Title: Inverstor for a Decentralized EC20 coin, which have real world product Post by: hadjloo on January 31, 2018, 09:40:35 AM We are looking for investors to rise fund for a decentralized EC20 coin which has real world product
Carpet, is a luxury product which finds in luxury houses and in middle-level people houses. so it has a great market all around the world. If you check Marketdemand website, you can easily see that it has 5 billion dollar revenue in 2020, check this link for more info about its market revenue https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/carpet-rug-market-62048331.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA78XTBRBiEiwAGv7EKuDZOow8_1tzflNQbUjLoiFfBRLknygDZSty1u26wWj77ukpqg0ndRoCoKkQAvD_BwE (https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/carpet-rug-market-62048331.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA78XTBRBiEiwAGv7EKuDZOow8_1tzflNQbUjLoiFfBRLknygDZSty1u26wWj77ukpqg0ndRoCoKkQAvD_BwE) https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Images/carpet-rug-market.jpg There are a lot of Important Carpet Seller in the world, the most important one is IRAN, which its carpet known as the BEST ones in the world. We know a lot of Carpet Sellers in Iran, that are interested to trade with a cryptocurrency. We need to rise at least 50 bitcoins for this project. but our goals sets to 250 bitcoins. The coin would be based on Ethereum, and we want to limit coins to only 500,000,000 coins so that we can star with a reasonable price, and we keep 25% of the project for the team and investors, and other coins would be release in 3 phases, in Initial private token sale, for investors, then a second release in 4 month, and then the last token sale in a year after the Initial token sale The risk of project is really low, because it is related to a real world product, Let me know if you are interested or you have more questions |