Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining speculation => Topic started by: YipYip on September 14, 2013, 06:54:12 AM

Title: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: YipYip on September 14, 2013, 06:54:12 AM
So now as you look to the fact that all of the outstanding PRE-ORDERS are negative ROI here is the reason you have lost money

BFL have not shipped products pure & simply to keep the difficult low so that their PERSONAL/DIRECTORS mining operations keep making as much money as possible

BFL could have shipped everything in as a rough guide 2 weeks (serious) they have chosen by design to string this process out for as LONG as possible

So why dont you have your orders........ because Josh,Sonny,Nasser & Co dont want you mining on main net and reducing their returns

Stop & all makes sense.....

Only the lowest hash rate units get shipped (still at a stagnated pace)
Next LC';s the next lowest hash rate unit
Mini rigs they only get 1/3 of there orders

This constant drip feed is just enough to provide some hope & to keep the FTC away but also to ensure the Directors mining operations are minting coin as much as they can for as long as they can

Also the Joshism's "U dont understand how bitcoin works" & "It makes no difference if i shipped your units now or l8r" these get
translated to "I will keep mining with our equipment & I will ensure you dont have any to compete with me"

Will they ship everything ...of course ...everything will be worth negative ROI & worse..basically they will suck they life out of this GEN 1 technology until there is nothing left for you the customer who has paid for them to do this too you

BTW & guess what remember the monarch and the instant 2 month delay ..guess who will be getting delivery of there units in December

Josh ,SOnny.Nasser & Co ... you guys as the customers will wait until they have mined the shit out of everything & then it will repeat the same drip feed delivery schedule....

You know what THEY ARE ALL doing it but at least ASIC miner is honest to do it upfront & too your face where as BFL hides behind lies deciet & false promises...


To all the fan bois & others who may be on the inside circle.. I have a secret spy who has confirmed all of this as FACT so i dont care about any of your mental acrobats as its all bullshit & this is the truth take it or leave it 

There are no delays ..there are no shortages ..there is just lies & taking you all for a ride !!


P.P.S If this continues the reality is that ASICS are going to kill the dispersion  of the bitcoin network as the end state is going to be the consolidation into the Mining company's mining for themselfs & the insiders associated with each company

P.P.P.S So unless u can build & design an ASIC chip mining for SHA is no longer for you 

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: spiccioli on September 14, 2013, 07:13:00 AM

P.P.P.S So unless u can build & design an ASIC chip mining for SHA is no longer for you 

Fun thing is this morning I was just thinking about the fact the ASIC makers are more or less like a Mint selling coins below their face value.

Mining is going to be restricted to a selected few which can build an hashing chip, those who sold until now did this just to cover their expenses and as such have a better return...


Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: YipYip on September 14, 2013, 07:40:20 AM

P.P.P.S So unless u can build & design an ASIC chip mining for SHA is no longer for you  

Fun thing is this morning I was just thinking about the fact the ASIC makers are more or less like a Mint selling coins below their face value.

Mining is going to be restricted to a selected few which can build an hashing chip, those who sold until now did this just to cover their expenses and as such have a better return...


Agreed until the mineing companys get down to the real cost of the chips from the foundry + 10% ...there are NO Mining companys selling golden goose's to lay golden goose bitcoin eggs

There are mining companys selling you there old generation of technology that is no longer profitable...well there may be 1 or 2 % of value left in it as they gear up for their next gen of tech to raise the effeciency...Think of an orange and somebody sucking all the juice out like he was dying of thirst ...what is left is what a retail customer will recieve (think ASICMINER)

I think all of us saps (aka retail customers with pre-orders) have just enabled somebody to keep ripping you off & for them to do it again and again ..there is absolutely no reason for them to give u product

The pre-order is also a way to lock that money away so it is not used by somebody else to generate hash rate to compete with your mining company

This is the future of SHA ...the furture does not look very promising for anybody but a commercial ASIC mining company & the imsiders of these companys

P.S I forgot to mention bitfury

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: smoothie on September 14, 2013, 07:38:37 PM
What got left out here is the FACT that BFL CUSTOMERS funded the BFL ASIC development yet they aren't getting a cut of the profits.

BFL customers are essentially BFL INVESTORS with all of the risk and none of the reward.

That, there, is the real scam/crime.

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: joeventura on September 16, 2013, 12:02:48 AM

You know how I detest BFL, but sorry your statement above is just untrue.

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: YipYip on September 16, 2013, 12:08:16 PM

You know how I detest BFL, but sorry your statement above is just untrue.

I suppose its a little over the top    :-[  .... but you get the idea ... they have hand 8 months to ramp up and
 get their prodution line right

It would take them probably 6 weeks.... give or take

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: smoothie on September 19, 2013, 11:04:38 PM
The lesson here is perhaps not to preorder anymore?

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: AndrewWilliams on September 23, 2013, 01:31:38 AM
I see more people doing Group Buys and investing in companies like ASICMiner instead of trying to procure the hardware themselves.

 The miner's worst enemy is time and difficulty.

If BFL is a mint, difficulty is inflation, and time is time.

BFL is more than happy for inflation to rise, and time to go on, since their technology gets cheaper for them the older it is.

ANY person in the tech industry knows, you protect against having delays in time sensitive technology based hardware, by including clauses that imposes a penalty on late delivery, or voids the whole order altogether.

Time for consumers to band together and put their foot down. >:(

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: Puppet on September 26, 2013, 07:57:15 AM
So why dont you have your orders........ because Josh,Sonny,Nasser & Co dont want you mining on main net and reducing their returns

Stop & all makes sense.....

Almost, but not quite. I see no reason to believe BFL is mining significantly with customer hardware. If they were, difficulty would be way higher.
There is a much better reason to delay shipping; as long as you dont ship, difficulty stays low and the perceived value of your products remains higher, particularly if you dont tell anyone how much TH you sold already.
(Its the same ploy as preoders, get people's cash months in advance without telling them how much you sold and thus how much difficulty will increase)

Had BFL shipped all their orders in a reasonable timeframe, they would have gotten far far less (pre)orders or at much lower prices. Thats their prime motivation for going slow.

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: YipYip on September 27, 2013, 02:20:36 AM
So why dont you have your orders........ because Josh,Sonny,Nasser & Co dont want you mining on main net and reducing their returns

Stop & all makes sense.....

Almost, but not quite. I see no reason to believe BFL is mining significantly with customer hardware. If they were, difficulty would be way higher.
There is a much better reason to delay shipping; as long as you dont ship, difficulty stays low and the perceived value of your products remains higher, particularly if you dont tell anyone how much TH you sold already.
(Its the same ploy as preoders, get people's cash months in advance without telling them how much you sold and thus how much difficulty will increase)

Had BFL shipped all their orders in a reasonable timeframe, they would have gotten far far less (pre)orders or at much lower prices. Thats their prime motivation for going slow.

Agreed there is that added aspect...but thne main driver is their personal mining equipment...NOT mining with customers but their own equipment

Unlike AVALON scum bags who actually shipped soiled & used equipment....

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: mootinator on September 27, 2013, 03:43:41 AM

P.P.P.S So unless u can build & design an ASIC chip mining for SHA is no longer for you 

Fun thing is this morning I was just thinking about the fact the ASIC makers are more or less like a Mint selling coins below their face value.

Mining is going to be restricted to a selected few which can build an hashing chip, those who sold until now did this just to cover their expenses and as such have a better return...


Let's be honest, they're more like a mint selling coins above their face value lately.

Which real mints do all the time...

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: cowandtea on October 12, 2013, 07:42:46 AM
They take your money, build the mining rig and mine it themselves. Then ship it to you after they gain 3x the profit you pre-ordered.

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: Zeek_W on October 12, 2013, 02:53:17 PM
They are probably altcoin mining them to stay off the radar lol

Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: OleOle on October 12, 2013, 03:07:10 PM
The lesson here is perhaps not to preorder anymore?


Mining hardware is like fish, fine when it's fresh but you don't want to know about it after a few months.


Title: Re: BFL & The Reasons For the VERY VERY slow deliverys
Post by: ScaryHash on October 15, 2013, 03:10:31 AM
The lesson here is perhaps not to preorder anymore?


Mining hardware is like fish, fine when it's fresh but you don't want to know about it after a few months.


Now that's some funny stuff right there. Right on the money.