Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: LoyceV on January 30, 2018, 05:45:45 PM

Title: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on January 30, 2018, 05:45:45 PM
I'd like to be a Merit source, and I'll tell you why.

If you want to be a merit source:

 1. Be a somewhat established member.
I ran giveaway-threads for for more than a year (until they closed), I've had and have several services (see my portfolio ( for an overview), and I'm trying to fight spam in all my threads. I've gotten dozens of spam-accounts banned, reported many bad posts, and recently got hundreds of Newbie-accounts ( nuked.
Now, thanks to Merit I can fight spam in a more positive way, by rewarding good posts. I'd like to be a source so I don't run out of sMerits.

2. Collect TEN posts written in the last couple of months by other people that have not received nearly enough merit for how good they are, and post quotes for them all in a new Meta thread. The point of this is to demonstrate your ability to give out merit usefully.
I read this the day Merits were introduced, and decided on that day not to search for very good posts to list here. What I did, is do what I always do, and on top of that I left sMerits when it's deserved. Out of my Merit summary (;u=459836), I'll pick the recent posts where I was the first one to leave sMerits. That gives me 21 options. From these, I'll pick the 10 best ones. Some are Newbies making an effort, some are established members sharing useful information.

My list:


Hi, sorry i took a while.
I sent to my coinbase wallet. Now when I click on this to receive the code is 19Fm1SKQnk8Gpy1v7fXyiHqvHiFPiTnFRF

For bitcoin transaction fee I can pay say 50usd if that sound like enough. I dont understand how santoch works.
For your fee I can still pay 100USD if you like but i see bitcoin dropping like a lead balloon now so my bitcoin is also dropping. I suggest the fee is pro rata, so if it drop another 20% then its 80usd or something like that? If it go up the same.
I have downloaded those two files and unzipped to a folder on my desktop but no executable file, i dont know what to do with them. Thanks
those files are html browser based tool that you can run locally offline on your browser
ok, so I'll be using 19Fm1SKQnk8Gpy1v7fXyiHqvHiFPiTnFRF as destination address
current recommended tx fee is very very high close to 1000s/B  :o
so I set 0.00225 for tx fee which will be around ~850s/B ($36 @ $16,000) and 0.003 ($48) for tip if you don't mind
when you see and do this, hopefully the network fee will drop a few hundred nearing this weekend

- open this post so you can follow the step by step instruction easily
- have your private key for 1o4PtEAcNCHx8H5qU5R9XSGBMskJ2Jocp handy, my guess it starts with K or L
- go offline, disconnect your internet connection
- open your browser's private window so it doesn't cache, record or leave cookie, history, and etc
chrome incognito mode or firefox private window or whatever private browsing mode your browser have
- open the folder where you unzipped the two tools you've downloaded

First, acquiring your privkey:
- if the privkey you get from starts with 5 then you're set, jump to Second part
but if it starts with K or L, as I guessed before, then you need to find the real privkey for 1o4PtEAcN address
- open folder then click & drag to new tab on your private browser
- you can move around your mouse to get to 100 % or just click "Wallet Details"
- enter your K or Lxxxx private key in the space provided and click "View Details"
- it should show your 1o4PtEAcNC... address on the left, scroll down a bit you can see "Private Key WIF" starts with a '5'
- the string starts with 5... is your actual private key for 1o4PtEAcNC...

Second, signing rawtx:
- open folder coinbin-1.3 then click & drag index.html to another new tab on your private browser
- click on menu "Sign" then copy paste your private key 5xxxx into the first input form
- also copy paste unsigned rawtx below into the second input form , and click submit
- it will give you "Signed transaction" , select and copy the new signed tx
- open notepad, paste this signed tx and save it for later use
- click on menu "Verify" and paste your signed tx in the input space provided then click submit
- make sure all inputs for your transactions are checkmarked on the signed column
- also double check the destination addresses and amounts are precisely as we agreed, 1Fq7XdaVC... is my address

Third, broadcast:
- close all incognito browser but don't forget to save the signed tx on your notepad txt file
- re-connect your internet and re-open your local index.html or just go to live page
- click on menu "Broadcast" and paste your signed tx here then click submit
- if it gives you error, you can broadcast/push it to other nodes or post here your signed tx
and I will help you push it to other available nodes

I hope these instructions clear enough for you to understand and follow


I’m no expert in Bitcoin, or any crypto currency, just a regular guy, with a bit of background knowledge, mostly from reading this forum over the last few days. I’m starting to experiment with Bitcoin partly to diversify my investments, but mostly out of curiosity! I thought I’d start a thread about my Bitcoin journey to help anyone else in a similar position, but also as a sounding board to make sure I'm on the right track.

Bitcoin has been in my peripheral vision for years - I’m not going to think about how lucrative it could have been to have bought some Bitcoin when I first heard about it! The value has already doubled since I put “Research Bitcoin” into my todo list a few months ago! I am not interested in learning about the mining side of things, I understand I have already missed the boat on that!

From my current investments I have come to the  conclusion that I prefer to take a hands off approach to investing and that fees can eat into your profits, so need to be minimised. I’m going to take a similar approach to Bitcoin, finding a balance between returns, effort and fees and to start with - not investing more than I can afford to lose, until I know what I am doing a bit more.

It seems like my first step is to set up a wallet - there seem to be a lot of options for this. I think to start with I'll go for a web based one to start with, and coinbase are looking most likely at the moment - any preferences on the two? Or is it worth setting up both and seeing which I prefer?

Security wise, I have set up a new email address, with 2FA activated, to keep my Bitcoin stuff separate/private.


The private key did not work for some reason, and when I would check addresses there was no BCH showing on it either.

However, this is what ended up working:

1 - Sent all coins to another wallet (thanks LoyceV), this is the safe thing to do

2 - Downloaded Bitcoin ABC on another PC

3 - Loaded it until it was up to date

4 - Swapped wallet with old bitcoin wallet that is now empty, but had coins in at time of fork

5 - If you sent your coins out, it will show 0. Go into transactions. Right click and select Abandon Transaction for all post-fork transactions.

And then your BCC is right there. This should work for anyone that was having issues with the Coinomi method. Make sure you have enough harddrive space when doing this files are very large.


I've rebroadcasted your transaction and the parent transaction's inputs -

Before re-broadcasting the parent transaction, it was giving me missing inputs, so I had to do that first and then re-broadcast the child transaction.

Basically derived it from:




I've pushed the transactions on blockcypher,, smartbit and blockexplorer. I believe other nodes should start picking it up as well soon.

Edit: Have also submitted your transaction to the antpool transaction accelerator, just incase your transaction can be picked by the next block that they mine since both these transactions have very good fees.

Edit2: Both transactions now have 1 confirmation.


What you could do is to try to use tool such as:

I've been using it for quite some time and so far my keys are safe with me. What is anyways? It is a website open-source that have basic functionality of signing an address and creating and managing transactions in general.

I use LIVE OS installed on my USB for this because every time I use this USB it is only existent in my RAM. Basically you want to boot up your live OS, download pull the information about available inputs via some available block explorers out here and simply go offline after you get your inputs. Plugin other usb with your priv key or you can install software that can read QR from your camera codes before you even go offline and can read your private key this way. Sign a message with that private key and simply save your hex encoded bitcoin transaction either on your hard drive or plugin another USB so you can simply broadcast that hex later on.

I found this to be effective thing to do for me, might be a bit complicated but so far it have served me well.

I don't really see an other offline solution as you will still have to pull unspent inputs from somewhere.


I just need a user-friendly way to sweep bitcoins from a offline paper wallet onto the Blockchain, without having to expose your private key, whilst you are online. People can screen grab the private key or they can use key capturing or clipboard highjacking in Malware to steal your private key. ^grrrrrr^

Electrum can do this if you have an online computer and an offline (air gapped) computer.

Setup the online Electrum in watch only mode with the address in which you have funds. Attempt to send the funds as desired. This will create an unsigned transaction which can be saved in a file that you can place on a USB stick. Setup the offline Electrum with your private key. Move the USB stick to the offline computer, load the transaction into Electrum, sign it, and saved the signed transaction back onto the USB. Move the USB to the online computer, load it into Electrum, and broadcast it to the world. (I've not done this, so I don't know all the user interface choices that will be needed...)

The signed transaction is secure. You can take your time broadcasting it from the USB. No malware can take it and change it.


No altcoin can compete with Bitcoin in economic fundamentals.  Bitcoin has the first-mover advantage, the network effect, the famous brand name, and most importantly:  Large numbers of people, rich and poor, of a thousand opinions and religions, are each and all forcibly united by their common selfish interest in Bitcoin.  Bitcoin isn’t only a technology:  It is a sociological phenomenon.  That is Bitcoin’s economic foundation, and a power no altcoin can hope to match.

Thus, altcoins compete with either scam glitzy marketing, or features and technical advances.  I will here focus on the latter.

As an economic giant, Bitcoin needs to be technologically conservative.  People rely on Bitcoin to safekeep their life’s savings!  Many have considerable fortunes held in Bitcoin.  So Bitcoin can’t take risks on unproved ideas, however promising they may seem.  It also can’t hardfork on demand, if needed to implement features which could not otherwise be added.  Thus if you want a cryptocurrency which implements radical new ideas and experimental features, you can only get that with an alt.

This whole situation will change with sidechains (whether Drivechains ( or otherwise).  A sidechain allows implementation of almost any imaginable feature, backed by genuine Bitcoin.  Turing-complete smart contracts?  Unlinkable transactions secured with zero-knowledge proofs?  A coin which sings like a bird each morn at dawn, and changes hues with the days of the week?  Do it with pegged Bitcoin, on a sidechain.

If and when that becomes a reality, no one of sound mind will buy into an altcoin—and no one with sound motives will build a new altcoin.  People with new ideas will simply create a sidechain.  People who want new features will simply use a sidechain.

Absent the only legitimate means for an alt to compete against Bitcoin—features—the only people left in alts will be speculators, scammers pushing hot ICOs, and fools buying into hot ICOs.

When that happens, will all altcoins crash and burn?

Corollary question:  How much higher will the value of Bitcoin rise, when the capital currently in alts starts flowing into Bitcoin sidechains?

Note:  For technical reasons, I am not thrilled by the proposed implementation of Drivechains.  But the technical discussion is not here relevant, if Drivechains become Bitcoin’s substantial implementation of sidechains (  Any which way, sidechains are coming.

Disclosure:  I currently hold a substantial position in an altcoin.  I bought into it for ideological reasons (privacy), not for speculation.  I paid bitcoin for it.  At present, I am watching it slowly slide away into oblivion against Bitcoin.  I will not say which one, because my purpose here is not to bash any particular coin—especially not one in which I myself am invested!  Rather, I am questioning the future viability of altcoins altogether.


In reply to these, and likely others earlier in the thread:

Is there anyone working on vanitygen fork to generate vanity bech32 addresses? Seems like it might be easier to get longer firstbits that make sense because it's more limited in characters.

Dear samr7, we really need SegWit feature

Smart thinking!  A day or two ago, I whipped up a quickie Segwit address generator with a simple regex search.  It can produce both P2WPKH-nested-in-P2SH and Bech32 addresses.  It’s quite trivial; it lacks vanitygen’s features, and probably also falls short in performance.

Some sample outputs from short patterns:


bc1qcash96s5jqppzsp8hy8swkggf7f6agex98an7h (bitcoin:bc1qcash96s5jqppzsp8hy8swkggf7f6agex98an7h) (hahah; ^bc1qcash[0-9])

From earlier tests, WIF private key import was confirmed by me to work perfectly in Electrum:
Segwit addresses are sexy!
(Typo correction:  Of course, that should be “imported from WIF”.
I pray that the god of prepositions not smite me.)

The code is in C, Unix-only.  It’s fairly trivial; it essentially glues together Core’s secp256k1 library, luke-jr’s libbase58, and sipa’s reference Bech32 code.  It has almost no features; it won’t even try to tell you if the pattern you seek is impossible.  I’d intended to toss it out there somewhere for others to play with; but it devolved into a patchwork of #ifdefs with multiple different code paths, due to an build-time problem with dependencies (  It would require time and effort to clean up.

How great is the interest in this?


Hey folks,

Today is a Monday and that means an update of my weekly BTX airdrop end date prediction spreadsheet.
This week I predicted 134 000 coins to be dropped, while the factual number was 133 140, so slightly lower than predicted.
The main reason for this is in my view the 3-4 days that the airdrop registration was offline due to the new website added by the team.

In any case, the end date is still unchanged - still April 23rd as the last Monday.

Next week we will have the first 6% airdrop and I predict 180 000 coins to be dropped that week. Let's see how it goes!



Current issue

Currently you can check your sMerit balance only when you try to send sMerit to someone's post by clicking the +Merit link for the post.
Another issue for small-number sMerit holder is the sMerit balance is rounded off and you can't check if you have 0.5 sMerit.
Furthermore, it does not seem to be well-recognized in the community that the minimum unit for sMerit is 0.5 [EDIT: while sendable minimum unit is 1], or even the difference between Merit and sMerit.

Another point is that in the current system +Merit link doesn't appear if you have 0 Merit and 0 sMerit, which makes Newbies and Jr. Members a little bit hard to know the existence of sMerit.
Of course if people read the theymos' post carefully they understand the system, but it's also true that some people are confusing, so I tried to think about how the interface could be improved.]

These issues prevent smooth Merit/sMerit circulation.


I think one can solve these issues by improving the interface, specifically, by

1) introducing sMerit balance to Profile page and under the name at one's post,
2) making 0.5 sMerit visible there.

The new interface requires minimal effort to implement, resolves the above issues, and also answers repeated questions such as "how to check my sMerit", "why I can't send sMerit", "why I have 0 sMerit when I received 1 Merit" etc.

Of course a user's sMerit balance should be visible only by him/herself, otherwise people might rush to people who have a large number of sMerits.
[EDIT: so sMerit balance should be still hidden from other accounts just like email address.]

The following images are what I have in mind, the left one is the current interface, the right one is my proposal:

Profile page (

Each post (

3. We will take a look at your history and maybe make you a source.

I am especially eager to have merit sources in sub-communities such as the local sections.
I barely read and post in the local sections. I didn't make an effort to drop Merit there, as I know I won't do it normally either.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: nullius on February 04, 2018, 09:44:00 AM
Hereto, I avoided replying here out of an apparent conflict of interest.  I wish to make it clear that what I say is not based on LoyceV having picked some of my posts.  Much as humanly possible, I will avoid thinking about that when I consider whether or not LoyceV should become a merit source.

The criteria for a merit source should require that a source must be fair and possessed of sound judgment, well-informed, resistant to corruption, and deeply invested in the Bitcoin Forum’s long-term success as a community.  By such evidence as I have seen in my experience here, LoyceV appears to have these characteristics in more than adequate measure.

A merit source should ideally be someone who actively strives to promote post quality in a positive sense, by making and promoting quality posts, and also in a negative sense, by fighting spam and abuse.  LoyceV’s post history is impressive for his own quality as a poster.  Almost from the first day I actively started posting here, I noticed his aptitude for both starting and encouraging generally helpful discussions.  On the spamfighting side, LoyceV’s copypaste plagiarism reporting thread ( is an endeavour I much respect, independently of the merit issue.  I suggest that it clearly demonstrates his devotion to forum quality, plus the superlative level of effort he will expend for it.

I haven’t always agreed with everything I’ve seen LoyceV say in this forum; but that’s not important or relevant to this topic.  Frankly, I also do not agree with all his above selections insofar as I myself would not have awarded merit to some of them (though none is an unsound selection).  I state these things to make clear that the foregoing is neither based on any general agreement of opinions, nor on any expectation that LoyceV would award merit the same way as I would.  I here consider only matters which speak to likely soundness as a merit source, as described above.

I hope that the administration is considering his application, for I believe that its acceptance would be beneficial to the forum.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: pugman on February 04, 2018, 01:25:48 PM
The criteria for a merit source should require that a source must be fair and possessed of sound judgment, well-informed, resistant to corruption, and deeply invested in the Bitcoin Forum’s long-term success as a community.  By such evidence as I have seen in my experience here, LoyceV appears to have these characteristics in more than adequate measure.

A merit source should ideally be someone who actively strives to promote post quality in a positive sense, by making and promoting quality posts, and also in a negative sense, by fighting spam and abuse.  LoyceV’s post history is impressive for his own quality as a poster.  Almost from the first day I actively started posting here, I noticed his aptitude for both starting and encouraging generally helpful discussions.  On the spamfighting side, LoyceV’s copypaste plagiarism reporting thread ( is an endeavour I much respect, independently of the merit issue.  I suggest that it clearly demonstrates his devotion to forum quality, plus the superlative level of effort he will expend for it.
Which is why he should not only be a merit source,but a staff member. This user has good knowledge on bitcoin,is always on the verge to succour any one in need of help. Loyce V has reported so many users,for copy-pasting,shitposting and the like. Another person who would be up for such is Welsh. Both of them contribute a lot to the forum.
Sorry for that off-topic spam though.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on February 04, 2018, 02:05:49 PM
Thanks for the endorsements! I like how the Merit system shows my efforts are appreciated.

Hereto, I avoided replying here out of an apparent conflict of interest.  I wish to make it clear that what I say is not based on LoyceV having picked some of my posts.
Before reading this post, I was already thinking I would like a "Merit-subscription" to your posts. Basically, (almost) anything that you write is worth reading.
You're the second Top-merited (;stats=topusersat) Member, only second to deeperx (;u=1038794) (who has red trust and got all his Merit for DeepOnion posts in his self-moderated (censored) ANN-thread). I really appreciate how well the Merit system works for good posters (and I ignore deeperx in my list of good posters).

Sorry for that off-topic spam though.
Reported :D (kidding)

I've been a Mod at for more than 2 years (until the site closed). It's tricky: when I was too strict, I got complaints, and when I wasn't strict enough, I got complaints too. It's a fine line.
I never asked to be a Mod there, I asked for a ban-button to end the spam. And I wouldn't mind having my own nuke-button here.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: ImHash on February 04, 2018, 07:18:57 PM
See my signature if you ever needed any reviews for posts, You could be a merit source for free and have a cheap reviewer like me :D

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: mexxer-2 on February 05, 2018, 03:32:05 PM
Which is why he should not only be a merit source,but a staff member.
It doesn't work that way, nearly no one who "wants" to become a mod becomes one on BCTtalk or we'd have either Lutpin or shorena be one(who are at the top for making the most reports AFAIK).

As for becoming a merit source, I believe this is way too early to ask to be one and secondly your examples aren't that noteworthy. I believe almost all longstanding reputed members have already been made into merit sources kind of like DT 1 when DT was introduced and to get in the "system" you'd have to get at least the approval from some merit sources(can't see any approval from a somewhat reputed member except nullius I guess). Well theymos rarely replies or reacts when you just make a thread, might as well send a PM with a link to this thread, don't expect a reply though.

P.S: I have the 36 sMerits things, does that mean I'm a merit source? Haven't been following the recent introduction of the new system yet.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on February 05, 2018, 05:37:50 PM
Which is why he should not only be a merit source,but a staff member.
It doesn't work that way, nearly no one who "wants" to become a mod becomes one on BCTtalk or we'd have either Lutpin or shorena be one(who are at the top for making the most reports AFAIK).
I didn't ask ;)
As much as I appreciate shorena's contributions to the forum, he hasn't posted between October 29, 2017 and January 19, 2018.

As for becoming a merit source, I believe this is way too early to ask to be one
You clearly haven't been following the Merit-thing, as my quote in the OP shows: theymos literally asked for people to open a thread in Meta if they want to be Merit sources.

secondly your examples aren't that noteworthy
I could have cherry-picked 10 exceptional posts, but (as explained in the OP) I did my normal way instead. In my opinion that makes more sense to spread Merit on posts that deserve it.

you'd have to get at least the approval from some merit sources
That's not required.

Well theymos rarely replies or reacts when you just make a thread, might as well send a PM with a link to this thread, don't expect a reply though.
Theymos has seen the "Unofficial merit source application thread (":
<Table updated -theymos>[/center]
I'm in that table now, several others are, so I just keep bumping this thread until I hear from theymos. No need to PM him on this.

P.S: I have the 36 sMerits things, does that mean I'm a merit source?
If you're a source, it will say so on the Merit-page.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: MadZ on February 06, 2018, 08:37:45 PM
Well theymos rarely replies or reacts when you just make a thread, might as well send a PM with a link to this thread, don't expect a reply though.
Theymos has seen the "Unofficial merit source application thread":
<Table updated -theymos>[/center]
I'm in that table now, several others are, so I just keep bumping this thread until I hear from theymos. No need to PM him on this.

P.S: I have the 36 sMerits things, does that mean I'm a merit source?
If you're a source, it will say so on the Merit-page.

Just wondering, do you think I should be trying to bump that thread more often so he can see it? I kind of expected more people to apply to be merit sources than actually have, so there really hasn't been much for me to update.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on February 06, 2018, 09:16:34 PM
Just wondering, do you think I should be trying to bump that thread more often so he can see it? I kind of expected more people to apply to be merit sources than actually have, so there really hasn't been much for me to update.
Don't ask me :D
I guess there is no rush to apply as a merit source, maybe more people will apply the coming months.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: bill gator on February 11, 2018, 11:07:40 PM
For what it's worth I'd like to throw my endorsement of LoyceV for merit source into the public sphere. They've been around for years, they've been entrusted with tremendous responsibility multiple times without any disappointments, helped multiple members learn many technical aspects of bitcoin, and merits posts that should be merited above all.

I was thinking about applying to be a merit source, specifically because I try to search out posts to merit constantly and run very low on merit all the time; I was a little worried though, because many members are saying it is too early to apply as a source even though theymos himself gave application instructions on day 1. I'm torn about applying, but since you've already jumped the gun I'm interested to see how it turns out.

I appreciate the way you've went about selecting your posts as well, and if I ever do apply to be a merit source I will follow a similar method. This way you are not going the "obvious" route, and instead trying to find regular posts that go unmerited and should not. I can't think of a requirement that you fail to meet, unless they simply don't like your choice of posts or your post history is lacking in some manner. It also might be the case that they are intentionally being very conservative when selecting sources and reviewing source applications, because it will set a precedent.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: nullius on February 11, 2018, 11:39:28 PM
I'm interested to see how it turns out.

Merit sources are confidential; thus, the most we’ll ever know about how it turns out is when the application has been “Processed” (  Apparently, this has not yet occurred.

Hereto, I avoided replying here out of an apparent conflict of interest.  I wish to make it clear that what I say is not based on LoyceV having picked some of my posts.
Before reading this post, I was already thinking I would like a "Merit-subscription" to your posts. Basically, (almost) anything that you write is worth reading.
You're the second Top-merited (;stats=topusersat) Member, only second to deeperx (;u=1038794) (who has red trust and got all his Merit for DeepOnion posts in his self-moderated (censored) ANN-thread). I really appreciate how well the Merit system works for good posters (and I ignore deeperx in my list of good posters).

Thanks.  In the time since you wrote that, I handily blew past “deeperx”.  Also past “RichDaniel”, the “Hero” Member so incredibly meritorious that he got +283 in the span of an hour ( (then got red-tagged (;u=886352) for his trouble).  Unfortunately, within the past 24 hours, I’ve fallen behind “pitipawn”, a Full Member who seems to be running Turkish threads soliciting merit in some fashion (;u=1076869).  I’d better work harder!

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: TMAN on February 21, 2018, 05:05:04 PM
Give this man source...

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: JayJuanGee on February 25, 2018, 11:26:25 PM
Well theymos rarely replies or reacts when you just make a thread, might as well send a PM with a link to this thread, don't expect a reply though.
Theymos has seen the "Unofficial merit source application thread":

Do you have a link to the thread that you referred to as the "Unofficial merit source application thread?"

Edit:     I found it:

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on February 27, 2018, 07:22:57 PM
@JayJuanGee: I've added the link.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: thelionkingbtc on March 02, 2018, 03:41:21 PM
Don't ask me :D
I guess there is no rush to apply as a merit source, maybe more people will apply the coming months.
Yes, you should not rush to apply as a merit source. If yes (what you did), please apply because you want to help others (good members), don't apply because you will get more merit as a merit source. I recommend this (maybe unecessary for you due to you have had clear objectives to be here and to be a merit source) because in the future, we might see new rank, higher than Ledgandary (Lambo as someone proposed) based on merit points received.

Anyway, thanks for your topic.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on March 05, 2018, 03:06:02 PM

I absolutely Vouch for you to be made a Merit source buddy, you make some top quality & very helpful posts. I especially made use of your fork claiming guide. Sending you some Smerit right now.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: bill gator on March 08, 2018, 01:45:19 PM
If I had to guess Loyce, the staff is probably getting a feel for how well the merit currently available circulates before they overdo it on sources. I would imagine that out of the people that have applied you are the most likely to be accepted and probably our best gauge for how they will continue with the merit source submissions. I say this to mean, if you don't get approved then there is a good chance nobody will be approved at least temporarily. I would imagine this is why it is taking so long for them to process these, because of a temporary halt on processing. You're probably first in line for actual consideration.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on March 08, 2018, 01:49:33 PM
@bill gator: I just keep bumping this, as I have no idea whether or not theymos has seen the thread.
It seems the first batch of Merit sources was quickly processed, and since then Merit sources (;stats=sources) have been stuck at 57 in total.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on March 12, 2018, 05:34:36 PM

20 new Merit sources were created.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: HabBear on March 12, 2018, 06:24:25 PM
20 new Merit sources were created.

Were you one of the lucky 20?!

More seriously, if you were to become a merit source, what your criteria be for the following?
  • Reviewing posts around the forum (there are a lot of boards!)
  • Assessing the merit-worthiness of a post
  • Determining how much merit to give a post

Thank you.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on March 12, 2018, 07:11:42 PM
Were you one of the lucky 20?!
I wouldn't bump this if I was.

More seriously, if you were to become a merit source, what your criteria be for the following?
  • Reviewing posts around the forum (there are a lot of boards!)
  • Assessing the merit-worthiness of a post
  • Determining how much merit to give a post
Kinda like how I created this thread: I won't read boards that I'm not interested in, and I will Merit posts just like I do now. I would, however, increase the number of Merit per post such that I'm close to using all sMerit per month. I now usually give just 1, sometimes 2, and an exceptional 5, as I am in no rush to run out and be unable to Merit good posts later on.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: HabBear on March 13, 2018, 05:19:47 AM
Were you one of the lucky 20?!
I wouldn't bump this if I was.

More seriously, if you were to become a merit source, what your criteria be for the following?
  • Reviewing posts around the forum (there are a lot of boards!)
  • Assessing the merit-worthiness of a post
  • Determining how much merit to give a post

I will Merit posts just like I do now.

Ok, asked a different do you merit posts now?

  • What criteria calls your attention?
  • How do you determine how much to give?
  • What do you use as a guide or ideal post to compare all other posts to?

You don't mention any of those details in your original post.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on March 14, 2018, 04:42:25 PM
Ok, asked a different do you merit posts now?
It's quite simple: I merit posts that I deem worthy. Have a look at my Merit summary (;u=459836) to see which posts I've merited.

What criteria calls your attention?
I don't have fixed criteria, I'd go crazy if I have to keep a checklist like that. I think it's quite obvious which posts should or shouldn't receive merit.

How do you determine how much to give?
Quite simply: just one. Unless it's a Newbie making a large effort, then I give two. And I gave five once ( for someone who answered something that an hour at Google couldn't.

What do you use as a guide or ideal post to compare all other posts to?
Lol what? I'm not looking for "ideal posts".

You don't mention any of those details in your original post.
Theymos didn't ask for it.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on March 21, 2018, 11:31:06 AM

Surprised you haven’t been selected yet buddy.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: Jet Cash on March 25, 2018, 12:53:12 PM
Ok, asked a different do you merit posts now?
It's quite simple: I merit posts that I deem worthy. Have a look at my Merit summary (;u=459836) to see which posts I've merited.

That's the only way to do it in my opinion. It's very subjective, just like my ignore list, but I think there is such a diversity of merit awarders, that it gives anyone who makes a reasonable and interesting post the chance to gain merit.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: fxstrike on March 25, 2018, 05:13:36 PM
sometime it is enviable to see someone who barely can differentiate between walking stick and blockchain can afford to have huge ignore list.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: bill gator on March 29, 2018, 03:21:20 PM
I just keep bumping this, as I have no idea whether or not theymos has seen the thread.
It seems the first batch of Merit sources was quickly processed, and since then Merit sources (;stats=sources) have been stuck at 57 in total.

We're up to 80 merit sources at this point. That means you've got to be somewhere in line for processing. I've already given my endorsement, but it seems kind of silly that there is no way of knowing whether or not you've been viewed, reviewed, processed or rejected. The only answer you will be aware of is if and when it is a "yes". I would like some more transparency on this front, as it leaves less room for confusion and us sitting here in a daze. I imagine you haven't been accepted, because I haven't seen an increase in your merit sending; plus this thread is still open and being bumped.

The first batch(es) were probably, if I had to guess, done in some kind of order of necessity. Local-boards probably are getting priority as theymos originally mentioned. I would assume theymos is trying to spread the sources out based on their activity, which is going to make it increasingly difficult to become a source that primarily roams around the "main" boards. I'll quit my rambling, I just wanted to give my opinion on there being no notifications or information on the status of your own application, besides what can be described as an educated guess.

Side-Note, why do you think they seem to come in batches of acceptance rather than one at a time? That behooves me a bit, unless theymos sets aside a particular chunk of time to bang out a bunch of applications and always manages to find multiple sources within that pile.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on March 29, 2018, 03:40:44 PM
Side-Note, why do you think they seem to come in batches of acceptance rather than one at a time? That behooves me a bit, unless theymos sets aside a particular chunk of time to bang out a bunch of applications and always manages to find multiple sources within that pile.
I too can only guess :P
This was based on two things:
1. Madz' Unofficial merit source application thread ( got processed once:
<Table updated -theymos>[/center]

2. I've seen the number of Merit sources (;stats=sources) jump up by large numbers a few times (although it went from 79 to 80 too).

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on April 11, 2018, 08:39:54 AM
I think your criteria to select reserved post to be rewarded merit is more clear to me just not expressed clearly
Please don't post very long off-topic posts. Even worse: you're crossposting (

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on April 12, 2018, 04:35:44 PM
It's been 2.5 months since I opened this topic. It has been read by at least one Global Moderator and one Staff member (I know this because they left merit). All I want now, is a reply from theymos :)

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: TMAN on April 15, 2018, 08:35:28 AM

Come on Theymos, make the man a source already

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: actisstupidname on April 15, 2018, 09:01:04 AM

Come on Theymos, make the man a source already

Yeah, the cabal needs a fresh source of merits, Theymos. Don't be a party pooper. Or else this thread will get bumped for a year!

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 15, 2018, 09:30:54 AM
I would like to join the other top-merited users of all time in this thread in endorsing @LoyceV as an excellent choice to become a merit source.

It's kind of awkward, honestly, to see certain merit sources (well, just one) voicing their particular methods in how they disperse merit while highly-criticizing others' methods and insulting them in slanderous ways. All the while, @LoyceV is sitting patiently twiddling their thumbs and undoubtedly sitting on a list of posts that are waiting to be merited :P

Do the forums a solid and make it happen, @theymos!

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: Jet Cash on April 16, 2018, 11:57:12 AM
I think that I read a comment by Theymos that he was looking for merit sources that didn't have paid signatures. I can't find the post though. I wonder if this is a factor in his decision making.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on April 16, 2018, 12:16:13 PM
I think that I read a comment by Theymos that he was looking for merit sources that didn't have paid signatures.
I've checked his post history back until the introduction of merit, and can't find it. The only thing he mentions is that new users with 0 merit will never be able to have a link in their signature (here (
Many Mods have some sort of paid signature too, and I know at least one signature campaign manager who is a merit source.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: Jet Cash on April 16, 2018, 12:31:36 PM
I wonder where I got that idea then. It must have been somebody else posting in one of the threads.

I didn't know about the 0 merit restriction. That sounds like a good idea.

Well that thread generated some merits for the initial posters. :)

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: TheQuin on April 16, 2018, 01:03:50 PM
I wonder where I got that idea then. It must have been somebody else posting in one of the threads.

There are at least three signature campaign managers that are sources so that indicates it isn't a restriction.

I didn't know about the 0 merit restriction. That sounds like a good idea.

theymos changed Jr. Members signatures to not be able to have clickable links in them about 3 or 4 days before merit was introduced. In retrospect that was a clue something was about to happen. Effectively 10 Merit is the minimum requirement to get into a signature campaign, although some of the scammy ICO campaigns just let them in with a text version of the URL.

LoyceV would make an excellent source and I hope he gets added soon.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: Jet Cash on April 19, 2018, 07:11:31 PM
He seems to be very committed to Bitcoin Talk, and is active on the boards. He also has the ability to assess posts, and the responsibility to respect the ability to award merits. I'm on his side as well. :)

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 24, 2018, 09:25:27 PM
Seriously, can we just make this man a merit source already? I don't know if there are some hidden criteria, but if Loyce can't achieve them, then there is zero hope for anybody else.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 25, 2018, 06:56:32 AM

I would like to join the other top-merited users of all time in this thread in endorsing @LoyceV as an excellent choice to become a merit source.

It's kind of awkward, honestly, to see certain merit sources (well, just one) voicing their particular methods in how they disperse merit while highly-criticizing others' methods and insulting them in slanderous ways. All the while, @LoyceV is sitting patiently twiddling their thumbs and undoubtedly sitting on a list of posts that are waiting to be merited :P

Do the forums a solid and make it happen, @theymos!

May I just reference this previous post and add that the user that I referenced in said post has since jokingly offered an account for sale for $2,000USD? Joking aside, that behavior is very shady.

All I'm saying is that @LoyceV is being passed up for being a merit source because at least one spot is taken by a douche like the one I referenced above. Just sayin'.

Make this man a merit source already!

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: mdayonliner on April 26, 2018, 11:46:34 AM

SOMEBODY PLEASE get this man a gun! (

I mean make merit source  ;D

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: bill gator on April 26, 2018, 03:37:41 PM
It's been 2.5 months since I opened this topic. It has been read by at least one Global Moderator and one Staff member (I know this because they left merit). All I want now, is a reply from theymos :)

Since you have so many glowing endorsements and merit is being thrown around within your application thread, I would have to assume that there is something else preventing them from accepting you. I remember theymos talking about looking for sources that are active in obscure board, and maybe the boards you are active in already have a disproportionate amount of merit flowing within them. I'm not really sure where you are primarily active, but I was thinking that this may be a restricting factor.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on April 28, 2018, 08:11:35 AM
Since you have so many glowing endorsements and merit is being thrown around within your application thread, I would have to assume that there is something else preventing them from accepting you. I remember theymos talking about looking for sources that are active in obscure board, and maybe the boards you are active in already have a disproportionate amount of merit flowing within them.
I've thought about this too. I mainly read boards that are interesting for me, and indeed, they don't seem to have a lack of merit around there.
Then again, without any official word, we can only guess. I know more people are waiting (, and that list was only updated by theymos once, a few days after merit was introduced.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: JayJuanGee on April 29, 2018, 10:14:04 PM
Since you have so many glowing endorsements and merit is being thrown around within your application thread, I would have to assume that there is something else preventing them from accepting you. I remember theymos talking about looking for sources that are active in obscure board, and maybe the boards you are active in already have a disproportionate amount of merit flowing within them.
I've thought about this too. I mainly read boards that are interesting for me, and indeed, they don't seem to have a lack of merit around there.
Then again, without any official word, we can only guess. I know more people are waiting (, and that list was only updated by theymos once, a few days after merit was introduced.

i gather that theymos approaches this new merit system in a fairly scientific manner.. and perhaps is only making a few changes to the number of source members, here and there, while having tools to attempt to monitor how the source members are distributing merits, too.

i recall that theymos made at least 3 and perhaps 4 additions to the number of source members, in batches.  it seems that on day 1, he designated 35 sources, and then about a week later he had increased the number of source members to 57 and then about a month later there were 80 source members. Just today, when I clicked on the merit sources hyperlink, i noticed that currently, there are 79 sources ...

So, perhaps another batch change to the source members, at some point, but might include both the addition and the subtraction of source members.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: pugman on April 29, 2018, 10:39:24 PM
So, perhaps another batch change to the source members, at some point, but might include both the addition and the subtraction of source members.
Apparently, digaran resigned from being a merit source.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: BTCforJoe on May 04, 2018, 03:01:23 PM

So, perhaps another batch change to the source members, at some point, but might include both the addition and the subtraction of source members.
Apparently, digaran resigned from being a merit source.

All the more reason to be replaced by @LoyceV!

I've been semi-afk for a few weeks now, and if I may be honest, I'm quite surprised that LoyceV is still not a merit source.

I'm curious to know why, as @bill gator has briefly touched upon above.

Either way, my endorsement and vouch for LoyceV still stands.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on May 09, 2018, 05:48:51 AM
Apparently, digaran resigned from being a merit source.
He now want to be a merit source again: Reapplying as a merit source! (

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: mdayonliner on May 09, 2018, 08:26:25 AM
Apparently, digaran resigned from being a merit source.
He now want to be a merit source again: Reapplying as a merit source! (

Consider this a bump :D
He removed his sig too as promised (can't fine the exact post for reference but I am 100% sure about it). Guy is trying his best.
Latest update: Vod hasn't replied yet (  ;D

Consider this another bump :D

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: TheQuin on May 09, 2018, 08:32:35 AM
He removed his sig too as promised

That's because he got negative default trust resulting in getting booted from the campaign.

I'm not sure that resigning a position and then almost immediately reapplying for it shows the level of maturity required. I hope LoyceV's application is looked upon more favourably.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: mdayonliner on May 09, 2018, 08:49:12 AM
That's because he got negative default trust resulting in getting booted from the campaign.
After reviewing the bounty post, it seems like you are right.
Accounts with a negative trust rating from DT members are not allowed to enroll. Receiving such a negative rating during a period will result in your removal without any payment.

I'm not sure that resigning a position and then almost immediately reapplying for it shows the level of maturity required. I hope LoyceV's application is looked upon more favourably.
Did you just insult LoyceV, comparing with digaran?  ;D (kidding)

I don't know why theymos is not accepting his/her application yet but sure s/he is one of the better candidate than some other existing merit sources, like the Japanese local board one (I forgot his/her name).

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: Steamtyme on May 09, 2018, 09:01:55 AM

I don't know why theymos is not accepting his/her application yet but sure s/he is one of the better candidate than some other existing merit sources, like the Japanese local board one (I forgot his/her name).

Beats me as well.

I keep checking back here thinking it will be an acceptance notice... probably not most sources tend not to announce it until they've been outed by the Data miners of the Forum.

I started thinking about it and is there a chance that Theymos already considers there to be enough sources in the areas that LoyceV frequents. I know this is not a mentioned metric of the requirements but it was just a thought.

Maybe LoyceV needs to act unstable, to fill the open slot :P

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: BTCforJoe on May 09, 2018, 12:35:44 PM
My trap worked? now we would know who is the real hypocrite, I said I would remove my signature whether my red tag stays or not. if they remove the tag and I immediately join a signature campaign, I would be a hypocrite. now I'm daring you after humble Joe, would you remove your signature and stay in this forum to discuss about improving it?

How about you finally keep my name off your tongue? ::)

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: bill gator on May 10, 2018, 06:42:08 PM
I've thought about this too. I mainly read boards that are interesting for me, and indeed, they don't seem to have a lack of merit around there.

Start exploring boards that are of no interest to you, maybe you'll have a better shot at things. Search for the land deprived of merit and weave that board into your own circus of merit dancing monkeys.

Then again, without any official word, we can only guess. I know more people are waiting (, and that list was only updated by theymos once, a few days after merit was introduced.

There should be a more systematic way to track the progress of your application. Simple notices of acknowledgement, review, refusal or delay in processing would be a pleasant implementation. I can see that this would add more work, but the current methods seem to be leaving threads like yours to accumulate thousands of views only to leave us all in suspense.

Apparently, digaran resigned from being a merit source.
He now want to be a merit source again: Reapplying as a merit source! (

I'm wondering if there are any merit sources with a negative trust rating from a DT member. I haven't given myself the couple minutes to check, but did his negative trust or his merit resignation come first? I wasn't around for that day, or those couple of days, it's been a busy past month. I've missed a lot of the nuance and inner-workings of these issues.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on May 10, 2018, 08:00:47 PM
Start exploring boards that are of no interest to you, maybe you'll have a better shot at things. Search for the land deprived of merit and weave that board into your own circus of merit dancing monkeys.
Merit isn't my main reason for being here, so I'm only reading boards I value. I do read different boards sometimes, but usually end up getting people banned instead of meriting them.

There should be a more systematic way to track the progress of your application. Simple notices of acknowledgement, review, refusal or delay in processing would be a pleasant implementation. I can see that this would add more work, but the current methods seem to be leaving threads like yours to accumulate thousands of views only to leave us all in suspense.
Agreed. Like I said in the Legendary one day? (
Theymos, making me wait is mean and cruel :P

I'm wondering if there are any merit sources with a negative trust rating from a DT member.
If I assume all Global Moderators are also merit sources, then yes (;u=51173), it happens.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: bill gator on May 11, 2018, 12:30:32 AM
Merit isn't my main reason for being here, so I'm only reading boards I value.

I was just poking fun. I doubt merit is anyone's main reason for being here. There may be one amusingly obsessed individual, but outside of them I wouldn't place that label upon you or anyone else. There's no reason to start reading boards that are without value, and this would actually give your more credibility as a source. Not forcing yourself into a section, simply because it is deprived of merit seems to be a quality rather than a negative.

Theymos, muh man, you know LoyceV holds it down; why you frontin'? (as the kids say)

I do read different boards sometimes, but usually end up getting people band instead of meriting them.

Maybe that's the problem. Merit and Bans are like the Good cop, Bad cop routine and staff sees you more as a "Bad cop" kind of user. You've gotta show them you've got a gentle touch when the situation calls for it.

Theymos, making me wait is mean and cruel :P

He's turned the application process into a twisted tantric outlet for himself, so it seems. :o

If I assume allGlobal Moderators are also merit sources, then yes (;u=51173), it happens.

Is that a fair assumption to make? Would the evidence or the announcements support the idea that they are all merit sources? Also, outside of Global moderators or other DT members, are there any examples of those with a negative DT trust rating that are sources?

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: TheQuin on May 11, 2018, 05:31:04 AM
....but did his negative trust or his merit resignation come first? I wasn't around for that day, or those couple of days, it's been a busy past month. I've missed a lot of the nuance and inner-workings of these issues.

The resignation came 4 days before the red paint was splattered.

Is that a fair assumption to make? Would the evidence or the announcements support the idea that they are all merit sources? Also, outside of Global moderators or other DT members, are there any examples of those with a negative DT trust rating that are sources?

Reasonably fair looking at the Most generous merit senders, all time (;stats=topsendat) page. The said Global Moderator is 14th with 445 Merit sent.

As for other sources with red paint, I don't know but I'd guess it would depend on the circumstances rather than be a set rule.

Title: Re: LoyceV's Merit source application
Post by: LoyceV on May 18, 2018, 07:16:28 AM
Thanks for all the support, I can close this thread now :P

Merit sources (;stats=sources): there are now 80 sources :D