Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Marketplace => Topic started by: Pleasuremodel on January 23, 2018, 04:37:43 PM

Title: arbitration scheme between exchanger and exchange
Post by: Pleasuremodel on January 23, 2018, 04:37:43 PM
arbitration scheme between exchanger and exchange
is anyone interested in the arbitration scheme
between the exchanger and the exchange?
Transaction time ~ 15 minutes.
with every 400 $ profit 10-12 $ already with all commissions!
if interested, then write in ps
everything is simple
we get Fiat from the wallet to the exchanger xxx
Change Fiat for coin xxx
we transfer the coin xxx to the stock exchange xxx
We sell a coin for Fiat on the exchange
fiat we deduce from a stock exchange on a purse
from the purse replenish the exchanger
and further in a circle
Contact us at telegram @pleasuremodel

Title: Re: arbitration scheme between exchanger and exchange
Post by: Talesfromthecrypto on January 25, 2018, 01:41:22 AM
I think you're talking about arbitrage, but the fact that you want people to message instead of providing something substantial, (proof, screenshots, anything really), makes me think there is something phishy going on here.

Title: Re: arbitration scheme between exchanger and exchange
Post by: player514 on January 25, 2018, 01:52:01 AM
arbitration scheme between exchanger and exchange
is anyone interested in the arbitration scheme
between the exchanger and the exchange?
Transaction time ~ 15 minutes.
with every 400 $ profit 10-12 $ already with all commissions!
if interested, then write in ps
everything is simple
we get Fiat from the wallet to the exchanger xxx
Change Fiat for coin xxx
we transfer the coin xxx to the stock exchange xxx
We sell a coin for Fiat on the exchange
fiat we deduce from a stock exchange on a purse
from the purse replenish the exchanger
and further in a circle
Contact us at telegram @pleasuremodel

To everyone who is reading this, be careful with this. Arbitrage is already pretty sketchy in terms of trading especially when looked into by crypto exchanges. Furthermore, when you trade via arbitrage, you could end up facing the issues of transaction fees. If the fees start going up soon, then it'll be harder to make money, and it's possible that you'll lose money. Act with caution and remember that nothing comes free, especially not money.