and it will get you nowhere. Moderation is the key.

Just remember that the type of people you describe are the ones that regret not investing in the coins the most  ;)

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: joms07 on January 17, 2018, 06:58:34 AM
negative people The biggest thing that I've learned is that people that are pessimistic and skeptical are really just afraid.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: vendorLazy on January 17, 2018, 11:14:39 AM
People are sceptical because there are too much fake things in our life and we meet them everyday. That makes us sceptical cus we are ready for a trap from the very start.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Emil_des on January 17, 2018, 01:08:52 PM
cause people need evidence/result to believe

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Yadou17 on January 17, 2018, 01:22:26 PM
Not all people are so attuned. There are those who, and vice versa. It all depends on the person, usually skeptical people who have something wrong happened.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Curaleo on January 17, 2018, 01:26:14 PM
1) There is to much fakes in internet.
2) Your channels doesnt inspire trust.
3) It is to early for this, really. All of this in stage of prepre-alpha versions with tons of bugs and bad work\concepts at all.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: mashutka on January 17, 2018, 09:11:29 PM
How old are friends?  :) Usually, adults don't trust all those technologies. They weren't born when such things were in development so it seems alien to them

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: LemmingTom on January 18, 2018, 01:32:18 PM
How old are friends?  :) Usually, adults don't trust all those technologies. They weren't born when such things were in development so it seems alien to them

Not as old as you might think  8)

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on January 18, 2018, 01:41:40 PM
People generally suck at anticipating the future, because they never really leave their comfort zones far enough to get a grasp of what is and could be.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: fabioganga on January 18, 2018, 02:08:36 PM
People are in general very skeptical because this world is getting more and more greedy and selfish. Because of this greed, more and more people nowadays are willing to do ANYTHING to con others.

This, in turn, generates a climate of skepticism and mistrust.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: SaiWAFU on January 18, 2018, 02:39:16 PM
Highly cognitive people tend to look for science behind it first before believing in it. It's natural especially with all the technology today were most of the things we experience can be easily be fabricated such as videos or photos.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Wilson Morris on January 18, 2018, 05:46:45 PM
I was at the exhibition of new technologies on Skolkovo (Moscow, Russia) a same time ago and saw it in life :) It possible and really works!

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: cryptoglam on January 18, 2018, 05:55:28 PM
Because when people aren't, life likes to show otherwise.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: avicker on January 20, 2018, 06:55:06 AM
May be due to past experience but with proper guidance the trust can be rebuild.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: btcminer49er on January 22, 2018, 06:08:47 PM
We all know older people tend not to believe in some sort of high tehnology. Even younger people tend to do that too. I think people in global are afraid of change. Maybe I don't know in 20 years we will be all lazy sitting home and ordering robots to write our posts on LOL. Imagine that.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Janodevera on January 22, 2018, 09:34:24 PM
A skeptic is a person who withholds judgment on beliefs, claims, and topics, until the relevant evidence is examined, regardless of previous beliefs etc. Only under a verification of said evidence will a claim etc. be considered valid

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Wilson Morris on January 23, 2018, 06:11:22 PM
I had experience to use the OSZ Nia (neural interface for games). Very long of time the calibration, but after that I felt really effect of presence! Exactly, technology is very raw (wires, tedious manipulations of calibration), but it's works!
I hope these technologies will develop.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: bttmember on January 23, 2018, 07:34:37 PM
I think it is basic human nature and most people are skeptical about new things and they do not trust them easily.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: Wilson Morris on January 25, 2018, 03:45:03 PM
Neural Interface:

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: voxbra on January 26, 2018, 02:22:59 AM
The biggest thing that I've learned is that people that are pessimistic and skeptical are really just afraid. These people have been disappointed and been hurt so many times in the pas

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: lnihjlbg on January 26, 2018, 05:12:25 AM
Because there are many dangerous things when we are outside, people must be more careful to project theirselves.

Title: Re: Why are people so skeptical?
Post by: CiroDino on January 28, 2018, 04:19:08 PM
because of way too many scams