Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ollybee on July 14, 2011, 10:52:42 PM

Title: Stop with the shopa
Post by: ollybee on July 14, 2011, 10:52:42 PM
Money is transferred around for so many other reasons that retail sales. Trying to hard to push Bitcoin into retail is bound to fail and will only serve to harden the views of those who are suspicious of it’s usefulness. Bitcoin does has some unique advantages:

  • International sales
  • Customer may wanting anonymity
  • Low volume hobby selling were any financial or administrative overhead is unacceptable.
  • Selling to people without access to traditional banking such as the children or the very poor.

However all retail is competitive and small percentages can be the difference between win or fail. So with very few exceptions ruling out 99.999(99?)% of potential customers is commercial suicide. Bitcoin will be successful but that will happen in areas that are out of the spotlight such as:

  • People sending money to family across borders (I suspect this accounts for the strength of BitomatPLN)
  • Paying foreign contractors, especially as it makes daily results based payments feasible.
  • Paying international suppliers

As well as these there will be uses we just have not thought of yet. I personally like he idea of forum software with a micro-payments and rewards. You could try to balance it so that normal users broke even, strong community members could earn get some free beer but spammers and trolls would be priced out.

Title: Re: Stop with the shopa
Post by: BitcoinPorn on July 14, 2011, 10:58:00 PM
I think Bitcoin should be pushed in all places that money is used, don't hold back any institution, especially merchants.  As merchants and small business are a lot of people on the forums here.  So keep with the shopa, but also keep being creative with the other ways you use Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Stop with the shopa
Post by: ollybee on July 14, 2011, 11:09:55 PM
Obviously I would like to see Bitcoin used everywhere including retail. I'm just concerned that people are rushing in that direction without enough thought. Having failed businesses will not help us.

It reminds me of government projects to encourage entrepreneurs and small businesses. You get a load of unqualified people opening beauty salons and sandwich shops in run down areas that fail as soon as the grant money runs out. Not that anyone here is getting a grant to start Bitcoin businesses, it's just in their excitement I can see some people not thinking things through. I'm happy their is so much enthusiasm, I'd just like to see it more focused.

Title: Re: Stop with the shopa
Post by: BitcoinPorn on July 14, 2011, 11:25:16 PM
I'd just like to see it more focused.
I agree with most of what you said and especially this.

I see your suggestions have a lot to do with doing business outside of ones own country.   Maybe the middle ground is to have merchants that specifically cater to markets outside of their physical area to ensure whatever it is they can offer at a better price than other lands.

There has to be sites that list not industries, but maybe specific products that one country has little of but another has a lot.