Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: gentlemand on February 05, 2018, 03:19:48 AM

Title: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: gentlemand on February 05, 2018, 03:19:48 AM
One of the most nauseating aspects of this bubble was the incredible mushrooming of crypto 'personalities' who popped up everywhere.

There seems to be a cast iron narrative with these people. They make a few predictions, some go right, before you know it they're everywhere. Then their predictions go tits up and they become embittered trollish morons.

Off the top of my head this has occurred with Vinny Lingham, our beloved Roger Ver of course, and tonight it appears to have happened to Richard Heart, whoever the hell he is. And I haven't even started on the zombies on Youtube, Instagram etc.

Why are these people given the time of day? I would hope that crypto would've inspired people to think for themselves a little. Sadly it appears not.

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: jseverson on February 05, 2018, 03:29:24 AM
Because people want easy money, and these con-artists come with this promise. They don't know any better, and there really isn't a clearer explanation than that.

The stock market has "gurus" like this as well, so it's not like it's a new concept. They're just getting a lot more exposure because of crypto's sudden explosion. There's also another guy you missed, who I read about on reddit earlier:

It comes with free, legit classes as a bonus! The best way to deal with these con-men is to spread awareness, and we may as well start now.

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: allthingsluxury on February 05, 2018, 03:36:29 AM
Because the vast majority of people are lazy and prefer to be told what to do, and not think for themselves. They are attracted to these cult like personalities. This something that is common throughout history and is not isolated to BTC, or Cryptos alone.

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: gentlemand on February 05, 2018, 03:39:35 AM
Because the vast majority of people are lazy and prefer to be told what to do, and not think for themselves. They are attracted to these cult like personalities. This something that is common throughout history and is not isolated to BTC, or Cryptos alone.

I still don't get it. These people are clearly making it up as they go along.

I could maybe understand being told what to do by Julius Caesar or listening intently to someone like the geezer who founded Slush Pool, but not some sleazoid broadcasting from their gaming chair in a nasal whine.

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: pinkflower on February 05, 2018, 03:43:04 AM
Wasnt Vinny Lingham one of the better minds in cryptocurrencies before his ICO and before his slight derision on BTC and his rather fair support for BCH and Roger Ver? What happened to him?

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: lnihjlbg on February 05, 2018, 03:43:54 AM
Everyone should have their own ideas. Especially in terms of investment, other people's opinions can be heard. However, they must have their own opinions and do not think what others think.

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: gentlemand on February 05, 2018, 03:45:37 AM
Wasnt Vinny Lingham one of the better minds in cryptocurrencies before his ICO and before his slight derision on BTC and his rather fair support for BCH and Roger Ver? What happened to him?

He sold everything at 3 grand ish convinced one of Jihan Wu's hostile forks would happen, not Bcash. It might have been Bitcoin Unlimited. He was of course proved miserably wrong and subsequently became just another slice of roadkill.

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: pinkflower on February 05, 2018, 03:49:33 AM
Wasnt Vinny Lingham one of the better minds in cryptocurrencies before his ICO and before his slight derision on BTC and his rather fair support for BCH and Roger Ver? What happened to him?

He sold everything at 3 grand ish convinced one of Jihan Wu's hostile forks would happen, not Bcash. It might have been Bitcoin Unlimited. He was of course proved miserably wrong and subsequently became another slice of roadkill.

Its amusing how leaving that much money on the table, by selling early, and being salty, because he was not part of the big move, would change a person's standpoint in life, and cryptocurrencies lol.

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: franky1 on February 05, 2018, 04:03:54 AM
after spending a while reporting scam artists i thought i should use one of their guru's sales pitches.. but then twist it
please note this is :D (satire) :D

in 1984. a japanese bitcoin prophet predicted what the price of bitcoin would do 30+ years ahead, and he done this while painting a fence
click the imgur link to see the punchline

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: pooya87 on February 05, 2018, 04:29:55 AM
i find the process of becoming a "guru" very funny.
these random dudes start making random guesses and call them prediction, and there is only two possible scenarios. price either moves in that way and they become the "guru" so they start spamming their random guesses, or price doesn't go in that direction and they will simply be forgotten since there are lots of them making these random guesses.

and it goes both ways. it is not just predicting rise or fall.
it is interesting to see how some of them like MacAfee start to use this "guru" power too. he practically has a twitter pump group going on :P

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: squatz1 on February 05, 2018, 04:50:24 AM
It makes people feel better? It makes them feel like they've finally found the person that knows what's going on and is going to save them. People want protection, safety, and comfort. And these people, even though in reality they have zero clue on what's going on, can provide this to people. They give people everything they're looking for in the scary place of Crypto, though people only see the light when the market crases and the emperor has no clothes.

Gurus only look good in bull markets, don't be fooled and pay for these peoples services. Do your own research.

Title: Re: Crypto 'gurus', why the hell does anyone latch on to them?
Post by: franky1 on February 05, 2018, 04:54:22 AM
i find the process of becoming a "guru" very funny.
these random dudes start making random guesses and call them prediction, and there is only two possible scenarios. price either moves in that way and they become the "guru" so they start spamming their random guesses, or price doesn't go in that direction and they will simply be forgotten since there are lots of them making these random guesses.

and it goes both ways. it is not just predicting rise or fall.
it is interesting to see how some of them like MacAfee start to use this "guru" power too. he practically has a twitter pump group going on :P

they make 5 predictions each month. all time stamped. and after 6 months just delete the 24 video's that were wrong. to only show the 6 videos that were right. all time stamped to show videos were made and published before the predicted event

and then promote that he only ever made 6 predictions and every prediction was correct... then beg for people to pay him membership fee's if they want prediction number 7