Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: hoangthipro244 on February 16, 2018, 12:27:55 PM

Title: [ANN]Receive 1,000 ACTN tokens free of charge when registering your Actioncoin
Post by: hoangthipro244 on February 16, 2018, 12:27:55 PM
Receive 1,000 ACTN tokens free of charge when registering your Actioncoin account under the link below.

 ♻️ Subscription Link: (

Name: Action coin. Symbol: ACTN
Quantity: 10 billion coins
Sell ​​ICO: 2 billion coin
Bonus pre ICO and system: 4 billion coin
Reserved: 4 billion coins
Targeting: Promoting and linking tourism, restaurants, hotels. There are trading floors like other coin
Currently aiming at community development (4Q18 is 1 million users and 60,000 vendors)
The ICN Action Coin (ACTN) project will be launched on March 1, 1818, which is a co-development platform for more than 150,000 employees and customers from 200 countries. At the time of registration you will receive 1,000 Tokens ACTN. If you open an ICO sale at $ 0.1 / ACTN you will have $ 100, if the price is $ 1 / ACTN you will have $ 1,000. ;D ;D ;D
Until March, 2018, the new project is complete and open for sale, so we will update the schedule and other details, now you register to receive 1,000 ACTN nhé. ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: [ANN]Receive 1,000 ACTN tokens free of charge when registering your Actioncoin
Post by: MacronMiner on February 16, 2018, 01:28:05 PM
Receive 1,000 ACTN tokens free of charge when registering your Actioncoin account under the link below.

 ♻️ Subscription Link: (

Name: Action coin. Symbol: ACTN
Quantity: 10 billion coins
Sell ​​ICO: 2 billion coin
Bonus pre ICO and system: 4 billion coin
Reserved: 4 billion coins
Targeting: Promoting and linking tourism, restaurants, hotels. There are trading floors like other coin
Currently aiming at community development (4Q18 is 1 million users and 60,000 vendors)
The ICN Action Coin (ACTN) project will be launched on March 1, 1818, which is a co-development platform for more than 150,000 employees and customers from 200 countries. At the time of registration you will receive 1,000 Tokens ACTN. If you open an ICO sale at $ 0.1 / ACTN you will have $ 100, if the price is $ 1 / ACTN you will have $ 1,000. ;D ;D ;D
Until March, 2018, the new project is complete and open for sale, so we will update the schedule and other details, now you register to receive 1,000 ACTN nhé. ::) ::) ::) ::)

March 1818 ?

Back to the future !

Title: Re: [ANN]Receive 1,000 ACTN tokens free of charge when registering your Actioncoin
Post by: Narita on February 16, 2018, 03:05:30 PM
"Back to the future",hahaha.

Because laughede ,I joined this airdrop from your referral.

Title: Re: [ANN]Receive 1,000 ACTN tokens free of charge when registering your Actioncoin
Post by: hoangthipro244 on February 16, 2018, 09:05:46 PM
This is a very potential project ;D ;D ;D ;D

no 1818 . it í 2018

Title: Re: [ANN]Receive 1,000 ACTN tokens free of charge when registering your Actioncoin
Post by: denis011 on February 19, 2018, 11:10:40 AM
бpeдятинa пoлнaя.мoнeтa oбщee кoличecтвo кoтopoй 10000000 нe бyдeт cтoить 1$,тeм бoлee чтo кoмпaния ocoбo из ceбя ни чeгo нe пpeдcтaвляeт.xopoшo бyдeт дaжe ecли этo мoжнo бyдeт пpoдaть пo 0.01$.нo я cильнo coмнeвaюcь чтo oнa бyдeт пpoдaвaтьcя в пape c дoллapoм.вepoятнee вceгo ecли!дaжe! ee мoжнo бyдeт пpoдaть,тo тoлькo в пape c nxt нa иx плaтфopмe.глядя нa иx cтpaницy в фэйcбyк(нa кoтopoй мeня тaк жe зaблoкиpoвaли зa элeмeнтapныe вoпpocы)мoжнo yвидeть чтo мoнeтa пoпyляpизиpyeтcя в cтpaнax aфpики и cpeди apaбoв...paзвe  ::) cpeди кишлaчникoв и гoлoзaдыx aфpикaнцeв в нaбeдepeнныx пoвязкax мoгyт быть инвecтopa?тeм бoлee c лишнeй 100$ в кapмaнe (этo тoт минимyм нa кoтopый кoмпaния пpeдлaгaeт выкyпить минимaльнoe кoличecтвo мoнeт в 20000 шт.)???гдe y ниx эти дeньги?и c кaкoй cтaти paздaвaть им мoнeты кoтopыe мoгyт чeгo тo cтoить дecяткaми тыcяч?блaгoтвopитeльнocть?нe дyмaю.caмый пoзитивный иcxoд для этoгo пpoэктa ,этo ecли дepжaтeли тoкeнoв actn ycпeют cбpocить иx пpи тaкoй вoзмoжнocти нe дoжидaяcь пaмпa.нo этo мoe cyбъeктивнoe мнeниe.пoвтopюcь чтo я нe вepю дaжe в тo чтo oнa бyдeт гдe либo тopгoвaтьcя. 8)

Title: Re: [ANN]Receive 1,000 ACTN tokens free of charge when registering your Actioncoin
Post by: Pitonius on February 28, 2018, 08:09:29 AM
Project live. Last day grab 1000 free tokens. Release tomorrow