Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: First77 on January 31, 2018, 06:01:10 PM

Title: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: First77 on January 31, 2018, 06:01:10 PM
Cryptocurrencies is like printing money at home because Bitcoin and cryptos are decentralization of currency making.

Centralization of currency making means only central banks of each country can print money/currency (US Dollar, Euro etc..)

Printing money at home or in factory is illegal in all the countries.  >:(

This is the reason Economist "Marc Faber" said "there is will 10,000 cryptocurrencies and the bubble will burst"  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: emuLOAD on January 31, 2018, 06:03:28 PM
cryptocurrencies are, well, NOT money. Therefore there is nothing wrong with creating them. you are Printing nothing. If you really want to equate it to something "real", you could say you're "Printing tokens", and you can do that to your heart's content.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Glorious04 on January 31, 2018, 06:11:16 PM
I think it sounds better to say printing money at home. Wherein we have control over the money we print unlike the Federral Reserve Bank printing money at their control and who has control over the money they print? Only the federral and us, we suffer economically because we are chained on the money they make.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: First77 on January 31, 2018, 06:11:46 PM
cryptocurrencies are, well, NOT money. Therefore there is nothing wrong with creating them. you are Printing nothing. If you really want to equate it to something "real", you could say you're "Printing tokens", and you can do that to your heart's content.

Barter system is also good  ;)

I give you 1000 kilos wheat, you give me a laptop/computer. Producers get all the control.  :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: TheySeeMeHodlingTheyHatin on January 31, 2018, 06:15:35 PM
thanks for reminding me there are so many ignorants in this space

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: First77 on January 31, 2018, 06:23:01 PM
thanks for reminding me there are so many ignorants in this space

With Bitcoin getting only $10,000,000,000, One Bitcoin will be $100 only.

10,000 cryptocurrencies x $10 billion = $100,000,000,000,000. Who has the money ??

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: franky1 on January 31, 2018, 06:29:49 PM
bitcoin is not creating money at home. money is FIAT (government legal tender)
bitcoin and crypto's are currency, which can be anything. yes even cigarettes/food in prisons are a currency. and yes so is wheat

wheat is a commodity currency (raw material used to create other products(bread))
bitcoin is an asset currency(property that holds value based on market supply demand)
money is a fiat/forex currency(legal tender controlled/regulated by governments/banks of the country laws are linked to that fiat)

bitcoin is like farmers growing wheat or making computers with a quota of only producing 12.6btc every ~10 minutes to a ultimate max production of 21million of them ever.

governments for decades, even before bitcoin have laws inplace with banks that banks should only offer services for fiat. and as such banks will not create a bitcoin ATM themselves or directly offer bitcoin purchases. but for moral/honest customers/partners banks dont care if those customers/partners offer bitcoin trades/services.

the issues many banks have is not the currency itself. but scammers.
facebook even stopped its 'suggested advert' of bitcoin/crypto schemes because of the amount of fake sites that dont actually offer customers real bitcoin holdings.

banks also have found scammers buying bitcoin and then FAKING that the scammer itself had been scammed to get a chargeback, so many honest exchanges and well known honest OTC traders have had red flags put on their accounts because of chargeback scammers. which is the real reason banks do not tolerate bitcoin trades, because they see the high risk of a chargeback/fund reversal due to scammers abusing the chargeback facility.

banks do not lose out on any economic impact of bitcoin. because bitcoin does not economically impact fiat.
when a bitcoin is bought. fiat is NOT burned/destroyed. instead fiat moves from the buyers account to the sellers account. which is the same as someone selling wheat or a computer. fiat just changes hands and makes no impact to the economy

moral/honest bitcoin trading does not affect peoples lives. but scammers/false investment schemes where banking customers lose out or where banks apply red flags to users because they dont realise/cant prove the scammer is not the victim but the perpetrator

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: StochasticOrder on January 31, 2018, 06:33:03 PM
The IRS has classified crypto currencies as property and not a currency, so there is no need to worry about this for U.S. investors. This means that individuals who pay taxes on their trading only have to do capital gains instead of income tax. While I don’t doubt that the central bankers want to control crypto and they obviously have some hostile attitudes towards it, I don’t believe there’s any major concern about the legality of trading it or any major imminent threats.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: franky1 on January 31, 2018, 06:33:21 PM
thanks for reminding me there are so many ignorants in this space

With Bitcoin getting only $10,000,000,000, One Bitcoin will be $100 only.

10,000 cryptocurrencies x $10 billion = $100,000,000,000,000. Who has the money ??

dont take any notice of the "market cap" valuation.. its not a 'holding' but an estimate. in short its just maths.

if i make a altcoin of 10trillion coins.. and then sell just ONE coin on an exchange for $1. that altcoins market cap is purely mathematically valued at $10trillion. but the reality is only $1 has been traded. so just take no notice of the market cap valuations. they are meaningless

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Xavofat on January 31, 2018, 06:39:50 PM
Clearly you don't understand what counterfeiting laws are.  If you printed something which looked like fiat currency and then walked into a shop and claimed that it was fiat currency, that would be illegal.

By mining, you're just participating in a decentralised system which is completely unrelated to fiat currency, and you're not even counterfeiting the unofficial currency that you're taking part in.
10,000 cryptocurrencies x $10 billion = $100,000,000,000,000.
Why would you do this sum?  It's completely meaningless and irrelevant.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Xenrise on January 31, 2018, 06:51:42 PM
Yes I believe that printing money in crypto is the deal in here especially in ICOs. The creation of tokens were so big. That can make millions to billions of tokens. And what if,if the tokens were just made for the admin or the founder to get profit on. That would be a great problem. And yes I believe that it is illegal but this is the system in here.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: cellard on January 31, 2018, 06:54:29 PM
bitcoin is not creating money at home. money is FIAT (government legal tender)
bitcoin and crypto's are currency, which can be anything. yes even cigarettes/food in prisons are a currency. and yes so is wheat

wheat is a commodity currency (raw material used to create other products(bread))
bitcoin is an asset currency(property that holds value based on market supply demand)
money is a fiat/forex currency(legal tender controlled/regulated by governments/banks of the country laws are linked to that fiat)

bitcoin is like farmers growing wheat or making computers with a quota of only producing 12.6btc every ~10 minutes to a ultimate max production of 21million of them ever.

governments for decades, even before bitcoin have laws inplace with banks that banks should only offer services for fiat. and as such banks will not create a bitcoin ATM themselves or directly offer bitcoin purchases. but for moral/honest customers/partners banks dont care if those customers/partners offer bitcoin trades/services.

the issues many banks have is not the currency itself. but scammers.
facebook even stopped its 'suggested advert' of bitcoin/crypto schemes because of the amount of fake sites that dont actually offer customers real bitcoin holdings.

banks also have found scammers buying bitcoin and then FAKING that the scammer itself had been scammed to get a chargeback, so many honest exchanges and well known honest OTC traders have had red flags put on their accounts because of chargeback scammers. which is the real reason banks do not tolerate bitcoin trades, because they see the high risk of a chargeback/fund reversal due to scammers abusing the chargeback facility.

banks do not lose out on any economic impact of bitcoin. because bitcoin does not economically impact fiat.
when a bitcoin is bought. fiat is NOT burned/destroyed. instead fiat moves from the buyers account to the sellers account. which is the same as someone selling wheat or a computer. fiat just changes hands and makes no impact to the economy

moral/honest bitcoin trading does not affect peoples lives. but scammers/false investment schemes where banking customers lose out or where banks apply red flags to users because they dont realise/cant prove the scammer is not the victim but the perpetrator

I believe bitcoin has an impact on fiat.

The more fiat that is allocated in bitcoin, the less fiat that's out there. Sure, governments can print more fiat, but this comes with a price: devaluation of the currency: angry people, riots etc. At some point it would be chaotic. I don't think you can't just claim fiat moving into bitcoin is irrelevant. It may be irrelevant at current valuations because it's tiny, but if trillions moved into BTC, it would have an impact on fiat, since fiat is tightly connected to government decisions and governments would take decisions therefore as a result BTC has impacted fiat's development.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: franky1 on January 31, 2018, 07:03:45 PM
I believe bitcoin has an impact on fiat.

The more fiat that is allocated in bitcoin, the less fiat that's out there. Sure, governments can print more fiat, but this comes with a price: devaluation of the currency: angry people, riots etc. At some point it would be chaotic. I don't think you can't just claim fiat moving into bitcoin is irrelevant. It may be irrelevant at current valuations because it's tiny, but if trillions moved into BTC, it would have an impact on fiat, since fiat is tightly connected to government decisions and governments would take decisions therefore as a result BTC has impacted fiat's development.

"allocated to bitcoin" (facepalm)
"moved into bitcoin" (facepalm)
LOL you make me laugh

when someone buys bitcoin.. that fiat is not locked in some safe and lost forever..
the seller has given his bitcoin away to the buyer, gets fiat from the buyer and then the seller spends that fiat in his real life.

just the same as selling an ipad on craigslist. the seller then goes and pays his rent and buys a few beers. the fiat is never lost/forgotten or destroyed

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: imapessimist on January 31, 2018, 07:04:33 PM
People who bought at a very high price have lost there money.  That is a shame.  Who has all this money.  I think they should pay it back.  But they won't. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: baradfo on January 31, 2018, 07:05:12 PM
Yes I believe that printing money in crypto is the deal in here especially in ICOs. The creation of tokens were so big. That can make millions to billions of tokens. And what if,if the tokens were just made for the admin or the founder to get profit on. That would be a great problem. And yes I believe that it is illegal but this is the system in here.

Not all of the altcoins that are running their ICOs here are scams, as you believe. Yes ICOs can create however many tokens they want for their economy to make their business plan work. And since there has been a huge increase of investors that want to get in on the ground floor, since they've missed Bitcoin, they'll throw money at almost anything. This has brought about the conditions for the scams that have cropped up. It comes down to due diligence of the investor for that particular coin they want to put their money into. And yes, running a scam is illegal in most if not all countries.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: mindrust on January 31, 2018, 07:10:07 PM
Governments will be completely obsolete in the near future.

It started with mp3, got advanced with torrent and bitcoin will be the final nail in the coffin. Everybody can have the fun only the Central Banks were having till now. Printing money. There is nothing they can do to prevent what's happening now.

If they had the power, they would have eradicated anything related to torrent already. Their power is very limited. There is always a solution against the govs as long as you have access to the internet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Zicadis on January 31, 2018, 07:13:32 PM
The fact that there is printing in your sentence i dont believe what you cant compare cryptos to fiat and for the record i believe cryptos are pegged to the dollar in some way as more dollars means more value for bitcoin/altcoins and when more fiat goes out of cryptos then we get to see a dip

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Rath_ on January 31, 2018, 07:23:36 PM
Cryptocurrencies are different than paper money. We are not forging any money. We create something new and sell it for the price that is adjusted to the demand of the investors. It is funny to compare people who mine to people who forge money. Don't you think that it sounds weird? I'm also waiting for the "burst of cryptocurrencies bubble". So far I have been living quite good thanks to them and I doubt it will change anytime soon. Watch carefully when we are making money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Rozita on January 31, 2018, 11:27:34 PM
I suggest you to print such money if you can and become rich.

Bitcoin is same as gold which should be mined and it is not that easy and the supply is also limited.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: figmentofmyass on January 31, 2018, 11:34:40 PM
Governments will be completely obsolete in the near future.

It started with mp3, got advanced with torrent and bitcoin will be the final nail in the coffin. Everybody can have the fun only the Central Banks were having till now. Printing money. There is nothing they can do to prevent what's happening now.

If they had the power, they would have eradicated anything related to torrent already. Their power is very limited. There is always a solution against the govs as long as you have access to the internet.

torrents didn't fundamentally threaten governments; they only affected intellectual property holders. i don't think there's much of a comparison. still today, we see MPAA-backed DMCA actions and takedowns of services like KAT. if the US government were particularly interested in disrupting torrent infrastructure, i'm sure they could do much more.

i'm still not sure i believe that BTC is the "nail in the coffin" for governments. decentralized money is attractive for various reasons, but that doesn't mean that citizens will completely abandon sovereign-backed money. in fact, they can't.... not without overthrowing national tax regimes entirely. some bitcoin supporters say, "just stop paying taxes! taxation is theft!" famous last words before prison....

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: dollarneed on January 31, 2018, 11:40:45 PM
Cryptocurrencies is like printing money at home because Bitcoin and cryptos are decentralization of currency making.

Centralization of currency making means only central banks of each country can print money/currency (US Dollar, Euro etc..)

Printing money at home or in factory is illegal in all the countries.  >:(

This is the reason Economist "Marc Faber" said "there is will 10,000 cryptocurrencies and the bubble will burst"  ;D
Remember bitcoin is not only a currency but also as an investment like gold, we have rights for what we have. If you're thinking that we create money i think you're wrong we're just mining like gold and what if I find gold on the surface of my property is it illegal? I don't think so it would belong to the person on the land in which the materials were found as well as bitcoin, my government has banned bitcoin as currency but not as stock, so you can mine bitcoin but don't ever think transact with them you will get punish.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: darkangel11 on February 01, 2018, 12:30:19 AM
i'm still not sure i believe that BTC is the "nail in the coffin" for governments. decentralized money is attractive for various reasons, but that doesn't mean that citizens will completely abandon sovereign-backed money. in fact, they can't.... not without overthrowing national tax regimes entirely. some bitcoin supporters say, "just stop paying taxes! taxation is theft!" famous last words before prison....

We might be closer to this than you might think. Even now. If I wanted to I probably would be able to avoid most taxes with the use of cryptocurrencies. I'd still have to pay VAT on my purchases, but the rest could be mitigated with enough effort.
Say I'd work for BTC alone, without having any fiat income. I'd be trading, claiming airdrops, writing in a sig campaign, have a job on the forum, like some moderators, campaign managers, you name it. It would be possible to earn more than enough to make an honest living anywhere in the world. Then proceed with buying all the stuff that you need online and ordering food from restaurants that accept BTC and you're all set. No fiat transactions = no taxes. The only problem would be paying the property tax since the government doesn't accept cryptocurrencies, but some of us are still living with our parents ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: pooya87 on February 01, 2018, 04:17:01 AM
Cryptocurrencies is like printing money at home because Bitcoin and cryptos are decentralization of currency making.
Centralization of currency making means only central banks of each country can print money/currency (US Dollar, Euro etc..)
Printing money at home or in factory is illegal in all the countries.  >:(
This is the reason Economist "Marc Faber" said "there is will 10,000 cryptocurrencies and the bubble will burst"  ;D

"Economist" my ass. printing money which is illegal means you acquire the paper that cash uses then use the same printing machines and print the same cash bills. this is illegal not creating your own medium of exchange. you can decide to use rocks as a medium of exchange and nobody can tell you otherwise. or go back to hundreds of years ago and exchange goods with each other (silk with sugar,...) and stop using the government issued fiat. and there is nothing illegal about that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Vaskiy on February 01, 2018, 04:22:02 AM
This is not the form of printing money at home. It is all about the technology advancement which is into development for the support of banking services. In specific it ease the process involved in the transaction without any intermediary. The same when got multiple usage, it got more value and has termed it to be similar to currency and not currency.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Chris! on February 01, 2018, 04:36:12 AM
Cryptocurrencies is like printing money at home because Bitcoin and cryptos are decentralization of currency making.

Centralization of currency making means only central banks of each country can print money/currency (US Dollar, Euro etc..)

Printing money at home or in factory is illegal in all the countries.  >:(

This is the reason Economist "Marc Faber" said "there is will 10,000 cryptocurrencies and the bubble will burst"  ;D

I guess you're going to have to get busy reporting people to the authorities. I heard that there are a few people around the world mining so it may be a little difficult to find them, but I believe in you.

Don't listen to the haters. I know you can do it. Go for it.

Edit: 1111th post, make a wish!

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: rommelzkie on February 01, 2018, 04:45:52 AM
We are not on 1,000 crypto list (actively traded). so the 10,000 list of all crypto is still a long way to go. remember that government starts to regulate ICO so we expect that ICO will be slower this year unlike last year 2017.

Maybe by year 2100 we will reach 10,000 crypto list then the bubble will happen. just imagine that scenario.  ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Kakmakr on February 01, 2018, 06:28:37 AM
If two farmers decide to trade produce from their farms, then that is defined as a currency too. The one farmer grows tomatoes and the other one Oranges. How will the government stop that from happening? This is the same for Bitcoin too, with a miner "growing" bitcoins and selling that at a market price, determined by Supply and demand. <Same with the price of Oranges and Tomatoes>

In Bitcoin, people trade Cash <Fiat> for bitcoins. This is why the government defined it as a Commodity. Most people believe that a Currency can only be defined as a Currency, if it is issued by a central Government. I would rather define Bitcoin as a hybrid technology. <Currency&Commodity>

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: trickyriky on February 01, 2018, 09:03:55 PM
cryptocurrencies are, well, NOT money. Therefore there is nothing wrong with creating them. you are Printing nothing. If you really want to equate it to something "real", you could say you're "Printing tokens", and you can do that to your heart's content.
It is true. Cryptocurrency is not money in full understanding of this word, that is why when you printing it (as it was called in the post), you do not do anything illegal. Mining cannot be an illegal business as for me, and I do not understand why it is restricted in some countries.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: ParveZ219 on February 01, 2018, 09:10:36 PM
Cryptocurrencies is like printing money at home because Bitcoin and cryptos are decentralization of currency making.

Centralization of currency making means only central banks of each country can print money/currency (US Dollar, Euro etc..)

Printing money at home or in factory is illegal in all the countries.  >:(

This is the reason Economist "Marc Faber" said "there is will 10,000 cryptocurrencies and the bubble will burst"  ;D
Cryptocurrency doesn't means printing money at home... cryptocurrency are already made...As like energy can neither be destroyed nor created...same is the cryptocurrency...It is created by someone God father and they keep the ratio among then...

But why people become rich?
As the price of the cryptocurrency is so much unstable so they are transferring from one to another cryptocurrency which we generally call trading..

Its not illegal.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: figmentofmyass on February 02, 2018, 10:51:55 PM
i'm still not sure i believe that BTC is the "nail in the coffin" for governments. decentralized money is attractive for various reasons, but that doesn't mean that citizens will completely abandon sovereign-backed money. in fact, they can't.... not without overthrowing national tax regimes entirely. some bitcoin supporters say, "just stop paying taxes! taxation is theft!" famous last words before prison....

We might be closer to this than you might think. Even now. If I wanted to I probably would be able to avoid most taxes with the use of cryptocurrencies. I'd still have to pay VAT on my purchases, but the rest could be mitigated with enough effort.
Say I'd work for BTC alone, without having any fiat income. I'd be trading, claiming airdrops, writing in a sig campaign, have a job on the forum, like some moderators, campaign managers, you name it. It would be possible to earn more than enough to make an honest living anywhere in the world. Then proceed with buying all the stuff that you need online and ordering food from restaurants that accept BTC and you're all set.

with trading, it's getting riskier to keep money on unlicensed exchanges. what happened to btc-e could easily happen to other exchanges that don't enforce KYC. decentralized exchanges will help with no-KYC trading itself, but cashing out of BTC to your bank (or getting cash in hand) is difficult to do without giving ID now. this might be less of an issue for non-US traders. but after the coinbase/IRS case and all these cases against localbitcoins traders, cashing out in ways that avoid paper trails is pretty tough for americans.

also, don't you need to cover things like rent and utilities? medical expenses? other things that can't be covered in cryptocurrencies? aside from amazon and uber eats (via gift cards), my options are fairly limited.

No fiat transactions = no taxes.

not necessarily. in the USA, any transaction that realizes a gain is taxable, whether or not it involves fiat money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: copoyes on February 02, 2018, 11:13:36 PM
it seems can not in conclusion print money at home because cryptocurency there is a market up and down can be in everyone's clay
perhaps more precisely a job that can be kept at home

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: odolvlobo on February 03, 2018, 12:31:40 AM
Show me a U.S.  law that says that "printing money at home" is illegal.

You might be thinking of these, but they obviously do not apply to cryptocurrency.

18 U.S. Code § 472 - Uttering counterfeit obligations or securities
Whoever, with intent to defraud, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or with like intent brings into the United States or keeps in possession or conceals any falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

18 U.S.C. § 486. Uttering coins of gold, silver or other metal
Whoever, except as authorized by law, makes or utters or passes, or attempts to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver or other metal, or alloys of metals, intended for use as current money, whether in the resemblance of coins of the United States or of foreign countries, or of original design, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Also, if you are going to say that something is defined as 'blah blah blah", at least use an accepted definition, and not some definition that you have invented.

The U.S. government does not define cryptocurrency as a "commodity". FinCEN defines it as a "virtual convertible" currency, where "virtual" means "not legal tender", "convertible" means easily convertible to "real" currency.

For taxation purposes, the IRS considers a cryptocurrency to be a "property".

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: monkeydominicorobin on February 03, 2018, 12:56:48 AM
Cryptocurrencies is like printing money at home because Bitcoin and cryptos are decentralization of currency making.

Centralization of currency making means only central banks of each country can print money/currency (US Dollar, Euro etc..)

Printing money at home or in factory is illegal in all the countries.  >:(

This is the reason Economist "Marc Faber" said "there is will 10,000 cryptocurrencies and the bubble will burst"  ;D

Bitcoin is not tangible. So how can you print it at home. Bitcoin is not even in your home. So there is everything wrong with their layman's  definition of cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: Rulelies on February 03, 2018, 01:00:23 AM
Remember cryptocurrency is digital. It's virtual money so it's not something you can feel or touch. By the way no one is printing money at home. Money is gained when you successfully update transactions and you do it quick too. And mind you, every cryptocurrency has their maximum supply at every point. These thing regulates the amount of Bitcoin in circulation.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: guxu219 on February 03, 2018, 04:27:10 PM
There already are 10000+ cryptocurrencys,heck you yourself can make 10000 cryptocurrencys in a single day with ERC20

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: obinine on February 03, 2018, 04:35:20 PM
cryptocurrencies are, well, NOT money. Therefore there is nothing wrong with creating them. you are Printing nothing. If you really want to equate it to something "real", you could say you're "Printing tokens", and you can do that to your heart's content.
Good point, it’s like calling farming World of Warcraft accounts and selling them as printing money at home lmfao

Title: Re: Bitcoin and Cryptos are "printing money at home". it's illegal
Post by: morrisby25 on February 03, 2018, 04:39:34 PM
cryptocurrencies are, well, NOT money. Therefore there is nothing wrong with creating them. you are Printing nothing. If you really want to equate it to something "real", you could say you're "Printing tokens", and you can do that to your heart's content.

Barter system is also good  ;)

I give you 1000 kilos wheat, you give me a laptop/computer. Producers get all the control.  :)
Exactly, what is currency anyway? Something we assign a fixed value. That’s like saying freelancers are printing money