Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: JPCain on February 11, 2018, 07:12:41 PM

Title: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: JPCain on February 11, 2018, 07:12:41 PM
Panorama inestigates Bitcoin tomorrow on BBC One at 20:30. Doubt it will be positive but will go out to a lot of viewers.

Just a heads up for those who have BBC

Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: gentlemand on February 11, 2018, 07:29:14 PM
Summary here -

I'll tune in and report back. Usually Panorama chooses a little patch of controversy and goes digging. Bitcoin is far too vast a subject for them to do that but they may give it a try. It sounds like bog standard mainstream coverage to me.

Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: marjil on February 11, 2018, 07:34:35 PM
The problem (and yes, it is a problem) with programs such as this, purporting to be investigative journalism, is that they pick on some small piece of the pie or another, and then extract as much mileage as possible from it, making the whole thing a piece of melodrama. Can we expect any real isnight? Based on past experience: unlikely. But still might be worth a watch if only for the "hmmm" factor.

Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: The_Real_One on February 11, 2018, 08:21:38 PM
Knowing the BBC, full of loony lefty degenerates working there, it will be a negative programme as usual.

Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: YeOldeMiner on February 11, 2018, 08:28:33 PM
Bracing myself for the negativity.

Panorama has a history of reporting on the negativity of a subject, I highly doubt this will be any different. Thanks for the heads up though, I'll tune in.

Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: CryptoBeefy on February 11, 2018, 08:46:53 PM
OOoh thanks for sharing, I'll be sure to tune in. You know full well it's going to be portrayed in a negative light though as that's what tends to come out of Panarama

Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: jeronimosuykens on February 11, 2018, 08:47:02 PM
Bracing myself for the negativity.

Panorama has a history of reporting on the negativity of a subject, I highly doubt this will be any different. Thanks for the heads up though, I'll tune in.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: Doge dealer on February 11, 2018, 08:59:24 PM
Any publicity whether good or bad is still publicity and im all for publicity whether good or bad with bitcoin. BBC is watched by a huge audience around the world and as ive said before a lot of people have head the terminology bitcoins but have no actual knowledge of what it really is , so at the least this will provide some sort of catalyst for persons to do some research on the bitcoin as long gone are they days when people watched these programs and believed everything that is said. should this program be a feature with ill intent that could also have a positive outcome as it could get tongues a wagging among us "common folk"  which would eventually lead to someone eighter doing research to confirm or disprove what was portrayed or simply some one who they come into contact with clearing the air about what bitcoins really is . So eighter way this will be a win win situation whether the intent of this program is negative or positive .

Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: coinlawyer on February 11, 2018, 10:01:51 PM
Yes the problem of the CRYPTO is that too many people still now nothing about the blockchain and everything they know is iBTC curresnt prices from news tv channels(
But I hope that this situation will change a lot ande4 there will be a cryptocurrency dedicated world TV channel soon as UK based company Fiancia LTD is going to launch its ICO from march to july this year - 

Title: Re: Bitcoin on Panrama for UK
Post by: eminemcookie on February 11, 2018, 10:39:17 PM
Panorama inestigates Bitcoin tomorrow on BBC One at 20:30. Doubt it will be positive but will go out to a lot of viewers.

Just a heads up for those who have BBC

Looking forward to watching this, Panorama don't tend to be too harsh in terms of giving opinions on speculative things. They're more likely to delve in to the legality of things as well as taxation and success stories or failures. Then also looking at the criminal side of things.

It'll be watched by a good group of people so that's a positive thing in itself, even if the overall sentiment is not.