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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Loveydovey04 on January 23, 2018, 10:06:54 PM

Title: Dealing with self-righteous people
Post by: Loveydovey04 on January 23, 2018, 10:06:54 PM
I’m tired of self righteous people. People who believe they are always right and never do anything wrong. No time to listen to others’ opinion or suggestions but insist that theirs are always the best. How would you deal with this kind of people specially if hey are your workmates or your employers?

Title: Re: Dealing with self-righteous people
Post by: marceloneriza on January 24, 2018, 03:46:49 AM
I’m tired of self righteous people. People who believe they are always right and never do anything wrong. No time to listen to others’ opinion or suggestions but insist that theirs are always the best. How would you deal with this kind of people specially if hey are your workmates or your employers?

Hehe just listen and watch them, don't mind them, don't give them your attention and time, there are still people out there, the non righteous who are waiting for you and needs your time and affection. Neglect them!  They will learn from their mistakes.

Title: Re: Dealing with self-righteous people
Post by: Brian_Bishop on July 29, 2018, 01:26:35 AM
I’m tired of self righteous people. People who believe they are always right and never do anything wrong. No time to listen to others’ opinion or suggestions but insist that theirs are always the best. How would you deal with this kind of people specially if hey are your workmates or your employers?
Oh, I know what you're all about too well. My ex-boss is "absolutely perfect." I do not know if my advice will help you. But I stopped commenting his words and eventually learn to pay no attention to what he was saying at all. It's complicated, because he often gave me absolutely stupid tasks and I did not know what to do. But I convinced myself that this is temporary and I will have a new job. It became easier. And now I have a really new job and a great boss!

Title: Re: Dealing with self-righteous people
Post by: neliawesome on July 29, 2018, 02:54:58 AM
Well simple I dont try to argue to those kind of people because it is very useless.It will only end up into fight.

Title: Re: Dealing with self-righteous people
Post by: Ciscopro2000 on July 29, 2018, 03:57:04 AM
Ignore them is the best way.  Arguing with these people is useless. 

Title: Re: Dealing with self-righteous people
Post by: Tetew50 on July 29, 2018, 05:47:29 AM
People who feel always right are usually people who have a lot of wealth, they can buy people's trust with money.

Title: Re: Dealing with self-righteous people
Post by: Harz58 on July 31, 2018, 09:02:59 AM
Just ignore them and never give them room for arguments.