Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ogcabrera on January 18, 2018, 01:04:00 PM

Title: Governments of the world please ban Bitcoin!!
Post by: ogcabrera on January 18, 2018, 01:04:00 PM
1 gram of a 'legal' substance is worth... Next to nothing

1 gram of an 'illegal' substance is worth??... A million times more!

Does it work for governments? Of course not!

So when China/Korea/whoever talk about banning bitcoin it makes me smile! Bring it on!

You  want to make bitcoin the most desirable way for 1billion Chinese people to escape the control of their oppressive government. Be my guest.

Then the day these governments realise their countries are losing tax revenue, competitiveness in the global market and more importantly control over their financial system they will open the floodgates.
And then my friends hold on to your chairs...

Title: Re: Governments of the world please ban Bitcoin!!
Post by: cryptojoe on January 18, 2018, 01:05:19 PM
What the hell is this?
You're employed by the government to make negative advertising?
Please, just go home.

Title: Re: Governments of the world please ban Bitcoin!!
Post by: ogcabrera on January 18, 2018, 01:15:45 PM
quite the opposite. Read the post  ;)

Just to clarify in case the sarcasm didn't come through clearly enough.

I think resistance to cryptos by governments is futile. The more they try to ban it the more resilient and desirable cryptos will become and eventually governments will have to cave in and accept cryptos are here to stay.

That day, when China says 'cryptos are OK' we will see the value rocketing like we cannot imagine now.

This is why the FUD being spread around makes me smile.

Title: Re: Governments of the world please ban Bitcoin!!
Post by: emuLOAD on January 18, 2018, 01:20:02 PM
Yeah, you try buying a house and some grocieries with a few bags of cocaine, then reasess your theroy

Title: Re: Governments of the world please ban Bitcoin!!
Post by: levvv on January 18, 2018, 01:23:11 PM
Yeah i know. You made a sarcasm post.  ;D
Do you know what is the exact reason why they want to ban bitcoin?
Cause i dont know what are they thinking, they have so many population.

Title: Re: Governments of the world please ban Bitcoin!!
Post by: Lancusters on January 18, 2018, 01:31:08 PM
You don't understand the seriousness of the problem. People don't pay taxes not only in the use of cryptocurrency. People don't pay taxes when you use Fiat too. The reason is not people. The reason is distrust of government. Every year people are worse off and the government require more taxes. The system does not qualitatively change the government. So people using cryptocurrency I want to build a fair financial system.

Title: Re: Governments of the world please ban Bitcoin!!
Post by: ogcabrera on January 18, 2018, 01:39:53 PM
I think they governments are unsure how manage cryptos. It takes so much control away from them that they are terrified, therefore their first reaction is trying to stop it. Exactly what you would expect.

This 'fight it' phase of the adoption cycle may last a couple of years but in the meantime technology will move forward, new business models will be build upon the technology and the momentum behind cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology will be enormous.

In the short term FUD can make values swing wildly. In the long term there is no way they can stop it because of the power of the idea and the decentralized nature of the blockchain.

On a lighter note... @emuLOAD you'd be amazed how many houses have been bought with bags of cocaine lol