Bitcoin Forum

Other => MultiBit => Topic started by: bitcoinmedic on February 05, 2018, 09:39:37 PM

Title: Sweeping Multibit Classic Key: Private key outside allowed range
Post by: bitcoinmedic on February 05, 2018, 09:39:37 PM

I have a very strange problem when sweeping keys of Multibit Classic:

There are four private keys in my Multibit Classic configuration:
(The XXX are changed by me)

I can sweep the first three keys, the fourth key however causes problems with bitcoin-cli:
error code: -5
error message:
Private key outside allowed range

Also Armory shows an error using this key:
Invalid Private Key 
The private key you have entered is actually not valid for the elliptic curve used by Bitcoin (secp256k1). Almost any 64-character hex is a valid private key except for those greater than:
Please try a different private key.

Did anyone have this problem before? Was this a bug of the key generation of Multibit Classic?

Are the funds lost?

Title: Re: Sweeping Multibit Classic Key: Private key outside allowed range
Post by: HCP on February 07, 2018, 08:04:56 PM
Honestly, I have not come across this before... and I don't remember anyone else posting that MultiBit had generated an "out of range" private key. I haven't been able to find anything in the MultiBit github issues list (open or closed) either.

Have you tried inputting the key into an "offline copy" of (click on "Wallet Details" tab) and seeing what addresses it generates?

Title: Re: Sweeping Multibit Classic Key: Private key outside allowed range
Post by: NeuroticFish on February 07, 2018, 08:19:02 PM
I used Multibit classic long ago and I moved all my keys long ago into Electrum. I used the export function and then used the exported keys in Electrum.
Your lines look familiar, but without the ending comment with the address. Did you try to get the 4th key into Electrum (standard wallet -> use public or private keys...)?

Another attempt would be (after backing up everything) to try to start Multibit classic (maybe in a VM with same config files?) and see what I can load, what can I export and whatever cannot be exported correctly, maybe I can move the funds to another address.

I hope that at least one of the 2 ideas helps. Good luck!

Title: Re: Sweeping Multibit Classic Key: Private key outside allowed range
Post by: bitcoinmedic on February 22, 2018, 04:06:40 PM
Thank you for the answers.

In tool it states "BigInteger is outside of curve range".
I also have tried everything in the old MultiBit classic software, I just does not release the transaction correctly.
All the other keys work perfectly fine.

Title: Re: Sweeping Multibit Classic Key: Private key outside allowed range
Post by: HCP on February 24, 2018, 08:07:37 AM
If that is the error being thrown... then your private key is basically invalid. Private keys are really just very large numbers... and unfortunately, it would appear that yours is a bit TOO large :(

As you have theorised, it is probably an old issue with MultiBit that was never noticed before the Dev's dumped it in favour of MultiBit HD. :-\

Sadly, I don't think you're going to be able to recover the coins on this address. :(