Title: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: chase_capital on February 14, 2018, 03:11:20 PM The rules of each bounty pool are different, the sizes of the pools are different, and points do not carry over from pool to pool. PLEASE READ ALL RULES CAREFULLY. We have updated some rules based on feedback from forum moderators and our community. We’ve also removed some rules that were being exploited by bounty participants to create a fairer campaign.
You may only register for each pool ONCE. We reserve the right to disqualify or withhold bounty payouts to any member we suspect of attempting to cheat or exploit any of the rules as written below. We also have zero tolerance for spam, cheating, or abuse. We are offering our participants a total allocation of 5% from our overall token supply. The total number of tokens in circulation may vary (depending on the actual amount raised during Token Sale), but in any case 5% of tokens will still be designated to the bounty campaign. Signature campaign: 30% Steem Campaign: 15% Translation Campaign: 15% Facebook Campaign: 10% Twitter Campaign: 10% Reddit Campaign: 10% Medium Campaign: 5% Telegram Campaign: 5% TWITTER BOUNTY PMO Token’s Twitter Bounty Campaign will have 10% of the Bounty Pool How to join the PMO Token Twitter bounty campaign: Follow the official PMO Token account on twitter: https://twitter.com/go_pmotion Sign up to PMO Token chat: https://t.me/joinchat/Gir7WktQZbrIM_rG_8dnng Use the PMO Token Twitter bounty campaign signup form to participate: https://[Suspicious link removed]/forms/TjaqZyLDzoQIpRIo2 Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DgzyqZPOU_CT6THgA8AKr06CPxKCm4_QeauGFmxfvNQ/edit?usp=sharing Twitter bounty campaign rules: Only One Twitter account per person is allowed. Bitcointalk accounts with negative trust are not eligible. You must have at least 200 followers to be eligible. If you have at least 1000 followers, you will receive an additional 25% points. You have to retweet to our Twitter account: @go_pmotion You can earn a maximum of 20 points per week Example of the Twitter campaign report text: Twitter username: *your twitter account name* Twitter url: *url of your twitter account* Followers: *number of your followers* Retweets: *links to your retweets of the PMO Token official account tweets* Bounty: – 1 Stake / 1 Retweet of official PMOTION account tweet Twitter bounty tokens will be distributed proportionally among the PMOTION Twitter bounty campaign program participants according to the amount of stakes received. Owners and Manager reserves the right to change terms or apply new term and rules or do any reasonable changes (including payment structure and amount). FACEBOOK CAMPAIGN PMO Token’s Facebook Bounty Campaign will have 10% of the Bounty Pool. How to join the PMO Token Facebook bounty campaign: Follow the official PMO Token account on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pmotion-315958392223207/ Sign up to PMO Token Telegram chat: https://t.me/joinchat/Gir7WktQZbrIM_rG_8dnng Use the PMO Token Facebook bounty campaign signup form to participate: https://[Suspicious link removed]/forms/vcshNM0Wj6lShgQv2 Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DgzyqZPOU_CT6THgA8AKr06CPxKCm4_QeauGFmxfvNQ/edit?usp=sharing To be eligible for a PMO Token reward: 1: Use one Facebook account per person 2: Your Facebook account must have at least 100 real followers. 3: List your posts and reposts in the bounty campaign thread every week. 4: You can earn a maximum of 20 points per week 5: Each repost will earn you PMT in relation to how many followers you have. Bounty: – 1 Stake / 1 Repost of official PMO Token account posts Facebook bounty tokens will be distributed proportionally among the PMO Token Facebook bounty campaign program participants according to the amount of stakes received. Owners and Manager reserves the right to change terms or apply new term and rules or do any reasonable changes (including payment structure and amount). MEDIUM BOUNTY PMO Token’s Medium bounty campaign will have 10% of the bounty pool. Join and apply: Follow us on Medium: https://medium.com/pmotion Sign up to PMO Token Telegram chat: https://t.me/joinchat/Gir7WktQZbrIM_rG_8dnng Apply using the form below: https://[Suspicious link removed]/forms/n4MGFNfIK7GXVgxD3 Check your status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DgzyqZPOU_CT6THgA8AKr06CPxKCm4_QeauGFmxfvNQ/edit?usp=sharing Rules: Clap on 5 posts: 5 points Clap 10 posts: 15 points Comment on 1 post (positive and supportive comments only that show that you have read the article): 10 points Comment on 5 posts (positive and supportive comments only that show that you have read the article): 10 points Payments: 10% of bounty pool will be fixed to pay all eligible Medium bounty participants. Requirements to get paid: 1: You must follow us on Medium and keep following us until the end of the token sale. 2: An ERC-20 compatible ethereum wallet to receive your tokens (only use a wallet address of which you have private key and an ERC-20 Token supported wallet). Medium bounty tokens will be distributed proportionally among the PMO Token Medium bounty campaign program participants according to the amount of points received. The PMOTION team will make the final decision on any disputes. STEEMIT BOUNTY PMO Token’s Steemit Bounty Campaign will have 15% of the Bounty Pool. Write an article about PMO Token on your blog or on Steem.it and you will receive stakes depending on the size of the article and the number of readers. Every submission will be rated individually, but you can use the following tables as a reference: Size Stakes < 200 words 10 Stakes < 500 words 20 Stakes > 500 words 30 Stakes Popularity Stakes < 500 visitors/month + 5 Stakes < 3000 visitors/month + 10 Stakes > 3000 visitors/month we decide from case to case You can also create a video of our project and release it on your Youtube channel. For determining the number of stakes earned for videos on Youtube, we will look at the size of your channel. How to join the PMO Token Steemit bounty campaign: Sign up to PMO Token Telegram chat: https://t.me/joinchat/Gir7WktQZbrIM_rG_8dnng Use the PMO Token Steem bounty campaign signup form to participate: https://[Suspicious link removed]/forms/rID2eyUhu0gNb9ap2 Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DgzyqZPOU_CT6THgA8AKr06CPxKCm4_QeauGFmxfvNQ/edit?usp=sharing TELEGRAM BOUNTY PMO Token’s Telegram Bounty Campaign will have 10% Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Gir7WktQZbrIM_rG_8dnng Join the Telegram: 1 Stake Be promoted to moderator: 5 Stakes We promote regular members to moderators if they consistently contribute high quality content and encourage frequent discussion. This is at the discretion of the PMO Token team. Join and Apply: Join Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Gir7WktQZbrIM_rG_8dnng Apply using the form below: https://[Suspicious link removed]/forms/AkwgbCrjct2SAz6C2 Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DgzyqZPOU_CT6THgA8AKr06CPxKCm4_QeauGFmxfvNQ/edit?usp=sharing Payments: 10% will be fixed to pay all eligible and active telegram bounty participants. Requirements to get paid: 1: You must join the Telegram channel and stay there till the end of token sale. Rules: 1: User must stay on the group till the end of token sale. 2: User must be active and supportive in the group. Inactive users can get up to 50% less bounty or be disqualified. 3: Using bad language, spamming, nudity, advertising of any other service in the PMO Token channel is not allowed. 4: Only one account on telegram allowed. A person found to be cheating by creating multiple accounts will be disqualified. Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: Ciidoctor on February 14, 2018, 03:16:56 PM Reserved arabic translation
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qoYtThMAg-VKuvLq54Nb692HVEty44fIShyTzXtepc8/edit Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: kryptogunner on February 14, 2018, 03:17:31 PM reserved hindi
Details of translation campaign missing. Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: Yari_k on February 21, 2018, 07:07:14 AM This is fake company?
Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: leandroxxx on March 22, 2018, 01:15:25 AM Facebook Campaign Proof:
My facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/LeandroSilvaVerbinski My reposts link: 1- https://www.facebook.com/LeandroSilvaVerbinski/posts/789087654635063 2- https://www.facebook.com/LeandroSilvaVerbinski/posts/789087844635044 3- https://www.facebook.com/LeandroSilvaVerbinski/posts/789087794635049 4- https://www.facebook.com/LeandroSilvaVerbinski/posts/789087691301726 Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: Roncrypto1976 on March 31, 2018, 04:37:35 PM Great rewards with bounty programme and ICO. Join all!
Hasta la vista!! Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: artoftherhyme on April 02, 2018, 09:51:23 PM Facebook Campaign
Week Facebook profile URL: https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace Links: 1.https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1917480378263473 2. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1929017960443048 3. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1929017877109723 4. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1929022193775958 5. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1929022417109269 6. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1929022273775950 Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: artoftherhyme on April 04, 2018, 08:40:06 PM Facebook Campaign
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace Friends: 3000 Spreadsheet #: 132 Week : 01.04-07.04 Links: 1. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1917480378263473 2.https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1931199420224902 3. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1931199550224889 4. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1931199653558212 5. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1931199773558200 Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: sumitgera1987 on April 08, 2018, 06:21:14 PM Facebook Campaign
Facebook URL: - https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143 Friends: 1665 Week : 04.04-08.04 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/102136471802317590 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213647178631719 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213652457083677 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213660981816790 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213668458283697 Twitter Campaign Twitter URL: - https://twitter.com/jesumit Followers: 304 Week : 04.04-08.04 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/980149181141667840 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/979932564789096449 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/979134694230036481 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/981591775562301440 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/977002248940212224 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook Share and like https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213690274869098 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213698341150750 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213703862288775 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213709444348323 https://www.facebook.com/sumitgera143/posts/10213715048928434 Twitter Retweet and like https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/983398890903883776 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/983394913642582017 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/976920217900249088 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/975061801254686726 https://twitter.com/go_pmotion/status/976883681825615874 Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: artoftherhyme on April 16, 2018, 01:40:29 AM Facebook Campaign
Week 09.04-15.04 Spreadsheet # 132 Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace Friends:3867 Links: 1. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1938121662866011 2. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1938122046199306 3. https://www.facebook.com/arlington.wallace/posts/1939600526051458 Title: Re: PMOTION PMO BOUNTY! Post by: Hang Vivian on April 16, 2018, 02:18:19 AM Reserve for Vietnamese Translation
Username: Hang Vivian Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile Native Language: Vietnamese ETH add: 0x347adeeDef3bd3Ea613FB74FcFCabe38e4eA169e Portfolio/Experience/previous translations links: WPP https://drive.google.com/open?id=15GcNGBH4C_puHCVUubKY7WMPim2Lm4Gd https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MUrq7eZ8f-wp1L_3RszrnLrMljgNOeKp https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aFKlwUEQdrh06_pIdn9SrK_SOtheiJ2E https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NzYW5MOs_6X6nDCcY5HRUxvwvvLKd-4t https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jP96kIl6onITq8iO-9p_rJ9BxkDwFxr0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MUrq7eZ8f-wp1L_3RszrnLrMljgNOeKp ANN+ BTT https://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=33590.new#new https://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=33514.new#new https://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=34012.new#new https://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=34106.new#new https://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=34158.msg266719#msg266719 https://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=34159.msg266729#msg266729 email: Vithihang.napa.edu@gmail.com If I am accepted. please send me a personal message or contact via email Thank! |