Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Mary Laura on January 23, 2018, 04:03:26 AM

Title: My Wallet Hack
Post by: Mary Laura on January 23, 2018, 04:03:26 AM
 :)I downloaded a wallet for a cryptocurrency that I will leave anonymous. I loaded my coins and made several transactions. I open my wallet daily, but about a month after my last transaction, I opened my wallet and find that all these transactions had occurred that I had not made. But the curious thing was these transactions were backdated before other transaction ;)

Title: Re: My Wallet Hack
Post by: crypto_sagor on January 23, 2018, 04:37:13 AM
Perhaps someone close to you has done this evil. Otherwise, there is no  blackchain wallet . Or you've used a hack wallet.

Title: Re: My Wallet Hack
Post by: Lyne01 on January 23, 2018, 04:45:44 AM
:)I downloaded a wallet for a cryptocurrency that I will leave anonymous. I loaded my coins and made several transactions. I open my wallet daily, but about a month after my last transaction, I opened my wallet and find that all these transactions had occurred that I had not made. But the curious thing was these transactions were backdated before other transaction ;)
So sad to hear that news. Its a learned lesson for you and for us as well. From your story, maybe you downloaded a wallet from an untrusted sites. There are many cases like that now. However, your coins cannot be retreived. So next time, you should only use one wallet and if you download one, make sure that it is from the site of the coins.

Title: Re: My Wallet Hack
Post by: drwhobox on January 23, 2018, 04:49:16 AM
I think you've been using some wallets are nit even recognized by most ofnthe users. They have your private key with you. I would personally perfer using offical wallets from different coins especially Bitcoin. Don't trust too much from wallets that are not even trusted.

Title: Re: My Wallet Hack
Post by: SONG GEET on January 23, 2018, 04:52:11 AM
So you mean those transactions which you haven't made were done before your transactions?

If so than other might have used the same wallet before you. You have to mention the name of that wallet and coin here so we can give you exact answer.

Title: Re: My Wallet Hack
Post by: h0lybyte on January 23, 2018, 05:06:42 AM
I can understand what is happening with your coins but i am sure this isn't hack of your coins because this happens with my wallet also, i will try to explain the issue with details: As you told that these transactions have been made before your transfers, this means that you were able to spend your coins even after suspecious transactions in your wallet, right?  Basically your wallet provider trade your coins in background but keeps balance amount highligted for you also, when you request transfer/spend, you are fully able to do so, this is not hack but some wallets trade your coins without your permission

Title: Re: My Wallet Hack
Post by: LETme on January 23, 2018, 05:29:07 AM
Maybe there is someone know your pin or private key. Don't let it happen again!, remember do not trust anyone to know your password, do not connect your devices in public places,do not click any suspicious link.