Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: EcoCoin on August 26, 2013, 09:03:11 PM

Title: EcoCoin Bounty - Auto-Update Feature
Post by: EcoCoin on August 26, 2013, 09:03:11 PM
10 000 eco

Todo We are offering a bounty prize on a auto-update feature for daemons/wallets. This auto-update its enabled by default, but you may disable it by navigating to Options > Network and uncheck the auto-update. The command line on the daemon side should be “auto-update true/false”.

Why On the past coins we have seen a manual way of following the project, this may generate lack of interest by making it more difficult to everyone. There is also a downside on the network when every client/server doesn’t follow in time.

Requirements There are some developments already made to help on this bounty, we have this API available for the wallet/daemon version checkup, and also the link to auto-check OS and download the latest wallet/daemon.
   - Daemon/Wallet Version checkup URL ( returns:
   - Download URL .
   - Source Code/Binaries required.

For any further question, feel free to PM.

Title: Re: EcoCoin Bounty - Auto-Update Feature
Post by: ANiceJewishBoy on October 29, 2013, 06:41:04 PM
We need more coins with more bounties. Has eco-coin ever considered ecological, verbal (literature, speeches, etc) and marketing bounties?

Title: Re: EcoCoin Bounty - Auto-Update Feature
Post by: EcoCoin on October 30, 2013, 08:42:03 PM
We need more coins with more bounties. Has eco-coin ever considered ecological, verbal (literature, speeches, etc) and marketing bounties?
We have a "verbal" bounty already prepared to make public on the upcoming version, but you just shared/gave new ideas, so thank you for that.
Next version shall bring much more bounties yes! :)

Best Regards Nice Jewish Boy