Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ChiBitCTy on February 11, 2018, 01:41:32 AM

Title: What Andreas Antonopoulos says when asked about his "best" haters
Post by: ChiBitCTy on February 11, 2018, 01:41:32 AM
I was watching a video of Andreas recently where he was asked if there is any bitcoin pundit in which he really enjoys debating with.  His answer was so good I took a moment to copy it down to share.  If you don't read or watch this guy, you're not doing bitcoin right!  

"I think many of the intellectually honest people eventually stop being critics, because they suddenly realize that the flaws they are identifying are temporary features, issues, and not inherent problems. There are very few inherent problems in a dynamically evolving design or ecosystem of different designs all competing, that cannot be resolved.  There are critics who criticize this technology primarily based on their world view.   It is politically inconsistent with their world view.  It’s not that they do not like the technology it’s that they do not like the implications of this technology and the primary criticism you get then is “this should not be” to which all I can answer is ..and yet it is.  “but we mustn’t”… and yet we did, “but you shouldn’t”.. but yet we did"- Andreas Antonopoulos.

I think it's important to remember that many dislike bitcoin not because of their disapproval of the technology, but as it goes against their "beliefs".  Do others see this too?