Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: remotemass on August 30, 2013, 10:39:28 PM

Title: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: remotemass on August 30, 2013, 10:39:28 PM
I think that if the bitcoin number of decimal places can indeed be extended, theoretically ad infinitum, than the number of bitcoins is not limited to 21 million, actually.
Can anyone prove otherwise, that is, that such sum up series of mining rewards is convergent to a such a limit?

If not, how many years would it take, theoretically, to reach 21 000 001 bitcoins, given the number of decimals places could always be extended?

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: EmperorBob on August 30, 2013, 10:49:10 PM

1. Assume we already have infinite precision right now.
2. A halving period is 210,000 blocks.
3. The first halving period produced 50 bitcoins per block, (50*210,000 total).
4. Each period is half the previous one.
5.*50%2F2^n%2C+n%3D0+to+infinity (*50%2F2^n%2C+n%3D0+to+infinity)

Or are you worried about the impact of rounding errors (which shouldn't be a problem given that we're not using floating point calculations)?

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: ECore on August 30, 2013, 10:51:29 PM
Are you talking about * "poof!" * more bitcoins are added?

How would that happen unless everybody changes their bitcoin software?  You can do whatever you want to do with your software, but I doubt you will be able to change everybody else's .  Good luck with that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: remotemass on August 30, 2013, 10:54:45 PM
Indeed, the series does converge. Period.  :P

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: coastermonger on August 31, 2013, 02:12:34 AM
The math works out differently

Adding more coins beyond 21 million would devalue all of the existing coins. 

Adding more decimal places would simply allow a higher degree of precision when exchanging and setting prices. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: bg002h on August 31, 2013, 04:48:48 AM
The OP's point is subtle and very intuitive (if mathematically unsophisticated...but hey, not many people are, right?). He is asking will the series converge (sum of all created bitcoins) even if "we keep shifting the decimal point."

That's a very valid question and I suspect many won't understand it. Anyhow, the issue of shifting the decimal place is mathematically identical to adding more decimal the question is "does the series converge even if there is infinite precision?"  The answer is yes and it will converge such that you will have the same fraction of the final overall total of bitcoins created that you have today, regardless if how the decimal gets moved about.

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: niko on August 31, 2013, 05:05:54 AM
In other words, even with infinite precision, you might be adding fractions of a coin, and halving that fraction periodically, but you will never have a total more than some certain maximum, which is easy to calculate.

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on August 31, 2013, 05:31:48 AM
In other words, even with infinite precision, you might be adding fractions of a coin, and halving that fraction periodically, but you will never have a total more than some certain maximum, which is easy to calculate.

Yeah its 21M BTC.

Here is a simpler series that may illustrate the dynamic

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 .......

The sum of the series with any finite number of steps will approach but never reach 1.  The more steps the closer you get to 1.

Bitcoin follows the same series.

1/2 of all Bitcoins will be mined in first 210K blocks
1/4 of all Bitcoins will be mined in the second 210K blocks
1/8 of all Bitcoins will be mined in the third 210K blocks.

Due to the limit of the number of digits in the protocol there is a finite number of steps in the series (30 to be exactly).  This could be extended.  With a larger finite precision we could have 60, 90, 5000 steps but the number in this simplified series will never exceed 1.   Same thing with Bitcoin the, the number of bitcoins mined will always be <21M.  The more finite precision we have the closer we will get to but never reach 21M.  With infinite number of blocks and infinite precision the series converges on 21M.

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: BombaUcigasa on August 31, 2013, 08:02:47 AM
I think that if the bitcoin number of decimal places can indeed be extended, theoretically ad infinitum, than the number of bitcoins is not limited to 21 million, actually.
Can anyone prove otherwise, that is, that such sum up series of mining rewards is convergent to a such a limit?

If not, how many years would it take, theoretically, to reach 21 000 001 bitcoins, given the number of decimals places could always be extended?

It is true, there are not going to be 21 million bitcoins.

At some point, the division is not able to provide a rounded value above 0 so the halving stops in 0. At that point there will be 2,099,999,997,690,000 satoshis, and then no more will be added. The paradox is solved by binary computing and floor rounding.

In conclusion it is impossible to reach 21.0M, and in no case 21 000 001 bitcoins.

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: tclo on August 31, 2013, 08:04:15 AM
There are some smart people on these forums.

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on August 31, 2013, 03:57:59 PM
At some point, the division is not able to provide a rounded value above 0 so the halving stops in 0. At that point there will be 2,099,999,997,690,000 satoshis, and then no more will be added. The paradox is solved by binary computing and floor rounding.

I would just add the above value is with current precision.  OP was asking about increasing precision.  If precision is increased then we would get closer to 2.1 quadrillion satoshis (but never reach it).

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: BombaUcigasa on August 31, 2013, 04:11:02 PM
Also I would like to point out that sometime in the past someone credited themselves or their pool a block with a smaller reward than the maximum possible. Not only we have lost and discarded coins, we have less than theoretically possible.

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: dancupid on August 31, 2013, 05:05:25 PM
Cut a cake in half and then cut it into quarters and then eights etc - how many cakes do you have? It's still just one cake.
Zeno's parodox is not a paradox really - one cake is one cake irrespective of how much time you spend cutting it up.
However you are right - it will take an infinite amount of time to produce an infinite number of blocks.

Title: Re: Bitcoin 21 million limit and Zeno's paradoxes
Post by: niko on August 31, 2013, 06:51:39 PM
Cut a cake in half and then cut it into quarters and then eights etc - how many cakes do you have? It's still just one cake.
Zeno's parodox is not a paradox really - one cake is one cake irrespective of how much time you spend cutting it up.
However you are right - it will take an infinite amount of time to produce an infinite number of blocks.

...and that is all that really matters ;)
BTC is here to stay.