Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 09, 2013, 01:24:34 AM

Title: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 09, 2013, 01:24:34 AM
Hello all. I need some writers (hopefully at least 5) to write posts for my new website

The articles will basically be summaries (in the writers own words of course) of significant threads here on the BitcoinTalk forums.

The point is to keep articles short and sweet, and relevant to recent events happening here on the BitcoinTalk forums.

Writers will be required to present their opinion on the thread, as well as a suggestion or two for the Original Poster, or other posting member.

For example:

A good article would summarize the thread's Original Post in 200 words or less. Then the writer would add a summary of the other posts that add value to the conversation in 200 words or less. Then the writer would give his opinion on the topic, and any suggestions the writer has for the Original Poster, and other members.

The posts must be of good quality to be accepted. A post that covers a "Troll thread" or that bad-mouths any user of the forums will not be considered to be of "good quality"

The posts will be crowd funded. Readers will have the option to use a tip widget to tip writers for posts they enjoyed.

As this website is just getting off the ground, I'm offering 0.025 BTC for each article that meets my criteria, and gets published on the website, for the first 10 articles. Each article will still of course be able to be given tips for, so 0.025 BTC is not necessarily all an article will earn.

You (as a writer) can earn up to 3 of the first article bonuses, but you can submit as many articles as you want!

If you would like more info, or would like to join the team of writers, please email me at, PM me here, or reply to this thread.

If you would like a faster response please email me, I get them sent to my phone.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: mindtomatter on September 09, 2013, 01:40:37 AM
Great idea, looking forward to seeing the project develop!

What kind of license will these be released under?  I would like to run important ones at and would of course embed the authors tip address in our system

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 09, 2013, 02:24:57 AM
Great idea, looking forward to seeing the project develop!

What kind of license will these be released under?  I would like to run important ones at and would of course embed the authors tip address in our system

Mindtomatter what an honor it is to speak to you! I listen to every episode of your podcast, basically the day they come out!

Thank you for the question. I'd love to hear your suggestions. This license is what I'm considering right now:

But as I am new to licensing, I am curious; can I license the entire website? Or must I license each article individually?

As for allowing you to run some important ones on, I would be happy to!

Of course as long as you do not alter the articles in any way. Including the tip widget for the author, and the website.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: Ron Swanson on September 09, 2013, 10:08:15 PM
I'm not sure what you could offer that doesn't already  ???

I mean, he already grabs the finest this forum has to offer.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: sidhujag on September 09, 2013, 10:10:31 PM
U should be using Devcoin for this, that is the purpose of the coin in the first place.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: FinShaggy on September 13, 2013, 05:21:24 PM
Still looking for writers?

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: tspacepilot on September 14, 2013, 06:50:05 PM
The idea of this is to summarize threads on  Is that right?

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 15, 2013, 01:41:13 AM
Still looking for writers?

As far as I can tell there will be room for more writers for a long time.

Please email for more info. I'd love to have you on the team!

The idea of this is to summarize threads on  Is that right?

That is correct. The whole point is to write short, sweet, and to-the-point articles on current threads that are important to the bitcoin community.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 15, 2013, 07:45:48 AM
I'm not sure what you could offer that doesn't already  ???

I mean, he already grabs the finest this forum has to offer.

1. After a quick skim of buttcoin, it appears that the posting frequency is roughly once a week on average. I'm aiming for at least once a day on average.

2. Anyone can contribute! Anyone who wishes to post an article can email me at to join the writing team!

Those wishing to keep fairly up-to-date with the goings-on in the bitcoin community, but not have to dig through the forum, will find extremely useful!

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on September 15, 2013, 07:58:17 AM

 This looks like a good way to skip through some of the highlights :D Its like watching nba countdown after that days games are over :D favorited.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: defaced on September 16, 2013, 03:46:10 PM
cool idea man, anywhere i can send some frk to this project?

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 17, 2013, 10:21:39 PM

 This looks like a good way to skip through some of the highlights :D Its like watching nba countdown after that days games are over :D favorited.

Glad you enjoy it!

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 17, 2013, 10:23:32 PM
cool idea man, anywhere i can send some frk to this project?

I'm afraid I don't have a frk wallet. If you would like to support the site with bitcoin, you can via this address:



Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 17, 2013, 10:26:57 PM
Very detailed article by Dreamweaver is now live!

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: ManicMeddler on September 18, 2013, 11:27:40 AM
Awesome idea, I don't know if I could bring much to the table mind. I'll certainly give it some consideration though. I still don't understand how you will monetize it yourself though, how will you be able to make coin from it to pay people?

Best of Luck

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: Welsh on September 18, 2013, 02:13:41 PM
Looks good thus far. Good domain, which is very easy to remember. Easy way to get a summary of the headlines. Maybe, you should recruit writers yourself. Look for people who give good feedback on threads within the comments and ask if they would consider being a writer. I know a lot of them would jump at the opportunity.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: crescendo on September 19, 2013, 12:47:24 PM
You can contact to me, I give you fresh and unique articles.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 19, 2013, 06:48:38 PM
Awesome idea, I don't know if I could bring much to the table mind. I'll certainly give it some consideration though. I still don't understand how you will monetize it yourself though, how will you be able to make coin from it to pay people?

Best of Luck

Currently the articles are crowd funded. Appreciative readers give tips to the authors who wrote articles they enjoyed.

That system will remain in place, however when the website gets more traffic, I will be placing small ads. The ad revenue will be split between me and the writers for each individual article.

In other words each writer will earn a percentage (I'm thinking 75%) of income from the ads that show on the same page as their article.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 19, 2013, 06:49:16 PM
Looks good thus far. Good domain, which is very easy to remember. Easy way to get a summary of the headlines. Maybe, you should recruit writers yourself. Look for people who give good feedback on threads within the comments and ask if they would consider being a writer. I know a lot of them would jump at the opportunity.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm glad you like the site!

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 29, 2013, 10:56:53 AM
Hello all! just wanted to post to let you know that anyone can receive updates on new articles being released by following Best of Bitcoin Talk's Twitter!


Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 29, 2013, 03:42:20 PM
Very detailed article by Dreamweaver is now live!


Have the URL in [Original Thread:] linkable, opening in a different tab.

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: ndsdb on September 29, 2013, 04:58:35 PM
I am planning to submit an article. Am I?

Title: Re: Looking For Writers!!!
Post by: silvergoldandbitcoin on September 30, 2013, 07:17:41 AM
More articles are live! Please support the authors by leaving a tip!