Title: Build his house with bitcoin Post by: Batto on February 13, 2018, 10:06:08 AM Hi,
I work in a large Swiss construction company located around the Lake Geneva area. We would be open on the principle, but not officially for now, payment in cryptocurrency. I am aware that such an offer is intended for a person who made a fortune in crypto. If it interests someone, you can contact me in MP for any questions. Thank you. Title: Re: Build his house with bitcoin Post by: dodziu on February 13, 2018, 12:18:47 PM Please, what exactly is your stake on this building? To be offered for outright sale in Bitcoin after construction or what? If yes, why not come up with the site depicting the Building view of its current state and assurance of its completion period. best luck.
Title: Re: Build his house with bitcoin Post by: Batto on February 20, 2018, 06:41:03 AM The system remains the same as with a fiduciary money, with periodics paiements along the works. Instead of pay with swiss francs, you can pay with bitcoin.
Personally i don't have any interesting, i am just an employe. |