Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: lelam on January 21, 2018, 01:28:18 PM

Title: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: lelam on January 21, 2018, 01:28:18 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: MoonIsBlue on January 21, 2018, 01:41:09 PM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Dart18 on January 21, 2018, 01:55:31 PM
One of those I love.
It is really the contentment than will make you lose all those regrets.
Greed will make you fall. Most of the people have this kind of problem.
They want some more and what happens after a problem happens.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: mrbnson on January 21, 2018, 02:19:55 PM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

This is actually the best strategy, nothing that a good few gallons of beer can't solve  :D OP makes some really good points though, it's really important to take a step back at times and look at things from a holistic point of view, yes you could be much better off if you were god and you knew exactly what was going to happen, but you are not so you just have to do your best and if that leads to a profit then you can be very happy with that. This does not mean we should not be self critical and aim to learn and improve, it just means that it should stop short of chastising oneself.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: 1Referee on January 21, 2018, 02:53:27 PM
I just drink untill I can't think.
That implies that you at least have some thinking capabilities, which doesn't go up for the majority of the people here. They are constantly in a state where they can't think, so there is no need for them to drink. It saves them a few bucks too since alcohol isn't needed. :D


Pretty straight forward and not that bad of a way to handle it for yourself. Most of the people however won't take anything of that to heart since they have the believe that they are doing the right thing already. It's mind boggling how some noobs overestimate themselves in such a way, that they keep ending up with bigger losses, and still don't understand what they are doing wrong. Instead of blaming themselves for their wrong doings, wrong attitude and mentality regarding trading and investing, they blame the market for being manipulated against the users, etc. It's typical behavior for people to blame all sorts of external elements isntead of themselves, and this will be their downfal in this market.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bbcolex on January 21, 2018, 03:19:39 PM
Takes time , I had it on my mind for days. Thinking those coins I sold at the wrong time, but the other side of me; telling me you really can't tell what will happen to the market , You gained that's enough. move on to other coin and hodl! I learned to hodl now and not panic. Regrets really happen when you missed a rally or missed the chance to ell at high but nah! I keep telling myself I can't predict all the things and be contented with your gains and accept your loses.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: tekin_ural on January 21, 2018, 04:12:40 PM
Just don't look at the stats. Continue your life as before. That makes it easier.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Sir Cross on January 21, 2018, 05:49:32 PM
Takes time , I had it on my mind for days. Thinking those coins I sold at the wrong time, but the other side of me; telling me you really can't tell what will happen to the market , You gained that's enough. move on to other coin and hodl! I learned to hodl now and not panic. Regrets really happen when you missed a rally or missed the chance to ell at high but nah! I keep telling myself I can't predict all the things and be contented with your gains and accept your loses.

It's better not to overthink. It'll just stress you out, and there's nothing for you to do anyway. Even if you incurred a loss or missed out from buying a potential coin, then there's always a next time for you to profit. You can learn to be more careful of your decisions and to keep updated so that you won't miss out the next time around.

There's no other way for you to recover from a loss but to learn from your mistakes and experience. At least now, it'll help you make better decisions in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: danniwide1234 on January 21, 2018, 07:11:38 PM
Regret is part of life and even more rampant in the world of cryptocurrency . One will always have days where he will wish he brought,sell or hold a particular coins. One way that has helped me to overcome regrets is to quickly forget the missed opportunity knowing fully well that there are other thousand of opportunity at the same time. Moreover it is not possible to be part of all the opportunities available on a daily bases. FOMO(fear of missing it out) is real and it's the underlying cause of regret in cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: MiiDoViic on January 21, 2018, 07:27:41 PM
This post is a copy and past from Cryptocurrency SubReddit . I know you just want to share the information but atleast give props for the writer : .
Overall what he had to say is really helpfull and could work if you really want it to .

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: princesocapuyo on January 21, 2018, 07:49:19 PM
Just like you handle other regret. It's the same. What if you had bought Google shares very early?

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bitbunnny on January 21, 2018, 07:55:53 PM
There is no use in regret, don't feel sorry for the opportunities you have lost.
You can't know what it would be if you have made the different decision so don't think about it anymore. Move on and think what could be done in the future and how could you avoid mistakes in the future. Don't live in the past, there is no use of it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Anonylz on January 21, 2018, 07:58:48 PM
We all passed from that situation, since we all are on the same bussiness at the moment.

I was holding Tron at $0,02 each, and i sold them all at $0,08 (during the first increase) because i thought that made a huge profit from that.

Do you have any idea of how i regret about that? since one week later it touched $0,26.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: tomahawk9 on January 21, 2018, 08:01:22 PM
I believe that rather than regretting my past decisions, I try to learn from my mistakes I made and look for ways to improve, and then I start all over again looking for new opportunities. I also try to be less emotional when making decisions, for instance, not giving in to FOMO or hype.
Being rational when making decisions is always important, especially in the crypto market, so you have to know the risks of every action you make beforehand, with this mindset you'll be prepared to face the consequences.
Also, the cryptocurrency market always presents you countless of opportunities every day, so we shouldn't overthink too much about why I didn't do this or that.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Semosuchi Tesongrato on January 21, 2018, 08:01:43 PM
Regret is the more useless emotion that you can feel, not only in trading but in any aspect of your life: you can suffer and blame yourself, but this won't change the past.
I know it can sound as a new age cliche, but really "life is now": so, use your past for what you can learn from it, and act now.
(or in the future you'll regret that you didn't....)

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Raskolhnikov1 on January 21, 2018, 08:35:42 PM
One of those I love.
It is really the contentment than will make you lose all those regrets.
Greed will make you fall. Most of the people have this kind of problem.
They want some more and what happens after a problem happens.

Definitely, the greed will always be in the way... I was thinking about it the other day, I just entered this world and I already had two coins that I sold very early. Of course, I made a profit, the two I received from airdrop, then everything is profit, but one of them has already valued 4 times and another 8x... I believe it is as the friend said, not having as much ambition, after all, I won anyway. IMO, it's worse not to sell and then lose everything.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bamboylee on February 10, 2018, 11:54:56 PM
I just accept that I made a mistake, and move on. There is no point in dwelling on something that you cannot change. I accept the truth, learn from it, do better the next time. That is how you improve. If you keep regretting, you just lost time and focus, not very good in trading.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: nightmanisrightman on February 10, 2018, 11:57:52 PM
Well said OP many others should have your mindset when it comes to trading. When I began out I kept beating myself up over bad trades but now I realize that is a part of the game and nobody is perfect, hell nobody is even kinda close. As long as I make good trades, have good setups, make profit, and like you said compare yourself to the average joe in life we will be all good! Often times we look at the bottoms and tops of graphs and think man we could have 50x instead we only got 20x. How you should view it is man I got 20x, in hardly any other market in the world right now is that possible! It is all about perspective in this game :).

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Firefox07 on February 10, 2018, 11:58:52 PM
Don't regret if you missed to buy a coin when it was cheap. Just move on and think positively. And look for a good coin that have potential to grow. And don't hesitate to buy. When you hesitate again you will regret when the coin grow in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: creeps on February 11, 2018, 12:31:42 AM
Stop regretting the decision you made that turns to negative specially here in this kind of market because you cannot control this and if you just keep on thinking that way then you'd better keep yourself away from this. Yes we make bad decisions but it doesn't mean you stop from there just keep on learning and what ever decision you made don't regret it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: MintCondition on February 11, 2018, 03:34:28 AM
Stop regretting the decision you made that turns to negative specially here in this kind of market because you cannot control this and if you just keep on thinking that way then you'd better keep yourself away from this. Yes we make bad decisions but it doesn't mean you stop from there just keep on learning and what ever decision you made don't regret it.
Learn from it, we can make a better decision next time through this, having experiences is a must to grew, I'd been regretting selling potential coins before that's whynI just do holding in the mean time.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Genovese on April 11, 2018, 12:03:54 AM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

This would have been also my answert, but as it happens I can think also when I drink, no matter how much I drink. So I have to enjoy my crypto regret in all its glory.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: chocolah29 on April 11, 2018, 03:29:51 AM
Stop regretting the decision you made that turns to negative specially here in this kind of market because you cannot control this and if you just keep on thinking that way then you'd better keep yourself away from this. Yes we make bad decisions but it doesn't mean you stop from there just keep on learning and what ever decision you made don't regret it.
Learn from it, we can make a better decision next time through this, having experiences is a must to grew, I'd been regretting selling potential coins before that's whynI just do holding in the mean time.

For me it's a vise versa, I regret for holding too much to the point the value gets lesser the more I hold and there's no way to sell so I'll just wait it until then. Yes, regretting will just make you more depress so accept it and move on. The more you regret it the more you'll get miserable. So sometimes, I uninstall my blockfolio so there's nothing can remind me my losses.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: qwertyup23 on April 11, 2018, 03:33:47 AM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

This is actually the best strategy, nothing that a good few gallons of beer can't solve  :D OP makes some really good points though, it's really important to take a step back at times and look at things from a holistic point of view, yes you could be much better off if you were god and you knew exactly what was going to happen, but you are not so you just have to do your best and if that leads to a profit then you can be very happy with that. This does not mean we should not be self critical and aim to learn and improve, it just means that it should stop short of chastising oneself.

Every individual has their own way to cope with their losses. Whether it may be by drinking beer, gambling, weeping, etc. all of us have their own unique sense of coping and if it works, then why stop? Due to our losses, it now creates this connotation wherein people should avoid doing their past mistakes that led to the failure of their investments.
Personally, I read investment books or walk on a Sunday afternoon in order to mitigate the pain caused by my failed investment strategies. Well like what they say, what does not kill you makes you stronger!

I just accept that I made a mistake, and move on. There is no point in dwelling on something that you cannot change. I accept the truth, learn from it, do better the next time. That is how you improve. If you keep regretting, you just lost time and focus, not very good in trading.

All of us need time in order to cope for our losses, especially when we're talking about large amounts of investments wasted due to negligence or being irresponsible. You may be right that everyone of us needs to move on but let time do the work in order for us to move-on completely.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: gawer33 on April 11, 2018, 03:37:44 AM
for a guy whose FA sucks my motto is like this if I did not put money on it, it's not for me. no regrets if I thinking like this. over thinking makes you lose more just skip it and do your strategy

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Nerman on April 11, 2018, 04:46:18 AM
I have no regrets on my trade, I just follow my rules if it reach my target price then sell it if it reach the stop loss then sell it. That is how it should be, it does not matter if the price continue on rising you can always go back and buy again if you think the coins will still rise.

Just be logical and keep your emotions in check that is one of the formula to be a successful trader.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: trecore4 on April 11, 2018, 05:03:25 AM
Great, I never thought people think in such deep strategies to relax themselves from the loss that they have incurred from the bitcoin investment.

I usually just ignore my losses because I have come to know that it's meaningless to cry on something which you already know could get you into trouble. Obviously this is something that's always risky, the whole crypto is standing on the virtue of belife and nothing else. It could crash at anytime so it's better to stay calm in such situation and let the time pass!

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Altcoindealer on April 11, 2018, 05:09:43 AM
Regret stuff cant make it unhappend. So you can learn from your failiure. But thinking about it the whole time will not change anything on your decision. So i think in cryptotrading its important to learn that. Almost every coin i sold, i could get more profit when i sold it to another time. But thats the life. So you have to keep on goin instead of regretting everything you do. Learn from it and try it to make it better the next time, or just keep holding!

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Leonard2016 on April 11, 2018, 06:36:45 AM
I mostly regret for the things that I should have done more than for the things i shouldn't have done , so I'd rather to take risks , but not too much risks like gambling , at least i regret less in that way!

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Beparanf on April 11, 2018, 09:07:04 AM
I mostly regret for the things that I should have done more than for the things i shouldn't have done , so I'd rather to take risks , but not too much risks like gambling , at least i regret less in that way!
Since we have a chance to cash out that coin or buys another coin unlike in gambling, that we will just wait for our bet and hope to win, but sometimes there are really fun in gambling. I try to be smarter now and consistent on my study on such coin whenever I aim to just hold in allowing specific time and ranging some value if ever reached.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Harlot on April 11, 2018, 09:17:36 AM
I too always feel regret not on losing gains but for selling early or sometimes in a loss opportunity to buy. But that is when I realize that what I am feeling is greediness. Not being able to be satisfied on the gains I am having and the buy orders I thought was good makes me feel regret. But then this feeling of greediness makes me have wrong decisions that will often lead to losses. That is why I now always think of being satisfied in what I am having.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: haroldtee on April 11, 2018, 09:49:11 AM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

This would have been also my answert, but as it happens I can think also when I drink, no matter how much I drink. So I have to enjoy my crypto regret in all its glory.

Lol. One thing about drinking anyway is you will still at some point get sober, come back to face the reality and still enter that world of regret if you still want to, and then, you are back to square one.

However, I have always have this mindset that regret would not change a thing as we cannot change the past but can only amend the future by learning from the things we did wrongly and that is what makes us better. At least, that will even give you an edge over others that are just starting to gain the experience afresh.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Fatunad on April 11, 2018, 09:52:49 AM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

This would have been also my answert, but as it happens I can think also when I drink, no matter how much I drink. So I have to enjoy my crypto regret in all its glory.

Lol. One thing about drinking anyway is you will still at some point get sober, come back to face the reality and still enter that world of regret if you still want to, and then, you are back to square one.

However, I have always have this mindset that regret would not change a thing as we cannot change the past but can only amend the future by learning from the things we did wrongly and that is what makes us better. At least, that will even give you an edge over others that are just starting to gain the experience afresh.
Drinking up wont really solve up problem but somehow would ease the pain or stress momentarily but same as you said once its done it cant really turned back which we would really face the reality after we drink.We cant avoid it thats why some people do drink just to ease the pain. Handling our regrets can be hard but it just depends on how sensible we are if we do accept our mistakes and learned from those things and we might able to avoid it in next time encounter.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: davidroux on April 11, 2018, 02:30:29 PM
to handle cryto regret, i think you should learn how to control your emotions, forget how much money you lost or you won, and try to focus your next decisions. losing money is a part of your trading

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Expert3 on April 11, 2018, 02:33:20 PM
We all commit mistakes. Enough, we need to learn and make sure not that to happen again is our job. This mistake of yours would help you get better in the future and this experience would make you tougher and wiser. Cheer up, good things would happen because you are not alone who commit those mistakes, even I stumble hard, harder than yours.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: isetter on April 11, 2018, 02:34:38 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
You do not need to regret it. The crypto market has plenty of opportunities for you to succeed. So wait and choose the altcoin when prices are very low. I believe that you will succeed

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: rickadone on April 12, 2018, 07:18:19 AM
Stop regretting the decision you made that turns to negative specially here in this kind of market because you cannot control this and if you just keep on thinking that way then you'd better keep yourself away from this. Yes we make bad decisions but it doesn't mean you stop from there just keep on learning and what ever decision you made don't regret it.
Learn from it, we can make a better decision next time through this, having experiences is a must to grew, I'd been regretting selling potential coins before that's whynI just do holding in the mean time.
What people have never realized for one is that regret will never change the situation but trying to re-strategize and see how you can make it better next time or learn from your previous mistakes is always the best way. Yeah, there may be sometimes you wish you had done things right or better but those are the ways you learn by realizing those mistakes. The reason why a lot of old members do not think the way every newbie thinks is because they have all been there and they have learned from it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: beerlover on April 14, 2018, 05:19:53 PM
I have no regrets on my trade, I just follow my rules if it reach my target price then sell it if it reach the stop loss then sell it. That is how it should be, it does not matter if the price continue on rising you can always go back and buy again if you think the coins will still rise.

Just be logical and keep your emotions in check that is one of the formula to be a successful trader.
As long as none of us can even see the future anyway, the most important thing is to always accept the outcome. Wishing we did something differently will absolutely not change what has been done, but as long as we are at least learning from it and we could not have done it better than we did it, then we just accept whatever has come and move on.

One thing as a trader is never to assume you can get it right 100%, give room for errors as long as you are still making profit, otherwise, you will end up overworking your emotions.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ajdaj on April 14, 2018, 07:37:46 PM
We all commit mistakes. Enough, we need to learn and make sure not that to happen again is our job. This mistake of yours would help you get better in the future and this experience would make you tougher and wiser. Cheer up, good things would happen because you are not alone who commit those mistakes, even I stumble hard, harder than yours.
I do not think that we should regret our mistakes, because every normal person learns from his mistakes, not from others. It just wants to pay attention to other people's mistakes, but they will not teach you anything .

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on April 14, 2018, 10:34:21 PM
The first point of the OP is critical if you take the time to see the amount of money that you could have made if you invested in something else then you'll find the differences are incredible, it doesn't matter if you invested in stocks, bonds, gold, silver or even real estate there is nothing compared to the profits that you got with bitcoin without doing anything, even at this point with the price so low my profits are great, that is why I do not have any regrets.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: seramania on April 14, 2018, 10:51:40 PM
The first point of the OP is critical if you take the time to see the amount of money that you could have made if you invested in something else then you'll find the differences are incredible, it doesn't matter if you invested in stocks, bonds, gold, silver or even real estate there is nothing compared to the profits that you got with bitcoin without doing anything, even at this point with the price so low my profits are great, that is why I do not have any regrets.
if compared to gold, silver or real estate in cryptocurrency we can get bigger profit. but we must be smart to process cryptocurrency in the future and maybe now is a good time to get bigger profit.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: GoldenLad on April 14, 2018, 11:10:20 PM
OP, you have very good points. I made a similar mistake during the beginning era of my bitcoin . And I really regretted the out come . I don't not invested when I should and I kept on procatinating. I was really surprised when the price of bitcoin statered higher and I couldn't afford the biggger price them. The thing is if you want to purchase any coin and have interest in iit .its better to do it quickly.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: krauzzer02 on April 15, 2018, 09:48:55 AM
That's why we need to dig in with the research for the potential of specific coins, I regretted one thing and that is I did not meet cryptocurrency earlier, some people tend to listen to others choice and opinion although the technology is something new and those people don't have the initial knowledge and understanding of the specific technology like the Internet or some stock markets when they are starting, criticism jump to conclusion that they will fail and those are scams but hey where are those people now? they are attacking bitcoin for the same principles and reasonings yet they fail to acknowledge the innovation, the risk is also there but it will lessen if you are going to make a proper exploration and analysis.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: moshk555 on April 15, 2018, 11:27:45 PM
Better is to learn each and everything again and do proper trading and control you greed if you want to recover your loss because of most of the time people lose here because of greed.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Whosdaddy on April 16, 2018, 05:55:39 AM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

This would have been also my answert, but as it happens I can think also when I drink, no matter how much I drink. So I have to enjoy my crypto regret in all its glory.
Those who drink their way through what has happened to run away from the present moment always end up coming back to it. Even though it was just a joke by Moonisblue, the truth is that in real life, some people still do that. It is always better to ask yourself what you did wrong and work on that thing or improve yourself for next time.

Market generally brings a lot of opportunities even though the past is gone, but the future is still in play and if you do not learn from now, how can anyone manage the future?

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BarbusseH on April 16, 2018, 07:26:00 AM
The abbreviation FoMO, which means Fear of Missing Out - a state of anxiety about the inability to experience positive experience, accessible to others.

How to fight:
Consciously do not pay attention to the new opportunities that open up and create a subjective feeling that in reality there are not so many of them.
Convince yourself that others use no more opportunities than we do, but only create the appearance of this in social networks and in other ways. By the way, sometimes this assumption is not far from the truth.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Dudeperfect on April 16, 2018, 05:54:05 PM
I have gone through the same situation multiple times so I can understand your concern but we must understand the fact that we can not do anything about it now but there is always a room for growth and correcting mistakes so we can use that regret and lesson from that experience for our current as well as future trades and it will surely help us to do better in those trades. The only viable solution of coming out of that regret is replacing it with a high amount of satisfaction.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bitgolden on April 20, 2018, 06:38:10 AM
Stop regretting the decision you made that turns to negative specially here in this kind of market because you cannot control this and if you just keep on thinking that way then you'd better keep yourself away from this. Yes we make bad decisions but it doesn't mean you stop from there just keep on learning and what ever decision you made don't regret it.
Learn from it, we can make a better decision next time through this, having experiences is a must to grew, I'd been regretting selling potential coins before that's whynI just do holding in the mean time.

For me it's a vise versa, I regret for holding too much to the point the value gets lesser the more I hold and there's no way to sell so I'll just wait it until then. Yes, regretting will just make you more depress so accept it and move on. The more you regret it the more you'll get miserable. So sometimes, I uninstall my blockfolio so there's nothing can remind me my losses.
That is the point OP is trying to pass across. Stop regretting, but find ways you can make things better next time. Rather than just regretting for instance in your case, you can go learn how to trade effectively and see how you can take advantage of future opportunities to not just hold but increase your position from the fluctuations in the market. Shit happens, but we always just have to live with it and do things better next time.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Ctn on April 20, 2018, 08:18:54 AM
The first point of the OP is critical if you take the time to see the amount of money that you could have made if you invested in something else then you'll find the differences are incredible, it doesn't matter if you invested in stocks, bonds, gold, silver or even real estate there is nothing compared to the profits that you got with bitcoin without doing anything, even at this point with the price so low my profits are great, that is why I do not have any regrets.
if compared to gold, silver or real estate in cryptocurrency we can get bigger profit. but we must be smart to process cryptocurrency in the future and maybe now is a good time to get bigger profit.

Why does that even matter here, I mean I am referring to the guy who is talking about the gold and silver and shit like that. BTC is completely different thing and it works on the principle of blockchain and not the gold or silver. The crypto market is completely different thing, it has different agendas and also different work mechanism. So there growth will be independent as well.

For the OP I am sure you can get hold of it as you pass more time here and see how these things are really common to the crypto holders. If you just give it little more time then you will surpass everything here.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Tamilson on April 20, 2018, 09:13:50 AM
I'll just think that I'm not the only one here that suffer losses and it's all usual for every trader to experience this. Though that really frustrates me at first but eventually after experiencing such losses I become numb and quite know how the market works.
One time, I uninstall my blockfolio so I won't see how much did I actually loss and that will lessen my burden.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Weawant on April 20, 2018, 09:44:19 AM
Stop regretting the decision you made that turns to negative specially here in this kind of market because you cannot control this and if you just keep on thinking that way then you'd better keep yourself away from this. Yes we make bad decisions but it doesn't mean you stop from there just keep on learning and what ever decision you made don't regret it.
Learn from it, we can make a better decision next time through this, having experiences is a must to grew, I'd been regretting selling potential coins before that's whynI just do holding in the mean time.

For me it's a vise versa, I regret for holding too much to the point the value gets lesser the more I hold and there's no way to sell so I'll just wait it until then. Yes, regretting will just make you more depress so accept it and move on. The more you regret it the more you'll get miserable. So sometimes, I uninstall my blockfolio so there's nothing can remind me my losses.
That is the point OP is trying to pass across. Stop regretting, but find ways you can make things better next time. Rather than just regretting for instance in your case, you can go learn how to trade effectively and see how you can take advantage of future opportunities to not just hold but increase your position from the fluctuations in the market. Shit happens, but we always just have to live with it and do things better next time.

Provably right since we really don't know on what will happen on it so its better not to regret on our action made since there are always next time with this kind of thing and aslong as we didn't loss then we should still threat it as better opportunity and learning basis so that we may have a proper knowledge on how to act correctly with certain movements with our crypto trades.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Pasnik on April 20, 2018, 03:52:32 PM
Better is to learn each and everything again and do proper trading and control you greed if you want to recover your loss because of most of the time people lose here because of greed.
Greed is really the problem during trading that resulted into losing of our money. We always regret afterwards so when we had a mistakes during trading their is always room for improvement the next time m. Always calm, analyze the situation on how you can win this trading.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on April 20, 2018, 11:12:48 PM
The first point of the OP is critical if you take the time to see the amount of money that you could have made if you invested in something else then you'll find the differences are incredible, it doesn't matter if you invested in stocks, bonds, gold, silver or even real estate there is nothing compared to the profits that you got with bitcoin without doing anything, even at this point with the price so low my profits are great, that is why I do not have any regrets.
if compared to gold, silver or real estate in cryptocurrency we can get bigger profit. but we must be smart to process cryptocurrency in the future and maybe now is a good time to get bigger profit.

Why does that even matter here, I mean I am referring to the guy who is talking about the gold and silver and shit like that. BTC is completely different thing and it works on the principle of blockchain and not the gold or silver. The crypto market is completely different thing, it has different agendas and also different work mechanism. So there growth will be independent as well.

For the OP I am sure you can get hold of it as you pass more time here and see how these things are really common to the crypto holders. If you just give it little more time then you will surpass everything here.
If you mean me, the opener talks about comparing the gains of cryptocurrencies with the gains that you can get in stocks, I just went a little further and began to compare to other types of investments and when you see that it's very easy to see that cryptocurrencies are the best investment that you could make, that is why I do not regret investing in them.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: gabbie2010 on April 21, 2018, 03:37:45 AM
I don't have any cause to regret whatever actions I have taken as far as selling my cryptos is concerned whatever my instinct tells me to do when l feel like selling off I don't hesitate of course I have a firm belief that there are better opportunities ahead well this a personal opinion.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Kim Ji Won on April 21, 2018, 03:44:33 AM
I don't have any cause to regret whatever actions I have taken as far as selling my cryptos is concerned whatever my instinct tells me to do when l feel like selling off I don't hesitate of course I have a firm belief that there are better opportunities ahead well this a personal opinion.
I ought to disagree with you. It's hard to believe that you don't feel any regret on your crypto decisions, you should have felt it at some point and you just don't wanna admit it because of your pride maybe. It is inevitable to feel those emotions especially if something that could bring you fortune end up earning a dime because of wrong instincts. I too have my fair share of experiences so I can say.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Birdiebig on April 21, 2018, 04:00:57 AM
In my opinion, you should not be pessimistic about yourself because the decisions are not effective. Because no one can judge exactly what the future may be, even if they have the most experience. In the crypto market, every decision can bring success or regret in a very short moment. You should be optimistic for that. I myself regret that I did not have the patience to make a break when the profits were bigger. Practical business is like in life.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: cheezcarls on April 21, 2018, 04:37:17 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

I did regret two things. The first thing is that I never bought during the dip. While the bearish market commenced last January up to early April, I never considered the dip as an opportunity. It is something I should change for myself while I am learning about the different bear and bull cycles. Now I regretted it because the prices are now on the way up again.

The second thing that I regretted is that I was too dependent from the crowd during the bull run rather than deciding for myself. I remembered that one of my strongest holdings, Datum, was worth more than $1,400 in my portfolio, but I only cashed out $400 with $1,000 in losses. If I did not depend with the crowd, I could have made a nice amount of money like my

Anyways, I will wait until the market recovers again as good signs are coming now.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BLAST2MARS on April 23, 2018, 11:49:08 AM
I know that in the end I still made abundant gains but what makes me feel regret is when I remind myself of my goal. I'm an adult now and my life isn't that happy and I know that having a lot of money would change that.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: RenBct on April 23, 2018, 11:54:44 AM
That's life, it's completely normal and you should know what is a good investment which btc isn't that known and trusted in that days around 0.5 usd.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: 13abyknight on April 23, 2018, 12:24:28 PM

Be very decisive with your calls and make sure you don't look at the markets you missed out on during this period and focus on what is at hand. After all, it is not that hard to make the right calls in a surging/dipping market.
Also, remember to be ready to enjoy/suffer the consequences of your own action and do not take decision making lightly or hastily.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: dab000 on April 23, 2018, 01:01:47 PM
I just accept that it was my mistake. I try to learn from it and move on, and next time I would compensate that loss.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Ewox on April 23, 2018, 01:23:43 PM
Yes it is true, and people always get that feeling of regret especially if they have the money to supposedly budget for that certain coin and this greediness feeling always want to buy a coin at a very low price because the lower you get the greater profits you will receive once that coin increases. It is always also about being greedy when it comes to financial situations such as trading. I always regret if I had not buy a coin I was rooting for and the next time I checked it had already skyrocketed but I always brush off the feeling right away and move on.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: drudgecare4 on April 24, 2018, 01:06:08 AM
Just look at me. I don't regret for having not bought any btcs this year evenn I am happy that my predictions were right

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: myworkstrade on April 24, 2018, 03:43:22 AM
Just walk away pack your bags and ready to go to the nature. You need to reset your mindset and focus or do the purge what happen make sure you gonna learn something new about that. Fomo is really hard to forget but its a lesson or learnings that we must overcome to be a better trader someday. People feel this so many times especially when they study research hard to the coin that they want to hold for longterm then accidentally they sell it early because of some reason that they don't understand or something like a fake sell or fake downtrend then next day it went up and to the moon, and that feeling of so potato. So refocus good luck to you trading career.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Ninellechka on April 24, 2018, 04:39:06 AM
This market is very specific. You can't control amd predict everything. There'll always be missed opportunities, lost trades, denied profit. This is a part of crypto trading and you should treat it normally, should accept it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on April 24, 2018, 08:28:28 PM
I just accept that it was my mistake. I try to learn from it and move on, and next time I would compensate that loss.
Learning from your mistakes and moving on is a good thing, however to try to compensate for your losses it is not, you must treat each trade as an individual thing if you lose a trade you cannot try to make up with the next trade because if you do that you could try to enter in the market at the wrong time or you may try to hold for too long instead of concentrating on making the best trade possible.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: yesss on April 24, 2018, 10:59:27 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
I think you do not have too much regret in every transaction, you can see that the market is constantly changing and difficult to predict, so the failure of trading is very easy to understand. You still have a lot of opportunities to earn money in this market so there is no regret. Walls are so uptrend it is easy to trade successfully, or plan to invest and comply with it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: xclusiveguy on April 25, 2018, 03:02:49 AM
The best thing is to just try to move on

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Ulfatron on April 25, 2018, 07:08:39 AM
Some good advice here. The problem is that it is easier sad than done to distance one self from one´s feelings.
The best trader in the end is the one who can handle losses well. (Not me...)

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: djsugar on April 25, 2018, 07:27:22 AM
To be honest the regret can get really bad at times, especially in a market like this where everything is green and that too in a huge factor. My mood obviously goes off and I lose interest in every other worldly activity.

But since this has been happening for years now, I have become accustomed to it. The regret will eventually fade away when a coin that I am holding increases in its value. It is normal nature to feel bad over FOMO, but time definitely is the best healer.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: LuffyD.Monkey on April 25, 2018, 09:09:24 AM
That's life, it's completely normal and you should know what is a good investment which btc isn't that known and trusted in that days around 0.5 usd.
Bitcoin is the best investment so far. It is the only crypto currency rather the only asset on the face of earth which is capable of making mediocre millionaire in easiest and simplest way without keeping them wait for their whole lives. Due to the volatility of digital assets, it is difficult to handle them but if a novice just hold his coin and notices the market changes for some month, he won’t face any problem in handling any digital asset.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: oxygensignature0 on April 26, 2018, 04:46:00 AM
Better to regret once and learn lessons than not to regret once and keep regretting for the life time in this system

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BitcoinCommodor on April 26, 2018, 07:00:21 AM
This market is very specific. You can't control amd predict everything. There'll always be missed opportunities, lost trades, denied profit. This is a part of crypto trading and you should treat it normally, should accept it.
Even if it was some other business, it is not possible for any trader to not come across failure in his career. This is how a person gets the details of any market. Without screwing up, it is impossible to gain knowledge and experience. Patience also grows this way. Besides, crypto market is the most volatile one so tackling it is absolutely a difficult task to do but the most beneficial too.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Supercrypt on April 26, 2018, 06:31:14 PM
Yes it is true, and people always get that feeling of regret especially if they have the money to supposedly budget for that certain coin and this greediness feeling always want to buy a coin at a very low price because the lower you get the greater profits you will receive once that coin increases. It is always also about being greedy when it comes to financial situations such as trading. I always regret if I had not buy a coin I was rooting for and the next time I checked it had already skyrocketed but I always brush off the feeling right away and move on.
Rather than the feel of regret, is it not better to just accept their fate and learn from their mistakes ?
The reason why so many people do not learn is because they always feel they are right, regret and push blame on things that they could have easily averted and rather than pushing that blame on themselves to know where they went wrong, they would not. Regret will never help in anyway, and if it is all about regret, a lot of us would have actually had a huge share of it, but always learn from whatever has been done and move on.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: saberibm3 on April 28, 2018, 03:43:39 PM
Whatever you do the price, since its not stable cause you regretions. For example you see high dip when you bought some btcs and find they fall even deeper

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: boatswaincreditE on April 28, 2018, 10:01:45 PM
So kind of you to share your artifacts. I can link up some of my situations to your sufferings

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Distinctin on April 29, 2018, 04:37:17 AM
Better to regret once and learn lessons than not to regret once and keep regretting for the life time in this system
There is a big opportunity here in crypto so we have to be positive.
Accept our loses as part of the game, we need to correct our mistakes because we have chance to grow here, trading is not gambling
where no matter what we do we will lose in the end, be positive and always be smart to learn how to improve.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: MainIbem on April 29, 2018, 04:54:56 AM
Any time such regrets come up to me, I just kill it with the age old idiom "don't cry over spilled milk ".

There is actually nothing you can do. Rather I learn from the experience and try to use it to advantage if another opportunity comes my way.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Reid on April 29, 2018, 05:25:31 AM
Any time such regrets come up to me, I just kill it with the age old idiom "don't cry over spilled milk ".

There is actually nothing you can do. Rather I learn from the experience and try to use it to advantage if another opportunity comes my way.

Yes that is correct.
Just forget about it. Do not try to clean up the mess you have done or else you are going to create a lot more.

It is actually easy to forget it. Do not leave any residue of the token. Sell everything, I mean everything. So that you wont have to check it over and over again.
Regret will be there but somehow it will fade.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on April 29, 2018, 08:23:21 PM
Some good advice here. The problem is that it is easier sad than done to distance one self from one´s feelings.
The best trader in the end is the one who can handle losses well. (Not me...)
If you have experimented loss in your life then you will know that getting over it is never an easy thing, so you need to find ways to deal with that and the only thing to deal with it is to accept from the very beginning that trading and investing are activities that are very risky and that do not guarantee any profits, once you accept that overcoming your feelings when you lose becomes easier.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: naidray on April 30, 2018, 05:37:37 PM
To be honest the regret can get really bad at times, especially in a market like this where everything is green and that too in a huge factor. My mood obviously goes off and I lose interest in every other worldly activity.

But since this has been happening for years now, I have become accustomed to it. The regret will eventually fade away when a coin that I am holding increases in its value. It is normal nature to feel bad over FOMO, but time definitely is the best healer.
Time is the best healer but you are always your own best healer. The thing is rather than having feelings of regret, it is a market and you should always understand the volatility of every market which obviously no one can change at all. However, it is better to learn how to either make things better or rather look away when you know the future is always going to be bright anyway.

This is one thing I have always learned how to do and I have never had any issue doing at all. As long as you are ready to learn from any past mistake, the feeling of regret is the last thing you will ever have.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: tambok on April 30, 2018, 06:09:06 PM
To be honest the regret can get really bad at times, especially in a market like this where everything is green and that too in a huge factor. My mood obviously goes off and I lose interest in every other worldly activity.

But since this has been happening for years now, I have become accustomed to it. The regret will eventually fade away when a coin that I am holding increases in its value. It is normal nature to feel bad over FOMO, but time definitely is the best healer.
Time is the best healer but you are always your own best healer. The thing is rather than having feelings of regret, it is a market and you should always understand the volatility of every market which obviously no one can change at all. However, it is better to learn how to either make things better or rather look away when you know the future is always going to be bright anyway.

This is one thing I have always learned how to do and I have never had any issue doing at all. As long as you are ready to learn from any past mistake, the feeling of regret is the last thing you will ever have.
You are right, if we are going to be affected with our wrong decisions in trading or in crypto related then there is nothing we can do then, that is why we should learn how to handle those negative things that we had, learn to forget and learn from your mistakes and don't think of it all over again.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Oceat on April 30, 2018, 07:05:38 PM
To be honest the regret can get really bad at times, especially in a market like this where everything is green and that too in a huge factor. My mood obviously goes off and I lose interest in every other worldly activity.

But since this has been happening for years now, I have become accustomed to it. The regret will eventually fade away when a coin that I am holding increases in its value. It is normal nature to feel bad over FOMO, but time definitely is the best healer.
Time is the best healer but you are always your own best healer. The thing is rather than having feelings of regret, it is a market and you should always understand the volatility of every market which obviously no one can change at all. However, it is better to learn how to either make things better or rather look away when you know the future is always going to be bright anyway.

This is one thing I have always learned how to do and I have never had any issue doing at all. As long as you are ready to learn from any past mistake, the feeling of regret is the last thing you will ever have.
You are right, if we are going to be affected with our wrong decisions in trading or in crypto related then there is nothing we can do then, that is why we should learn how to handle those negative things that we had, learn to forget and learn from your mistakes and don't think of it all over again.
Everything will be coming back so you don't have to worry if you missed it out but instead proceed and moved on. Everyone is making a mistakes and what matters is that you learn from all of your mistake or else it will repeat once again if you don't learn from it. Nobody is perfect and we all made mistakes that's why we become wiser next time when we learn from it. Be grateful that you can still trade again while learning.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: MintCondition on April 30, 2018, 07:32:12 PM
To be honest the regret can get really bad at times, especially in a market like this where everything is green and that too in a huge factor. My mood obviously goes off and I lose interest in every other worldly activity.

But since this has been happening for years now, I have become accustomed to it. The regret will eventually fade away when a coin that I am holding increases in its value. It is normal nature to feel bad over FOMO, but time definitely is the best healer.
Time is the best healer but you are always your own best healer. The thing is rather than having feelings of regret, it is a market and you should always understand the volatility of every market which obviously no one can change at all. However, it is better to learn how to either make things better or rather look away when you know the future is always going to be bright anyway.

This is one thing I have always learned how to do and I have never had any issue doing at all. As long as you are ready to learn from any past mistake, the feeling of regret is the last thing you will ever have.
It will only be temporary since we will aim to improve by the time we make it, always aim to make trading better, things may not goes the way we wanted it to be but when did it on time and properly it will be fine then.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: FiveReelsTwo on April 30, 2018, 08:07:30 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
I just learn from my previous experience, "Never Panic' Patience is a virtue, there are still some pretty great things that require time to come and in order to get those things, Time is required, Being patient can do some real negative things to you, and your life.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ivankoh on April 30, 2018, 09:43:10 PM
Financial investment, you should identify the risk that can come to your property at any time and invest the same cryptocurrency. For failures in the crypto market I think the best way is to learn from each failure and continue to research to be able to start over with other projects, that's the way to get you to succeed in the next trade instead of grieving what has happened.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Rosa Paula on April 30, 2018, 10:09:35 PM
I think allot of this for me stems from a fear of lacking out on a as soon as in a life-time possibility. i'm apart of the much less than 1% of the arena crypto area. the amount of ability cash that may be made is unthinkable but i continuously reflect onconsideration on it and what i'm able to do to make it conceivable. I do not want to be that guy in 5 years who become aside of the crypto revolution but ended up with nothing. With a concept process like this i discover regret and doubt to be constantly plaguing my thoughts.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Hamphser on April 30, 2018, 10:37:04 PM
To be honest the regret can get really bad at times, especially in a market like this where everything is green and that too in a huge factor. My mood obviously goes off and I lose interest in every other worldly activity.

But since this has been happening for years now, I have become accustomed to it. The regret will eventually fade away when a coin that I am holding increases in its value. It is normal nature to feel bad over FOMO, but time definitely is the best healer.
Time is the best healer but you are always your own best healer. The thing is rather than having feelings of regret, it is a market and you should always understand the volatility of every market which obviously no one can change at all. However, it is better to learn how to either make things better or rather look away when you know the future is always going to be bright anyway.

This is one thing I have always learned how to do and I have never had any issue doing at all. As long as you are ready to learn from any past mistake, the feeling of regret is the last thing you will ever have.
It will only be temporary since we will aim to improve by the time we make it, always aim to make trading better, things may not goes the way we wanted it to be but when did it on time and properly it will be fine then.
If people do have this kind of mentality then we would really able to improve ourselves in no time.Accepting mistakes and do learn from it will really enhance our trading or investing skills.We should think up that mistakes is inevitable but we should really make it lesser as the time goes by for you to be profitable on any thing you do engage on.I experienced how many times on doing things which did really give me biggest regret ex. when i see a coin being pumped up and earning potentially thousands of dollars but yet i didnt sell out because i do believe it would pump even more and i had missed that chance to secure out and the dump caught me and leaving me regretting.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Finestream on April 30, 2018, 11:28:25 PM
Financial investment, you should identify the risk that can come to your property at any time and invest the same cryptocurrency. For failures in the crypto market I think the best way is to learn from each failure and continue to research to be able to start over with other projects, that's the way to get you to succeed in the next trade instead of grieving what has happened.
Right.Don't keep on dwelling on the past because it will lead you to a destruction.Move forward and focus on your goal.Those bad experiences you had will make you to be a better trader in the future.You will develop your own skills and talents and eventually,success will come easily for you.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ariyzt on May 01, 2018, 01:52:59 AM
just forget what u regret
and continue ur life
keep dreaming is what i do when i feel regret something that i decided before
and always keep in mind if crypto will give u another chance at the right time

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Julunguul on May 01, 2018, 02:22:25 AM
we are trading and make decision of buy and sell at the price we are making for, pick those decision and never look back.
regret will never turn your money to lambo, just be grateful for the profit on us, it was just our proportion.

make it as learning to ourself to be better when doing it. i know it was so hard to buy on the dip and sell on ATH

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Arwinkim on May 01, 2018, 03:39:30 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

Very well worded thread, mate! Love it! The real problem here is actually we can't handle our emotion when we get losses. We only want our trading profit works perfectly based on our calculation and mindset. My suggestion, just keep calm. Crypto is not something can die instantly as long as it still has a value. There is still demand for it if business that runs it still lives there make money for us.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Caladonian on May 01, 2018, 05:09:42 AM
In terms of regret we must face it, we won't be able to properly move forward if we always live with those regrets, we are still in young age of crypto
so a lots of possibilities that will happen, take that mistake to another level, challenge yourself and focus for your future goal, invest whenever you have
some extra earnings, learn to wait and always take a bunch of learning in order to know the timings.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: feelideb on May 01, 2018, 05:40:31 AM
I found the op perspective refreshing. In addition to all that has been said, I leave by the maxim that says ant profit is a profit, it doesn't matter how small it is if you are in profit , you have gain something and you should be happy and proud of your accomplishment.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bitcoin.beda on May 01, 2018, 06:08:00 AM
Every trader experience all of that, you cannot perfectly execute or maximize all of the trades, as no one predicts the future, do not be to sad as you lose focus on your next trade. Always be happy on the profits we earned and move on the next trade. Just be focused and always use your mind, not your emotions in making trades.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: traderethereum on May 01, 2018, 06:25:40 AM
then we don't have to feel regret because of our decision because at least when we make a decision, we think first how it will give an impact to us, what will happen later. so if we are made a decision and somehow it does not work as we want, then we don't have too long to feel regret. it's fine to feel regret but if we cannot stand up again then we are going to waste our time to feel regret without trying to solve the problem. just accept that we are a loss, we are making a mistake and then keep continue what you did before and try to analyze everything you did before and try to make another plan and make sure that you follow every step in your plan.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: jlong187 on May 01, 2018, 06:40:42 AM
When I have just started crypto I from beginning have prepared myself to that feeling, lol. If you are ready to that, you wont regret a lot.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: el kaka22 on May 01, 2018, 03:58:06 PM
I just accept that it was my mistake. I try to learn from it and move on, and next time I would compensate that loss.
That is always the best way to handle anything as that would make you better than you did it before. Mistakes are always bound to happen and there is absolutely no one who is above it, but to learn from such mistakes is what would make you more experienced at making certain decisions next time.

Regrets they say are for losers and what is the point regretting when you cannot change the hands of time or what has been done ? As long as you pick up from where you left and learn how to go about it better, you will end up fine.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Kupid002 on May 01, 2018, 04:44:08 PM
I found the op perspective refreshing. In addition to all that has been said, I leave by the maxim that says ant profit is a profit, it doesn't matter how small it is if you are in profit , you have gain something and you should be happy and proud of your accomplishment.
This is where you excel for when you are contented to be happy on what you have gain for and be proud just make sure you do some improvement for this to be.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: farwellbit on May 02, 2018, 09:40:31 AM
Any time such regrets come up to me, I just kill it with the age old idiom "don't cry over spilled milk ".

There is actually nothing you can do. Rather I learn from the experience and try to use it to advantage if another opportunity comes my way.
That’s nice. Definitely, soothing oneself during hard times is not that many of us can do. It needs some determination and strong willpower and this should be the way to live a life. Obviously, it is not possible for time to remain the same. A flowing river is full of changes. Besides, dwelling into the past means losing more time means losing opportunity for building future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: riderinred on May 02, 2018, 12:45:57 PM
I found the op perspective refreshing. In addition to all that has been said, I leave by the maxim that says ant profit is a profit, it doesn't matter how small it is if you are in profit , you have gain something and you should be happy and proud of your accomplishment.
This is where you excel for when you are contented to be happy on what you have gain for and be proud just make sure you do some improvement for this to be.

That's exactly the reason why I have started to make trades for about 5% where before I had consider them "not enough".
5% gained are 5% gained that won't be taken from me.
If there is more profit to make I will make it and unti that time has come I continue to make small profits.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Jaycee99 on May 02, 2018, 01:29:46 PM
For all your experienced regrets I would say your fill it with good positive out come by having the right bleed on how earn more and get back form you regret by making the right decision in the future which we should know TO MEKE IT POSITIVE.

I would like to say it that is it and summarize it, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES let go of the negative past make a future, your future positive and none regretful.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: 00DKM@ on May 02, 2018, 02:41:33 PM
Do not worry. I think we all have at least regretted our decisions. I sold my coin at x2 but in 24h the price was x4. But I think take advantage of the time that it will never be wasted. by being more persistent or assertive. We can overcome the mental limitations to improve those mistakes.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: jovs on May 02, 2018, 03:58:41 PM
Takes time , I had it on my mind for days. Thinking those coins I sold at the wrong time, but the other side of me; telling me you really can't tell what will happen to the market , You gained that's enough. move on to other coin and hodl! I learned to hodl now and not panic. Regrets really happen when you missed a rally or missed the chance to ell at high but nah! I keep telling myself I can't predict all the things and be contented with your gains and accept your loses.
Past could serves as our guide on taking our decision for the future so we should always learn from our mistake so we could have a better decision in the future. Opportunities and chances are always within the system of bitcoin it would just depends on us what future we will take if we going to used bitcoin as a form of investment or take it a part of transactions on currency with a right decision making.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Jpja on May 02, 2018, 04:19:16 PM
I'm sure any regrets are pointless. We must act here and now. The best way to avoid regrets is to invest a certain amount in the crypto market on a monthly basis regardless of the bitcoin price.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Anandhi on May 02, 2018, 04:27:33 PM
Don't let our regret to occupy our mind for any longer. Bad decisions could occur several times during our trip in crypto world. Move on with the new investment and learn from our previous mistakes may help us to get the better feeling.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: octagonsaute on May 02, 2018, 10:01:51 PM
We cant just do anything about it. We need to face regrets and act accordingly. We need to remedied our strategies

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: gurang on May 02, 2018, 11:20:15 PM
One of those I love.
It is really the contentment than will make you lose all those regrets.
Greed will make you fall. Most of the people have this kind of problem.
They want some more and what happens after a problem happens.
Most of the people have this kind of problem or attitude, they want to continue until they realize that all they do is wrong so they feel regret

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Nhor1011 on May 02, 2018, 11:29:10 PM
    You can't overcome regrets if you don't want to do something and always jump into conclusion which your mind say. Try to do searching and learning because i believe it will help you to understand many things and if you understand already,your regret will vanished away and turned it into positive thinking without regrets.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: SkvorNyc777 on May 02, 2018, 11:35:54 PM
Just like any other regret in your life - analyze it, learn your mistakes and let it fly away. There's no need to live in the past.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: kaya11 on May 02, 2018, 11:40:31 PM
One of those I love.
It is really the contentment than will make you lose all those regrets.
Greed will make you fall. Most of the people have this kind of problem.
They want some more and what happens after a problem happens.

There is a greediness in everyone of us, that's why we can't avoid certain suffering and loses, it is our own doing why we regret our past decisions, we can't blame our selves we don't know what lies in our future and all we can do is accept the truth that we make mistakes in whatever we do in our lives.

Just don't look at the stats. Continue your life as before. That makes it easier.

If you wish, as for me I couldn't skip even a single day looking at my phone and laptop. It drives me crazy and gives me the hype to buy more or sell my assets.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: royale143 on May 02, 2018, 11:52:00 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

Well, good read and points mate. However, just to simplify, I think the most important learning you can get from losses is not to be regretful but to make sure that it won't happen again. I mean, if you lost only to lose again from the same manner or reason would be considered shameful, most especially on your part as a trader or investor. Losses, in this market, may come at any time, there are even times when you still lose despite preparing enough for a deal; however, it's always better that despite losing you know you did your best to prepare, making the loss easier to bounce back from.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: darewaller on May 03, 2018, 09:14:51 AM
The best thing is to just try to move on
Yeah, moving on is always the best way to just clear your mind from some of the things that happened already. Feelings of regret always come from the aspect where we wish we could have done things better and since that is the case, we should always try to do it better next time as there could actually be another opportunity and the worst part is to ever make the same mistakes twice.

Therefore it is ideal to always try as much as possible to learn from the first one and make the next one better. Handling cryptos is easier for those who are having sufficient knowledge about various cryptocurrencies. But we must agree everyone here starts as a newbie, so learning must be a part of handling cryptos.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: DPrillio on May 03, 2018, 09:26:39 AM
One of those I love.
It is really the contentment than will make you lose all those regrets.
Greed will make you fall. Most of the people have this kind of problem.
They want some more and what happens after a problem happens.

There is a greediness in everyone of us, that's why we can't avoid certain suffering and loses, it is our own doing why we regret our past decisions, we can't blame our selves we don't know what lies in our future and all we can do is accept the truth that we make mistakes in whatever we do in our lives.

Just don't look at the stats. Continue your life as before. That makes it easier.

If you wish, as for me I couldn't skip even a single day looking at my phone and laptop. It drives me crazy and gives me the hype to buy more or sell my assets.
Crypto regrets is a normal feeling if we are in crypto world since we have no control or even don't know the right time of rising and falling of a particular coin value that we have hold, like me I can always feel after I sold my token at low price and suddenly after few months its value was ticking high but thinking that I need money and that money saves my day then all my regrets will gone away.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: julzcoinbit on May 03, 2018, 10:11:17 AM
One of those I love.
It is really the contentment than will make you lose all those regrets.
Greed will make you fall. Most of the people have this kind of problem.
They want some more and what happens after a problem happens.

There is a greediness in everyone of us, that's why we can't avoid certain suffering and loses, it is our own doing why we regret our past decisions, we can't blame our selves we don't know what lies in our future and all we can do is accept the truth that we make mistakes in whatever we do in our lives.

Just don't look at the stats. Continue your life as before. That makes it easier.

If you wish, as for me I couldn't skip even a single day looking at my phone and laptop. It drives me crazy and gives me the hype to buy more or sell my assets.
Crypto regrets is a normal feeling if we are in crypto world since we have no control or even don't know the right time of rising and falling of a particular coin value that we have hold, like me I can always feel after I sold my token at low price and suddenly after few months its value was ticking high but thinking that I need money and that money saves my day then all my regrets will gone away.
Yes, I agree it was normal  when you're in the crypto world because as what you said we can't predict whatever coins It Is, If when its going to fall or even high in value. That's why crypto curreny has take some risk and this make us challenge in every investment  we take in crypto.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: callingbubblyH on May 03, 2018, 03:51:44 PM
Forget the past and keep faith on btcs. play well and you are bound to get profit

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: blitz18 on May 03, 2018, 04:03:52 PM
Forget the past and keep faith on btcs. play well and you are bound to get profit
Past could leads you to be success when you are being patient. That is patient holding coins for the bright future. So always think and decides before to handle crypto.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: umbara ardian on May 03, 2018, 04:22:13 PM
better experience it all you can make a lesson so that in the future you can to fix the regret you have experienced, as good as possible you should be able to try to get a lot of profit and not too quick to sell coin when the price is cheap.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: kloinko1n on May 03, 2018, 04:36:40 PM
It's everyday life of a crypto-currency trader. Everyone felt all these feelings in their practice

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: isidrorex on May 03, 2018, 05:16:08 PM
In my own experience, I had my cryptocurrency regret when I started in crypto trading where I made a mistake in opening an entry in LiteCoin because my Technical Analysis was wrong. I loss my money because I didn't have a profit because I thought it will become Bullish but the graph became Bearish. Every mistake is an opportunity for us to learn something and that was my first crypto regret. Good luck Traders!

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: poplolnman on May 03, 2018, 05:31:55 PM
The best thing is to just try to move on
Yeah, moving on is always the best way to just clear your mind from some of the things that happened already. Feelings of regret always come from the aspect where we wish we could have done things better and since that is the case, we should always try to do it better next time as there could actually be another opportunity and the worst part is to ever make the same mistakes twice.

Therefore it is ideal to always try as much as possible to learn from the first one and make the next one better. Handling cryptos is easier for those who are having sufficient knowledge about various cryptocurrencies. But we must agree everyone here starts as a newbie, so learning must be a part of handling cryptos.
There always another chance in front of you , don't let that feeling keep drag you down.
Things won't run same as previously but you can get some lesson to get better , in crypto there's a future financial staked , you can use it as your motivation to do anything involve crypto development no matter it's just investment or even more technical stuff . In the end you'll get things that you'll never imagined before.
Believe me an idealist thought could leading into beautiful unexpected things. Regret would only burn you down.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: clex_us on May 03, 2018, 07:24:23 PM
All of us need time in order to cope for our losses, especially when we're talking about large amounts of investments wasted due to negligence or being irresponsible. You may be right that everyone of us needs to move on but let time do the work in order for us to move-on completely.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Findingnemo on May 03, 2018, 07:39:40 PM
In my own experience, I had my cryptocurrency regret when I started in crypto trading where I made a mistake in opening an entry in LiteCoin because my Technical Analysis was wrong. I loss my money because I didn't have a profit because I thought it will become Bullish but the graph became Bearish. Every mistake is an opportunity for us to learn something and that was my first crypto regret. Good luck Traders!

Yes sometimes something will happen so we need patience and some more experience but all of us have both success and losses are common we need to face them with more easily and move on from that.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Mahanton on May 03, 2018, 08:16:39 PM
All of us need time in order to cope for our losses, especially when we're talking about large amounts of investments wasted due to negligence or being irresponsible. You may be right that everyone of us needs to move on but let time do the work in order for us to move-on completely.

Recovery or moving on wont really be an easy thing specially when we do experience it on first time where mistakes do really affect us bigtime and moving on directly isnt really possible which same as you said it does really needs time for us to heal up because into those times we are learning and realizing it too why we do commit such mistake and further on you would gain experience along the way.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Blessed J on May 03, 2018, 11:13:25 PM
Regrets are very common in this Cryptoworld. There are many times that you sell a coin and it starts increasing and sometimes you hold a coin and it starts to decrease. However, you must try and move on as there are many more profitsharing you can still make. The times that we use to worry can be used to make many more profits.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: richkellj on May 04, 2018, 11:56:58 AM
we are trading and make decision of buy and sell at the price we are making for, pick those decision and never look back.
regret will never turn your money to lambo, just be grateful for the profit on us, it was just our proportion.

make it as learning to ourself to be better when doing it. i know it was so hard to buy on the dip and sell on ATH
While being there in the world of the crypto currencies, you will come across so many things which may result in loss of money and that because of them, you may feel regret and that you think of quitting doing all that. However, the only thing which you need to keep in your mind is that you need to learn from all the mistakes which you have made in the past and that you need not to lose hope.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ohkkstaaahp on May 04, 2018, 01:28:28 PM
I have also met you, I was wrong to sell pennies for cheap. and at present prices have risen very high. I regret and I try to forget them but still not. I did not look at them anymore, and now I'm used to it. Do not worry about that coin and expect the future to get more potential coins.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: dsaijz03 on May 04, 2018, 02:11:19 PM
Always think that you cannot read everyones mind so you cannot predict what will happen to the cryptos prices to everyone can experience regrets so best thing to do is to accept then after move on and try new crypto or wait until it dump.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: btc78 on May 04, 2018, 03:29:39 PM
Damn such a long story,i wonder how people now got crazy just to gain few merits,that even if it took them to make story telling lol..

It seems like youre the only member here that has this huge regressions 😂😂😂

The only regrey I have in crypto since I learned this community?is "why is it I didn't  believe this the first time i have been told"

Thats my only regrets and nothing at all

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: OPEXDECAPEX on May 04, 2018, 04:45:42 PM
we all go through the same issues in timing the market. The only thing learnt over the last year or so are (1) cash is a position in trading cryptos (2) cash flow management is important. (3) do not get suck into ICO rounds in this current climate, the good projects tend to trade better after the heavy sell off when they hit the exchanges

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: budz0425 on May 04, 2018, 07:08:04 PM
It is okay to regret for some time just make sure not to regret all the time, because if you are regretting most of the time then this means that although you are seeing a good opportunity still you are not doing some things for you to earn and it is not good as a trader/investor.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Kambal2000 on May 04, 2018, 07:46:49 PM
Damn such a long story,i wonder how people now got crazy just to gain few merits,that even if it took them to make story telling lol..

It seems like youre the only member here that has this huge regressions 😂😂😂

The only regrey I have in crypto since I learned this community?is "why is it I didn't  believe this the first time i have been told"

Thats my only regrets and nothing at all
A lot of people are regretting actually right now since they don't value what they do have and just take this forum for granted until the merit system has come, anyway there is always a room for improvement, it is  not yet the end of everything so I don't think that we should regret things.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: arpon11 on May 04, 2018, 08:05:02 PM
That is the beauty of this market. We are going to make mistakes and it is through our mistakes that other traders actually make profits.  The market create this loop hole in other for us to know that it has it own mind and it always decide were it will go  buy itself and if you go against it directions you lose.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: FreeFerret on May 04, 2018, 08:26:12 PM
Ah regret.... always regret.
You try to learn from your mistakes and move on... Perhaps you can take solice in the fact that a lot us have made mistakes but as long as the mistake was not fatal we can always move on.
But yeah regret sucks.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Ailmand on May 04, 2018, 08:50:36 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

Well, I think the best thing to do is to accept that this may happen, especially in this market where there are so many alleys to lose your investment. It's not an easy thing to invest in this market surely. Therefore, as an investor, you should have an open eye for seeing these alleys and to avoid them to not experience losses. Also, you should have a "short memory" so that you won't have to dwell on this bad stuff.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: crazycatwoman03 on May 04, 2018, 10:44:09 PM
Damn such a long story,i wonder how people now got crazy just to gain few merits,that even if it took them to make story telling lol..

It seems like youre the only member here that has this huge regressions 😂😂😂

The only regrey I have in crypto since I learned this community?is "why is it I didn't  believe this the first time i have been told"

Thats my only regrets and nothing at all
A lot of people are regretting actually right now since they don't value what they do have and just take this forum for granted until the merit system has come, anyway there is always a room for improvement, it is  not yet the end of everything so I don't think that we should regret things.
Yeah, many people are having a hard time dealing with the merit system since it is very hard to get a merit unlike when the requirement for getting your rank high is the Activity. I am also against it when it was first implemented but after seeing some forum threads where there are lot of new members who seems like just getting their ranks high, I realized that the implementation of the merit system will be very beneficial to make the forum healthier.

Aside from the regret of taking granted of the forum, other members are also regretting how they didn't believe at cryptos the first time they heard it. It is understandable because it is our human nature not to believe easily but realizing that you have let go of a good opportunity before is really saddening. Anyways, it is not too late for these people can still join us here in crypto earning.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on May 04, 2018, 11:35:18 PM
I found the op perspective refreshing. In addition to all that has been said, I leave by the maxim that says ant profit is a profit, it doesn't matter how small it is if you are in profit , you have gain something and you should be happy and proud of your accomplishment.
This is where you excel for when you are contented to be happy on what you have gain for and be proud just make sure you do some improvement for this to be.

That's exactly the reason why I have started to make trades for about 5% where before I had consider them "not enough".
5% gained are 5% gained that won't be taken from me.
If there is more profit to make I will make it and unti that time has come I continue to make small profits.
That is a lot more healthy, there are many traders that are always looking to make a big trade in which they double or triple their money and while that is possible we need to be honest with ourselves, how many times that is going to happen? You will need a very bullish market and when that happens you do not need a lot of skill you just need to buy and let the market to do its thing, so it is better to aim low, not only it is better it is also easier, because there are many more opportunities to make 5% with a trade than to make 100% with a trade.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Kidmat on May 04, 2018, 11:46:41 PM
It is okay to regret for some time just make sure not to regret all the time, because if you are regretting most of the time then this means that although you are seeing a good opportunity still you are not doing some things for you to earn and it is not good as a trader/investor.
Yes regretting all the times when trading may resulted of not good output. In trading their is mistakes always happen and that mistake a lesson for you to corrected it. Move on is the best move and make it right into the next steps for you to be successful during trading.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: robotrobert on May 05, 2018, 07:50:18 AM
When I have just started crypto I from beginning have prepared myself to that feeling, lol. If you are ready to that, you wont regret a lot.
That was very smart. At most it would hurt a bit but the person won’t give up and neither lose his confidence in this market. Besides, if a little care is shown and some research is done beforehand, it is not very likely that a person will lose a lot of money. But the best is to keep oneself mentally prepare for the worst and try to work out methods when the fear becomes true.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BaraxLo on May 05, 2018, 11:00:05 AM
I found the op perspective refreshing. In addition to all that has been said, I leave by the maxim that says ant profit is a profit, it doesn't matter how small it is if you are in profit , you have gain something and you should be happy and proud of your accomplishment.
Satisfaction is an enormous fundamental of a success story. All those who have been successes in their lives, they are now rich people in the world, all those have been satisfied with what they had obtained. In start, definitely little happiness can be there when you win a little. But mostly people want big profits even in the start of their career and aren’t happy from little earnings.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: traderethereum on May 06, 2018, 06:53:13 AM
regret will not help us to get out from the bad situations and only makes us become sad in everyday. we need to change the situations and say to yourself that we can do more to fix our lose before and we can always makes a profit. without doing this, we are only getting sad without any chance to get up for tomorrow. there are no one that could help us except yourself and we need to try over and over no matter it is hard.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: laurenB7742 on May 06, 2018, 08:21:53 AM
People regret today for not buying BTC when it was 100 dollars. I regret of not buying BTC last year when it was 1000 USD and if things continued that way I bet people in coming years will regret of not buying BTC when it was 10,000 USD. We should look forward rather than regretting what we haven't done, as life is full of opportunities.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: KenChanYu on May 06, 2018, 09:10:30 AM
regret will not help us to get out from the bad situations and only makes us become sad in everyday. we need to change the situations and say to yourself that we can do more to fix our lose before and we can always makes a profit. without doing this, we are only getting sad without any chance to get up for tomorrow. there are no one that could help us except yourself and we need to try over and over no matter it is hard.
We all feel regret because we sometimes fail to do things the way we wanted it to be. It's a miserable place to live in, don't get trapped with it because the more it's not going to give you a peace of mind. Learn a lesson from it, take action, and forgive yourself. Give up on your frustrations and regrets but not on your dreams.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Casdinyard on May 06, 2018, 09:59:59 AM
People regret today for not buying BTC when it was 100 dollars. I regret of not buying BTC last year when it was 1000 USD and if things continued that way I bet people in coming years will regret of not buying BTC when it was 10,000 USD. We should look forward rather than regretting what we haven't done, as life is full of opportunities.

The fact that before nobody had an idea that bitcoin will be a hit in the future so they didn't believe to it but now that we already saw what bitcoin can do so there's nothing to doubt and no reason not to buy bitcoin. Like don't miss this opportunity as we all have the chance now not to be regretful in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Dobmader on May 06, 2018, 08:53:08 PM
People regret today for not buying BTC when it was 100 dollars. I regret of not buying BTC last year when it was 1000 USD and if things continued that way I bet people in coming years will regret of not buying BTC when it was 10,000 USD. We should look forward rather than regretting what we haven't done, as life is full of opportunities.
If you are there in the world of the crypto currencies, then you will have so many regrets because of the mistakes which you made due to lack of knowledge and awareness regarding the things and that it is not a surprising thing. If you have certain regrets in your life, then you need to learn from the mistakes and that you need to look for the ways which can help you in doing the things in a better way with least chance of making any mistake.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Koadharber on May 06, 2018, 09:19:27 PM
People regret today for not buying BTC when it was 100 dollars. I regret of not buying BTC last year when it was 1000 USD and if things continued that way I bet people in coming years will regret of not buying BTC when it was 10,000 USD. We should look forward rather than regretting what we haven't done, as life is full of opportunities.

The fact that before nobody had an idea that bitcoin will be a hit in the future so they didn't believe to it but now that we already saw what bitcoin can do so there's nothing to doubt and no reason not to buy bitcoin. Like don't miss this opportunity as we all have the chance now not to be regretful in the future.
For those who risk and believe when bitcoin when it was just starting then they do really being paid up on what they do hope for and they do deserve it.We do need to take a risk for us on possible to make some profits in the future but not on all cases. Crypto regrets can really be so depressing specially into this very volatile market.If you cant handle this stuff then you will die to early. :) Just do your part and do learn up things along the way.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: SalmanMJ9 on May 06, 2018, 09:59:57 PM
It took me ages to learn how to handle regrets on my decisions. In January I cashed out my initial investment + enough profit to enjoy 2018, now as I am only trading with my profit, I realized I don't regret it as much (maybe because I don't have that pressure of the possibility to lose my initial investment). I start looking at trading the other way around, if I am in profit I'll call it a good day and just enjoy what I got, as I am aware I'll never buy at the lowest and sell ATH and pretty sure no one will.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: felixesteban on May 06, 2018, 10:24:48 PM
There's a famous phrase that bitcoin is the biggest regret. That's right, whatever we do, there's no escape. That's why we have to make our own decisions and take the consequences. I hope everyone gets what they expect.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: oseikuf44 on May 06, 2018, 10:38:16 PM
Never let these emotions enter into your life as a trader. We are bound to make mistakes, so just take every decision you make with regard to your trading as experience. If you regret of your actions such as selling too early or buying more of coins that is worthless, you won't be able to move forward. The best way to handle crypto regret is to focus on the current coins available for you and forget those that are past or sold or couldn't buy.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: billbear on May 07, 2018, 04:13:51 AM
I would just try to remember that I loose a thousand opportunities everyday, and so this is okay. I cannot handle all of them.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: nightways on May 07, 2018, 07:24:49 AM
I have also met you, I was wrong to sell pennies for cheap. and at present prices have risen very high. I regret and I try to forget them but still not. I did not look at them anymore, and now I'm used to it. Do not worry about that coin and expect the future to get more potential coins.
That is pretty fine. As a human, it is not possible to not make mistakes. Like it is said, to err is human. Failing is allowed but making no attempts at all is never tolerated.Besides, digital market has a very fluctuating nature and not everyone can be cool like cucumber ad withstand all sort of declines.As far as you are learning from your blunders and not giving up on your asset, your journey continues.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: davinchi on May 07, 2018, 07:57:09 AM
For all your experienced regrets I would say your fill it with good positive out come by having the right bleed on how earn more and get back form you regret by making the right decision in the future which we should know TO MEKE IT POSITIVE.

I would like to say it that is it and summarize it, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES let go of the negative past make a future, your future positive and none regretful.
Things once done can never be changed and that you need to think very well before making any final decision so that you can stay away from any kind of loss or any such thing about which you feel regret in your future life. The best thing to do is that you need to work on improving your knowledge as well as skillset and that you then you need to make the best possible way of doing the things which can result in your favor.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: patrickj on May 08, 2018, 03:09:24 AM
I would just try to remember that I loose a thousand opportunities everyday, and so this is okay. I cannot handle all of them.
It's okay for me to not regret about selling my spare tokens because I'm sure I spend it to good things like buying my needs in daily basis and support my parents in our financial situation. But for now I'm trying to hold some tokens as much as I can because tokens that I hodl have the potential to grow after months or years of it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: traderethereum on May 08, 2018, 09:59:24 AM
regret will not help us to get out from the bad situations and only makes us become sad in everyday. we need to change the situations and say to yourself that we can do more to fix our lose before and we can always makes a profit. without doing this, we are only getting sad without any chance to get up for tomorrow. there are no one that could help us except yourself and we need to try over and over no matter it is hard.
We all feel regret because we sometimes fail to do things the way we wanted it to be. It's a miserable place to live in, don't get trapped with it because the more it's not going to give you a peace of mind. Learn a lesson from it, take action, and forgive yourself. Give up on your frustrations and regrets but not on your dreams.

yeah, the hardest part is when we want to forgive yourself and accepting the loss of money in the market. maybe it will make us frustrations for the first time but I am sure that if we keep trying to do this, we can accept our mistake and trying to avoid the same mistake. regret will always come to us in any aspect especially in trading but the problem is how we can avoid regretting for a long time so we can start to rise back again in trading and we can also take the profit again.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: gabmen on May 08, 2018, 11:18:40 AM
Just don't look at the stats. Continue your life as before. That makes it easier.
For you do not feel repentant, before you do it you need to think about it before you do it for when it comes down to its downfall you will not regret it

Well it will always come. There will be times when you'll miss a very good opportunity either to buy or to sell. Best thing to do would probably be to get away from all of it for a while to compose yourself. You won't be making good decisions when regret is still heavy on you that's for sure. Give it a little time to fade

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Hamphser on May 08, 2018, 11:24:06 AM
regret will not help us to get out from the bad situations and only makes us become sad in everyday. we need to change the situations and say to yourself that we can do more to fix our lose before and we can always makes a profit. without doing this, we are only getting sad without any chance to get up for tomorrow. there are no one that could help us except yourself and we need to try over and over no matter it is hard.
We all feel regret because we sometimes fail to do things the way we wanted it to be. It's a miserable place to live in, don't get trapped with it because the more it's not going to give you a peace of mind. Learn a lesson from it, take action, and forgive yourself. Give up on your frustrations and regrets but not on your dreams.

yeah, the hardest part is when we want to forgive yourself and accepting the loss of money in the market. maybe it will make us frustrations for the first time but I am sure that if we keep trying to do this, we can accept our mistake and trying to avoid the same mistake. regret will always come to us in any aspect especially in trading but the problem is how we can avoid regretting for a long time so we can start to rise back again in trading and we can also take the profit again.
Moving on would really vary on how sensible you are and on how you would accept mistakes that you had done.There are some people who dont easily forget on what they experienced and they do bring it for a long period of time which would result on affecting their future trades in this case it would be a more loss since you cant still able to move on. Easy to advise or say but would really be hard to get out when you are on the situation.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BartS on May 08, 2018, 02:28:26 PM
There is no use in regret, don't feel sorry for the opportunities you have lost.
You can't know what it would be if you have made the different decision so don't think about it anymore. Move on and think what could be done in the future and how could you avoid mistakes in the future. Don't live in the past, there is no use of it.
This is correct, there is nothing we can do to change what we did or what we did not did, so there is no point in focusing and to keep thinking about it, what you must do is to concentrate in what is in front of you so you do not experience those feelings again, there is nothing worse than to lose an opportunity that you have in front of you just because you were focusing on the opportunity that you lost in the past, so concentrate in the now and in the future because those are things that you can change unlike the past.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: naidray on May 08, 2018, 06:09:30 PM
If you do your things the right way you won’t end up with regretting what you have done. Sometimes when I’m buying and selling I do set a target price to sell, and if I do sell at that price and it happens that price starts going up, I won’t regret, because I sold at a targeted price. But if you happen to make mistake, cause mistakes do happen, what you have to do is continue to hold your investment till the price starts going up again, or maybe sell at loss. But I don’t easily make mistakes, cause I don’t investments as a joke. When I invest I monitor the price seriously.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: binghope on May 09, 2018, 04:12:55 AM
There's a famous phrase that bitcoin is the biggest regret. That's right, whatever we do, there's no escape. That's why we have to make our own decisions and take the consequences. I hope everyone gets what they expect.
due to greed, high expectations but not dare to risk. So regretted him, but never regretted the past. We can not predict exactly the future market trend, please moderate yourself. Do not over-expect them to regret it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: knightmairesaint on May 09, 2018, 06:47:03 AM
There is no use in regret, don't feel sorry for the opportunities you have lost.
You can't know what it would be if you have made the different decision so don't think about it anymore. Move on and think what could be done in the future and how could you avoid mistakes in the future. Don't live in the past, there is no use of it.
This is correct, there is nothing we can do to change what we did or what we did not did, so there is no point in focusing and to keep thinking about it, what you must do is to concentrate in what is in front of you so you do not experience those feelings again, there is nothing worse than to lose an opportunity that you have in front of you just because you were focusing on the opportunity that you lost in the past, so concentrate in the now and in the future because those are things that you can change unlike the past.
Right, we all make mistakes and it clearly tells that we are definitely trying to achieve something, we just can't control how things are going to end. When we make mistakes or if we fail on something, we should not dwell on it so much and just like what other people have said, we should move on and think how we are going to solve it because problems won't just go away by itself. Always be positive about things and keep in mind that mistakes will teach you something and will help you to become a better person, in trading, mistakes will help you become a better trader.

Cryptos are playful when it comes to prices, changes and trends, instead of stressing yourself because of this, why  not just enjoy and learn from it by accepting and understanding the concept of volatility.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: traderethereum on May 09, 2018, 06:49:45 AM
There's a famous phrase that bitcoin is the biggest regret. That's right, whatever we do, there's no escape. That's why we have to make our own decisions and take the consequences. I hope everyone gets what they expect.
due to greed, high expectations but not dare to risk. So regretted him, but never regretted the past. We can not predict exactly the future market trend, please moderate yourself. Do not over-expect them to regret it.

greedy is the one thing that we need to prevent in any field and not just in the crypto only because once we are being greedy then we don't know how much money that is enough for us. we still want to chase more money without doing analyze and we are risking our money to expect to get a big money. we need to avoid this if we want to be safe in the crypto because we can use our patient to control this so we can prevent from getting lost.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BlueStackz on May 09, 2018, 07:34:44 AM
I would just try to remember that I loose a thousand opportunities everyday, and so this is okay. I cannot handle all of them.
Well in this case I think being thankful to what you have got is best thing. You can’t just deny the supreme power of god who had written best in your regard. So you have to put hundred and one percent in the field and leave rest over god. He will be taking care of your effort and bless you with enormous results that would be suitable for us as per situation and our betterment.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on May 09, 2018, 10:35:18 PM
People regret today for not buying BTC when it was 100 dollars. I regret of not buying BTC last year when it was 1000 USD and if things continued that way I bet people in coming years will regret of not buying BTC when it was 10,000 USD. We should look forward rather than regretting what we haven't done, as life is full of opportunities.
Exactly everyone regrets the chances that they miss out due to their own mistakes, for example I cannot regret not buying bitcoin at one dollar because at that point I didn't even knew that bitcoin existed, but like many here I regret not getting into the market sooner, the first time that I heard about bitcoin it was trading at a price close to 250 and I will always wonder what would have happen if I actually took the opportunity to buy bitcoin at that cheap price.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: dewi91 on May 10, 2018, 02:38:00 AM
don't be too focus on the mistake that you are Made but you should focus how to Made that mistake as a lesson. Made a mistake is normal because we are human. If you feel regret about it, you should be able to improve your skill and knowledge, so you can avoid to make the same mistake.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: wuvdoll on May 10, 2018, 03:48:05 AM
I would just try to remember that I loose a thousand opportunities everyday, and so this is okay. I cannot handle all of them.
Some people do worry themselves on issues that doesn’t even make sense. You can see a newbie that joined in 2017 regretting why they didn’t buy when it was sold at the rate $1 or so in 2009. That’s just the worst stupidity. If you’re worried about that, then it’d best to fly yourself back to 2009 and do that. If you make mistake, you have made it and there is nothing you can do about it than taking correction. That’s why it’s always good to read and know from other people’s experience so you don’t also make the same mistake.

Made a mistake is normal because we are human. If you feel regret about it, you should be able to improve your skill and knowledge, so you can avoid to make the same mistake.
Yes, handling crypto related mistakes does not require any special skill as it should be handled how we do with most of our life's other mistakes. Learning a lesson and from that knowledge avoiding same mistakes are always effective for handling any regrets.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: dogz12 on May 10, 2018, 04:53:46 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
A gain is a gain no matter how small it may be. Better to gain something than to lose something. Learn how to be contented of how much you gained and do away with greed.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: yndye on May 10, 2018, 05:08:03 AM
don't be too focus on the mistake that you are Made but you should focus how to Made that mistake as a lesson. Made a mistake is normal because we are human. If you feel regret about it, you should be able to improve your skill and knowledge, so you can avoid to make the same mistake.

Good advice mate. The problem with some people is that they do not make their mistakes as lesson but instead they do it again and blame other people why they are losing. Instead of changing themselves for the better, they would just turn to other people and blame others who are manipulating the market. We know that the market is full of manipulation but if we can have a strategy and be expert with it then we can eventually counter those problems in the market and make the odds in our favor.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: devollito on May 10, 2018, 04:52:41 PM
I handle my crypto regret buy seeing there are always a chance and i will never miss it again. I did some reseacrh which people dont know how to do it then buying that coin. And i will never looked back again to that coin. If i think it is still possible to get in i will getting in on that coin as fast as i can and trying to stick to my plan.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on May 14, 2018, 09:10:12 PM
don't be too focus on the mistake that you are Made but you should focus how to Made that mistake as a lesson. Made a mistake is normal because we are human. If you feel regret about it, you should be able to improve your skill and knowledge, so you can avoid to make the same mistake.

Good advice mate. The problem with some people is that they do not make their mistakes as lesson but instead they do it again and blame other people why they are losing. Instead of changing themselves for the better, they would just turn to other people and blame others who are manipulating the market. We know that the market is full of manipulation but if we can have a strategy and be expert with it then we can eventually counter those problems in the market and make the odds in our favor.
This happens not only cryptocurrencies but in everything else, people instead of taking responsibility for their mistakes and trying to learn from them they always try to find an excuse or someone else to blame and when you do that there is not a possibility of personal growth anymore, this is why you see those people making the same mistakes over and over again.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: carlfebz2 on May 14, 2018, 09:14:33 PM
don't be too focus on the mistake that you are Made but you should focus how to Made that mistake as a lesson. Made a mistake is normal because we are human. If you feel regret about it, you should be able to improve your skill and knowledge, so you can avoid to make the same mistake.

Good advice mate. The problem with some people is that they do not make their mistakes as lesson but instead they do it again and blame other people why they are losing. Instead of changing themselves for the better, they would just turn to other people and blame others who are manipulating the market. We know that the market is full of manipulation but if we can have a strategy and be expert with it then we can eventually counter those problems in the market and make the odds in our favor.
This happens not only cryptocurrencies but in everything else, people instead of taking responsibility for their mistakes and trying to learn from them they always try to find an excuse or someone else to blame and when you do that there is not a possibility of personal growth anymore, this is why you see those people making the same mistakes over and over again.
You wont really able to move on if you do let yourself stuck into that situation where you do blame others or do stress yourself too much on reminding on your past mistakes. We should stand up and move on if we do like to proceed and learn up into those mistakes. Its really an unavoidable thing and in able for you to learn or progress then you should step up from those mistakes and learn from it so that on next encounter you are already aware on the things that you must do. Handling it might not be easy but an individual can really surpass anything if he do fixed his decisions.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Johnyjay on May 14, 2018, 10:16:37 PM
Alright, this is really helpful. I sometimes have silly regrets but yes, I prefer the "me" who got into crypto.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Elseye on May 14, 2018, 10:44:00 PM
I think it deals with the basics of psychology and it's not very different from coping with regret in general; try to fix that point.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: nelson4lov on May 14, 2018, 10:49:50 PM
That's the human nature and regret is part of it. It's not bad to get emotional when you missed an opportunity that would have been beneficial. But What's gone is gone. The right direction would be to going forward and making progress. I've picked up some useful life lessons while in crypto... One of which is the fact that you simply can't win all. You've to lose some and win some. There are always diverse pools of opportunities to replace the ones lost.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Qunetick on May 14, 2018, 10:58:12 PM
I handle my crypto regret buy seeing there are always a chance and i will never miss it again. I did some reseacrh which people dont know how to do it then buying that coin. And i will never looked back again to that coin. If i think it is still possible to get in i will getting in on that coin as fast as i can and trying to stick to my plan.

That's a great principle to do, so if you think the right ways to control yourself just stay with that feelings. Sometime we are overpowered by our own instinc and its the number one cause of regrets. If it happens to you its better to move on rather than staying with those frustration you had, because if you learned how to survive the future might not be so bad for you if ever you've gain enough knowledge on how to be strong so you'll be more productive in the next moves.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: mistajackson on May 14, 2018, 11:11:07 PM
thats the typical trader mentality thats why 90% of people lose money on any type of market lol

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Kunlejoe0 on May 15, 2018, 06:41:35 AM
Regret especially in cryptocurrency trading is not needed at all! It is unnecessary waste of time and emotion. It is absolute pointless to worry about what is done. Regret only drain your energy and makes you to doubt yourself!

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: slashz9 on May 15, 2018, 07:51:41 AM
well your suggestion can be appreciated, it is true we always compare ourselves with others, like me nothing compared to him or I am more powerful with him, even though even expert traders never lose in trading, or when someone posted his profit when trading, believe me they do not really always wins.
they show only good things, logic alone can not show others his weak side / defeat to others.
yes so yourself do not be influenced by others, you have become a reliable trader if you have made a profit from every transaction that you do.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: chocolaty on May 15, 2018, 08:22:47 AM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: traderethereum on May 15, 2018, 12:33:44 PM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

and if we cannot forget our mistake, we cannot grow to be a better person, I think every people made a mistake but it depends on how they can accept their mistake and decide to continue their life without regret. this person will have time to rise again and will be a better person and he will be a wise person and he can solve the problem in his future. so we need to receive what we have done and we need to say that we don't want to make the same mistake in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: 777Jolami on May 16, 2018, 09:26:41 AM
don't be too focus on the mistake that you are Made but you should focus how to Made that mistake as a lesson. Made a mistake is normal because we are human. If you feel regret about it, you should be able to improve your skill and knowledge, so you can avoid to make the same mistake.
Once determined to see that mistake is a lesson learned for myself. So expect to forget that regret. I know this is hard for us to forget, but regret will not save the situation. I've had this problem, but time will erase that regret.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Tungsten-1 on May 16, 2018, 08:28:36 PM
I think it deals with the basics of psychology and it's not very different from coping with regret in general; try to fix that point.
Dealing with your regrets is a pure psychological game and we need to understand that there is no one who is going to take us out of regrets except ourselves. We are all well aware of the fact that humans are meant to make mistakes and this is how we learn. If we don’t take risky chances, we would regret for not taking them. So either way, we have regrets and that is pretty normal until we don’t let them control us.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: trickyriky on May 18, 2018, 01:01:29 PM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

Just take everything very easy - nothing really bad happened, and you and your family are alive. the money you have lost will be returned. Simply do not give up.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Edsemen on May 18, 2018, 01:19:49 PM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

Just take everything very easy - nothing really bad happened, and you and your family are alive. the money you have lost will be returned. Simply do not give up.

We should move on and forget the bad things and frustrations that had happened. Our family is the number one priority and for me that regrets due to crypto isn't justifiable because there's another opportunity which is much greater than what you've undergone. Stand up and stay positive and don't lose your hope in crypto, yet I am confident that after every failures there's a brighter future that's coming for us.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on May 18, 2018, 10:59:09 PM
Regret especially in cryptocurrency trading is not needed at all! It is unnecessary waste of time and emotion. It is absolute pointless to worry about what is done. Regret only drain your energy and makes you to doubt yourself!
While the answer that you are giving is logical you also need to remember that people are not computers, at some point no matter who you are just a to have some kind of regret and when that happens you will need to be able to deal with it, and if you do not know how to do that you are going to have big problems, besides regret is not all that bad as it can lead you to personal growth

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Joriecoinbit on May 19, 2018, 12:56:37 AM
Regret especially in cryptocurrency trading is not needed at all! It is unnecessary waste of time and emotion. It is absolute pointless to worry about what is done. Regret only drain your energy and makes you to doubt yourself!
While the answer that you are giving is logical you also need to remember that people are not computers, at some point no matter who you are just a to have some kind of regret and when that happens you will need to be able to deal with it, and if you do not know how to do that you are going to have big problems, besides regret is not all that bad as it can lead you to personal growth
Don't be afraid to try another way of getting good moneys, move on for that because everything has a purpose .All we need to focus is how to recover our loss and how we handle it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BlasterS on May 20, 2018, 03:35:22 AM
Handling cryptocurrency regret is somehow hard to handle but think about it as a challenge that you need to survive and  to learn from your mistakes,
that you can use as a advantage because you learn the things that they not learn or experience.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: sana9826 on May 20, 2018, 03:44:27 AM
Try to be satisfy with your effort, regret is only for people that never learn from their experience.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: goku1525 on May 20, 2018, 06:11:08 AM
Handling cryptocurrency regret is somehow hard to handle but think about it as a challenge that you need to survive and  to learn from your mistakes,
that you can use as a advantage because you learn the things that they not learn or experience.
Move on for that and learn from your experiences then try to figure out what makes you recover of earning good moneys because that was your trials and maybe there's a good reason why it was happened.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Howard1102 on May 20, 2018, 06:51:36 AM
That is not regret for you. That is your failure. But these failures will give you valuable experience. And the next time you will be trading better and never have to regret

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Thewolfofcrypto on May 21, 2018, 06:27:53 AM
Just realize that there is nothing that the feeling of regret will bring you and instead of staying sad and depressed you need to analyze the situation that got you to this position, figure out the reasons and try to avoid making the same mistake.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Kupid002 on May 21, 2018, 06:52:36 AM
Just realize that there is nothing that the feeling of regret will bring you and instead of staying sad and depressed you need to analyze the situation that got you to this position, figure out the reasons and try to avoid making the same mistake.
this is how are you may help to be that you cannot to take all the mistake that you have been done for that regret may not to take you longer and this is just only may take you for nothing.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: moshk555 on May 21, 2018, 08:36:28 AM
See if you are trading with the targets and by opening a trade you are setting the targets where I want to sell and same when buying then you will not regret because if you go against your targets you can lose also that will be in your mind also so chances of regrets will be less.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Lesterus on May 21, 2018, 08:51:29 AM
Just always think Positive and your regrets will be your stepping stone to succeed then try to learn new trading tactics to improve your skills on trading sometimes we need to regret first to try new things in life and give more efforts in what we our doing now mistakes is the best lesson to be to achieve our goals in life.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Glydel1999 on May 22, 2018, 05:52:24 PM
Handling cryptocurrency regret is like a advantage from others because you will learn how to deal it and how to make a decision wiser to avoid the feeling of regret, if you are a positive thinker, it can help you.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: yadwoa69 on May 22, 2018, 07:21:19 PM
You regret because you risk the money you can't afford to lose. Follow your instinct and trade so that the outcome whether good or bad, you will know is your own trade and won't ever regret.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on May 22, 2018, 09:33:30 PM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

and if we cannot forget our mistake, we cannot grow to be a better person, I think every people made a mistake but it depends on how they can accept their mistake and decide to continue their life without regret. this person will have time to rise again and will be a better person and he will be a wise person and he can solve the problem in his future. so we need to receive what we have done and we need to say that we don't want to make the same mistake in the future.
Exactly, making mistakes is part of human nature and in fact it can help to us to become a better person but only if we examine the mistake and realize what were the reasons that led to us to make that mistake on the first place, this is why you see many people making the same mistake over and over again because they never learn from the mistakes that they made in the past.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: susuberuang on May 23, 2018, 10:24:24 AM
you should not be too regretful, take advantage of the existing situation, when the cheap price always try to buy coin and sell when the price is green and when it is getting the benefits and better you control your patience.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: thend1949 on May 23, 2018, 07:13:51 PM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

and if we cannot forget our mistake, we cannot grow to be a better person, I think every people made a mistake but it depends on how they can accept their mistake and decide to continue their life without regret. this person will have time to rise again and will be a better person and he will be a wise person and he can solve the problem in his future. so we need to receive what we have done and we need to say that we don't want to make the same mistake in the future.
Exactly, making mistakes is part of human nature and in fact it can help to us to become a better person but only if we examine the mistake and realize what were the reasons that led to us to make that mistake on the first place, this is why you see many people making the same mistake over and over again because they never learn from the mistakes that they made in the past.
Acceptance is the best key to handle regret by learning the lessons and fixing the mistakes. Our life is full of uncertainties and we are vulnerable to committing failures. Regret brings both positive and negative impact in the way we view life and face our future. Regret can greatly help us to be a stronger person and be more determined while treating it negatively can't help us to be more productive and be mature as a person.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Gaff on May 23, 2018, 07:26:11 PM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

and if we cannot forget our mistake, we cannot grow to be a better person, I think every people made a mistake but it depends on how they can accept their mistake and decide to continue their life without regret. this person will have time to rise again and will be a better person and he will be a wise person and he can solve the problem in his future. so we need to receive what we have done and we need to say that we don't want to make the same mistake in the future.
Exactly, making mistakes is part of human nature and in fact it can help to us to become a better person but only if we examine the mistake and realize what were the reasons that led to us to make that mistake on the first place, this is why you see many people making the same mistake over and over again because they never learn from the mistakes that they made in the past.
Acceptance is the best key to handle regret by learning the lessons and fixing the mistakes. Our life is full of uncertainties and we are vulnerable to committing failures. Regret brings both positive and negative impact in the way we view life and face our future. Regret can greatly help us to be a stronger person and be more determined while treating it negatively can't help us to be more productive and be mature as a person.
It takes positivity and courage to handle crypto regret. Regret is a normal feeling, but if you get to be overpowered with your weak emotion the more it would bring you down. In times of hardships we have to be more hopeful, take a look at the brighter side, move on by carrying the lessons learned, and take away negativities.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: lixer on May 24, 2018, 06:19:21 AM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

Just take everything very easy - nothing really bad happened, and you and your family are alive. the money you have lost will be returned. Simply do not give up.
Before even getting into the world of the digital currencies, you must make yourself understand that if you are going for making of money, then there will come certain occasions when you will also be experiencing some loss of money and that there is nothing surprising in it. You just need to stay patient at that time and that you need not to panic yourself and that you need to look for the ways which can help you in recovering that loss.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: robotrobert on May 26, 2018, 10:21:19 AM
you should not be too regretful, take advantage of the existing situation, when the cheap price always try to buy coin and sell when the price is green and when it is getting the benefits and better you control your patience.
You can handle crypto regret by not repeating the mistakes you made in past. Keep looking at the market condition and start modifying your plan to stay safe. Keep the investment long term and stay optimistic by which I mean to say do not panic. You will be able to kill the crypto regret when you earn again big with your mental capabilities and market knowledge by playing the same crypto game.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Cotton Candy on May 26, 2018, 10:43:16 AM
you should not be too regretful, take advantage of the existing situation, when the cheap price always try to buy coin and sell when the price is green and when it is getting the benefits and better you control your patience.
You can handle crypto regret by not repeating the mistakes you made in past. Keep looking at the market condition and start modifying your plan to stay safe. Keep the investment long term and stay optimistic by which I mean to say do not panic. You will be able to kill the crypto regret when you earn again big with your mental capabilities and market knowledge by playing the same crypto game.
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

Drinking is for a bigger problem and that is not always the solution because it is temporary. But moving on is my strategy becaus eif you keep hplding back to that thing you can never move on and my moving on means that lwarning from that mistakes because if you learn them you will avoid that to happen again. You will not commit the same mistake twice because that only means you never learn. Dont play safe take the risk and if you lose you now gain experience and know what will do the second time.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Kriptex on May 26, 2018, 01:08:48 PM
you should not be too regretful, take advantage of the existing situation, when the cheap price always try to buy coin and sell when the price is green and when it is getting the benefits and better you control your patience.
You can handle crypto regret by not repeating the mistakes you made in past. Keep looking at the market condition and start modifying your plan to stay safe. Keep the investment long term and stay optimistic by which I mean to say do not panic. You will be able to kill the crypto regret when you earn again big with your mental capabilities and market knowledge by playing the same crypto game.

Guys forget about the past. Past is dead. Try to concentrate on the future and this will make you concentrate on your future transactions. You need to learn from the past lessons. Then you will be more responsible in your exchange transactions.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: vidprab5 on May 29, 2018, 07:37:22 AM
you should not be too regretful, take advantage of the existing situation, when the cheap price always try to buy coin and sell when the price is green and when it is getting the benefits and better you control your patience.
You can handle crypto regret by not repeating the mistakes you made in past. Keep looking at the market condition and start modifying your plan to stay safe. Keep the investment long term and stay optimistic by which I mean to say do not panic. You will be able to kill the crypto regret when you earn again big with your mental capabilities and market knowledge by playing the same crypto game.
Learning from your mistakes, this is a better way to not to regret next time but the foremost is to make your mind easy with loss and profit. Don’t be just over reactor after a profit and never lose your heart to quit trading once you get loss. This must be practiced again and again and your heart must be so strong to even make the things better. You are a strong man and never lose hope then.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: onyok on May 29, 2018, 09:38:10 AM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)
That's the usual and saddest thing that people did when their getting regret especially when it comes to the important things to them, specifically when the price of the coin they hodl was dumped and not pumped anymore.
Instead of thinking positive and analysed the problem some of them are followed their emotions and contineous doing negative feedback.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bitcon on May 30, 2018, 01:16:57 PM
Yes, find some positive things about your loss. Take the lessons from it, and do not regret: just imagine how many people are in the worse situation than you are in.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Triffin on May 30, 2018, 11:44:14 PM
you should not be too regretful, take advantage of the existing situation, when the cheap price always try to buy coin and sell when the price is green and when it is getting the benefits and better you control your patience.
You can handle crypto regret by not repeating the mistakes you made in past. Keep looking at the market condition and start modifying your plan to stay safe. Keep the investment long term and stay optimistic by which I mean to say do not panic. You will be able to kill the crypto regret when you earn again big with your mental capabilities and market knowledge by playing the same crypto game.
Learning from your mistakes, this is a better way to not to regret next time but the foremost is to make your mind easy with loss and profit. Don’t be just over reactor after a profit and never lose your heart to quit trading once you get loss. This must be practiced again and again and your heart must be so strong to even make the things better. You are a strong man and never lose hope then.
To be honest, it is never that easy to bear losses when you have tried hard. But there is nothing more useful than accepting them as soon as you can and try to figure out where all went wrong. Learn from your mistakes and let not them put you in loss again ever. I am of view that every mistake has some motivation and lesson for you, you need to figure it out. You can either cry over mistake or make a motivation.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: deppil on May 31, 2018, 02:52:05 AM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

Just take everything very easy - nothing really bad happened, and you and your family are alive. the money you have lost will be returned. Simply do not give up.
Before even getting into the world of the digital currencies, you must make yourself understand that if you are going for making of money, then there will come certain occasions when you will also be experiencing some loss of money and that there is nothing surprising in it. You just need to stay patient at that time and that you need not to panic yourself and that you need to look for the ways which can help you in recovering that loss.
I think it's natural for a person to be sad and regeret when what they choose is not what they want. loss is a bad thing but deep sorrow will only hurt you, make a mistake as a lesson. so you can avoid the same mistake later. all users have experienced mistakes and loss, so be patient and move on

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on June 01, 2018, 09:39:42 PM
You don't have to regret too much because you are just human. You make mistakes. It is extremely difficult to decide and take risks because things are uncertain. The outcomes may be not what we predict they will be. Don't dwell on your past, instead try to make those experiences your strength to take risk right now.

Just take everything very easy - nothing really bad happened, and you and your family are alive. the money you have lost will be returned. Simply do not give up.
Before even getting into the world of the digital currencies, you must make yourself understand that if you are going for making of money, then there will come certain occasions when you will also be experiencing some loss of money and that there is nothing surprising in it. You just need to stay patient at that time and that you need not to panic yourself and that you need to look for the ways which can help you in recovering that loss.
True, some people have the mistaken idea that somehow they are always going to win their trades and investments when that is not the case, I personally prefer to see it similar to what happens with baseball players, they do not hit the ball all the time but as long as you can do it consistently and have a decent average then everything is fine.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: GirlBitcoin on June 01, 2018, 10:25:09 PM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)
That's the usual and saddest thing that people did when their getting regret especially when it comes to the important things to them, specifically when the price of the coin they hodl was dumped and not pumped anymore.
Instead of thinking positive and analysed the problem some of them are followed their emotions and contineous doing negative feedback.
I think that calm and regaining spirit to start new investment projects is the right thing to do instead of grieving and letting things go. The cryptocurrency market has great potential and many opportunities so I think investors should have a clear investment plan to minimize risk.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: sureshotcoin on June 01, 2018, 11:32:37 PM
crypto provide year-long opportunity so no  need to feel sad thereafter  just to stay vigilant and grab the opportunity

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: DainSLane on June 02, 2018, 12:24:21 AM
Regret is part of our life everyday specially if you are working here in crypto currency always you can encounter some of regrets but those regrets can you get some knowledge to pursue to you to work hard your job to avoid regrets.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Omega Weapon on June 12, 2018, 10:47:18 PM
you should not be too regretful, take advantage of the existing situation, when the cheap price always try to buy coin and sell when the price is green and when it is getting the benefits and better you control your patience.
You can handle crypto regret by not repeating the mistakes you made in past. Keep looking at the market condition and start modifying your plan to stay safe. Keep the investment long term and stay optimistic by which I mean to say do not panic. You will be able to kill the crypto regret when you earn again big with your mental capabilities and market knowledge by playing the same crypto game.

Guys forget about the past. Past is dead. Try to concentrate on the future and this will make you concentrate on your future transactions. You need to learn from the past lessons. Then you will be more responsible in your exchange transactions.
Your post is a little contradictory, at first you say that you should forget about the past and then you say you need to learn from it, which is it? To me it is simple we need to learn form the past, it is not easy but it needs to be done if you want to avoid making the same mistakes in the future, especially in this market since a single mistake can become incredibly costly.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: lance04 on July 22, 2018, 04:42:26 PM
For me I handle cryptocurency regret in a way that I’m think this as a lesson that god give to me to be a better person someday and lesson to be learned as a investors in this business and industry.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: AK47- on July 22, 2018, 04:46:33 PM
I an't agree more. People want more and more and they are never satisfied with what they have earned. Even after making decent profit people have the regret of selling early, why don't they understand by holding for more time you are throwing yourself under more risk. You can only trade according to the risk you can handle and people usually short profit when they are done with their risk taking potential.

Try to be happy with what all profit you have shorted of cryptocurrencies and never worry that you entered late, there are billions of people out there who don't even know cryptocurrencies exist.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: whaawh on July 22, 2018, 08:39:16 PM
I an't agree more. People want more and more and they are never satisfied with what they have earned. Even after making decent profit people have the regret of selling early, why don't they understand by holding for more time you are throwing yourself under more risk. You can only trade according to the risk you can handle and people usually short profit when they are done with their risk taking potential.

Try to be happy with what all profit you have shorted of cryptocurrencies and never worry that you entered late, there are billions of people out there who don't even know cryptocurrencies exist.
I want to correct your answer a little. The fact is that many people do not even have 1% of the opportunity with you to easily earn their financial well-being. Crypto currency is practical as a fantastic opportunity for our community, but not everyone can cope with their desires and therefore make big mistakes.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Moiyah on July 23, 2018, 03:08:08 AM
Regret feeling is always on my side whenever I am losing or whenever it didn't hit my desire profit. But then, calming, relaxing, diverting attentions and console self are some ways to remove my regrets and start again to boost my confidence.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Sandra999 on July 23, 2018, 06:06:04 AM
I really like this article/tip you posted. This is clearly how to avoid regrets. Do not get emotional on any trade. When am in a trade and I make a decent profit, I sell and move on a d I do not ever check the price any longer. Even if I check the price and I found out that its higher, I do not have regrets about it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: raider150shifter on July 23, 2018, 06:07:33 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

Hence, turn that regret into motivation, to
not do the same mistake. "mistakes are the
best teaches"

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: MaryKiTy22 on July 23, 2018, 06:35:56 AM
If there is a crypto deal I will calm down and wait for the miraculous things to come I will make up for myself many plans and step by step implementing my plans and I will buy those coin has the potential

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bits4books on July 23, 2018, 11:46:10 AM
I just drink untill I can't think.
(just joking)
Ha-hha :) Very funny. As for me usually I am setting myself on the possibility of loss, so I am basically preparing myself that I will be losing money and it is eventually easier to handle in the case.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: badaovodich on July 23, 2018, 11:48:51 AM
When you start on trading cryptocurrency, you will have many regret but you must know when have stop. Although you regret but that is a suitable thing because its value is not an absolute.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Promitestake on July 23, 2018, 01:40:07 PM
do not be too attention on the error that you are Made but you ought to attention the way to Made that mistake as a lesson. Made a mistake is everyday due to the fact we're human. in case you sense remorse about it, you need to be able to improve your talent and information, so that you can keep away from to make the identical mistake.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: layoutph on July 23, 2018, 01:42:32 PM
Its normal, personally I am still blaming my self for not buying Bitcoin while below $1. Now its $7k. But you know what. If BTC is already on its 4 digit value. You still have a chance in high marketcap low priced coins like XRP, XLM, ADA.. etc.. They are good alternatives of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: handsofgod on July 23, 2018, 07:59:06 PM
such a story! I can't wait for upcoming ICO so many projects to invest in. Here is one example - Kelvin Blockchain, hope this will come soon, the idea, team every part of this is very interesting ;)

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Sean25pogi on July 25, 2018, 11:52:38 PM
I handle my cryptocurency regret as a strength, yeah sound weird but I used it as an advantage because I learned how to deal with my past mistakes that I have done to able to be a better person.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BagzMM on July 26, 2018, 01:28:12 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
For me, how will i handle it. It is just a matter of accepting failure that molds us to be strong and be more wiser in dealing things in the crypto world. Embrace the volatility and the risky market for it makes us successful investor.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Opnsrc on July 29, 2018, 03:34:24 PM
That is why I do not regret anymore. I take a small pause after the fall, and then I am going on ahead further. The mistakes that were done...I am trying not to repeat them at all. It works as I see.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: qiwoman2 on July 29, 2018, 03:55:23 PM
Thank you for this wonderful post. I have had to live with the biggest regret of my life, not selling off my altcoins back in January when they would have been life-changing for me at that time and now am down to almost a big whopping phat 0. The only comfort I have now is that I am still alive and as I started from 0, I might still have a chance to make it big holding one or two decent coins, maybe not this year, but in a few years down the road. I cling on to hope now for dear life but I still don't know if I am making any big mistakes but if my holdings do ever go up in a bull run, what little holdings I have left, I will certainly unload this time around, if I get that chance that is.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: supine on July 29, 2018, 04:06:04 PM
Most people in crypto had the biggest regret of their life. A lot of us hope that we had invested in crypto when it was really cheap. Just do not think over it a lot of time and keep in mind that a better opportunity will come. Crypto is just starting and it will get better in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Abeliancoin on July 30, 2018, 03:41:04 AM
Just remember, when you made a decision and once you confirm to buy, then nothing can turn back coz it becomes a history, no matter you are in profit or loss.
So think twice and consider every action you make. Or you can just hodl a long time ago, and wait it become valuable.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: LooBaao on July 30, 2018, 01:16:25 PM
The regret here is that you have made a profit but because of the price they have increased and you regret it, this means you are too greedy, have not set a clear goal, if you have no goal you will fail , learn to forget, and accept with the present.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: rumexx on July 30, 2018, 01:46:33 PM
There is no point crying over spilled milk. Once you have initiated any move in crypto trading  the next thing to do is to follow your mind and wait to see the outcome of that move. Once  you have sold or buy a coin there is a reason why you initiate that move so you do not regret your trade  because you will still have other opportunity. 

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: VBCryp@ on July 30, 2018, 02:14:15 PM
Let's forget about them, what is past, let them through, never look back, so you will never forget the regret you went through, I also met like you and I tried to forget them, I know that I do not know what to remember now

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: GawirZZ on July 30, 2018, 02:55:21 PM
if you trade in crypto know the risk first if you fail so if you experience failure you will not be disappointed because it prevents always be the best thing. if you fail you can follow bounty program.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: george888055 on July 30, 2018, 03:17:38 PM
Regret is a kind of a bad emotion. A profitable trading strategy is not enough on its own. Discipline play the main role in the implementation of the trading strategy

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Magiklair on July 30, 2018, 03:40:43 PM
I think that you should handle the crypto regret without any positive emotions. I think that you should be calm because staying calm can help you to cope with all difficulties and complications

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Mahanton on July 30, 2018, 04:16:00 PM
Thank you for this wonderful post. I have had to live with the biggest regret of my life, not selling off my altcoins back in January when they would have been life-changing for me at that time and now am down to almost a big whopping phat 0. The only comfort I have now is that I am still alive and as I started from 0, I might still have a chance to make it big holding one or two decent coins, maybe not this year, but in a few years down the road. I cling on to hope now for dear life but I still don't know if I am making any big mistakes but if my holdings do ever go up in a bull run, what little holdings I have left, I will certainly unload this time around, if I get that chance that is.
Same situation on here which I do miss out that golden opportunity to sell out those times December to January which most of my altcoin holdings do pump out into massive multipliers but I do became greedy and hold it off to seek out for more higher price and later on when the entire market do make a correction all of my coins dumped down almost to 0 value and I'm still holding off these coins into my folio.
Those amounts would be life-changing too but I do miss out which is really a stressful thing for me.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Adrin on August 03, 2018, 09:40:08 PM
I think no need to do this. Past is past. Learn from present and use it for future. Experience is the best key to success. Don’t be too greedy, watch the market very carefully, take a proper decision, think twice before doing anything, ask for help if you need. This is all. Only you can help yourself. I’m sure that for which you make lose once never become again in the same way.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Davido1174 on August 09, 2018, 06:33:34 AM
Its quite painful to have a missed opportunity for profits in this industry. However, we are emotional beings and we have regrets at some point in our lives. Most times, I try to make sure I do not  think about the issue. I take a dip breath and I stay away from my laptop for sometime. This makes me more refreshed and better when am back

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Zemomtum on August 13, 2018, 03:33:09 PM
When I experience something bad, or missed a great profit, it makes me really mad, it gets me out of the mood, and sometimes I get angry at my friends and relatives, it's really bad, but now I'm controlling it. Whenever I experience something like that, I close the browser and play some games to relax myself, sometimes I drink some tea or sleep to get out my frustration, and when I come back, I'm 100% good.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Probattek on August 13, 2018, 03:36:20 PM
Don't overthink this. We are only people, we make mistakes and can't predict the future. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Lumada on August 13, 2018, 04:17:14 PM
When I experience something bad, or missed a great profit, it makes me really mad, it gets me out of the mood, and sometimes I get angry at my friends and relatives, it's really bad, but now I'm controlling it. Whenever I experience something like that, I close the browser and play some games to relax myself, sometimes I drink some tea or sleep to get out my frustration, and when I come back, I'm 100% good.
Don't let your emotion ruins your relationships with others, I have been trying to find some quiet place just put some headphones on to at least not get affected those people around me whenever I'm angry.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Hobo66 on August 28, 2018, 02:06:16 PM
Its quite painful to have a missed opportunity for profits in this industry. However, we are emotional beings and we have regrets at some point in our lives. Most times, I try to make sure I do not  think about the issue. I take a dip breath and I stay away from my laptop for sometime. This makes me more refreshed and better when am back
Most of the news investors and trader who have currently invested their money in bitcoin have already missed good opportunities to do investment in bitcoin on time, but it does not mean that they regret for that, I think that still they are too much confident about bitcoin price and hopping that even in present time they will get good profit from bitcoin investment and trading.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Herostorm on August 28, 2018, 02:25:20 PM
You forget about the coin and do not look at it often, as I think the price of the coin will bounce back, but we see that the market will recover later this year.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Yusuf77 on August 28, 2018, 04:08:15 PM
You forget about the coin and do not look at it often, as I think the price of the coin will bounce back, but we see that the market will recover later this year.
surely everyone will recover again I am sure of that. make your mistake as a lesson and start with a new life. people do wrong is natural because we are human. Control your emotions and be patient are the keys to success in investing.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Osaaah on August 28, 2018, 09:19:18 PM
This is how i usually handle my crypto regret. After a failure to take action on a trade... and i find out that my inaction has cost me some money, i take my dairy and write down my mistakes and then analyze why i did not take action then. if i find out that my reason for not taken action is plausible i let go the regret and move on..But then, if my reason for not taking action is not plausible.. i work my self out into feeling good and never to repeat such mistake again.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: gabmen on August 29, 2018, 05:23:02 PM
You forget about the coin and do not look at it often, as I think the price of the coin will bounce back, but we see that the market will recover later this year.
surely everyone will recover again I am sure of that. make your mistake as a lesson and start with a new life. people do wrong is natural because we are human. Control your emotions and be patient are the keys to success in investing.

Exactly, as each of us already learned on our mistakes. I definitely believe soon most of us here will recover since the market is still in chaos. We can't also deny the fact that we try our luck here, hoping to have a great amount of profit in the future.

Well those that will recover are those that stated steady during red days. A lot of us already lost money this yesr, a lot who would probably stay away from crypto for a long time. Those that stayed would have learned a good lesson and handling regret would be one of those.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: dunfida on August 29, 2018, 09:00:50 PM
This is how i usually handle my crypto regret. After a failure to take action on a trade... and i find out that my inaction has cost me some money, i take my dairy and write down my mistakes and then analyze why i did not take action then. if i find out that my reason for not taken action is plausible i let go the regret and move on..But then, if my reason for not taking action is not plausible.. i work my self out into feeling good and never to repeat such mistake again.
Regret is the worst kind of feeling no matter what it is, and the only way to cope up on this is to move on and learn from your mistakes. Of course, you have to deal it with yourself in order for you to learn your mistakes and reflecting everything before doing something stupid again.

As i deal with my mistakes, i carefully plan everything and making a back up plans if ever the plan doesn't go on always.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Traderbtcc on August 29, 2018, 09:19:12 PM
This is how i usually handle my crypto regret. After a failure to take action on a trade... and i find out that my inaction has cost me some money, i take my dairy and write down my mistakes and then analyze why i did not take action then. if i find out that my reason for not taken action is plausible i let go the regret and move on..But then, if my reason for not taking action is not plausible.. i work my self out into feeling good and never to repeat such mistake again.
Regret is the worst kind of feeling no matter what it is, and the only way to cope up on this is to move on and learn from your mistakes. Of course, you have to deal it with yourself in order for you to learn your mistakes and reflecting everything before doing something stupid again.

As i deal with my mistakes, i carefully plan everything and making a back up plans if ever the plan doesn't go on always.

You're on point man. Regret is one feeling that an investor or trader has to experience at some point in time. Whether you missed out on a trade or a really good investment opportunity, you'll still feel regret over it. And like you said, learning from our mistakes and regret will make us even more better. For me, I just lay low and engage in any activity that can take my mind off.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Biscutard on August 29, 2018, 09:58:32 PM
Don't overthink this. We are only people, we make mistakes and can't predict the future. Learn from your mistakes and move on.
But everything can be prevented if we have the data to predict and analyze the movement of the market. With this tools it is a big help already to prevent yourself from regretting and the more you have your data the less you will regret your decision.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Cointoli on August 29, 2018, 10:33:06 PM
This is how i usually handle my crypto regret. After a failure to take action on a trade... and i find out that my inaction has cost me some money, i take my dairy and write down my mistakes and then analyze why i did not take action then. if i find out that my reason for not taken action is plausible i let go the regret and move on..But then, if my reason for not taking action is not plausible.. i work my self out into feeling good and never to repeat such mistake again.
Regret is the worst kind of feeling no matter what it is, and the only way to cope up on this is to move on and learn from your mistakes. Of course, you have to deal it with yourself in order for you to learn your mistakes and reflecting everything before doing something stupid again.

As i deal with my mistakes, i carefully plan everything and making a back up plans if ever the plan doesn't go on always.

You're on point man. Regret is one feeling that an investor or trader has to experience at some point in time. Whether you missed out on a trade or a really good investment opportunity, you'll still feel regret over it. And like you said, learning from our mistakes and regret will make us even more better. For me, I just lay low and engage in any activity that can take my mind off.

The investment and regret in this market is very common due to too many investors not having financial knowledge involved in the cryptocurrency market. I think that every mistake has its effect, see it as a valuable experience so that investors can succeed in later investments.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: MMysterious on August 30, 2018, 03:33:35 AM
For me i handle it by accepting what happen, to think that i almost lose all the money what i think i profited back then when the market is on bull and when BTC is almost $20k. the more btc get high that time the more i get greedy. so when we enter bear market i almost got stressed out because i withdraw a little than i can get before bear market. but what can I do. just learn to accept what happen and learn from it. living in the past cant help you with the present.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: sherwinsamsung on August 30, 2018, 05:22:54 AM
there's no use crying in spilled milk.  just make sure to learn from your experiences and not to commit the same mistake again.

i usually stay away from crypto world for a week after losing in trading or missing big opportunities.  a week of vacation would stabilize our emotion, which is critical for trading.  a disturbed emotion will usually lead to mistakes after mistakes.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: traderethereum on August 30, 2018, 06:11:41 AM
don't make your regret feeling your problem because you can make another profit in the future and only use your regret to get a rise again in the trading or else. it is normal if you are a regret but it's not wise if you cannot rise again and keep trying so you can recover your losses in tomorrow. and if you are regret, make it for your lesson so you can think about how to avoid the mistakes in the future because you already get a bad experience now and you can to make the same mistakes.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Jateng on August 30, 2018, 08:31:09 AM
I stand from it. We cannot avoid to make things that we will regret soon because there are things that we do not know what will be the result. So instead of crying all day or blaming yourself because we regret the things that we have done, let us just accept it and move on. Bring that experience, and learn your lesson from it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Fantastickarl on August 30, 2018, 09:45:58 AM
Their are lots of ways to have these regrets and these regrets come to our mind often tines when we make wither profit or loss. The best way to curb these regrets is not to trade with your emotions and try to be disciplined in all things that you are doing. This is the best way to reduce it

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: 1NV3ST0NM3 on August 30, 2018, 03:17:51 PM
Regretting is a natural emotion. Human beings naturally commit lot mistakes. The investments sector is especially more prone to mistakes has there are lot of risks involved. The worst part is that you cannot do anything about it. I realize that a loss has been occurred and regretting about it would not do any good. Instead I learn from those mistakes that where I went wrong and make sure that such mistakes don’t occur in future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: TGD on August 30, 2018, 04:23:34 PM
Regretting is a natural emotion. Human beings naturally commit lot mistakes. The investments sector is especially more prone to mistakes has there are lot of risks involved. The worst part is that you cannot do anything about it. I realize that a loss has been occurred and regretting about it would not do any good. Instead I learn from those mistakes that where I went wrong and make sure that such mistakes don’t occur in future.
Agree with you mate , controlling also this for are not as easy thing that we cant actually have to do for. More and more are moving forward even they have loss a lot it doesnt matter, what the matter is the fact that you are not regret anything just make a profit as what you want.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BetadiNe on August 30, 2018, 05:36:06 PM
if that happens it might be regret left in our minds, like my experience usually if I have sold my tokens or coins always to not see them again in the market, or try to avoid seeing the tokens that I sell, because if you see prices rising regret will always appear in his life, but time will not be repeated so that all just remain sorry, you better get up from regret yourself because it will only leave a wound if you are still with regret.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Xising on August 30, 2018, 08:56:29 PM
Takes time , I had it on my mind for days. Thinking those coins I sold at the wrong time, but the other side of me; telling me you really can't tell what will happen to the market , You gained that's enough. move on to other coin and hodl! I learned to hodl now and not panic. Regrets really happen when you missed a rally or missed the chance to ell at high but nah! I keep telling myself I can't predict all the things and be contented with your gains and accept your loses.

I agree. I think to be discipline is the best way to go at it. I mean, in this market, losses seem to always be part of the landscape. Whatever field or department you are in; whether in the ICO, trade or investment market, there's always those risk and alleys for losses, and unfortunately, those obstacles are much more abundant in this market. Therefore, you have to know how to deal with them. For me, the best way is be objective and disciplined with looking at your losses. You have to have the patience and the eye to look at it in such a way that you know how to sight those mistakes that led you to such losses and improve on them. If not, one should always have the will to continue, despite losing whatever the reason is.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Chachacoin17 on August 30, 2018, 09:39:36 PM
Just move on and don't ever think it in a negative ways if you have regrets on cryptocurrency, and one example of that is last year's profit that has gone away so bad. But wait there's still a chance to gain that profit if you don't panic during bearish market and you're holding your asset is the second opportunity now that needed to be not lost at anymore.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: blue_nexus15 on August 30, 2018, 10:05:10 PM
Regretting is a natural emotion. Human beings naturally commit lot mistakes. The investments sector is especially more prone to mistakes has there are lot of risks involved. The worst part is that you cannot do anything about it. I realize that a loss has been occurred and regretting about it would not do any good. Instead I learn from those mistakes that where I went wrong and make sure that such mistakes don’t occur in future.
Agree with you mate , controlling also this for are not as easy thing that we cant actually have to do for. More and more are moving forward even they have loss a lot it doesnt matter, what the matter is the fact that you are not regret anything just make a profit as what you want.
The mistake of financial investment is very normal and most investors have to go through it, it is important that after each failure you realize what it takes to be successful in the future. It is better for the cryptocurrency market and investors will have the opportunity to regain what has been lost in this market.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: maminelly on August 30, 2018, 10:18:32 PM
makes some really good points though, it's really important to take a step back at times and look at things from a holistic point of view, yes you could be much better off if you were god and you knew exactly what was going to happen, but you are not so you just have to do your best and if that leads to a profit then you can be very happy with that. does not mean we should not be self critical and aim to learn and improve, it just means that it should stop short of chastising oneself.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: marine4u on August 30, 2018, 10:55:07 PM
Regretting is a natural emotion. Human beings naturally commit lot mistakes. The investments sector is especially more prone to mistakes has there are lot of risks involved. The worst part is that you cannot do anything about it. I realize that a loss has been occurred and regretting about it would not do any good. Instead I learn from those mistakes that where I went wrong and make sure that such mistakes don’t occur in future.
Agree with you mate , controlling also this for are not as easy thing that we cant actually have to do for. More and more are moving forward even they have loss a lot it doesnt matter, what the matter is the fact that you are not regret anything just make a profit as what you want.
The mistake of financial investment is very normal and most investors have to go through it, it is important that after each failure you realize what it takes to be successful in the future. It is better for the cryptocurrency market and investors will have the opportunity to regain what has been lost in this market.
Make greater success after every mistake, which is what the devoted investors should do to assert themselves. Mistakes will make the investor grow stronger by learning from his or her own failures because it is certain that you will not be able to learn it from anywhere.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: tumokatok on August 31, 2018, 06:37:29 AM
You forget about the coin and do not look at it often, as I think the price of the coin will bounce back, but we see that the market will recover later this year.

yes, there are many who predict the value of the crypto currency will reach its peak by the end of this year, so the real explanation is not to buy crytpo currency when the price of crypto is still under correction.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: pinkliar on August 31, 2018, 07:13:00 AM
Regretting is a natural emotion. Human beings naturally commit lot mistakes. The investments sector is especially more prone to mistakes has there are lot of risks involved. The worst part is that you cannot do anything about it. I realize that a loss has been occurred and regretting about it would not do any good. Instead I learn from those mistakes that where I went wrong and make sure that such mistakes don’t occur in future.
Agree with you mate , controlling also this for are not as easy thing that we cant actually have to do for. More and more are moving forward even they have loss a lot it doesnt matter, what the matter is the fact that you are not regret anything just make a profit as what you want.
The mistake of financial investment is very normal and most investors have to go through it, it is important that after each failure you realize what it takes to be successful in the future. It is better for the cryptocurrency market and investors will have the opportunity to regain what has been lost in this market.
Make greater success after every mistake, which is what the devoted investors should do to assert themselves. Mistakes will make the investor grow stronger by learning from his or her own failures because it is certain that you will not be able to learn it from anywhere.

Mistakes can way for us to learn everything we did wrong in crypto. Not because you do mistakes means you need to quit, instead You should further expand your crypto capabilities.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: otundebis on August 31, 2018, 07:26:51 AM
Regret anti productive and it does create an environment where negative feelings and outlook will hinder you from seeing opportunity that exist in the market.  In addition,  regret will sapp your energy and the will to continue.  Deal with regret desicively!

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Daniel9140 on August 31, 2018, 07:27:59 AM
I have been in this market and I know that regrets Happen regularly in this space. The best and simplest way to handle it is to be disciplined in all you do and follow up on the strategies you have layer down for yourself

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Maslate on August 31, 2018, 08:11:08 AM
I have been in this market and I know that regrets Happen regularly in this space. The best and simplest way to handle it is to be disciplined in all you do and follow up on the strategies you have layer down for yourself
That's good and because of your experience it teaches you to be smart, in order to survive, we have to understand the nature of the market.
It's volatile therefore we have to figure out how to make money out of it, as long as we do our research and we don't easily panic, there's always a chance to succeed.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: perla on August 31, 2018, 08:42:40 AM
I have been in this market and I know that regrets Happen regularly in this space. The best and simplest way to handle it is to be disciplined in all you do and follow up on the strategies you have layer down for yourself
That's good and because of your experience it teaches you to be smart, in order to survive, we have to understand the nature of the market.
It's volatile therefore we have to figure out how to make money out of it, as long as we do our research and we don't easily panic, there's always a chance to succeed.
Experience is key to do trading, even is it on analysis or mental so we can be successful trader. If we can control that, success will come to us easily. What else to be good support is how to find correct coin to buy.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Aivaryamal on August 31, 2018, 09:53:52 AM
I think, that need not to compare themselves with other, have all its might and need his the size of the increase. And consider the start of the day when they decided to do cryptocurrency, despite the experience and results of other people.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: biletskiy on September 01, 2018, 09:05:26 AM
Their are lots of ways to have these regrets and these regrets come to our mind often tines when we make wither profit or loss. The best way to curb these regrets is not to trade with your emotions and try to be disciplined in all things that you are doing. This is the best way to reduce it

When somebody starts to regret, he is digging a deep pit for himself. This is the way to be a loser all the time. The winners just take the losses and mistakes as the lessons.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: vinbentrob on September 01, 2018, 10:39:51 AM
I see that sometimes,  our cryptocurrency trading regret are exaggerated and there is nothing that could been done considering the fact that you are not in control of rise and fall of cryptocurrency prices.  We should be moderate and realistic about our expectations!

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: gurang on September 01, 2018, 12:05:36 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
don't worry about everything all you can do is to trust and to believe on what you can, don't depress yourself about that just calm and enjoy

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: robertsu on September 02, 2018, 02:11:44 AM
Understanding is just the beginning. A person needs to practice learn control in their emotions. After reading the article - you have a fishing rod, you need have to master it yourself.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: minairia3 on September 02, 2018, 09:58:26 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

Best topic I've read so far and adding to the books recommendations. NO ifs and no buts, you just have to kill emotions along the way whether you are trading using chart or the books. You need to be as objective as possible at all times in investing.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: clickerz on September 02, 2018, 10:40:33 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

Best topic I've read so far and adding to the books recommendations. NO ifs and no buts, you just have to kill emotions along the way whether you are trading using chart or the books. You need to be as objective as possible at all times in investing.

Very informative and a sound advise where you can learn also. Ive been there too on those situation. I've got FOMOed too and become a holder :D Now I am very careful and learned from my mistakes. I do even learned how to cut my losses.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BeGoods on September 03, 2018, 01:54:54 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

Best topic I've read so far and adding to the books recommendations. NO ifs and no buts, you just have to kill emotions along the way whether you are trading using chart or the books. You need to be as objective as possible at all times in investing.

Very informative and a sound advise where you can learn also. Ive been there too on those situation. I've got FOMOed too and become a holder :D Now I am very careful and learned from my mistakes. I do even learned how to cut my losses.
Regret is a natural thing because every user wants a big profit and they want everything according to their expectations. yeah you're right they want everything to be perfect, but of course that is impossible, the point is to be grateful for what you get dude, make it all a lesson for you

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: hoavantathan on September 03, 2018, 02:15:50 AM
When you decide, you should make sure your decision fit your prediction. Do not try to use prediction which base on your emotion. This way will kill you. You should have a combination tactic. You choose a token for long term hold then use 70- 80% of your money to buy. 20- 30% invest in ICOs or other coins for daily trading.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: shoreno on September 03, 2018, 03:26:25 AM
When you decide, you should make sure your decision fit your prediction. Do not try to use prediction which base on your emotion. This way will kill you. You should have a combination tactic. You choose a token for long term hold then use 70- 80% of your money to buy. 20- 30% invest in ICOs or other coins for daily trading.

nice advice buddy . anyway , regretting due to losses is not actually bad but rather it is normal for every crypto trader because almost all of us who trades in crypto do already experience to loose and we did regret because we didnt manage to win the trade although we can still use that bad experience in order to improve ourselves .

handling regret is also easy . all you need to do is to think of other positive thought or happy thoughts that isnt related to business . sometimes we need to enjoy  to relieve the stress that builds up on our head .

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Vanshenz on September 03, 2018, 09:45:31 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
everything you say is a very valuable lesson for me in carrying out my work in crypto. after reading all of your explanations, I concluded that in dealing with regret we must continue to be grateful.
if we can be grateful, then we can handle regret for the mistakes we have made.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: John1122 on September 03, 2018, 10:32:58 AM
Handling cryptocurrency regret is somehow hard to handle but think about it as a challenge that you need to survive and  to learn from your mistakes, from that you can use as a advantage because you learn the things that they not learn or experience.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: weblaraveluser on September 03, 2018, 10:58:01 AM
Handling cryptocurrency regret is somehow hard to handle but think about it as a challenge that you need to survive and  to learn from your mistakes, from that you can use as a advantage because you learn the things that they not learn or experience.

In my own opinion, it was not easy to handle regret because the market prices are always changing so it was better to always have good information before selling or investing.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: leonix007 on September 03, 2018, 12:12:45 PM
When you decide, you should make sure your decision fit your prediction. Do not try to use prediction which base on your emotion. This way will kill you. You should have a combination tactic. You choose a token for long term hold then use 70- 80% of your money to buy. 20- 30% invest in ICOs or other coins for daily trading.

The last statement is for Holder

the problem with it is the ability to choose the right token, if you had choosed a sh*tty coin and dipped close to zero value, your emotions may be worsen

Also true with ICO's, a lot of scammy coins out there

Better to learn TA's, study volumes and market, it might educate you which coin to be worthy to be hold

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: lotsky123 on September 03, 2018, 12:28:39 PM
What has already done, can't be undone. So better leave it in the past. Especially when you sold your coins at the wrong time. Human as we are, being sorry for what happen is a normal thing. Learn from mistakes and take it as a challenge to do better the next time to at least win back those losses.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: monster2 on September 04, 2018, 06:24:58 AM
This is a great test when you enter the world of crypto so many are sad when many people are losing their funds here in cryptoworld risk takers know that.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: AdamRay on September 04, 2018, 06:48:26 AM
This is a great test when you enter the world of crypto so many are sad when many people are losing their funds here in cryptoworld risk takers know that.
do not be afraid of failure. I think the failures will make you feel you need to cultivate more knowledge and recognize the valuable lessons. Life is not pink, so you should try your best. Know where you will be lucky and become rich without having to fail.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: pandanaran on September 04, 2018, 07:01:51 AM
Regarding regret I don't really think about it, even I tend to better understand the mistakes that I made and not be so worried and sorry about the choices I made both regarding the maximum profit or loss, even if I do the wrong thing I prefer to give up and make it a living lesson in me.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: yonjitsu on September 04, 2018, 08:01:08 AM
Regrets are just natural way of accepting the fact that you made a wrong decision in the past. But don't let your regrets eat you and stop you from what you wanted to achieve. If you had failed badly last time, you can start all over again today and start investing again but will be better now because you already learned from your previous mistake.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: pieppiep on September 04, 2018, 12:36:23 PM
I think all the people who have regrets because they are too fast to sell and too scared to buy because many traders do not know the right time to buy and sell cryptocurrency, so to be able to trade well you must be able to control patience and have to be brave to take risk.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Buladig on September 04, 2018, 12:43:04 PM
I'm sure as long as you join Crypto, it's not only the mistakes you make and not only the failures you get, but you also get the benefits and happiness of Crypto.
in my opinion, to deal with the regret that you feel because of the mistakes you make is to recall all the happiness you get from crypto, so you will get a new spirit to move forward.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: KalaiBTC on September 05, 2018, 08:06:22 AM
Handling cryptocurrency regret is somehow hard to handle but think about it as a challenge that you need to survive and  to learn from your mistakes, from that you can use as a advantage because you learn the things that they not learn or experience.

In my own opinion, it was not easy to handle regret because the market prices are always changing so it was better to always have good information before selling or investing.
Well business is the game of earning and loosing the money and it is okay if you loose the money because you can use this experience in future to avoid big losses. The loss is as important as the win because it helps model and remodel your strategy. About the current market I would say that if you do not sell right now and keep on holding your coins, ultimately you will be able to minimize your regret as the crypto market strikes a big value.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Maslate on September 06, 2018, 03:31:16 AM
Handling cryptocurrency regret is somehow hard to handle but think about it as a challenge that you need to survive and  to learn from your mistakes, from that you can use as a advantage because you learn the things that they not learn or experience.

In my own opinion, it was not easy to handle regret because the market prices are always changing so it was better to always have good information before selling or investing.
Well business is the game of earning and loosing the money and it is okay if you loose the money because you can use this experience in future to avoid big losses. The loss is as important as the win because it helps model and remodel your strategy. About the current market I would say that if you do not sell right now and keep on holding your coins, ultimately you will be able to minimize your regret as the crypto market strikes a big value.

That's why we should not start a big amount, let's always be realistic and believe that the journey to be reach in crypto is not overnight.
It's a long journey and we need to face problems and challenges along the way because that will make us mature and will help us to make good decision in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: BlueStackz on September 06, 2018, 08:21:59 AM
Handling cryptocurrency regret is somehow hard to handle but think about it as a challenge that you need to survive and  to learn from your mistakes, from that you can use as a advantage because you learn the things that they not learn or experience.
Well you might loose at times just because of your own faults and this is regret no doubt but you should rather use that experience to make future decisions and that will decide your future profits. Having said that, you can maximize your profit and re-earn the money you have already lost by staying focuses and organized.

Once you understand the market and make rational decisions about what and when to buy, you would be well off than before and this is something you learn slowly and gradually.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Iykecollins on September 06, 2018, 12:21:48 PM
Some good thread to help at this time of market crash, The crypto market is full of such, you miss you regret, you enter and lose you regret, so much to be unhappy about but I think the mindset is to always accept the present situation and move one, learn the lessons but know that as long as you still have your capital at had, shouldn't have much to regret

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Theldal on September 06, 2018, 02:51:00 PM
You can't overcome regrets if you don't want to do something and always jump into conclusion which your mind say. Try to do searching and learning because i believe it will help you to understand many things and if you understand already, your regret will vanished away and turned it into positive thinking without regrets.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: chandra12 on September 06, 2018, 04:58:10 PM
Are sorry for is usually composed of your lifetime day-to-day exclusively for anyone who is doing the job through crypto foreign exchange generally you possibly can expertise most of the regrets although these regrets would you find some expertise to help the practice to your account to figure tricky your livelihood avoiding regrets.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: KXC247 on September 06, 2018, 06:38:37 PM
Its not good to have regrets after selling off your coins. Its not necessary to have regrets as the deeds have been done in my opinion. You must learn how to be disciplined and also, you must move on as soon as the conditions of your investment/trade are met and achieved.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Ledy Alise on September 07, 2018, 06:58:55 AM
Everything comes down to experience. The more you trade the better you understand the swings and the better you deal with regret, or > the less you need to deal with regret. Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: worldofcoins on September 07, 2018, 07:19:53 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

Those regrets are super relevant to today's market and there are also useful points we can all read and associate with. Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ukboss on September 09, 2018, 08:16:17 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another. If you make a mistake than it lead you to a feeling of regret and self admonishment. So first need to remain calm. Cool mind can take a perfect decision. If you are in profit then think when you need to stop or exit. If are in lose then think how much can you afford. Never think for what is already past. Think at the moment and market. 

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: flowers5 on September 09, 2018, 10:43:47 PM
I pretend I'm the underdog with forces of the universe actively trying to screw me over.  That way I can be a super hero of sorts fighting the evil enemy of the universe as it screw me over and makes me lose my money in crypto.  It was either that or heroin.  I even trade with a cape and mask on as well.  Wife said I get the utility belt for Christmas. 

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: TomArayaSlaya on September 09, 2018, 11:21:15 PM
Sometimes just dont think too much and it will help ease the pain away thats just my advice man

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Iykecollynz on September 10, 2018, 11:56:45 AM
I don't think too much about it, I just think about the worst case scenario and console myself, get my mind busy with something else and get happy. Have had a lot of sad experiences with handling crypto and I think I have learnt to manage it, even in trade it is adviced to never go allow in at all times, that way one will be able to manage portfolio without regret

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: gurang on September 10, 2018, 12:20:14 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
if you want to regret dont you ever enter on that situation if you dont no how to handle it, if you want to trade without regret must be wisely

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ohkkstaaahp on September 10, 2018, 01:09:22 PM
In my opinion, you should forget about them, as they will make you think a lot and have a headache, so forget about the past and live with the present and improve your knowledge to get big profits in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: katuhakuh on September 10, 2018, 01:10:37 PM
In my opinion to face cryptocurrancy regret, I think you must learn to control emotions, forget how much money is lost or won, and try to focus your next decision. Make it for your lesson so you can think about how to avoid future mistakes.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Elqui on September 10, 2018, 01:34:16 PM
You can’t really escape crypto regret if you’re an investor bacause trading is like gambling, you always dont know what will be the results.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Herostorm on September 10, 2018, 01:57:07 PM
Forget about it and do not think too much about those projects. In my opinion, do not think about the past, forget about what happened to us, so you will succeed.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bit-freedom on September 10, 2018, 03:18:47 PM
Thank you for sharing, I believe many people experienced regrets in crypto market.

IMO, regretting only hinder our progress. Lessons should be learnt, got over and move on. In this case, we will be able to achieve more.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: anitaraymonds on September 10, 2018, 04:02:00 PM
Great therapy for the emotion attached to online trading, grate write up Thanks my Bro. As far as trading and investment online is concerned there are abound to be mistakes and actions to be regretted,nobody is perfect and exempted as far as this emotional laden torture is concerned. The worst is that what has been done you can not correct it because it is already past. But what we do not know is that the opportunities or trading point repeats themselves all you have to do is gird up your self if an opportunity is missed and get ready for the next one. Worrying or destroying yourself will not change anything.In my own case I know that another chance will come so I do not allow such mistake to disturb me.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Akoldi_ibk on September 10, 2018, 07:11:48 PM
Regret! It happens a lot of time in crypto, whether you are a holder, trader or an investor. And to survive in this crypto world and come out strong each time things go other way, one must learn to face the consequences, live with the regret or let it go. The most important thing is to learn from every circumstance in this space — both good and bad.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: yulchatar on September 10, 2018, 07:56:51 PM
I have long learned to live without regretting past actions and behavior. I try to tell myself everyday that everything that happens in our lives is all for the better. It is impossible to constantly regret about something. Similarly, in crypto. If you decided to sell this or that currency at one time or another, then it was so necessary. Leave regrets and go on, if you can't change anything.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Sum24 on September 11, 2018, 06:35:55 PM
You can’t really escape crypto regret if you’re an investor bacause trading is like gambling, you always dont know what will be the results.
Trading is not a child play as if you are a trader you should know about good time of trading and investing, no one know about future of crypto that what will happen but we have hope and for sake of our hope we will invest, buying at perfect time is dream of anyone because it is only way to get good profit buying low to sell high, is best strategy now a day.\

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: robotrobert on September 12, 2018, 10:30:43 AM
Forget about it and do not think too much about those projects. In my opinion, do not think about the past, forget about what happened to us, so you will succeed.
Almost all the bad luck is actually as result of your mistakes and faults so you have to focus on where you did the mistake. If you learnt not to repeat your mistakes then everything will become fine for you and you will be on the way to get profit. Always buy in low market so that you will not face with any kind of loss later after buying it and it will be only profit when you sell in bull market.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Cherylstar86 on September 12, 2018, 01:27:02 PM
Forget about it and do not think too much about those projects. In my opinion, do not think about the past, forget about what happened to us, so you will succeed.
Almost all the bad luck is actually as result of your mistakes and faults so you have to focus on where you did the mistake. If you learnt not to repeat your mistakes then everything will become fine for you and you will be on the way to get profit. Always buy in low market so that you will not face with any kind of loss later after buying it and it will be only profit when you sell in bull market.
Exactly, as each of us already learned on our mistakes. I definitely believe soon most of us here will recover since the market is still in chaos. We can't also deny the fact that we try our luck here, hoping to have a great amount of profit in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: tbterryboy on September 18, 2018, 06:13:04 AM
Forget about it and do not think too much about those projects. In my opinion, do not think about the past, forget about what happened to us, so you will succeed.
Almost all the bad luck is actually as result of your mistakes and faults so you have to focus on where you did the mistake. If you learnt not to repeat your mistakes then everything will become fine for you and you will be on the way to get profit. Always buy in low market so that you will not face with any kind of loss later after buying it and it will be only profit when you sell in bull market.
Exactly, as each of us already learned on our mistakes. I definitely believe soon most of us here will recover since the market is still in chaos. We can't also deny the fact that we try our luck here, hoping to have a great amount of profit in the future.
This is why they call the learning a slow and steady process. It is the lessons you learn from the recurrent loss and profit and ultimately you are in a position when you can formulate a strategy that works for you in both short term and in long term which further depends on the type of crypto you are investing in as well. The ultimate purpose is to earn money and that can happen if you learn from every step in the business journey.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: weblaraveluser on September 18, 2018, 07:53:41 AM
Forget about it and do not think too much about those projects. In my opinion, do not think about the past, forget about what happened to us, so you will succeed.
Almost all the bad luck is actually as result of your mistakes and faults so you have to focus on where you did the mistake. If you learnt not to repeat your mistakes then everything will become fine for you and you will be on the way to get profit. Always buy in low market so that you will not face with any kind of loss later after buying it and it will be only profit when you sell in bull market.

In my own opinion, if you lose a huge amount of your investments then you should just accept losing money because that's how cryptocurrency works, the price will only grow if the market starts to pump up.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Vaccaria on September 18, 2018, 08:24:27 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

I think this post is as relevant now as it was back in January. A good mindset is important, and your strategy of comparing with the self that never bought crypto is interesting and useful.

I would only add on to it. My suggestion is that we commit or dedicate ourselves fully to each action/trade we made. This is done by convincing yourself through answering these 3 questions:
1. Is the current situation more favourable for you than before? Yes.
2. Do you know what will happen next? No.
3. Can you afford to lose this amount? Yes.

When I answer these 3 questions in the full presence of your mind, you will be able to find the resolve to back up your decision. And weeks later when you look back at that decision, that resolve will come back to support you.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: changxia on September 18, 2018, 09:17:35 AM
personal opinion
I think that when we are ready to buy cryptocurrencies, we need the courage and perseverance, rather than hesitating, we need to learn to observe the current coins in the long run, instead of just paying attention to the immediate profits!

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Ucy on September 18, 2018, 09:57:05 PM
Good writeup.
I do not regret my trades and other should not either.

Never regret your trades... learn from them instead. If you have learned something worthwhile you will avoid repeating thesame mistakes.. .If you don't you will keep repeating the mistakes.

I tend to ignore a coin completely and move to another one once it is sold, to avoid the regrets when it start moving up. I don't care whether it gains x4 after selling it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: liseff3 on September 18, 2018, 11:40:51 PM
If your age's still young, spend your failures and regrets (but you should not be too far away) let them be the introductory provision for a better life. In crypto trading everything will be complicated rather than investment because there are too many theories and strategies that we must understand first.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.

Because money is the basis of all the stories that you, me and others have.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Daniel9140 on September 20, 2018, 06:57:10 PM
I usually do not want to allow my regrets to weigh me down. When I want to feel regret, I tend to push it off my mind. I have a proven strategy I use for my investments and trade. I do not allow negatively to weigh me down. I think about it a little and move on to the next good thing

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: prihojantsev on September 20, 2018, 07:21:33 PM
Actually, when you attach a big importance to money, thoughts about missed opportunities can drive you crazy. The best way is to think how to find out all important information as early as it possible and make every effort for studying as much as you can.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Theldal on September 21, 2018, 02:45:43 AM
Ah regret.... always regret.
You try to learn from your mistakes and move on... Perhaps you can take solice in the fact that a lot us have made mistakes but as long as the mistake was not fatal we can always move on.
But yeah regret sucks.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: bankarpit on September 21, 2018, 03:03:33 AM
There is nothing to regret. You just learned something , yes you have lost some amount but you are more prepare than others who just think to enter into this field. At least now you understand and know what are the things you must keep in mind before investing.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: semutracing on September 21, 2018, 03:15:33 AM
actually always remembering the mistakes that you made will make you more sorry and will make you move away from the crypto currency, my advice make that mistake as a valuable lesson

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: @Mhaiang on September 21, 2018, 05:05:16 AM
Focusing on regrets means you can not simply move on and find a better way of making a good decision that would not lead to regrets again. Regret comes after a wrong decision which also means that wrong decision can lead you to become a better person in the future from what you will learn out of it.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: traderethereum on September 21, 2018, 05:13:59 AM
actually always remembering the mistakes that you made will make you more sorry and will make you move away from the crypto currency, my advice make that mistake as a valuable lesson

yes, although it is difficult, at least, you need to try to forget the mistake and try to not do the same mistake. I am sure that by learning more in trading or another thing, you can slowly recover your loss and you can replace your regret with the happiness that you can make in the future. besides of learning, you need to learn to accept the regret and always remember that you still have another day to make a profit. with doing this, I think you can learn from the mistake and will not regret if you are getting the loss.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: mornabo on September 21, 2018, 05:24:22 AM
Forget about it and do not think too much about those projects. In my opinion, do not think about the past, forget about what happened to us, so you will succeed.
Almost all the bad luck is actually as result of your mistakes and faults so you have to focus on where you did the mistake. If you learnt not to repeat your mistakes then everything will become fine for you and you will be on the way to get profit. Always buy in low market so that you will not face with any kind of loss later after buying it and it will be only profit when you sell in bull market.
Precisely the losses and failures that you get are valuable experiences that will make you even more intense in crypto trading or investment,
do not regret what has happened because we did not live in the past, the important thing is to move on and focus on your future and your plans

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Distinctin on September 21, 2018, 12:34:48 PM
Forget about it and do not think too much about those projects. In my opinion, do not think about the past, forget about what happened to us, so you will succeed.
Almost all the bad luck is actually as result of your mistakes and faults so you have to focus on where you did the mistake. If you learnt not to repeat your mistakes then everything will become fine for you and you will be on the way to get profit. Always buy in low market so that you will not face with any kind of loss later after buying it and it will be only profit when you sell in bull market.
Precisely the losses and failures that you get are valuable experiences that will make you even more intense in crypto trading or investment,
do not regret what has happened because we did not live in the past, the important thing is to move on and focus on your future and your plans
That is a very inspiring words, in trading or investing there is always a possibility to fail, but if we learn from our mistakes we have a chance
to be successful in the long run. It's not gonna be an easy journey but if you put your passion and you will remain objective, you will be able to do
a good strategy without using your emotion which is the hindrance to success. Regret is normal but move on to focus on your goal.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: darewaller on September 22, 2018, 08:00:43 AM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
I have grown past regretting things like this, there are things that are worth regretting and not this one. I wasn’t aware of Bitcoin and nobody told me about it as of the time it was new and cheap and that’s also in the past, so why would I be killing myself over that.

And by the way, none of the people then knew that Bitcoin would the current it’s at now, and I’m very sure that none of them saved up from then till now, if there is, it will only be a few.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: jackylion on September 22, 2018, 09:27:59 AM
You should forget about them, because if you do not forget, you will not be able to become more successful, in my opinion we should analyze the coin before making the decision to sell them, and when selling do not see price them any more.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: hanapre on September 22, 2018, 10:31:50 AM
Yes, I have gone through the same situation several times so that I can understand concerns but you have to understand the fact that you can't do anything now, but there is always room for growth and correcting mistakes. Don't think too much about it and remember that better opportunities will come. Cryptocurrancy has just begun and will be better in the future.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Luckym7 on September 24, 2018, 10:36:34 AM
At the moment many people work in this cryptocurrency market. There are several people creating several strategy for making money in his trading section. Always same strategy not work properly so people day by day change his strategy for earning. Who are very talent in this online industry those people already make a million million dollar if you think why you can't do that because most of the people don't have a patient and don't analyse cryptocurrency market in this region people don't make a profit in cryptocurrency. If you want to make a some profit with cryptocurrency market you should make a better knowledge about cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Itcher on September 24, 2018, 06:02:20 PM
if you have a strategy for achieving goals and passion for it, then there should be no different doubts about whether you did the right thing or not

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: CryptoSparks on September 24, 2018, 06:16:46 PM
Someone smart said
Happiness Equals Reality Minus Expectations

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: iwah on September 24, 2018, 06:21:09 PM
great article you have there, took my time to read through, well for me the way i have to handle my own regret is that, I always invest what i can afford to lose, I don't normally invest any money that when it got lose, I will regret, I think that has been my strategy,

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: richmcrich on September 26, 2018, 08:10:19 AM
actually always remembering the mistakes that you made will make you more sorry and will make you move away from the crypto currency, my advice make that mistake as a valuable lesson
People need to know that they should rather learn from the mistakes they have been making in the crypto market and should not make it part of lives. Win and loss is part of the game.

Every time you make a mistake in the market, you should learn from it and work on your weak areas to see how can you improve. An improvement in your performance is the only thing that can minimize your regret. Besides, there is nothing you can rely on to make money.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ufalo3 on September 26, 2018, 04:03:45 PM
Yes, I have gone through the same situation several times so that I can understand concerns but you have to understand the fact that you can't do anything now, but there is always room for growth and correcting mistakes. Don't think too much about it and remember that better opportunities will come. Cryptocurrancy has just begun and will be better in the future.

In my personal opinion, when you regret, you dive into the past, and you close all the doors to the future best life. Stop doing it and concentrate on the new business.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ace4549 on September 30, 2018, 03:40:41 PM
For me to handle crypto currency regret, you must think this is the lesson that you must be able to learn to be a better version  of yourself.
From this you can easily cope in all situations that you will encounter and you can be able to have a greater achievements in future because you already learn your lesson from previous mistakes you have.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Maslate on October 15, 2018, 03:54:17 AM
For me to handle crypto currency regret, you must think this is the lesson that you must be able to learn to be a better version  of yourself.
From this you can easily cope in all situations that you will encounter and you can be able to have a greater achievements in future because you already learn your lesson from previous mistakes you have.
I always have a regret but I also think that it's part of the game.
In crypto, while we are trading we also experience losses and profitable times but we should aim to be profitable in the end.
It's impossible to make money all the time due to the fact that we are just humans and we make wrong decisions sometimes, which might be costly to us.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: sirohige on October 15, 2018, 08:16:31 AM
usually a lot of people will regret if they sell at a cheap price and suddenly the price goes up or they are stuck at a very high price, if you want to overcome the remorse you should be able to control your patience and don't be easy to panic because usually all those mistakes panic occurs, for that it might be the best way to stay patient and don't make mistakes like that again never give up.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: emberbekas on October 15, 2018, 08:35:14 AM
In crypto, making decisions that result in regret cannot be avoided. Almost everyone already and will face it. We certainly cannot predict the price movement accurately forever. Make it as normal condition. Thus we will not be trapped in protracted remorse.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Tetutu on October 21, 2018, 01:12:05 PM
if you have a strategy for achieving goals and passion for it, then there should be no different doubts about whether you did the right thing or not
In trading, must not regret, whatever the results of the transaction. To avoid regret from crypto transactions, must learn crypto trading indicators so that the winning percentage is greater than defeat. For monthly or weekly targets, if more profit means everything is fine.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Wonder_woman on October 21, 2018, 01:16:56 PM
Regret is an inevitable state of mind in crypto at one point or another:-

why didn't I buy that coin when it was $0.50?
why did I sell this coin early?
why didn't I take profits on the way up, only to see the value fall 50% in a market crash? (a lot of us in the last crash!)
why didn't I buy the dip?
why did I FOMO and buy at the ATH and now I'm holding an unrealised loss?
why didn't I buy more of this coin?
We're all going to make "mistakes" that lead to a feeling of regret and self-admonishment.

I have a couple of strategies here to help me dampen the feeling of regret.

1. I have to realise that regret is largely based on a "maximalist"/perfectionist mindset, which is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We are attached to the notion of maximising profits. But what would that involve? It would involve being the perfect, machine-like investor. Always buying low, selling at an ATH, taking profits at the perfect time. It's an impossible standard to live up to.

If I make a profit, I compare my profits to the stock market. If you do THAT, realise you're likely "killing it" even with a "modest" 100% gain (it's ridiculous even to put "modest" here). If you can make a 10% gain a YEAR in the stock market, that's considered a success.

Also realise that the maximalist attitude is largely shaped around only hearing one side of the story of other people's trades. People boast when they're winning, and they're quiet when they're losing. Therefore, you can start to think that everyone's doing incredibly well.

2. I can only compare myself to the other me who didn't get into cryptos at all. That's your baseline to compare to. There really is no other baseline. It's damaging and outright delusional to compare yourself to the "perfect you" that always bought at the exact bottom and sold at the exact top. That you does not exist. It's a damaging fantasy that always leads to you beating yourself up about not making the most optimal decision at each and every turn. Cryptos can quickly lose its fun if you think along those lines.

Are you in profit (as in cashed out your initial investment + profits in fiat)? Then you're winning - you're doing better than the other you that didn't bother with cryptos. Congratulations. You should extinguish any regret, and actually feel contentment at your achievement. Forget the "what ifs?" - you made a decision that has made you better off financially and you've learned a fair amount along the way.

Are you holding an unrealised loss? Then know that it's unrealised and while that can be stressful, you're doing well to hold on and you can be proud that you haven't sold yet. It won't fix the regret so easily, but you have the hope your unrealised loss can turn into a realised profit.

Are you actually making a realised loss in cryptos? Of course, this is the hardest situation of all. All you can do is see it as a lesson you paid for. Nothing is without value, and you will have learned something along the way. You gave something a try, and financially it didn't work out. You may not be out of the game, so you could be in profit in a few days or weeks' time. Or maybe you've just had enough. Fair play. Know that you're actually in a big group of people. Lots of people have faced your situation and come out the other side OK. I lost a fair amount of money in Forex a few years ago. I felt crap for a while, then I stopped feeling crap. Luckily, life moves on. Actually, without that experience with Forex, I doubt I would have found any interest in cryptos - and I have profited from cryptos much more than my Forex losses - so there is that. Plus, cryptos are a LOT more fun than Forex.

I know that everything above is purely based on financial regret, and the counterargument is that "there's more to cryptos than just making a profit" - but when it comes to regret, it's almost always about money.
I always feel the same, the moment that is full of regrets it made me a little bit crazy since it always *pop* into my mind. lol. When there is a time I realize all my loss I feel very fail and I almost shout loud in crying knowing that I loss huge amount of my assets. But its pretty coll seing your self smiling after that. lmao  ;D

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Simu111 on October 22, 2018, 08:46:19 PM
regret every factor we promote is no longer like me, i can certainly recollect selling because i'm scared of a extensive growth however whilst we preserve the fee down just like this. due to the fact that learning trading i appreciate what is the modern-day cost and the income target that i can reap

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: renemagritte on October 22, 2018, 09:13:04 PM
You learn as you live it. There will be plenty of chances that you miss, and you will get some of them. Don't forget that those things will teach you and you hopefully don't make the same mistakes again. But also you cannot find a coin's ath and atl.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Cling18 on October 23, 2018, 03:43:42 AM
I just drink untill I can't think.

(just joking)

This is an effective way of regretting about trading. The is no such thing as perfect trading so we must be smart enough to handle our emotions. Once had a transaction and we sold something, we should bear in mind that cryptocurrency is volatile and is always changing. We should accept the changes.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: ufaiz50 on October 23, 2018, 04:05:27 AM
I am more likely to forget regret and take the important side that I can learn to be better in the future, in this case I am more relaxed and do not need to panic or do things that could hurt myself, here the importance is that we can control myself because if we continue in regret we will only harm ourselves.

Title: Re: How I handle crypto regret
Post by: Souldream on November 13, 2018, 03:54:54 PM
I am more likely to forget regret and take the important side that I can learn to be better in the future, in this case I am more relaxed and do not need to panic or do things that could hurt myself, here the importance is that we can control myself because if we continue in regret we will only harm ourselves.
There's nothing wrong with regrets because we are only human were not perfect that's why it's natural to commit mistakes. What's more important there is you experienced it and you can learn from it. As you learn from in your next life event in the business world or even in the real world, you can apply the life lessons that you have learn from your past mistakes.