Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: skabooboo on January 28, 2018, 02:29:06 AM

Title: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: skabooboo on January 28, 2018, 02:29:06 AM
Hi Everybody,

I am new to this forum and I am also a complete novice regarding bitcoin transactions. I only created a wallet last night and went with the very standard as a newbie i didn't want to venture elsewhere until I get a hang on things.

So I bought for 400eur worth of bitcoins BCH (bitcoin cash) and I was supposed to send my seller 160eur in total. We agreed on half before delivery of physical goods and half on delivery.

He gave me the following address to sent it to: 1A6y6LJ2qqLZoYP1ir2sUkaEZn3L6S2o2F

The first time I sent I messed up with the BCH conversion so I ended up sending him only 0.00873BCH = 11.44EUR. So I sent a second time this time 0.060057BCH = 78.68EUR. I got 62 Blockchain confirmations for both transactions.

So in total, as far as I know, I sent him 90.12EUR (sorry still have a hard time to write it in BTC) and he still kept on saying that I didn't send him anything and that he will not deliver my stuff because I was a liar and that I should stop "disturbing" him.

As am new to it I want to understand if genuinely something went wrong or if he is a scammer? I could be out of my depth here but I checked the address on: and it says "No transactions found for this address, it has probably not been used on the network yet".

So what happened?

Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!


Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: xYakult on January 28, 2018, 03:01:33 AM
As am new to it I want to understand if genuinely something went wrong or if he is a scammer? I could be out of my depth here but I checked the address on: and it says "No transactions found for this address, it has probably

You sent Bitcoin Cash to your seller and it went through, the coins is in his wallet already. You sent Bitcoin cash so won't show your transaction because it is for "Bitcoin". Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are different.

You can check his BCH address here:

It clearly shows 2 transactions, 0.00873000BCH and 0.06100000BCH so if your seller insist he didn't recieved anything from you, you probably got scammed

Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: Foxpup on January 28, 2018, 03:12:42 AM
It clearly shows 2 transactions, 0.00873000BCH and 0.06100000BCH so if your seller insist he didn't recieved anything from you, you probably got scammed
Unless (as seems likely) the seller wanted real bitcoins, in which case he's telling the truth when he says he didn't get any. The only scammer is the person who sold "Bitcoin Cash" claiming it was the real deal.

Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: skabooboo on January 28, 2018, 03:20:56 AM
Yup thought so, he took advantage of my newbiness. what a low life :( Thx for the insight. Could you advice on a way of avoiding this in the future. 2 factor authentification or the likes. Again might be talking bs here, just need to know what I can/should do in the future. As for this guy, I guess there is no way I could get even right. I am anonymous and so is he. I wish I could exact revenge on him just out of principle.

Lastly is you have a good place for me to go to understand Bitcoins better like a sort of Bitcoins for dummies it would be great (would love to understand more and also maybe a way to avoid paying fees when I buy bitcoins...) there is so much out there that I have a hard time to know what is legit and what is not.

Thx again for the quick reply!


Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: xYakult on January 28, 2018, 03:45:40 AM
It clearly shows 2 transactions, 0.00873000BCH and 0.06100000BCH so if your seller insist he didn't recieved anything from you, you probably got scammed
Unless (as seems likely) the seller wanted real bitcoins, in which case he's telling the truth when he says he didn't get any. The only scammer is the person who sold "Bitcoin Cash" claiming it was the real deal.

That is more likely the case since he didn't mention on what currency they should use in their deal.

Yup thought so, he took advantage of my newbiness. what a low life :( Thx for the insight. Could you advice on a way of avoiding this in the future. 2 factor authentification or the likes. Again might be talking bs here, just need to know what I can/should do in the future. As for this guy, I guess there is no way I could get even right. I am anonymous and so is he. I wish I could exact revenge on him just out of principle.

Lastly is you have a good place for me to go to understand Bitcoins better like a sort of Bitcoins for dummies it would be great (would love to understand more and also maybe a way to avoid paying fees when I buy bitcoins...) there is so much out there that I have a hard time to know what is legit and what is not.

Thx again for the quick reply!


First, you should know what coin you should use in paying someone, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold are different. Second, always double or triple check the address you are sending your money because you can't do chargeback here, once sent, it will not go back to your wallet

Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: kevoh on January 28, 2018, 06:46:42 AM
It clearly shows 2 transactions, 0.00873000BCH and 0.06100000BCH so if your seller insist he didn't recieved anything from you, you probably got scammed
Unless (as seems likely) the seller wanted real bitcoins, in which case he's telling the truth when he says he didn't get any. The only scammer is the person who sold "Bitcoin Cash" claiming it was the real deal.
Agreed there's already one scammer discovered, what about the seller who probably received Bitcoin cash in his Bitcoin address? I know one can recover Bitcoin cash sent to a Bitcoin wallet! The OP and the selller should come to an agreement on how to recover BCH, so that he does not end up paying twice.

Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: Thirdspace on January 28, 2018, 01:34:18 PM
So I bought for 400eur worth of bitcoins BCH (bitcoin cash) and I was supposed to send my seller 160eur in total. We agreed on half before delivery of physical goods and half on delivery.
You have BCH. You are sending 80eur (half of 160eur) in BCH to your seller.
the question: were you seller asking for BCH payment or BTC payment?

The first time I sent I messed up with the BCH conversion so I ended up sending him only 0.00873BCH = 11.44EUR. So I sent a second time this time 0.060057BCH = 78.68EUR. I got 62 Blockchain confirmations for both transactions.
if he's asking for BTC, 0.00873 seems right amount for 60eur in BTC but you sent him BCH

I think it's not seller fault here, you might be wrong on the BTC or BCH payment requested by the seller
can you give us more information about the transaction you were conducting?
an invoice or email or any writing of him (seller) requesting the payment method and amount

Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: skabooboo on January 28, 2018, 02:33:21 PM
Hi guys,

first off thank you V.much for your quick replies and insights, it really helps. If you have missed that I am a Bitcoin Virgin....only last night when xYAkult spoke about Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold did I discover about Bitcoin Cash being a fork out currency created in Aug 2017 on the back of Bitcoin!

I didn't know any of that. Yes I am uninformed and yes I am getting up to speed, who hasn't been there at some point in their life...

Anyways, I went on, created a wallet, had the choice between buying bitcoin cash and bitcoin Core, I didn't even think I went for bitcoin cash because it was the first one on the list and I thought that is what I needed.

At the end of the day the seller knew that I was new to this because I told him so he could have been clearer as to what he wanted to get from me BCH or BTC but he didn't. The other point is that as per xYakult previous post:

You sent Bitcoin Cash to your seller and it went through, the coins is in his wallet already. You sent Bitcoin cash so won't show your transaction because it is for "Bitcoin". Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are different.

You can check his BCH address here:

It clearly shows 2 transactions, 0.00873000BCH and 0.06100000BCH so if your seller insists he didn't receive anything from you, you probably got scammed.

So if your man received something, let's say he expected Bananas and got Apples. Fine he can tell me you sent me the wrong fruits but he cannot claim that he didn't get a bite from the apples I sent him and on top of that diss me a call me a liar.

In regards to receipt, the physical good I wanted to purchase etc...all I can say is that it was P2P transaction, not an above board company or anything; which makes me, even more, believe into the fact that I got scammed.

I Love putting my trust into people, my word is my bond and I was very excited to make my first payment using Bitcoin....Cash (you see am learning). But that's fine, it's about a 100EUR, you live you learn, like the saying goes fool me once...That will make me more vigilant.

I won't give up on Bitcoins or Bitcoins Cash, I love the concept and if this community is anything to go by then I definiltely want to be part of this journey :)

I take pictures when I am not ranting on forums lol check me out on instagram skabooboo82 if you feel like it!

Have a great week end, wherever you may be ;)


Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: LoyceV on January 28, 2018, 07:02:15 PM
Anyways, I went on, created a wallet, had the choice between buying bitcoin cash and bitcoin Core, I didn't even think I went for bitcoin cash because it was the first one on the list and I thought that is what I needed. is owned by some guys promoting their Bitcoin Cash and pretending it is the real Bitcoin. They literally say so in the title of this article ( Basically, the site is responsible for confusing clueless newbies, and in a way they scammed you into buying an inferior Forkcoin.

So if your man received something, let's say he expected Bananas and got Apples.
More like: He expected you to leave the Bananas in his mailbox, but instead you left Apples in his garage. Unless you tell them where you put them, it's unlikely for him to notice any time soon.
What you need to do, is inform your seller that you accidentally sent him Bitcoin Cash instead of Bitcoin. You can ask if he accepts that payment, or otherwise kindly request him to return it to you. This means extra work for the seller, as he'll have to export his private keys to another wallet.

Fine he can tell me you sent me the wrong fruits but he cannot claim that he didn't get a bite from the apples I sent him and on top of that diss me a call me a liar.
Your seller didn't take a bite, the apples are still there. I understand both sides of this deal. Try to keep friendly communications open.

I Love putting my trust into people, my word is my bond and I was very excited to make my first payment using Bitcoin....Cash (you see am learning). But that's fine, it's about a 100EUR, you live you learn, like the saying goes fool me once...That will make me more vigilant.
For the remainder of your Bitcoin Cash: there are several ways of exchanging it into (real) Bitcoin. If interested, just respond here :)

I won't give up on Bitcoins or Bitcoins Cash, I love the concept and if this community is anything to go by then I definiltely want to be part of this journey :)
Welcome to the community! One warning though: when you say you love trusting people, you're going to be highly disappointed very soon. Anonymous money is very attractive for many scammers, so be very careful who you trust.

For forum usage: please use the "quote"-button when quoting someone, so it's clear which part you wrote and which part someone else wrote.

Title: Re: Newbie Question_bitcoins sent to seller he says he didn't get them
Post by: DomainTorrent on January 29, 2018, 06:39:12 AM
If the seller wants BTC instead of BCH, can't he just find a way to convert the received BCH into BTC? He knows that the buyer is a newbie on bitcoins so as a seller he should be the one to guide and to put things in its proper perspective.