Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: Mike Mayor on January 25, 2018, 04:02:51 AM

Title: Account destroyed
Post by: Mike Mayor on January 25, 2018, 04:02:51 AM
I logged in today as I always do to check what's new in the bit coin world to find I have negative trust. Funny since I'm a very trustworthy person. Negative trust is there for scammers and theives. It now says "trade with caution" my negative trust is for not reading. So apparently not reading means you can't be trusted or you a scammer. Perhaps I'm not the one that can't read but rather the person giving negative trust should learn to read.

One post and one mistake is all it took. My hero account I've worked on very hard is now worthless and pointless and I have a nasty red mark next to my name. I've never stolen in my entire life but ya ok now I have an untrusted red thing by my name.

People steal from others. Campaign managers sometimes steal and they receive nothing so what I learn is that being a thief is ok but spamming or not reading is not.

One post I was not concentrating with and wrote something silly. I want to see who never makes any mistakes? They act like all I do is spam when I actually try make good quality posts for my campaign manager who I've been with almost an entire year.

No problems about me just one post one random person didn't like and now years if working getting this account ranked up is gone.

I'm now done with this forum. There are not very nice people here and I really needed that money. I know noone cares and I'm expecting Boone to care because that's the impression this forum has given me. No respect and no kindness at all. It's a good place and I don't recommend this forum to people honestly don't.

Someone just needs to not like you and boom job and account gone.

My manager who I have worked with for a year didn't even speak to me so like I say there is no respect. You can try and you can try and you can help people and be a good member then have your account destroyed in seconds.

So I'm done. If you want me gone then good job I'm done. Thing that makes me the saddest is these people don't care that I'm actually a person behind this account and I'm a good person. I help people all the time. I have got people involved in the forum with irl people but I'll no longer be doing so because this is how the appreciation is shown. It makes me really sad that someone doesn't even think that perhaps this person really needs this money. Just bullies.

Good luck to you all and stay away from d2 members they will nail you for whatever reason they feel because someone decided giving them that power was appropriate. One person can mess your career up here.  

They we're talking about rain in a casino and I was silly and make a mistake like I sometimes do because I am a human. So I thought they mentioned the currency rain.

Rain the currency had come out 2 months before I had posted the post that got me red trust. I was an investor in rain so when I was rain I thought of the currency. I don't understand why I must get red trust for making a mistake.

Here is the silly post I made one day when I was not concentrating properly and made a mistake:

It was a post made in June. I'm confused I don't know why I must get red trust for that post? Surely someone can pm me and ask what's up? They can make sure I'm not a spammer then? I find it insulting being called a spammer.

I'm not saying what I said wasn't silly but it was one post where I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have. I'm not perfect I make mistakes and mix things up fairly often. I did message him but I doubt it will do anything. He acts like I can barely speak English and shitposting app day long. No it was one post. It annoys me that one person has so much power. If a D2 member has a bad day they take it out on you? Nothing happens to them only you. Don't even have to do anything wrong to get negative trust. I'm a good person. I do some charity work and I sometimes help the animals at the pound so they can be adopted. I don't have that much free time. This campaign was a nice way to enjoy myself while getting paid. I'm not the best poster in the world but I do what I can I try offer people to play at the Yolodice casino or to invest their money there. I try to push Yolodice and use their name as much as I can so that on the Google index searching for them is much easier and they will get more hits.

So why is it unsafe to trade with me now? What's that got to do with it. So now I'm being accused of all sorts of things and apparently I can't read either. So it's ok to just insult me like that? My posting is shit and I'm not wanted that's what I'm busy being told here. Well I'm really sorry that my posts are shit. The English the grammar is good. Sometime I make spelling error being I use my phone but I usually fix them. Now that is shit? My grammar and my spelling is shit? So I'm the same as these people that can't even speak English or make sense?

This D2 member:;u=465017

This person gave out so much negative trust to people in one day he actually spammed negative trust. I've looked through some of the accounts he gave negative trust to and not all of them are spammers. I don't know what this guys issue is or why he's on this rampage of giving negative trust out like this. It's funny how everyone is so focused on the negative and only giving out negative trust and saying bad things. Yet possitive trust is never given out and noone worries. So focused on the negative. He has handed out so much negative trust and give only a few possitive trusts. You have to ask yourself isn't there something wrong then? Clearly this person only cares about what you do wrong and apparently one post is all it takes. This person is more destructive then any spammer could be. The community doesn't need this. Now we fear posting because our account could be destroyed in a click of a button along with our income. This person clearly doesn't care about the damage he or she causes by doing this. This person doesn't know me. Yet they in such a position of power. Also notice he this person talks to people. Using swear words and cuss words yet this person is a D2 member. I'm sorry but calling someone a "fuckbag" is abusive.

Title: Re: Account destroyed
Post by: DarkStar_ on January 25, 2018, 04:30:59 AM
actmyname is willing to reconsider trust ratings, just send him a PM.  Report the manager that scammed. Actually read THE FIRST POST before responding.

Your account is not destroyed, unless your sole purpose is signature campaigns.