Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Miner123098 on February 11, 2018, 11:02:11 AM

Title: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: Miner123098 on February 11, 2018, 11:02:11 AM
Hello, my wallet (Ledger Nano S) changes the address after every transaction. I know that it is because of security reasons (worse to track, I guess) but I want to have fixed address. Can you tell me the right Bitcoin software wallet with fixed address or how to disable this on Ledger? I want to receive and send the transactions from one and the same address. Thank you.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: ranochigo on February 11, 2018, 11:10:31 AM
Its mainly for privacy reasons. Wallets usually display a new address after the previous address has had a tranaction. This discourages address reuse, which tackles mainly privacy reason while also addresses (negligible) security risks.

AFAIK, no wallet actually deletes those addresses and they are still stored within your wallet and are still usable. Bitcoin Core, Electrum etc, all has this behavior.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: Miner123098 on February 11, 2018, 11:13:54 AM
Yes, I know that they store them but I really want to have only 1 "fixed" address for every payment/transaction. Does exist wallet which allows that?

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: bob123 on February 11, 2018, 11:16:27 AM
Hello, my wallet (Ledger Nano S) changes the address after every transaction. I know that it is because of security reasons (worse to track, I guess) but I want to have fixed address.

Its not for "security reasons", its for privacy reasons.
You can use your address as often as you want. Just don't use the new receiving address.
But there is not a single advantage of using the same address over and over again. Not one.

Can you tell me the right Bitcoin software wallet with fixed address or how to disable this on Ledger?

Generally every wallet will create a new receiving address. This is made to encourage the use of a new address for every transaction.
But you can still use the old address.
I would suggest electrum ( ( Electrum can be used as a GUI for your nano s.
Electrum creates 20 addresses at once. You can stay with only 1 used address without any problems.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: vincentvincent on February 11, 2018, 11:21:32 AM
 I think electrum will do the trick. If you just import only 1 private/public key in the wallet it will use the same return address because it has no choice.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: Miner123098 on February 11, 2018, 11:45:35 AM
I got an idea and I am testing the Waves DEX now as a wallet. I will let you know.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: reee on February 11, 2018, 01:01:40 PM
Hello, my wallet (Ledger Nano S) changes the address after every transaction. I know that it is because of security reasons (worse to track, I guess) but I want to have fixed address.

Its not for "security reasons", its for privacy reasons.
You can use your address as often as you want. Just don't use the new receiving address.
But there is not a single advantage of using the same address over and over again. Not one.

I'm yet to fully understand structure of the block and individual transactions:


Input Scripts
Output Scripts

If there are multiple transaction incoming to a single address - will it save some block space?

That could be a tiny advantage.

I have my BTC address on the website. It is reused. I know I'm at fault. Convenience beats privacy and security.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: ranochigo on February 11, 2018, 01:13:18 PM
I'm yet to fully understand structure of the block and individual transactions:


Input Scripts
Output Scripts

If there are multiple transaction incoming to a single address - will it save some block space?

That could be a tiny advantage.

I have my BTC address on the website. It is reused. I know I'm at fault. Convenience beats privacy and security.
No advantage. As I've always said, Bitcoin does not have a concept of address. The transactions are basically creating outputs with a requirement to spend them, ie. the signatures. In a transaction, the inputs are signed individually and the input script each contain the respective public keys, even if they are the same. Hence, an input will be considered the same, regardless of which address is comes from. This could change with Schnorr signature in the future.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: Xynerise on February 11, 2018, 01:14:45 PM

I'm yet to fully understand structure of the block and individual transactions:


Input Scripts
Output Scripts

If there are multiple transaction incoming to a single address - will it save some block space?

Addresses have no effect whatsoever on block space.
"Addresses" do not even exist in the bitcoin protocol.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: bright4mech on February 11, 2018, 07:03:22 PM
Hello, my wallet (Ledger Nano S) changes the address after every transaction. I know that it is because of security reasons (worse to track, I guess) but I want to have fixed address.

Its not for "security reasons", its for privacy reasons.
You can use your address as often as you want. Just don't use the new receiving address.
But there is not a single advantage of using the same address over and over again. Not one.

I'm yet to fully understand structure of the block and individual transactions:


Input Scripts
Output Scripts

If there are multiple transaction incoming to a single address - will it save some block space?

That could be a tiny advantage.

I have my BTC address on the website. It is reused. I know I'm at fault. Convenience beats privacy and security.

The details on the links above, has shown how it work by every transaction, and well secured with private key on every wallet

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: ogini on February 13, 2018, 12:20:19 PM
For what ever reason your wallet changes address for you,i think is for your own privacy why want a wallet with a stable address, be careful with your choice of wallet.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: mocacinno on February 13, 2018, 12:23:13 PM
I got an idea and I am testing the Waves DEX now as a wallet. I will let you know.

This isn't a bitcoin wallet... I wouldn't bring an altcoin wallet in a bitcoin wallet discussion...

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: Anti-Cen on February 16, 2018, 12:42:20 AM

This isn't a bitcoin wallet... I wouldn't bring an altcoin wallet in a bitcoin wallet discussion...

You sound like Bitcoin is more of a religion to you than a digital token so are you sure you can handle it
if/when bitcoin get knocked off the number one spot ?

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: mocacinno on February 16, 2018, 10:32:46 AM

This isn't a bitcoin wallet... I wouldn't bring an altcoin wallet in a bitcoin wallet discussion...

You sound like Bitcoin is more of a religion to you than a digital token so are you sure you can handle it
if/when bitcoin get knocked off the number one spot ?

Nope, bitcoin isn't a religion...  The OP posted his question in the BITCOIN Developement and technical discussion section... There is a subforum dedicated to all altcoins, all altcoin discussion is supposed to go in there... When i started out in this forum, posting altcoin stuff in the bitcoin subforum would be a sure way to get ridiculed by other members.
It seems, nowadays, people let this slide, but to be honest, when the OP asks a BITCOIN wallet question, and people start dragging in ALTCOINS, it gets pretty confusing for newbies. What happens if you're a newbie, and you have the same question as the OP? If you read somebody's post advising an altcoin wallet, i wouldn't be supprised if the newbie would end up with more questions than he initially had (why does my address start with 0x instead of 1, why can't i withdraw my BTC to DEX,...). This is exactly why the forum has dedicated bitcoin and altcoin subforums.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: Azizjon92 on February 18, 2018, 05:55:08 PM
Hello, my wallet (Ledger Nano S) changes the address after every transaction. I know that it is because of security reasons (worse to track, I guess) but I want to have fixed address. Can you tell me the right Bitcoin software wallet with fixed address or how to disable this on Ledger? I want to receive and send the transactions from one and the same address. Thank you.

The easiest way to solve your problem is to download and all. Here's a wallet with a permanent address. Then buy yourself what you want.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: blackrockcrypto on February 19, 2018, 09:17:23 AM
Hello, my wallet (Ledger Nano S) changes the address after every transaction. I know that it is because of security reasons (worse to track, I guess) but I want to have fixed address. Can you tell me the right Bitcoin software wallet with fixed address or how to disable this on Ledger? I want to receive and send the transactions from one and the same address. Thank you.
as far as I know, there are no such fixed addresses for bitcoins! only the ether purse is fixed! Bitcoin is constantly changing for security reasons!

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: mocacinno on February 19, 2018, 09:42:52 AM
Hello, my wallet (Ledger Nano S) changes the address after every transaction. I know that it is because of security reasons (worse to track, I guess) but I want to have fixed address. Can you tell me the right Bitcoin software wallet with fixed address or how to disable this on Ledger? I want to receive and send the transactions from one and the same address. Thank you.
as far as I know, there are no such fixed addresses for bitcoins! only the ether purse is fixed! Bitcoin is constantly changing for security reasons!

Nope... As long as you have access to the private key, it does not matter how many times an address has been funded... It's perfectly possible that a certain private key can be used to spend 100 unspent outputs, all funding the same address (which is obvious, since we're talking about one private key).

There are 2 reasons why HD wallets change addresses each time an input is received:
1) because it enhances the user's privacy (<= main reason!!!)
2) because once an unspent output is spent, the public key is automaticaly broadcasted (it is needed to verify the signature..., so once the unspent outputs are being spent, the public key is needed... Up untill the moment an unspent output is spent, only the address is known to the network, and the address is a hash of the public key). This way, if there ever is a problem with the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, it *might* be easyer for a hacker to calculate the private key starting from the public key... However, at this moment (and for the forseeable future), such a flaw hasn't been found, so the extra security from using a new deposit address is really minimal.... I mean, if a flaw in ECDSA is ever found, bitcoin is doomed, together with all other applications using this (like a lot of major banks use ECDSA in some form or another, so it wouldn't only be bitcoin that is in trouble if this ever happened).

Like it has been said before in this very thread: even if you have a hd wallet, you can just save a certain deposit address and re-use it indefenately. As long as you don't spend any unspent outputs, the private key isn't even broadcasted nullifying the security aspect. The only drawback is that it decreases your privacy, but privacy isn't that important to some people.

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: peschi on February 19, 2018, 07:35:51 PM
Yes, I know that they store them but I really want to have only 1 "fixed" address for every payment/transaction. Does exist wallet which allows that?

Copay allows this type of wallets. Only one address - no tricks.
Check out (

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: blackrockcrypto on February 19, 2018, 08:15:57 PM
Hello, my wallet (Ledger Nano S) changes the address after every transaction. I know that it is because of security reasons (worse to track, I guess) but I want to have fixed address. Can you tell me the right Bitcoin software wallet with fixed address or how to disable this on Ledger? I want to receive and send the transactions from one and the same address. Thank you.
there are no fixed addresses for bitcoin

Title: Re: Wallet with fixed address
Post by: HCP on February 20, 2018, 12:46:12 AM
there are no fixed addresses for bitcoin
If that were true... how do paper wallets work then? ::)

Just because the majority of wallets these day are "HD" (Hierarchical Deterministic) wallets and generate a new receiving address each time the current address is used, does not mean that you can't have a single address.

In fact, if you REALLY wanted to set this up, you can do it pretty easily using Electrum.

Simply create a new private key (in "WIF" format) using your preferred method (dice, offline copy of etc)... then in Electrum use "File -> New\Restore -> Import Bitcoin Address or Private keys".

Enter the private key you generated and click next.

You now have a software wallet that has exactly ONE address/private key in it... and it will NOT generate any more. It won't even create any change addresses, so any transactions you send from this wallet will send the change back to the original address.

NOTE: there is no way to make this setup work with your Ledger.