Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: pawanjain on February 05, 2018, 02:06:29 AM

Title: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: pawanjain on February 05, 2018, 02:06:29 AM
What if Satoshi Nakamoto " The creator of Bitcoin " is actually not dead but hiding. What if he knew that these scaling issues are going to come in the future and there are actual flaws in his own system. But he didn't wanted his hardwork to go in vain and so he let the system run on it's own. What if he knew all of this and this is why he is hiding away from the world.
What do you guys think ? Did he wanted to test whether the world could find a solution to this ?

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: pooya87 on February 05, 2018, 04:37:50 AM
what you are referring to "issues" and "flaws" are not "flaws" they are simple issues that any system faces. a flaw means some serious thing like some problem with the way private/public key works or signing for that matter. and it is not something you go to "hiding" for it!

so he let the system run on it's own.

"let it"?!!!
the system is a decentralized network not a bank or centralized altcoin that you shut down by flipping a switch one day if you decided to.
a decentralized network runs on its own and thanks to its participants AKA peers. Satoshi and by extension other individuals have no say in it.

the reason may be this:
The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: franky1 on February 05, 2018, 04:48:03 AM
he had a solution in 2010

It can be phased in, like:

if (blocknumber > 115000)
    maxblocksize = largerlimit

It can start being in versions way ahead, so by the time it reaches that block number and goes into effect, the older versions that don't have it are already obsolete.

When we're near the cutoff block number, I can put an alert to old versions to make sure they know they have to upgrade.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: davis196 on February 05, 2018, 05:53:24 AM
The questions you are asking are old and somehow pointless,but i`m pretty sure that Satoshi Nakamoto wasn`t expecting the bitcoin market cap to hit 190 billion USD.I`m sure that he created bitcoin mostly for fun purposes,not to conquer the world. ;D
The main blockchain issues will be solved with the collective effort of all devs,miners and users,not by Satoshi Nakamoto or any other person.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: pawanjain on February 05, 2018, 08:45:11 AM
what you are referring to "issues" and "flaws" are not "flaws" they are simple issues that any system faces. a flaw means some serious thing like some problem with the way private/public key works or signing for that matter. and it is not something you go to "hiding" for it!

so he let the system run on it's own.

"let it"?!!!
the system is a decentralized network not a bank or centralized altcoin that you shut down by flipping a switch one day if you decided to.
a decentralized network runs on its own and thanks to its participants AKA peers. Satoshi and by extension other individuals have no say in it.

the reason may be this:
The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime
I am referring to it as "issues" as well. I am not stating any of the above questions as these are just random thoughts.  To be honest , 10 years have gone so far and still Bitcoin is facing troubles in payments. Things should run a little faster but I do understand that being a decentralized network it is tough for the developers to improvise the network.
The questions you are asking are old and somehow pointless,but i`m pretty sure that Satoshi Nakamoto wasn`t expecting the bitcoin market cap to hit 190 billion USD.I`m sure that he created bitcoin mostly for fun purposes,not to conquer the world. ;D
The main blockchain issues will be solved with the collective effort of all devs,miners and users,not by Satoshi Nakamoto or any other person.
How could it be old since the issues have been coming only since the last year. Anyway, the solution to the issues are not yet implemented and until it does, it is okay to discuss it.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: TheQuin on February 05, 2018, 08:52:02 AM
I`m sure that he created bitcoin mostly for fun purposes,not to conquer the world. ;D

Not to conquer the world but it was certainly something more than just fun.

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (
What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.

You have to remember this came in the backdrop of the 2008 financial crisis and was intended to offer an alternative to banks. Both in terms of being able to transact without them and also to protect wealth from inflationary money printing by central banks.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: penig on February 05, 2018, 09:15:13 AM
what you are referring to "issues" and "flaws" are not "flaws" they are simple issues that any system faces. a flaw means some serious thing like some problem with the way private/public key works or signing for that matter. and it is not something you go to "hiding" for it!

Don't play semantics, they are design flaws.  Scaling problems are inherent in the design, the block size and confirmation time are limitations imposed at the start (as you note).  The problems of centralisation through mining pools was not by design and unfortunately not anticipated.  However, the structure of governance is another flaw that has limited Bitcoin's ability to react.  The fact they have not been addressed is because there is no consensus in the community on a) that the flaws exist b) what the solution is.  The decentralisation of bitcoin authentication has unfortunately be made a core principle of its development, and that is a fundamental flaw in the philosophy.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: Meysa_richa on February 05, 2018, 09:36:40 AM
I think nakamoto is also not dead and he will also see and will not let his creation in a problem that drags on and I am sure nakamoto also always supervise and do the best for his creation.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: RNC on February 05, 2018, 09:58:02 AM
"let it"?!!!
the system is a decentralized network not a bank or centralized altcoin that you shut down by flipping a switch one day if you decided to.
a decentralized network runs on its own and thanks to its participants AKA peers. Satoshi and by extension other individuals have no say in it.

Are you sure because I am told they solved the scaling issue with bitcoin by adding bank hubs to a side network where everything is off-block
and they are centralized and if the banks closes then your stuck too.

I am new to alt-coins and came here to get away from banks and will not move any of my coins to these banker networks I can tell you

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: hadveach on February 05, 2018, 10:02:28 AM
if satoshi still alive, I think he will improve this situation, because he is the one who knows the bitcoin system.

but also I think this problem natural comes from external bitcoin, not from system error.

so I see, if wants to improve the condition of bitcoin today, then it should increase the volume and spreading bitcoin. not just systems that need to be fixed. because internal and external factors support bitcoin always stable and high.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: VitKoyn on February 05, 2018, 11:23:58 AM
What if Satoshi Nakamoto " The creator of Bitcoin " is actually not dead but hiding. What if he knew that these scaling issues are going to come in the future and there are actual flaws in his own system. But he didn't wanted his hardwork to go in vain and so he let the system run on it's own. What if he knew all of this and this is why he is hiding away from the world.
What do you guys think ? Did he wanted to test whether the world could find a solution to this ?
You may be wrong or may be right. Of course Satoshi know it from the very start that Bitcoin network is not perfect and will experience this kind of problem/issue before he released it (there is no perfect system), this is why he continues to develop it until he suddenly decided to passed the development to other people (Gavin Andersen) with unknown reason. Maybe you are right that he don't want to be the center of the blame, but no one really knows what the real reason.
I`m sure that he created bitcoin mostly for fun purposes,not to conquer the world. ;D
I don't think anyone will spend a lot of their time to code and develop this kind of coin just to have fun.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: nikjain422 on February 05, 2018, 02:00:56 PM
What if Satoshi Nakamoto " The creator of Bitcoin " is actually not dead but hiding. What if he knew that these scaling issues are going to come in the future and there are actual flaws in his own system. But he didn't wanted his hardwork to go in vain and so he let the system run on it's own. What if he knew all of this and this is why he is hiding away from the world.
What do you guys think ? Did he wanted to test whether the world could find a solution to this ?
I don't think he is hiding or he doesn't want to come up even if he knows the solution of this flaws.See who would let his greatest creation to go in some others hand.Bitcoin is indeed one of the revolutionary creation and has made a world of it's own.We agree that there are flaws in bitcoin but you have to understand that when it was created and what technology were there at that time.Now that use of bitcoin has increased and technology is also improved and is improving every day so we might find some flaws which even were not thought off at that time.I don't  believe he is alive and even if i am wrong,it is definitely hard to believe that he has a solution and he wants to test us as this is too foolish to believe.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: YajairaSN on February 05, 2018, 02:18:45 PM
What if Satoshi Nakamoto " The creator of Bitcoin " is actually not dead but hiding. What if he knew that these scaling issues are going to come in the future and there are actual flaws in his own system. But he didn't wanted his hardwork to go in vain and so he let the system run on it's own. What if he knew all of this and this is why he is hiding away from the world.
What do you guys think ? Did he wanted to test whether the world could find a solution to this ?

Why would he do that. If he really knew how to fix everything, do you think he would just look from the outside as we will manage it ourselves?
It's silly how to have a cure for cancer, but wait until we find it. Is not it?

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: fireblond on February 05, 2018, 02:20:08 PM
What if Satoshi Nakamoto " The creator of Bitcoin " is actually not dead but hiding. What if he knew that these scaling issues are going to come in the future and there are actual flaws in his own system. But he didn't wanted his hardwork to go in vain and so he let the system run on it's own. What if he knew all of this and this is why he is hiding away from the world.
What do you guys think ? Did he wanted to test whether the world could find a solution to this ?
I highly doubt he is dead, but yes the whole point of bitcoin is decentralization. And to help achieve that would be easier without a centralized Face behind Bitcoin "Satoshi Nakamoto". And he could also be targeted. As many believe he owns over a million bitcoin, therefore for his safety at least I think he did the right choice by not revealing himself.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: BitChief on February 05, 2018, 02:22:56 PM
What if Satoshi Nakamoto " The creator of Bitcoin " is actually not dead but hiding. What if he knew that these scaling issues are going to come in the future and there are actual flaws in his own system. But he didn't wanted his hardwork to go in vain and so he let the system run on it's own. What if he knew all of this and this is why he is hiding away from the world.
What do you guys think ? Did he wanted to test whether the world could find a solution to this ?
I highly doubt he is dead, but yes the whole point of bitcoin is decentralization. And to help achieve that would be easier without a centralized Face behind Bitcoin "Satoshi Nakamoto". And he could also be targeted. As many believe he owns over a million bitcoin, therefore for his safety at least I think he did the right choice by not revealing himself.

I feel like there is no way Satoshi possibly thought this would actually take off like this. This level of scalability way back then would have just seemed so far out in the future that it wouldn't even have crossed his mind, this was his MVP

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: Kprawn on February 05, 2018, 02:42:19 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto got cold feet when Gavin Andresen were approached by the GOVERNMENT and he reported this interaction

to him. Satoshi Nakamoto knew that it was illegal to create your own currency {Fiat or Digital} and that is why he/she or they

stayed anonymous. I think most people in his/her or their shoes, would have done the same. Satoshi Nakamoto is not a

coward, he created Bitcoin after all.. and this went against everything that the government stood for.  ;)

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: eaLiTy on February 05, 2018, 07:29:27 PM
The questions you are asking are old and somehow pointless,but i`m pretty sure that Satoshi Nakamoto wasn`t expecting the bitcoin market cap to hit 190 billion USD.I`m sure that he created bitcoin mostly for fun purposes,not to conquer the world.
The main blockchain issues will be solved with the collective effort of all devs,miners and users,not by Satoshi Nakamoto or any other person.
No one creates a revolutionary solution for fun,the reason behind this technology is evident if you track the time the white paper is released and how the development came into existence. As far as i have read his old posts in this forum he has addressed everything and has answered everyones doubts,i do respect his privacy and so should everyone,if some one comes up and is able to sign the wallet address then it would be great,but with collective swarming i am sure the developers will find a solution for everything.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: Argoo on February 05, 2018, 08:21:15 PM
While creating bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto clearly could not foresee such a demand of people for his creation. At that time, the throughput of ten transactions per second seemed quite sufficient. However, he gave us the opportunity to improve bitcoin, leaving it open source so everyone can make improvements to it. Therefore, I do not think that Satoshi can have any claims.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: Kozlov on February 05, 2018, 08:41:19 PM
He created it, he didn't create the pump groups, the scams, the FUD, the doubt, he created a system that worked and it is now being misused by some which is scaring off many.

He didn't create the alts that sought to fix the problems that he didn't, either.

What flaws is he hiding from?

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: HitbtcSCAM on February 05, 2018, 09:06:34 PM
What if Satoshi Nakamoto " The creator of Bitcoin " is actually not dead but hiding. What if he knew that these scaling issues are going to come in the future and there are actual flaws in his own system. But he didn't wanted his hardwork to go in vain and so he let the system run on it's own. What if he knew all of this and this is why he is hiding away from the world.
What do you guys think ? Did he wanted to test whether the world could find a solution to this ?

What if you are just another pathetic memeber of the FUD army with nothing real to say just trying to put doubt in the in the hearts and minds of the "weak hands".

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: RNC on February 05, 2018, 09:17:46 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto got cold feet when Gavin Andresen were approached by the GOVERNMENT and he reported this interaction

to him. Satoshi Nakamoto knew that it was illegal to create your own currency {Fiat or Digital} and that is why he/she or they
stayed anonymous. I think most people in his/her or their shoes, would have done the same. Satoshi Nakamoto is not a
coward, he created Bitcoin after all.. and this went against everything that the government stood for.  ;)

Satoshi Nakamoto most likely worked for the CIA and you see him as Jesus only because it helps you to fill your pockets
and your talking twaddle

What if you are just another pathetic memeber of the FUD army with nothing real to say just trying to put doubt in the in the hearts and minds of the "weak hands".

You are the one talking FUD or do you like paying 1000 X more per transactions than others are paying or something

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: alani123 on February 05, 2018, 09:20:50 PM
Not many people support the argument that Nakamoto is "dead". Few are even claiming that it's likely that it was just one person behind the name.

But regardless of the identity, I think that the reason of the parson being away without notice is because of how he noticed his influence was overarching what he created as an open source and decentralized project. Bitcoin wouldn't have been where it is today if it was a cult of personality.

Title: Re: Nakamoto - Hiding from his flaws
Post by: HitbtcSCAM on February 05, 2018, 09:22:09 PM
I did not buy bitcoin to make tranactions. It is about $$
bitcoin is the king and it gives the best earnings usually