Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: OnlyHodl on January 25, 2018, 10:17:33 PM

Title: Lost some BTC when I split my BTG on my LEDGER NANO S - Can Someone Help?
Post by: OnlyHodl on January 25, 2018, 10:17:33 PM
Hi everyone,

I would really appreciate if someone could weigh in on this.  I'm tech proficient by obviously not enough to understand what
has happened to my missing BTC.

When I used the split tool to create my BTG, I lost some BTC. This is super alarming.
My BTG total is correct, but after the split, somehow I'm short 0.6571644 BTC.

I have never spent any BTC, I'm a super hodler, so where did this missing BTC go?

I can see from my operations history that it was the sum I sent from my Poloniex account way back in July.  I have to
deposits that day, and I have hodled since.

So why would that amount suddenly disappear after I use the ledger split tool for BTG???

I'm waiting to hear back from Ledger Support on this. But it's been over two weeks.




Title: Re: Lost some BTC when I split my BTG on my LEDGER NANO S - Can Someone Help?
Post by: BitMaxz on January 25, 2018, 10:46:12 PM
Hi everyone,

I would really appreciate if someone could weigh in on this.  I'm tech proficient by obviously not enough to understand what
has happened to my missing BTC.

When I used the split tool to create my BTG, I lost some BTC. This is super alarming.
My BTG total is correct, but after the split, somehow I'm short 0.6571644 BTC.

I have never spent any BTC, I'm a super hodler, so where did this missing BTC go?

I can see from my operations history that it was the sum I sent from my Poloniex account way back in July.  I have to
deposits that day, and I have hodled since.

So why would that amount suddenly disappear after I use the ledger split tool for BTG???

I'm waiting to hear back from Ledger Support on this. But it's been over two weeks.




You did a wrong way what split tool you are using anyway? did you use the btg split tool from ledger nano?
The you forgot to transfer your bitcoin first to a new bitcoin wallet before you split your bitcoin gold..
I hope next time you search first for safety of your bitcoin because sometimes there are tools are fake and scam and there are some other bitcoin holders that wanted to split there bitcoin gold and do the same as you do and their bitcoin also gone the same what happen to you..

Let me ask if your bitcoin gold credited to your ledger nano?  Let me know your public key (bitcoin address where your bitcoin save before you split it in btg tool)

Title: Re: Lost some BTC when I split my BTG on my LEDGER NANO S - Can Someone Help?
Post by: OnlyHodl on January 26, 2018, 03:29:14 AM
Thanks for the response.

Yes I used the ledger nano s BTG split tool.  Everyone said that was very safe.

What address should I look up?  The BTC one or the BTG one?

Is it possible it got moved to Segwit BTC?
I haven't switched my addresses to Segwit yet though.

Thanks for the help!

Title: Re: Lost some BTC when I split my BTG on my LEDGER NANO S - Can Someone Help?
Post by: OnlyHodl on January 26, 2018, 03:53:31 AM
Which BTC public address would I send you?
All the current RECEIVE addresses on my ledger nano s all say 0 balance.

I don't think I quite understand how the HD wallets work.

Thanks for helping.

Title: Re: Lost some BTC when I split my BTG on my LEDGER NANO S - Can Someone Help?
Post by: HCP on January 26, 2018, 05:00:06 AM
The BTC won't move from any address unless a transaction is signed and broadcast and then confirmed. So, your BTC won't have moved to any "SegWit" addresses unless you (or someone else with private keys) sent them there.

The "BTG Split Tool" simply uses your "BTC" keys to access the BTG coins from the fork.

The "standard" BIP44 derivation path for BTC is: m/44'/0'/0'
The "standard" BIP44 derivation path for BTG is: m/44'/156'/0'

So, if you start the Bitcoin Gold "app" on your Ledger device and select "Legacy" on the chrome app, it loads up a wallet using derivation path: m/44'/156'/0' and creates addresses using that path. What the "BTG Split Tool" does, is use the Bitcoin Gold "app", but with the BTC derivation path of: m/44'/0'/0'... This way, it can use your BTC addresses/keys to claim the BTG sitting on those addresses/keys.

The idea being that you first get a BTG address(es) from the "Legacy" BTG wallet (ie. NOT the split tool)... then you use the Split Tool to move all the BTG to your new address(es). Then you no longer need to use the split tool, you just load up the "Legacy" wallet to access the BTG that you sent there.

Back to your current situation:

- If you start the "Bitcoin Gold" app on the Ledger device... and select the "BTG Split Tool" (on the chrome app)... what transactions do you see?

- If you start the "Bitcoin Gold" app on the Ledger device... and select "Legacy" (on the chrome app)... what transactions do you see?

- If you start the "Bitcoin" app on the Ledger device and select "Bitcoin" -> "Legacy" (on the chrome app)... what transactions do you see?