Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Micro Earnings => Topic started by: earnmoneytalk on January 19, 2018, 12:23:30 PM

Title: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on January 19, 2018, 12:23:30 PM (


Daily Contest introduced
Top 10 claimers will receive 50% to 5% extra of the btc earning everyday respectively

You can see the rankings here  (


We’ve introduced 4 altcoins for now and will introduce more coins later
Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoincash, Dashcoin

Claim timer 10 mins

Litecoin – 300 sats per claim
Dogecoin – 0.1 doge per claim
Bitcoincash – 30 sats per claim
Dashcoin – 100 sats per claim

Reward are doubled for loyal users

Loyal eligblity

minimum 1 free claim everyday for past 7 days
minimum 6 free rolls for past 7 days
minimum 6 sticks collected for past 7 days
minimum 1 treasurepot stake collected everyday for past 7 days

rewards for loyal users

Litecoin – 600 sats per claim
Dogecoin – 0.2 doge per claim
Bitcoincash – 60 sats per claim
Dashcoin – 200 sats per claim

you can convert or withdraw all altcoins – this option is available in your profile page

Referral commission is 10% regardless of his activeness in the faucet, so referrer will always receive his commission without doing anything.

Thanks for your support stay tuned for more updates


1. Referral Visits: Earn 2 satoshi for every unique visits to your referral URL. For more information visit the link

2. You can now change the claim timer to

option a. 5 mins - 5 satoshi       in double claim activated period 10 satoshi
option b. 30 mins - 20 satoshi   in double claim activated period 35 satoshi
option c. 1 hour -   35 satoshi   in double claim activated period 60 satoshi

Changing the claim timer is available in your profile page

Hi, I am launching a new faucet today (EMT)
Hope you all like my faucet Earn Money Talk Faucet.

New things Introduced this Week

2 satoshi for every unique Referral Visits (

Two New things Introduced

1. Weekly Treasure Pot ( (1 stake for every claim)

2. More short-links to get stakes and satoshi

Ways to earn
     5 mins faucet
     Booster to double claim
     Bonus to write review
     Free roll with short link
     50% Referral
     Weekly Treasure POT

1. Claim 5 Sathoshi every 5 minutes

Get upto 10000 sathoshi every 24 hours

Increase the base claim amount for a short period, activating on the first will double your base claim for 30 mins, activated after 2nd day double claim will last for 1:15 hr and so on...

Post your referral URL on some forums and give the url of the post in the input field to get 500 sathoshi, There are more tasks similar to this in the bonus section. These small tasks will boost your income little faster towards the payout.

Get 50% comissions from base claim for referring users to EMT Faucet

If you have at least 10000 satoshi for first time in your account you can request a withdraw to your FaucetHUB account. Your minimum Payment threshold for Payment Request will start at 10000 sathoshi and gradually increase for each Payment Request as 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000. and will be at 50000 sathoshi for the rest payment.

7. Treasure POT
Kind of lottery which will be introduced when we have 10K active users, we hope introducing lottery below those active members is not attractive.

Earn Money Talk Faucet (
(Multi Earning Options)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: shaw1 on January 19, 2018, 02:30:38 PM
Why on earth is the withdraw limit so high for faucethub?

I've never understood this kind of thing, unless faucet owners didn't want to pay their users. :/
It seems like it would be just as easy (which is what I do for my sites), to have a minimum withdrawal of 1 satoshi...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Adam556 on January 19, 2018, 09:47:23 PM
Why on earth is the withdraw limit so high for faucethub?

I've never understood this kind of thing, unless faucet owners didn't want to pay their users. :/
It seems like it would be just as easy (which is what I do for my sites), to have a minimum withdrawal of 1 satoshi...

I agree. Payout should be instant.

Faucet looks great and there's a lot of substance to it but I couldn't claim as I kept getting stuck on the pop-up 'processing' box. It would just freeze and go no-where.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on January 20, 2018, 04:07:43 AM
Why on earth is the withdraw limit so high for faucethub?

I've never understood this kind of thing, unless faucet owners didn't want to pay their users. :/
It seems like it would be just as easy (which is what I do for my sites), to have a minimum withdrawal of 1 satoshi...

Everyone has their view, I plan to keep those few sats which will never be withdrawn from FH to myself. At least 10% of total users will never reach withdraw limit in faucethub so that's cost cutting.
I agree. Payout should be instant.

Faucet looks great and there's a lot of substance to it but I couldn't claim as I kept getting stuck on the pop-up 'processing' box. It would just freeze and go no-where.
Sorry for the inconvenience that was because of adblocker checking script, I am temporarily removing that script. If you guys have a better script, suggest me some

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: roccstar on January 20, 2018, 07:34:30 AM
Name of your faucet is interesting. I am going to try your faucet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: shaw1 on January 20, 2018, 01:46:15 PM
So your answer is that you don't want to pay your users.

It isn't cost cutting. It is tantamount to theft. They provide you a service, (visiting your website, interacting, etc...), and then you choose not to pay them.
And I suppose if too many people are cashing out, you could just raise the withdrawal limit to 1 Bitcoin. That's cost cutting too, right?
Your business model revolves around people getting commiting to your platform, and then you, getting them so discouraged with it that they leave without their rewards.

That is such a toxic business model!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: cassavachips on January 20, 2018, 03:09:14 PM
must be at least 10K? should not be less?
whether Bonus will apply every day or not?

Posting in my blog :

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on January 20, 2018, 03:38:39 PM
So your answer is that you don't want to pay your users.

It isn't cost cutting. It is tantamount to theft. They provide you a service, (visiting your website, interacting, etc...), and then you choose not to pay them.
And I suppose if too many people are cashing out, you could just raise the withdrawal limit to 1 Bitcoin. That's cost cutting too, right?
Your business model revolves around people getting commiting to your platform, and then you, getting them so discouraged with it that they leave without their rewards.

That is such a toxic business model!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D  You mis read things, i was telling atleast 10% of users will not cashout from faucethub (since they won't reach minimum threshold of faucethub).  you twisted things in a different way. Don't think always others will be scammers.

so the actual fact is i wanted to keep satoshi which will be in the users faucethub balance(if i give instant withdraw). so if someone earns 10k sats from my site they might be active in other faucethub faucets & they will cashout from faucethub too. All the above are just my guess

must be at least 10K? should not be less?
whether Bonus will apply every day or not?

As for now bonus for every week for a new Url, in future those bonuses will increase.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fyrox_tycoon on January 22, 2018, 07:31:57 PM
great way to earn satoshi!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: billyda13 on January 22, 2018, 07:48:10 PM
The best faucet of internet, very good! Lets go guys, earn BTCitcoin ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Heiliger on January 22, 2018, 08:37:20 PM
nice faucet, there are also interesting features such as roll and double claim

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: DrTecnoLeon on January 22, 2018, 09:31:27 PM
Espero que valga la pena esta faucet pero erga ta como muy elevado sacar de aca 10K de Satoshis

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: lezartnono19 on January 22, 2018, 09:43:25 PM
Good evening everyone, I just discovered this faucet, I encourage you to last in time and earn us a lot of satoshi. Come many !!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: dakmag on January 22, 2018, 11:37:53 PM
Why on earth is the withdraw limit so high for faucethub?

I've never understood this kind of thing, unless faucet owners didn't want to pay their users. :/
It seems like it would be just as easy (which is what I do for my sites), to have a minimum withdrawal of 1 satoshi...
Пpивeт, я зaпycкaю нoвый cбopщик ceгoдня (EMT)
Haдeюcь, вaм вceм нpaвитcя мoй кpaн Earn Money Talk Faucet.
Cпocoбы зapaбoтaть
    5 мин. Cбopщик
     Booster для двoйнoгo тpeбoвaния.
     Бoнyc для нaпиcaния oтзывa.
     Бecплaтный бpocoк c кopoткoй ccылкoй.

. Peфepaл. 1. Tpeбoвaниe 5 Sathoshi кaждыe 5 минyт.

Пoлyчитe дo 10000 caтoши кaждыe 24 чaca.

Увeличьтe бaзoвyю зaявкy кoличecтвo в тeчeниe кopoткoгo пepиoдa вpeмeни, aктивиpoвaниe нa пepвoм yдвoит вaшe бaзoвoe тpeбoвaниe нa 30 минyт, aктивиpyeтcя пocлe втopoгo дня двoйнoгo тpeбoвaния бyдeт длитьcя 1:15 чac и т. д.

Oтпpaвьтe cвoй peфepaльный URL нa нeкoтopыe фopyмы и yкaжитe URL-aдpec cooбщeния в пoлe ввoдa, чтoбы пoлyчить 500 sathoshi. B paздeлe бoнycoв ecть бoльшe зaдaч, пoдoбныx этoмy. Эти нeбoльшиe зaдaчи знaчитeльнo пoвыcят вaш дoxoд быcтpee к выплaтe.

Пoлyчитe 50% кoмиccиoнныx oт бaзoвoй зaявки нa oтпpaвкy пoльзoвaтeлeй в EMT Faucet

Ecли y вac ecть кaк минимyм 10000 caтoшин в пepвый paз в вaшeй yчeтнoй зaпиcи, вы мoжeтe зaпpocить yдepжaниe нa cвoю yчeтнyю зaпиcь FaucetHUB. Baш минимaльный пopoг oплaты для Плaтeжнoгo зaпpoca нaчнeтcя c 10000 caтoши и пocтeпeннo yвeличитcя для кaждoгo Плaтeжнoгo Зaпpoca кaк 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000. и бyдeт нa 50000 caтoши для ocтaткa.

7. Coкpoвищa POT
Bид лoтepeи, кoтopый бyдeт пpeдcтaвлeн, кoгдa y нac бyдyт aктивныe пoльзoвaтeли 10K, мы нaдeeмcя, чтo ввeдeниe лoтepeи нижe этиx aктивныx yчacтникoв нe пpивлeкaтeльнo.

Зapaбoтaй в peжимe paзгoвopa

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Nerobasta on January 23, 2018, 12:18:07 AM
Is your faucet payment will be directed to faucethub?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: BTC MINER on January 23, 2018, 01:04:47 AM
your faucet is great i love the way you made use of shortlinks

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: stefanusnoval on January 23, 2018, 02:26:48 AM
the best faucet ever, i can get more satoshi and im verry excited.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: aksh13 on January 23, 2018, 03:51:39 AM
This faucet is different from all other faucets out there. Its cool and the UI is awesome.Claim value is also high. On the other hand u can claim from more other options. Totally a great faucet must try.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: kaey0201 on January 23, 2018, 09:32:26 AM
This Faucet is good, but to much ads.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: chipchop on January 23, 2018, 10:47:32 AM
I've joined and had a good look around Very easy to use and added you to my main daily faucets bookmark list.

I recommend this site to anyone who use faucets.

Many thanks

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: 4nunn4k1 on January 23, 2018, 11:30:48 AM
This faucet legit .. ok thx bro

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: sousoujik on January 23, 2018, 11:33:17 AM
it is a good website ,you have a lot of point to gain

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: akshay7777 on January 23, 2018, 11:36:39 AM
amazing site to get higest btc faucet for free
use stick to boost your earning
get daily bonus
and just sign up and after some step you get 1000 santoshi free

great .... great.... work

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: othmanekech06 on January 23, 2018, 12:22:31 PM
Excellent Site. Every day bonuses are given. Simply class! I recommend it

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: 18passkey on January 23, 2018, 12:53:10 PM
WOW, This site 's  very interesting and also user interface is very clear. Good job. I like it.   :o

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: orego on January 23, 2018, 01:13:25 PM
I do not quite understand this sentence

Payment Request will start at 10000 Satoshi and incremental for each Payment Request as 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000. and will be at 50000 Satoshi for the rest payment.

It turns out if I output 10k
Next time limit for the withdrawal of 20k?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: xIGx on January 23, 2018, 01:24:15 PM
the best faucet ever, i can get more satoshi and im verry excited.
I support your opinion, I myself was shocked by the profitability of the resource

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Trailblazer1 on January 23, 2018, 01:35:06 PM
You have a great site here. I am so happy to join and work - Have created my own Blog Post to promote it. you can read it here (

Looking forward to Great times ahead.

Warm Regards, God Bless!

Sachin Kate

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on January 23, 2018, 01:38:35 PM
I do not quite understand this sentence

Payment Request will start at 10000 Satoshi and incremental for each Payment Request as 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000. and will be at 50000 Satoshi for the rest payment.

It turns out if I output 10k
Next time limit for the withdrawal of 20k?

yep you're right first time you can request 10000 satoshi and will be paid to you, next your withdraw threshold will be set to 20000 satoshi and so on.
your withdraw threshold will be set to 50000 satoshi at 5th withdrawal request and will be same as 50000 satoshi for the every request thereafter.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: abdozz1 on January 23, 2018, 01:39:29 PM
great way to earn satoshi!
keep up!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: chaddahc on January 23, 2018, 01:46:54 PM
nice and cool easy faucet :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: nuunie on January 23, 2018, 01:52:28 PM
Good. I am going to try your faucet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: joeworld on January 23, 2018, 02:28:21 PM
Nice one... It's paying direct to faucethub

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: leefm on January 23, 2018, 02:44:21 PM
Very good, this faucet, congratulations.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: runt18 on January 23, 2018, 03:05:58 PM
Very good website I love the double claim and the bonuses EZ money thank you so much

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: rafaelcravo on January 23, 2018, 03:44:19 PM
very good,   free  faucet  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: sirhowlett on January 23, 2018, 03:45:49 PM
The BEST Site to Earn Bitcoins!!!


Check out -

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: myfaucethero on January 23, 2018, 06:04:47 PM
started today, a new way to earn satoshis. fun and exciting feature, definitely worth it site. keep it up. . .

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: kwanggaeto01 on January 23, 2018, 06:09:33 PM
it's a good project easy and legit .. thanks for making it easier to search btc

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: aashir125 on January 23, 2018, 09:03:52 PM
good site but double claim is not working properly
admin work on it

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: rupam1234 on January 23, 2018, 09:15:39 PM
best satoshi faucet site  :o :o :o :o 100% legit join this faucet site asap!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: walidovic on January 23, 2018, 10:48:59 PM
I love this website rly good
good continuation

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: orkoos on January 24, 2018, 12:32:06 AM
While it is great to get free satoshi it is quite underwhelming to be given only five every five when there are other more effective faucets, however i must respect the marketing for this faucet and i like the clean user interface.
also it would be great to lower the withdrewl limit as it is a bit too high.

(can i get my free satoshi now?)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: N3znicitelny on January 24, 2018, 01:11:20 AM
looking good, willbe watching this

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: riantolie on January 24, 2018, 02:36:17 AM
Good evening everyone, I just got a new faucet ini.semoga this new faucet can last long.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: JoseNunes on January 24, 2018, 03:06:47 AM
Estoy probandola, vamos a ver si me genera muchos frutos, espero poder seguir aqui por mucho tiempo y que la pagina no se vuelva SCAM. ¡EXITOS!.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: galheto on January 24, 2018, 05:00:37 AM
en principio se ve interesante,,,probandola

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: madhab on January 24, 2018, 05:23:08 AM
Good morning friends I just opened this faucet  this faucet is good there are 3 types of earning source you got

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: nitishsaini91_89 on January 24, 2018, 05:39:44 AM
simple and sweet processing site for earning bitcoin, if there is small amount but it will increase soon.
there's no worthless ends on webpage, only shortners, admin do lot of creative work for makes the faucet more interesting and playable like game.
best of luck  ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: nitishsaini91_89 on January 24, 2018, 05:46:46 AM

they have best bonus and make claim doubles ;D
lets make a try and dig some satoshi or make some satoshi  ;D
i like the webpage style and simple perfect page  ::)
good claim faucet but i don't know they pay or not, only one solution to reach the payment threshold and ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: asimpk48 on January 24, 2018, 05:58:42 AM
I just want to tell
i really like this website with instant payout to member
worth to join this website and happy earning

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Happy Smile on January 24, 2018, 05:59:52 AM
Does it pays out?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: nitishsaini91_89 on January 24, 2018, 06:09:57 AM
Does it pays out?
same question ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on January 24, 2018, 07:30:33 AM
Does it pays out?

Try it out, You will know we pay

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: huseyn0086 on January 24, 2018, 09:54:27 AM
This fauset is new, but I liked! 10000 sat. is COOL!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: zasianz on January 24, 2018, 11:22:21 AM
your faucet is great i love the way you made use of shortlinks. I Love <3

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: elenor80 on January 24, 2018, 11:25:16 AM

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: xdialogue on January 24, 2018, 03:05:44 PM
For what is worth, I like it very much. It's not that obtrusive. Thumbs UP!!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Moam91 on January 24, 2018, 04:54:33 PM
 good and great way to earn satoshi! thanks. ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: buxima on January 25, 2018, 06:39:21 AM
withdraw request is really good . you are the one of best faucet . :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: galheto on January 25, 2018, 07:01:16 AM
This fauset is new, but I liked! 10000 sat. is COOL!

no se si pagais o no aun ....pero el doble reclamo ya no funciona,mal comienzo!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: myfaucethero on January 25, 2018, 07:31:03 AM
why double claim activate button not anymore functioning?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: aleqniko on January 25, 2018, 07:51:37 AM
Hi Admin

I have a problem
I have already collected the second day on the your pretty faucet, and I had 2 sticks yesterday/
Today I go and on time collect a third stick, but I again had the mode double claim 30 minutes
Must be 2 hours
please correct it

my login yours faucet aleqniko too

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: salman2000 on January 25, 2018, 11:39:45 AM
Dear Sir,

This is Amazing Website for getting following points:-

Free Roll
Double our Claim

The above facilities with as per your logging in account and all get in one place

I really appreciate the site & I also expected some more from this in future


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Abidhussain 147 on January 25, 2018, 02:28:53 PM
today i saw a new and best faucet for btc. faucet name is -EARN MONEY TALK FAUCET..
   every five minutes claim available.
   every five minutes bonus was in.
   every day double your satoshi.
   and referal bonus was 50 percentage
   great faucet i saw in 2 years.
   withdraw was so low 0.0001 btc.
go for it......

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: arslanyousaf71 on January 25, 2018, 03:18:14 PM
this site is wonderful amazing rewad every 5 min claim is very interesting cool i'm very happay of joined this site.thnx..............

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: minimaus on January 25, 2018, 05:18:36 PM
It's interesting

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: iac17mtr on January 26, 2018, 03:54:20 AM
Trus me..
it's so awesome website which can give me more coin

 :D :D :D :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: d4jin023 on January 26, 2018, 04:28:10 AM
very nice, simple and intuitive, has all the potential to become even more than just a faucet maybe adding some small earning tool (Browser Miner, Snake, Dice, etc) is only my opinion but I repeat as faucet is fine, so congratulations good luck and big money!!!
(sorry for "my" bad english)
"My"=Google Traductor :P

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: jaja122 on January 26, 2018, 02:04:42 PM
 :) :) :) good site!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: carling2018 on January 26, 2018, 02:28:03 PM

very good page is growing every day more

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: lasvigass on January 26, 2018, 05:04:26 PM
i like this site it's so good  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: aleqniko on January 26, 2018, 08:21:32 PM
Чeмy вы тyт вce paдyeтecь?

double claim NOT WORKING

Hey admin will you answer?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on January 27, 2018, 03:17:35 AM
Чeмy вы тyт вce paдyeтecь?

double claim NOT WORKING

Hey admin will you answer?
It was bug and we cleared that in few hours, thanks for your patience

Hi Admin

I have a problem
I have already collected the second day on the your pretty faucet, and I had 2 sticks yesterday/
Today I go and on time collect a third stick, but I again had the mode double claim 30 minutes
Must be 2 hours
please correct it

my login yours faucet aleqniko too

Those sticks will add up and gives you instant bonus only when you don't activate the bonus, if you activate double claim (means sticks are used up). so next day you have zero sticks left with you. so if you keep the sticks for more days without using you get more time in double claim.

very nice, simple and intuitive, has all the potential to become even more than just a faucet maybe adding some small earning tool (Browser Miner, Snake, Dice, etc) is only my opinion but I repeat as faucet is fine, so congratulations good luck and big money!!!
(sorry for "my" bad english)
"My"=Google Traductor :P

Thanks for the reply,
browser miner --> will implement for treasure pot stakes (optional for users), will never have hidden miner in faucet
Dice --> Not gonna implement in any near future
snake (games) --> Needs more security and resource, So i don't see this also in any near future

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: aleqniko on January 27, 2018, 06:26:46 AM
Admin Thank You.
Everything works NOW

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: mykelrhievenz on January 28, 2018, 03:36:12 AM
Great site lots of free satoshi to do like free roll double your earnings specially free 1500 satoshi bonus when you do the simple task!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: rabiulislam on January 28, 2018, 03:47:50 PM
this is realy interesting (

Hi, I am launching a new faucet today (EMT)
Hope you all like my faucet Earn Money Talk Faucet.

Ways to earn
    5 mins faucet
     Booster to double claim
     Bonus to write review
     Free roll with short link
     50% Referral

1. Claim 5 Sathoshi every 5 minutes

Get upto 10000 sathoshi every 24 hours

Increase the base claim amount for a short period, activating on the first will double your base claim for 30 mins, activated after 2nd day double claim will last for 1:15 hr and so on...

Post your referral URL on some forums and give the url of the post in the input field to get 500 sathoshi, There are more tasks similar to this in the bonus section. These small tasks will boost your income little faster towards the payout.

Get 50% comissions from base claim for referring users to EMT Faucet

If you have at least 10000 satoshi for first time in your account you can request a withdraw to your FaucetHUB account. Your minimum Payment threshold for Payment Request will start at 10000 sathoshi and gradually increase for each Payment Request as 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000. and will be at 50000 sathoshi for the rest payment.

7. Treasure POT
Kind of lottery which will be introduced when we have 10K active users, we hope introducing lottery below those active members is not attractive.

Earn Money Talk Faucet (
(Multi Earning Options)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: momodigital on January 28, 2018, 07:20:40 PM
still new and browsing. hope this will be exelent

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Camba on January 28, 2018, 10:21:47 PM

Finally a faucet with many ways to win satoshis, I like it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: castlam on January 29, 2018, 02:19:53 AM
woou!! This faucet is beautyfull.. is the best! ;D ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: duxa11 on January 29, 2018, 02:28:57 AM
Super quick tap with many ways of earning

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: detromix87 on January 31, 2018, 10:49:35 PM
very good faucet, I like faucets with various earnings options

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: kedg94 on February 01, 2018, 05:25:47 AM
I am already working on this faucet and it really is very good, practical and simple the claim of 5 satochis every 5 minutes allows you to make a schedule of how many you can lock per day and with the bonus and double claim, I really recommend them. Kedg94

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: lordan05 on February 03, 2018, 04:14:27 PM

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: vovas07 on February 04, 2018, 02:28:56 AM
Пoпpoбyeм, чтo мoжeт  этoт кpaн !

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: willstop9 on February 11, 2018, 03:58:58 AM
great site will let you know more later

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: kinghenry06 on February 11, 2018, 04:39:28 AM
I never tried any faucet before. But this seems to be interesting because you can earn in 5 different ways. Might join asap.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: drakonokt on March 11, 2018, 05:59:00 AM
caйт cyпep мнe нpaвитcя, тo чтo тaкиe xopoшиe бoнycы eщe бы дoбaвили игpы для пoлyчeния caтoши, цeны бы нe былo.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: yan4ik.rv on March 13, 2018, 03:57:25 PM
Nice faucet... but the withdrawal limit seems to be high... May be in some time some games will appear and claiming satoshis will become easier and more quickly to reach limits ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: rajesh9028 on March 25, 2018, 07:24:20 PM
Why on earth is the withdraw limit so high for faucethub?

I've never understood this kind of thing, unless faucet owners didn't want to pay their users. :/
It seems like it would be just as easy (which is what I do for my sites), to have a minimum withdrawal of 1 satoshi...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on March 27, 2018, 01:52:01 PM
Hope you all enjoying my Earn Money Talk Faucet for the past 2 months

Two New things Introduced

1. Weekly Treasure Pot ( (1 stake for every claim)

2. More short-links to get stakes and satoshi

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: asikhada on March 30, 2018, 07:52:18 AM
the crane looks promising, new for me!I will try to win their Satoshi,good luck!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Daybatnik on March 30, 2018, 08:19:47 AM
your faucet is great i love the way you made use of shortlinks

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: moh77 on March 30, 2018, 09:07:31 AM
nice faucet,
nice page
I liked it and am happy to work there

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: kryptokid89 on March 30, 2018, 09:29:54 AM
All in All its a decent faucet with many ways to earn. i just wish there werent so many pop ups and unders. i know its how they support themselves but damn. hey its not the worst though there are some others that are just unbearable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: saud31 on March 30, 2018, 09:37:00 AM
great way to earn satoshi!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Ivan5000 on March 30, 2018, 10:19:06 AM
It is best of the best Project! I wish you all success and work lifetime! You are the Best of the Best!!! (

Hi, I am launching a new faucet today (EMT)
Hope you all like my faucet Earn Money Talk Faucet.

Two New things Introduced

1. Weekly Treasure Pot ( (1 stake for every claim)

2. More short-links to get stakes and satoshi

Ways to earn
     5 mins faucet
     Booster to double claim
     Bonus to write review
     Free roll with short link
     50% Referral
     Weekly Treasure POT

1. Claim 5 Sathoshi every 5 minutes

Get upto 10000 sathoshi every 24 hours

Increase the base claim amount for a short period, activating on the first will double your base claim for 30 mins, activated after 2nd day double claim will last for 1:15 hr and so on...

Post your referral URL on some forums and give the url of the post in the input field to get 500 sathoshi, There are more tasks similar to this in the bonus section. These small tasks will boost your income little faster towards the payout.

Get 50% comissions from base claim for referring users to EMT Faucet

If you have at least 10000 satoshi for first time in your account you can request a withdraw to your FaucetHUB account. Your minimum Payment threshold for Payment Request will start at 10000 sathoshi and gradually increase for each Payment Request as 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000. and will be at 50000 sathoshi for the rest payment.

7. Treasure POT
Kind of lottery which will be introduced when we have 10K active users, we hope introducing lottery below those active members is not attractive.

Earn Money Talk Faucet (
(Multi Earning Options)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: MSpro on March 30, 2018, 10:36:32 AM
Its a great new faucet. I added link to my site... ( ( )

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: finans21 on March 30, 2018, 10:39:45 AM (

Hi, I am launching a new faucet today (EMT)
Hope you all like my faucet Earn Money Talk Faucet.

Two New things Introduced

1. Weekly Treasure Pot ( (1 stake for every claim)

2. More short-links to get stakes and satoshi

Ways to earn
     5 mins faucet
     Booster to double claim
     Bonus to write review
     Free roll with short link
     50% Referral
     Weekly Treasure POT

1. Claim 5 Sathoshi every 5 minutes

Get upto 10000 sathoshi every 24 hours

Increase the base claim amount for a short period, activating on the first will double your base claim for 30 mins, activated after 2nd day double claim will last for 1:15 hr and so on...

Post your referral URL on some forums and give the url of the post in the input field to get 500 sathoshi, There are more tasks similar to this in the bonus section. These small tasks will boost your income little faster towards the payout.

Get 50% comissions from base claim for referring users to EMT Faucet

If you have at least 10000 satoshi for first time in your account you can request a withdraw to your FaucetHUB account. Your minimum Payment threshold for Payment Request will start at 10000 sathoshi and gradually increase for each Payment Request as 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000. and will be at 50000 sathoshi for the rest payment.

7. Treasure POT
Kind of lottery which will be introduced when we have 10K active users, we hope introducing lottery below those active members is not attractive.

Earn Money Talk Faucet (
(Multi Earning Options)

Bu siteye Türkiye'den kayıt oldum site çok güzel deniyecem artı yorumlarını buraya yazacak

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Eugenics on March 30, 2018, 12:30:31 PM
its so different as the other faucets. EMT just gives you enterttainment while earning. you could do lots of things. earning satoshi takes time, thats why, you need something that EMT faucets gives. REFRESHMENTS!!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: nbpathak on March 30, 2018, 01:01:50 PM
Good Faucet but bit confusing about Bonus and Double claim. Else every thing including UI looking good.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: venky15921 on March 30, 2018, 01:10:59 PM
The site is simply amazing and i would recommened everyone to use this site and you can earn a lot of money . The linkn is given below

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Viveklakra04 on March 30, 2018, 01:45:51 PM
many things to earn fast in this website. i love this website because here i can claim faster than other faucets.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Aamir12 on March 30, 2018, 01:56:31 PM
Legit and actually paying site. Love to be a part of it

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: AlyaaGad on March 30, 2018, 02:36:09 PM
i love this site it's  good and great way to earn Satoshi This is Amazing Website

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Nibigan on March 30, 2018, 03:10:21 PM
try this site all luck!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: bishalbasnet on March 30, 2018, 05:01:19 PM
Name of your faucet is interesting. I am going to try your faucet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: rollxp on March 31, 2018, 04:44:09 AM
Excellent Site. Every day bonuses are given

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: shemon075 on March 31, 2018, 06:35:06 AM
Very Good Website...

I've never understood this kind of thing, unless faucet owners didn't want to pay their users. :/
It seems like it would be just as easy (which is what I do for my sites), to have a minimum withdrawal of 1 satoshi...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: harkaransandhu on March 31, 2018, 09:15:54 AM
great plessure for gain bicoin in faucet. is the best way to collect bitcoin in faucet

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: ale74 on March 31, 2018, 03:24:43 PM
its a very good website .. easy and fast!
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: momoa7med on March 31, 2018, 11:28:50 PM
Excellent Site. Every day bonuses are given. Simply class! I recommend

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: pokuro on April 01, 2018, 09:56:20 AM
new here and do the bonus.. EARN MONEY TALK Faucet after i first try it its good.. but the hurdle is hard still I try to claim and reach the withdrawal 10k and review it again

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Silkystarr on April 01, 2018, 06:35:07 PM
Trusted Faucet Because its Suggested by Faucet Hub

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Manjeet555 on April 02, 2018, 12:32:24 AM
Very legit program and Recommended for everyone faucet claimers.... Thanks for the team

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: marc24 on April 02, 2018, 04:53:06 AM
i like this faucet, because instan and very easy

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: smakter on April 02, 2018, 05:56:08 AM
Grate and Best faucet I have ever seen. BTC is raining here come and collect. Best of Luck for the Earn Money Talk Faucet Team.  8)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: btcoins666 on April 03, 2018, 07:50:31 AM


Speaking of the best faucets...

We have

Not only is it a faucet, it is a friendly page, that also thinks about entertainment in a friendly way.

It is not cold like other pages, that you only enter, claim and ready, here they give you a variety of entertainment and ways to earn rewards, because they do not lose the goal of your page, everything is going to win your reward in a nice way, like a game. Not just enter to claim satoshis, if not to win them while you entertain.

I recommend it widely,

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: mmmitspurple on April 04, 2018, 04:04:38 PM
So far so good.  Hope I can find a way to reach the min. payout within a week!  :o

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: cassavachips on April 04, 2018, 04:10:26 PM
add in my website ( Royalwebgrup )

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: irinaursskgb on April 22, 2018, 02:20:36 AM
EMT faucet is a weonderful amazing site with lots and lots of features, imagine that you can win 10000 sats in 1 click while most of site give u per day under 100 sats, have a great time !

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: irinaursskgb on April 22, 2018, 02:38:42 AM
that faucet is awesomely amazing, big surprises, big wins, just have the gut ! go for it folks !

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: RustyBits on April 24, 2018, 07:56:31 PM
I just stumbled upon this faucet while browsing the BitcoinTalk forums. It looks promising - not overly complicated or a struggle to wade through endless ads or captchas like some other faucets I have tried and tested. I hope this continues to be a good source!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on April 25, 2018, 06:11:34 AM

Excellent Satoshi collector, very good interface, everything is clear, good bonuses, double roll cool thing)) I will recommend you to my friends ... I wish you great development ..

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on April 25, 2018, 07:55:09 AM
Thank you very much for the bonus, super site, not greedy admin)))) ;D ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: piligrim77 on April 25, 2018, 08:48:34 AM
ty for bonus! done :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: 3nova on April 26, 2018, 08:16:00 AM
bonus 1000 satoshi...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: DigDeepMining on April 26, 2018, 10:18:51 AM
lol so many new accounts just registered to say best faucet :D There's nothing dodgy with that lol

Anyone with at least triple digit posts have anything good to say about this faucet? The only ones I see in the full thread are complaining about the high payout and thats cant of blended out with all these new same person accounts :-\

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on April 26, 2018, 10:38:08 AM
lol so many new accounts just registered to say best faucet :D There's nothing dodgy with that lol

Anyone with at least triple digit posts have anything good to say about this faucet? The only ones I see in the full thread are complaining about the high payout and thats cant of blended out with all these new same person accounts :-\

 ??? "new same person accounts"

Can you please tell me which accounts are same persons, with that i can remove or ban them from my faucet (since its cheating the faucets)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: shaw1 on April 26, 2018, 02:23:43 PM
Well I think you missed his point, OP.

Pretty sure he meant that those "same person" accounts are all you.

And I would have to agree.
I haven't seen any faucets get "reviewed" like this by newbies. Ever. If you get a lot of feedback, it is a mixture of new, and more established members. And the posts aren't garbage spam, like "i like this faucet, because instan and very easy", or "Trusted Faucet Because its Suggested by Faucet Hub".

Those are just bogus. It's obvious.
Maybe are you paying people to post here? Or providing a faucet bonus, or other incentive?

You have (as of me running a quick count) 68 different posts giving a one sentence praise of this faucet by users with only 1 post on this forum.
That means 68 people signed up for this forum, sought out the micro earnings section, ignored everything in it, and decided that they had to write a review for your site. And they decided that one sentence was plenty.

That isn't counting those with 2,3, or 4 posts. There's a lot of those, too.

It is a sham. Can you provide an explanation other than that? I'd love to hear it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: DigDeepMining on April 27, 2018, 03:58:51 PM
Well I think you missed his point, OP.

Pretty sure he meant that those "same person" accounts are all you.

And I would have to agree.
I haven't seen any faucets get "reviewed" like this by newbies. Ever. If you get a lot of feedback, it is a mixture of new, and more established members. And the posts aren't garbage spam, like "i like this faucet, because instan and very easy", or "Trusted Faucet Because its Suggested by Faucet Hub".

Those are just bogus. It's obvious.
Maybe are you paying people to post here? Or providing a faucet bonus, or other incentive?

You have (as of me running a quick count) 68 different posts giving a one sentence praise of this faucet by users with only 1 post on this forum.
That means 68 people signed up for this forum, sought out the micro earnings section, ignored everything in it, and decided that they had to write a review for your site. And they decided that one sentence was plenty.

That isn't counting those with 2,3, or 4 posts. There's a lot of those, too.

It is a sham. Can you provide an explanation other than that? I'd love to hear it.
Perfect explanation for my post thank you :)

This fauet is excellent, 100% recommended
Oh no no no, lol :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: brucedavis on April 28, 2018, 09:28:40 PM
nice faucet great project

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Alexey40 on April 29, 2018, 08:40:52 PM
Cool site, a lot of bonuses are distributed, an intuitive interface is very convenient, there is a lottery, a daily roll, a 5 minute crane, in general cool ... I recommend

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: correosdelbosque on April 29, 2018, 09:37:56 PM
Very nice page simple clear easy to use. Good customer service

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on April 30, 2018, 03:16:00 PM

Today, at this crane, I took third place in the week lottery)))))ty

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Rubel23 on April 30, 2018, 03:18:43 PM
Great faucet
Though there some more faucets that's give more satoshis

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 01, 2018, 04:39:53 PM

And why are there no people with proof of payment?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 02, 2018, 10:43:39 PM

What about the site ?? why can not I go in, there is no captcha at the entrance

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on May 03, 2018, 04:22:40 AM

What about the site ?? why can not I go in, there is no captcha at the entrance

Thanks for bringing it up, we're working on that. Will be solved soon

The problem is with captchame code for detecting adblockers (nothing we can do about that), So added an option to switch to solvemedia captcha in both login and register page.

Hope this should solve most of the users issue ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: ragefire on May 05, 2018, 06:30:11 PM
Great faucet. Good website design and multiple ways to earn. Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Kazbit on May 06, 2018, 07:02:34 PM
Only really started using but this faucet seems pretty good. Its different from other faucets which is a nice refreshing change and there are a few ways to earn BTC. I am liking it! :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Bhagwanti on May 06, 2018, 09:05:25 PM
EMT-FAUCET is great!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: takahan on May 07, 2018, 12:53:40 AM
Hey great! nick:takahan

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: mahapunj on May 07, 2018, 08:57:15 AM
This faucet is different from all other faucets out there. Its cool and the UI is awesome.Claim value is also high. On the other hand u can claim from more other options. Totally a great faucet must try.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Your Point Is Invalid on May 07, 2018, 03:33:10 PM
lol so many new accounts just registered to say best faucet :D There's nothing dodgy with that lol

Anyone with at least triple digit posts have anything good to say about this faucet? The only ones I see in the full thread are complaining about the high payout and thats cant of blended out with all these new same person accounts :-\

Was wondering if I was the only one seeing this, good find.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: masterindio on May 07, 2018, 06:23:16 PM
I have been using this faucet for a couple of month and I am really happy with the results obtained so far. I really recommend this faucet for everyone who wants earn satoshis. Keep going with the nice work and congrats to the developers of this site. Sincerely, Masterindio

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 07, 2018, 06:39:21 PM

Why does not the button work at the very tap, after entering the captcha, do not remove the satosh (((

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: hudyson on May 08, 2018, 01:52:55 AM
Torneira muito boa para poder usar a longo prazo da para acumular um bom lucro.
Ainda não entendi direito o programa que stacks mas espero entender....

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on May 08, 2018, 04:15:38 AM

Why does not the button work at the very tap, after entering the captcha, do not remove the satosh (((

Thanks for letting us know, there was error in bitmedia and bitcoadz advertisements so the page stopped loading the rest javascript for some users.

Now it should be ok. Do hard refresh and try again

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: patrasz on May 08, 2018, 10:21:22 AM
Today I register, so far I like it, of course the previous posts do not reveal to me that I really pay the page, but I give her confidence. Then it will turn out.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 08, 2018, 10:43:02 AM
Thank you, captcha is working))) yesterday made a withdrawal of funds, I wait until they have arrived at the faucet hub ..

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on May 08, 2018, 11:39:10 AM
Thank you, captcha is working))) yesterday made a withdrawal of funds, I wait until they have arrived at the faucet hub ..

I'll be sending all payments in few minutes

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Zarastro on May 08, 2018, 01:12:34 PM
I discovered the site today and registered immediately  :) It seems very fine, even if i think that the threshold is very high for FH.
Wait and see ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: bdk81 on May 09, 2018, 01:03:28 PM

Thank you very much! what a nice faucet site.... Love it

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 09, 2018, 04:20:20 PM

Guys, here is the confirmation of the payment from this project .... so the one who wrote above that this administrator writes from different accounts of haha, then that person is inadequate, the crane really pays!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Kuhner99 on May 09, 2018, 04:46:58 PM
Pretty great faucet, with a some nice games/claims!
I recommened it!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: tazehvared on May 10, 2018, 10:49:34 AM
very good faucet ....i love it

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: HAFSA2006 on May 10, 2018, 11:46:59 AM
This faucet is different from all other faucets out good, but to much ads.
Thank you very much! what a nice faucet site  :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Alexey40 on May 10, 2018, 04:41:35 PM
Payment has arrived

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Moon_light on May 10, 2018, 04:55:59 PM
This site is one of the best profitable sites for earn Satoshi
I love it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Drserg on May 10, 2018, 09:49:23 PM
Nice faucet!!)

Title: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: sashaxxx915 on May 10, 2018, 10:07:26 PM
Heдaвнo пoльзyюcь дaнным cepвиcoм, нo cpaзy oн внyшaeт дoвepиe.
Caтoши нe пpoбoвaл eщe вывoдить, нo дyмaю чтo вcё бyдeт xopoшo.
Paдyeт нaличиe бoнycoв и freeroll.
Cпacибo aдминoм pecypca.
Пocлe пepвoгo вывoдa нaпишy бoлee пoлный oбзop.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on May 12, 2018, 11:50:54 AM
We have introduced two new things maybe most of you are aware of the first one

1. Referral Visits: Earn 2 satoshi for every unique visits to your referral URL. For more information visit the link (

2. You can now change the claim timer to

option a. 5 mins - 5 satoshi       in double claim activated period 10 satoshi
option b. 30 mins - 20 satoshi   in double claim activated period 35 satoshi
option c. 1 hour -   35 satoshi   in double claim activated period 60 satoshi

Changing the claim timer is available in your profile page

Referral commission 50% is not changed you will get 2.5 sat, 10 sat,17.5 sat respectively

Yep double claim doesn't suit for 30 mins and 1 hour, we'll change that to "special claim" in near future  ;)

Thanks for your support.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 12, 2018, 09:02:27 PM
Thank you very mach))))))

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 12, 2018, 09:19:53 PM
We have introduced two new things maybe most of you are aware of the first one

1. Referral Visits: Earn 2 satoshi for every unique visits to your referral URL. For more information visit the link (

2. You can now change the claim timer to

option a. 5 mins - 5 satoshi       in double claim activated period 10 satoshi
option b. 30 mins - 20 satoshi   in double claim activated period 35 satoshi
option c. 1 hour -   35 satoshi   in double claim activated period 60 satoshi

Changing the claim timer is available in your profile page

Referral commission 50% is not changed you will get 2.5 sat, 10 sat,17.5 sat respectively

Yep double claim doesn't suit for 30 mins and 1 hour, we'll change that to "special claim" in near future  ;)

Thanks for your support.

admin)) I enjoy your resource and attract more new people)))

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 12, 2018, 10:01:21 PM
Admin, have a question for me) How much can I make free rolls in the freeroll tab? How many times a day? How many? Or is it a bug on the site?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: redstar07 on May 13, 2018, 01:01:40 PM
 What a great site to collect bitcoin from. I like the Double Claim function to collect bonus satoshi

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Elena0806 on May 13, 2018, 03:44:58 PM
Excellent faucet! I recommend

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: limajoy on May 13, 2018, 10:23:33 PM
estou usando essa torneira ganhando satoshis

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: emreke on May 13, 2018, 11:06:26 PM
Earnmoneytalk brings more profit than many similar faucets, if you havent registered yet, you try to register immediately ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on May 14, 2018, 05:04:49 AM
Admin, have a question for me) How much can I make free rolls in the freeroll tab? How many times a day? How many? Or is it a bug on the site?

It was a bug, thanks for reporting us. you can have the extra claimed 775 sats.

For all others we've reduced the free roll satoshi, coz it seemed like cheating since the button renamed to rolled today and timer to started to count, many rolled again to claim

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: jimi1970 on May 14, 2018, 08:47:47 PM
Subscribed just now. It seems a good faucet. Good luck.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 14, 2018, 10:41:59 PM
Subscribed just now. It seems a good faucet. Good luck.

Thank you for leaving satoshi to me))) After 10 times, I thought it was some kind of mistake, and I should tell you about it, since it would be unfair on our part !!! Your collector and so so steep and rich that it is not fair to collect fraud! I'm always glad to help you, because I like your resource administrator)) If it's not a secret, what country are you from?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: taiyo on May 15, 2018, 10:29:54 AM
Just started using the data collector, the interface is pleased, there are many additional features to collect satos, liked the freeroll and treasure! A wonderful project, the administrator of the desire. successes and good!

Dear administrator! I gave a description of the crane as stated in the bonus, but by chance on the collector sent a confirmation of the bonus and did not enter my nickname from the forum ((((my description is the above message! Can you help me ... and charge me 1,000 Satoshi .. then my nickname her on the collector and then on the forum ((taiyo)) and here is my mail

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: haidt on May 16, 2018, 07:03:58 AM
I have just use Earn Money Talk. I feel very easy . I think I can earn so much satoshi.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: jimi1970 on May 16, 2018, 04:57:39 PM
Subscribed just now. It seems a good faucet. Good luck.

Thank you for leaving satoshi to me))) After 10 times, I thought it was some kind of mistake, and I should tell you about it, since it would be unfair on our part !!! Your collector and so so steep and rich that it is not fair to collect fraud! I'm always glad to help you, because I like your resource administrator)) If it's not a secret, what country are you from?

I don't know what happened!!!
I only know that i have not satoshis to withdraw!

ADMIN can you tell me?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on May 18, 2018, 09:00:27 AM
I don't know what happened!!!
I only know that i have not satoshis to withdraw!

ADMIN can you tell me?

Hi, Can i know your username in EMT faucet to look into the issue.

Sending contact request after logging in EMT faucet would give you faster response


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Shaman125 on May 18, 2018, 01:51:01 PM
Oтличный caйт. Кaждый дeнь paздaютcя бoнycы.Ceгoдня пpишлa пepвaя выплaтa     Пpocтo клacc , вceм peкoмeндyю  .

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 24, 2018, 04:58:05 AM

Hello admin)) What actions or updates are anticipated on the assembler? ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on May 24, 2018, 01:24:47 PM
Thank you for my payment.

Received From                        Currency   Amount   Received          Status   Type
Earn Money Talk -Free Bitcoins    BTC           10144 sat   60 mins ago   RECEIVED   NORMAL

Great Faucet.  ;D


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on May 26, 2018, 09:29:18 AM

Hello admin)) What actions or updates are anticipated on the assembler? ::)

what do you mean by assembler ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: gale1031 on May 26, 2018, 05:08:09 PM
It seems easy to collect bitcoins in this website

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: ozcelik06 on May 27, 2018, 10:56:02 AM
Very good faucet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: phoothong on May 27, 2018, 04:21:58 PM
This faucet very Good and I have earning 10000 satoshi from Ads. click

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: mioluv1005 on May 28, 2018, 10:07:15 AM
Great ! check this faucet .

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on May 28, 2018, 05:12:39 PM

Hello admin)) What actions or updates are anticipated on the assembler? ::)

what do you mean by assembler ?

This idiotic google translator translated so)))) I meant on your Faucet, foresee what kind of updates

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Angie51 on May 28, 2018, 09:48:53 PM
Earn Money Talk Faucet EMT FAUCET excellent faucet paying

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on May 29, 2018, 06:30:38 AM

Hello admin)) What actions or updates are anticipated on the assembler? ::)

what do you mean by assembler ?

This idiotic google translator translated so)))) I meant on your Faucet, foresee what kind of updates

As far as pop ads we couldn't come to a conclusion coz its nearly tie between 1 & 2.
Most users asked for alt-coin faucet - You can expect 4 or 5 alt-coins with 5 or 10 mins timer very soon (within a week)

Stay tuned

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: karanpx on May 31, 2018, 02:31:18 AM

                   There are many sources to earn btc like free roll, double claim, tresure & refs. Thanks for the great faucet admin, keep it up.

                   Username : karanpx

                Thank you again......

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: karanpx on May 31, 2018, 02:39:17 AM

                            Awesome, this is a great faucet for earn more btc coins. there are many things like free roll, treasure pot, bonus, double claim. I really like it.

                            Username : modulechipckt


                         Thank you admin

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: aeras on May 31, 2018, 08:48:36 PM


1. Referral Visits: Earn 2 satoshi for every unique visits to your referral URL. For more information visit the link

2. You can now change the claim timer to

option a. 5 mins - 5 satoshi       in double claim activated period 10 satoshi
option b. 30 mins - 20 satoshi   in double claim activated period 35 satoshi
option c. 1 hour -   35 satoshi   in double claim activated period 60 satoshi

Changing the claim timer is available in your profile page

Hi, I am launching a new faucet today (EMT)
Hope you all like my faucet Earn Money Talk Faucet.
New things Introduced this Week

2 satoshi for every unique Referral Visits

Two New things Introduced

1. Weekly Treasure Pot (1 stake for every claim)

2. More short-links to get stakes and satoshi

Ways to earn
     5 mins faucet
     Booster to double claim
     Bonus to write review
     Free roll with short link
     50% Referral
     Weekly Treasure POT

1. Claim 5 Sathoshi every 5 minutes

Get upto 10000 sathoshi every 24 hours

Increase the base claim amount for a short period, activating on the first will double your base claim for 30 mins, activated after 2nd day double claim will last for 1:15 hr and so on...

Post your referral URL on some forums and give the url of the post in the input field to get 500 sathoshi, There are more tasks similar to this in the bonus section. These small tasks will boost your income little faster towards the payout.

Get 50% comissions from base claim for referring users to EMT Faucet

If you have at least 10000 satoshi for first time in your account you can request a withdraw to your FaucetHUB account. Your minimum Payment threshold for Payment Request will start at 10000 sathoshi and gradually increase for each Payment Request as 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000. and will be at 50000 sathoshi for the rest payment.

7. Treasure POT
Kind of lottery which will be introduced when we have 10K active users, we hope introducing lottery below those active members is not attractive.

Earn Money Talk Faucet

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on June 01, 2018, 12:52:09 PM
We were running polls in our site for a week, today the poll ends

So after the poll results we’ll be considering 2 things pop ads and altcoin faucet

1. Pop ads will be reduced to 1
2. Altcoins faucet will be introduced within this week

Initially you can claim bitcoincash, dogecoin, litecoin, dashcoin with 10 minutes timer

More details about Altcoins faucet will be published soon

Visit here for More details (

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Shumiloff on June 02, 2018, 02:17:46 PM
Awesome, this is a great faucet for earn more btc coins. there are many things like free roll, treasure pot, bonus, double claim. I really like it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: masterfocus on June 04, 2018, 02:45:56 AM
I'm enjoying this faucet right now. It sounds promissing! :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: onetebs on June 04, 2018, 03:09:00 AM
just started today, hope everything goes well

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Delo1 on June 05, 2018, 06:58:02 PM
xopoший кpaн.и peклaмa нe нaпpягaeт)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on June 06, 2018, 12:31:27 PM
We’ve introduced 4 altcoins  to claim for now and will introduce more coins later
Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoincash, Dashcoin

For more details watch the home thread (

Ps: we removed bonus to write review here bonus page been removed from the site, all who have submitted review before today will receive bonus.
Initially we thought there will be genuine review about the site but most were just words like good, legit or quoting opening thread etc... All these made it look like spam.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on June 08, 2018, 12:21:59 AM

                   There are many sources to earn btc like free roll, double claim, tresure & refs. Thanks for the great faucet admin, keep it up.

                   Username : karanpx

                Thank you again......
Thank you very much for the update))) I'm already assembling altcoyins))) I saw the Hours recently in a chat on the Faucet hub and wanted to write to you, but you communicated with the admin hub, he told how blocked the user ... who wanted to sell an error in the game rembo / ///

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on June 08, 2018, 12:30:19 AM
We’ve introduced 4 altcoins  to claim for now and will introduce more coins later
Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoincash, Dashcoin

For more details watch the home thread (

Ps: we removed bonus to write review here bonus page been removed from the site, all who have submitted review before today will receive bonus.
Initially we thought there will be genuine review about the site but most were just words like good, legit or quoting opening thread etc... All these made it look like spam.

I hope my review does not look like spam?))) Forum MMGP in Russia is very popular! But people write to me in private messages that they are afraid to collect because of the high minimum for the conclusion ..... I hope after adding altcoyins there will be more registrations on my link ....

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: joaobsaldanha1 on June 09, 2018, 02:04:18 AM
Best faucet I found on faucethub pays very well!

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on June 12, 2018, 08:06:20 PM

                   There are many sources to earn btc like free roll, double claim, tresure & refs. Thanks for the great faucet admin, keep it up.

                   Username : karanpx

                Thank you again......
Thank you very much for the update))) I'm already assembling altcoyins))) I saw the Hours recently in a chat on the Faucet hub and wanted to write to you, but you communicated with the admin hub, he told how blocked the user ... who wanted to sell an error in the game rembo / ///

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on June 12, 2018, 08:15:26 PM
Waiting for payment for 5 days, according to the regulations, too, for so long?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on June 13, 2018, 04:46:22 AM
Waiting for payment for 5 days, according to the regulations, too, for so long?

Sorry for the trouble, But we've mailed users who have requested payment last week to request again coz our payment request API started working strange after introduction of altcoins.

So please request payment again from profile page.

This situation made me think like we need a better way of communication with members. If you guys have any suggestions please let me know!

Only 3 users haven't requested payment again. Ouchkiboult, vitalii1984 & anatoly212 , If these users see the post request your payment again. We're deeply sorry for the trouble again

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on June 13, 2018, 03:41:23 PM

Thanks admin told ))) I did everything at the post office is affirmed....all right now the balance on the collector zeroed out)) will be waiting...For translation sorry, this is Google translate

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on June 14, 2018, 08:56:23 AM

Thanks admin told ))) I did everything at the post office is affirmed....all right now the balance on the collector zeroed out)) will be waiting...For translation sorry, this is Google translate
Payment received by me 23.804 Satoshi ))))) Thank you admin)) I Wanted to ask, I came to the mailbox " Hello,
Your payment request 0.0002380425 BTC was successfully completed
to Your address concentrator of the crane. The hash of the transaction-991573853.

In addition, you are now eligible for a bonus to receive an additional 500 Satoshi by submitting
proof of payment in our BitcoinTalk stream(
and post Your login in the bonus section(http://earn money same bonus there is no now?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on June 17, 2018, 07:36:24 AM

Thanks admin told ))) I did everything at the post office is affirmed....all right now the balance on the collector zeroed out)) will be waiting...For translation sorry, this is Google translate
Payment received by me 23.804 Satoshi ))))) Thank you admin)) I Wanted to ask, I came to the mailbox " Hello,
Your payment request 0.0002380425 BTC was successfully completed
to Your address concentrator of the crane. The hash of the transaction-991573853.

In addition, you are now eligible for a bonus to receive an additional 500 Satoshi by submitting
proof of payment in our BitcoinTalk stream(
and post Your login in the bonus section(http://earn money same bonus there is no now?

yest the same bonus available for every withdraw, you can submit in the url provided in mail.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on June 17, 2018, 07:36:54 AM
Daily Contest introduced
Top 10 claimers will receive 50% to 5% extra of the btc earning everyday respectively

You can see the rankings here  (

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Shark80 on June 17, 2018, 10:43:15 AM
This site is a waste of time. His destiny is like the  -

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on June 18, 2018, 10:53:46 AM
This site is a waste of time. His destiny is like the  -

Hi Shark80,

Thank you for your constructive criticism. You might have noticed that I have introduced Daily Contests to match the amount given to users against the recent decline in the rate of Bitcoin recently.

And so it happens, I have my servers with AWS under the protection of CloudFlare (for DDoS and Application Security). To give users better experience, I have my servers to provide best performance by creating separate servers for Web, Security and Database. Personally, I don't have any idea about closing EMT faucet (at-least for next few years). Technically, why do you think I'm paying for all the above? To close the platform or scam people out here? Shared hosting with some third grade server would have been perfect choice, even more way cheaper if I wanted to scam people.

What concerns me a lot is, how did you just conclude that I will go scam soon after by spending just 10 mins in my platform. I really wonder your analytical skills and knowledge on Faucets.:P

You know what? I really give you a warm welcome again into my platform and advise you to try out new features we've introduced and will introduce in near future.

Did I mention that I have introduced Altcoin Faucet ( before introducing Daily Contest (
(I took liberty to advertise myself for Altcoin faucet here :D :P)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fattycoins on June 28, 2018, 05:45:10 PM
i got my 1st 0.00010150 btc 

I am goining to register in this now. let me see how much I can earn?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on July 05, 2018, 04:10:29 AM
Yet another Payment received ---  Thank you.   ;D

 Your Payment request of 0.00020106 BTC had been successfully completed
                        towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 1xxxxxxxx4.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 06, 2018, 01:06:11 PM

Admin hello))) I did not receive the 500 Satoshi bonus, for the fact that I made a post about the payment, from your collector .. Or is there no such bonus already?  My nickname is vitalii1984

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 06, 2018, 01:08:25 PM

My favorite Faucet !!!! Here is my payment

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 06, 2018, 01:10:42 PM
This site is a waste of time. His destiny is like the  -
Do not talk nonsense!!! This is one of the best collectors at this time! If you do not like it, pass by, your opinion is of no interest to anyone.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: paultos on July 06, 2018, 06:04:36 PM
huh .... seems weird ... is it just me, whenever I open this site my CPU usage goes up to 100%...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on July 07, 2018, 03:10:00 AM

Admin hello))) I did not receive the 500 Satoshi bonus, for the fact that I made a post about the payment, from your collector .. Or is there no such bonus already?  My nickname is vitalii1984

To get the bonus you have to submit your username in the link given in your mail.

huh .... seems weird ... is it just me, whenever I open this site my CPU usage goes up to 100%...

That's really weird, did you check with only our faucet open in the browser. Check for other apps in your computer, Coz we don't have any miner in our faucet.


1. It might have happened when you visited some short URL
2. Some ads might have miner

I am searching for the possibilities in my faucet, If found I'll remove those ads. In mean time if you guys found the issue please let me know.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 07, 2018, 11:40:36 AM

The error is like this

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 07, 2018, 11:42:57 AM

You do not have hidden mining, I'm fine, the processor does not load ...... But sometimes there are hidden miners on short links

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on July 07, 2018, 12:05:29 PM

The error is like this

We have given users an option to select the short URL while claiming altcoins, Please do a hard refresh and try again.


Also we have reduced withdraw limit to 10000 satoshi, there will be no increment after the first payout It will be always 10000 satoshi

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 07, 2018, 01:07:29 PM

The next payment is received, thanks admin!    0.00013584 BTC

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 07, 2018, 01:08:43 PM

The error is like this

We have given users an option to select the short URL while claiming altcoins, Please do a hard refresh and try again.


Also we have reduced withdraw limit to 10000 satoshi, there will be no increment after the first payout It will be always 10000 satoshi

With a limit of 10000 satoshi, I myself noticed))) Thank you for reducing the minimum amount ... Common sense

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: ash1998 on July 07, 2018, 05:43:24 PM
I want to Earn :) :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 10, 2018, 07:52:00 AM

The next payment is received, thanks admin!    0.00013584 BTC

Bonus for 2 and 3 payout, and did not translate to me ((sent to the mail nickname from the forum .. and screenshots

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on July 10, 2018, 12:44:09 PM

The next payment is received, thanks admin!    0.00013584 BTC

Bonus for 2 and 3 payout, and did not translate to me ((sent to the mail nickname from the forum .. and screenshots

Thanks for sharing the payment proof

I'll add 1000 satoshi manually this time. Also i saw you were so active to chat in the temporary testing chatbox. We're looking for options soon gonna introduce chats only for members without separately signing  or registering for chats. Hope you guyz will get more help when this chat is implemented.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 19, 2018, 08:48:59 PM

The next payment has been received)) admin thank you

my nick vitalii1984

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on July 19, 2018, 08:51:38 PM

The next payment is received, thanks admin!    0.00013584 BTC

Bonus for 2 and 3 payout, and did not translate to me ((sent to the mail nickname from the forum .. and screenshots

Thanks for sharing the payment proof

I'll add 1000 satoshi manually this time. Also i saw you were so active to chat in the temporary testing chatbox. We're looking for options soon gonna introduce chats only for members without separately signing  or registering for chats. Hope you guyz will get more help when this chat is implemented.

Thank you bonus received 1000 Satoshi))) it was not possible on the forum to write to you ...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on July 30, 2018, 02:15:24 PM
Yet another payment received from EMT.  Thank you.

  Your Payment request of 0.00010319 BTC had been successfully completed
                        towards your Faucethub address.


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: drewgista04 on August 05, 2018, 08:08:55 AM
Claim button always hiding/missing. kinda hard to participate on daily contest like this

im claiming on incognito mode no adblock

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on August 05, 2018, 08:47:30 AM
Claim button always hiding/missing. kinda hard to participate on daily contest like this

im claiming on incognito mode no adblock

incognito will not have much effect, coz we adjust codes based on sessions and cookies. not based on cache
Do you still have that issue, We've changed those which was blocking the rendering of claim button.

1. Logout of the faucet
2. Clear cache
3. Login again

I hope this should solve the issue

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on August 05, 2018, 10:03:05 AM

the next payment is received)))) I wait for the bonus 500 satoshi ...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: elfz0r on August 09, 2018, 08:37:17 PM
hello! I'm "elfz0r" and I woke up just now to notice I got paid!  ;D

thanks, admin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: drewgista04 on August 12, 2018, 01:28:35 PM
hello there, i already claimed free roll and double claim both twice and it is not crediting to my account. what should i do? i am rooting for the altcoins x2 but i feel like my chain will stop. i tried refreshing many times to make the buttons show but after i finished claiming nothing happens. thanks

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: ros1981 on August 12, 2018, 08:05:56 PM    BTC   3980 sat   7 hours ago   RECEIVED   NORMAL
proof of paymaent

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on August 24, 2018, 08:31:03 AM
Thank you EMT Faucet. Yet another payment received.

     Your Payment request of 0.00010033 BTC had been successfully completed
     towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 13xxxxxx58.

Great Faucet!!


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on August 27, 2018, 10:56:27 PM
pending(( ??? :'( :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on August 28, 2018, 06:52:10 AM
pending(( ??? :'( :'( :'( :'(

Payment within 2 days, not yet crossed the time, you start questioning here LOL

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on August 28, 2018, 01:36:50 PM
My first Payment received within 48 hours, Thanks !
Payment Proof Added to my Site (review on EMTFaucet) :)

Username : Fauwil

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on September 07, 2018, 11:44:18 AM
Second Payment received to my faucethub account, Thanks :)
Payment Proof Added on my site (review on EMT Faucet)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: t0000036 on September 11, 2018, 06:40:54 PM
Payment received on Faucethub.

Earn Money Talk -Free Bitcoins    BTC   10155 sat

User: T0000036

Thanks a lot.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on September 20, 2018, 12:06:20 PM
Third Payment received on my faucethub account
Payment proof added to my site (
username : fauwil
Thanks :)

Title: Earn Money Talk Faucet Paid me Again!!
Post by: IsaanMan on September 29, 2018, 09:15:28 AM
Many thanks for latest payment.

Your Payment request of 0.00011681 BTC had been successfully completed towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 151xxxxx02.

Latest of many.......


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on October 02, 2018, 09:35:07 PM
4th payment to my faucethub account, payment proof added to my site :
EMTFaucetPaymentproof (
Username : fauwil
Thanks :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on October 05, 2018, 10:00:24 AM
2018-10-04 01:10:36   1AWAEFFWe3Lsn5ykcpb4QF5B2Nqikr96Pi    0.00010467   completed

my 5th payments//////   thank you admin

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: felicita on October 09, 2018, 04:01:56 PM
thanks got my first payout from here . using this facuet since short time and like the claim timer option ;)
20523 satoshi into my faucethub account . 8 hours ago.


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on October 23, 2018, 01:38:15 PM
Cloudflare    error 524(((((

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on October 23, 2018, 07:26:24 PM

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on October 24, 2018, 05:30:47 AM
There is Attack on server, we're finding a solution to stop it. Just ddos attack on a different way.

Some how they are finding our DB ip & dns. We're changing them constantly till we find a solution should be resolved within 2 days.

Till then there will be some down times.

Thanks for understanding and patience

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: earnmoneytalk on October 25, 2018, 10:22:19 AM
Everything is back to normal. Site working good now

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on October 28, 2018, 11:50:49 PM
2018-10-24 08:06:26       0.00010264   completed

thank you Admin )))

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on October 30, 2018, 04:30:36 PM
5th payment to my faucethub account, payment proof added to my site :
EMTFaucetPaymentproof (
Username : fauwil
Thanks :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on November 01, 2018, 08:10:56 AM
Many thanks for yet another payment.

 Your Payment request of 0.00010151 BTC had been successfully completed
 towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 163xxxxx81.

Great faucet thank you.


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Yazahra on November 13, 2018, 09:50:02 AM
 My Payment request of 0.00010004 BTC had been successfully complete towards my Faucethub address.
EarnMoneyTalk username:mahdieghbal1360

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Giogoo on November 13, 2018, 04:05:15 PM
New project Voyager

Get $25 Bitcoin Sign Up Bonus + $25 Per Referral
Voyager is a new cryptocurrency trading platform that aims to offer commission free trading  They are offering $25 in Bitcoin credit if you sign up  early and a further $25 for each friend that uses your link.

The Offer :
Sign up and you get 25$ in bitcoin free
For every friend that you get to create a Voyager account with your custom link  (http://link)you'll receive an additional $25 BTC credit.

Voyager’s promotional and referral programs are currently only available to US residents ,if you are not you can use any VPN(server US)  when you sign up
They're planning an international launch early 02/ 2019.
All BTC credit is issued in pending status and requires the opening of a valid Voyager account to be claimed.
Stay tuned for news about when Voyager launches in your area.
Limit of 100 accepted invites
Rewards that are unclaimed within one year of being issued will expire.enjoy (

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on November 24, 2018, 11:14:01 PM
6th payment to my faucethub account, payment proof added to my site :
EMTFaucetPaymentproof (
Username : fauwil
Thanks :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on December 12, 2018, 08:14:16 AM
Thank you for yet another payment.  I just love your faucet.

Your Payment request of 0.00010044 BTC had been successfully completed
towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 18xxxxx783.

IsaanMan   ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: xdatalive on December 24, 2018, 10:45:48 AM
payment proof
cant send pic here but:
Your Payment request of 0.00010048 BTC had been successfully completed
towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 187xxxxx39.


Paid to faucethub

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on December 28, 2018, 04:30:28 PM
7th payment to my faucethub account, payment proof added to my site :
EMTFaucetPaymentproof (
Username : fauwil
Thanks :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on January 26, 2019, 09:19:02 AM
EMT User:  IsaanMan

   Your Payment request of 0.00010011 BTC had been successfully completed
                        towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 20xxxxxx74.

Many thanks EMT. Latest of many payments received.   ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: hasanrooney on January 31, 2019, 06:13:40 AM
paymet recived
user: hasanrooney

Your Payment request of 0.00010023 BTC had been successfully completed
                        towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 2120770048.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: edeco on February 11, 2019, 03:52:44 PM
How long do you have to wait for the payment reported on 28/10/2018?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: felicita on February 12, 2019, 11:00:55 AM

since a few days i get always logged out from your faucet even when i dont close my browser , only the tab, then i have to login again and again....
Short time before i never had this problem on your faucet.


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on March 16, 2019, 05:07:17 AM
Thank you EMT Faucet.

   Your Payment request of 0.00010393 BTC had been successfully completed
   towards your Faucethub address. Your transaction hash is 24xxxxxx13.


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: lycans37 on March 19, 2019, 10:21:25 AM
my 1st payment receive thx earn money talk faucet

username lycans37
Payment request of 0.00010006 BTC had been successfully completed
towards your Faucethub address

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on March 31, 2019, 02:21:51 PM
8th Payment received to my faucethub account within 48 hours, always a nice faucet, Thanks :)
EMTFaucetPaymentproof (

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: terrific on April 02, 2019, 07:31:25 AM
Are there any more validations and confirmations that this is still paying?
All I see are newbie accounts which I'm a bit doubtful with the feedbacks.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on April 02, 2019, 07:34:59 AM
Are there any more validations and confirmations that this is still paying?
All I see are newbie accounts which I'm a bit doubtful with the feedbacks.
u saw my 8 payments on my link, all paid within 48 hours, i never had any problem on emt faucet since i'm on it, emt faucet pays his members :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: terrific on April 02, 2019, 08:22:09 AM
Are there any more validations and confirmations that this is still paying?
All I see are newbie accounts which I'm a bit doubtful with the feedbacks.
u saw my 8 payments on my link, all paid within 48 hours, i never had any problem on emt faucet since i'm on it, emt faucet pays his members :)
Yes I saw that but I'll be waiting for some confirmations.
So I can assess and think on my own if I should have to try it out too.
Thanks for your concern.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Ivaann on April 02, 2019, 09:25:55 AM
Hello. When you'll make the payments from your Shortlink?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Yazahra on April 10, 2019, 12:44:55 PM
My email
My request withdrawl paid
Thanks for your support

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: kim99 on April 15, 2019, 08:56:17 AM
 Your Payment request of 0.00017341 BTC had been successfully completed
                        towards your Faucethub address

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Ivaann on April 15, 2019, 09:00:26 AM
Still pending. More than 2 weeks.

I don't recommend using this shortlink.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: ElSila on April 16, 2019, 10:39:25 AM
I have 4 pending payments on shortlink, oldest one is from 13 March. This is clearly scam now (if shortlink is scam, all website will become scam, if is not already).

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: fauwil on May 09, 2019, 02:37:51 PM
I have 4 pending payments on shortlink, oldest one is from 13 March. This is clearly scam now (if shortlink is scam, all website will become scam, if is not already).
i dont know for shortlinks but for the faucet : Pending Payment since 24/04/2019 (and we can't request another till the pending payment is paid)
Already added a warning message on my emtfaucet review, will wait a few more before add to my scam list but this not sound good...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: ElSila on May 09, 2019, 02:55:28 PM
I have 4 pending payments on shortlink, oldest one is from 13 March. This is clearly scam now (if shortlink is scam, all website will become scam, if is not already).
i dont know for shortlinks but for the faucet : Pending Payment since 24/04/2019 (and we can't request another till the pending payment is paid)
Already added a warning message on my emtfaucet review, will wait a few more before add to my scam list but this not sound good...

As long as there is no answer from website admin so far, website is clearly scam.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: Yazahra on June 04, 2019, 06:19:11 PM
My user us:mahdieghbal1360
Below request withdrawl was pending after 10 deys
2019-05-23 07:36:22   1D4AvwJJ1aRnjQrzNNbd8DCZM8QPCwx1Ge   0.00010046   pending
Thanks for your support

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: looser101983 on June 10, 2019, 01:47:38 PM
Scam??? Pending 06.06.2019

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: felicita on June 30, 2019, 03:20:15 PM
Scam??? Pending 06.06.2019
yes sadly they become scam after almost a year of a good faucet.
And also sadly they running the website still so some users will waste there time here be course the website is still online.....


Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: aleks.napa3ut on July 07, 2019, 10:25:24 AM
crane scam. Also the output hangs 2 months. support does not respond made at least 10 requests no response or greetings

Title: Re: Bitcoin - Earn Money Talk Faucet
Post by: IsaanMan on July 08, 2019, 08:18:24 AM
Request still PENDING from May 8, 2019.

NO response from Admin.

CANNOT make a second request until first has been paid.

Really good faucet gone under. So sad that Admin cannot find the time to tell members what the problem is.

REMEMBER - All activity at the site is still earning money for Admin. from all of the Pop-ups.  Members will never see this money so I suggest leaving the site unless we get some information.