Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: Anonymous on July 18, 2011, 01:58:11 AM

Title: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2011, 01:58:11 AM

It seems we have a group of dissident rogues that wish to harass us and -- at times -- damage the property of members of our community. It's best we keep ourselves aware, especially the proprietors of this forum. They create accounts to only lay waste to otherwise great conversation.


Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: lacedwithkerosene on July 18, 2011, 02:01:10 AM
rofl. shrug it off, Atlas.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: Tx2000 on July 18, 2011, 02:01:32 AM
Somehow I think that link is more damaging... to one's brain cells.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: myhoho on July 18, 2011, 02:21:26 AM
Somehow I think that link is more damaging... to one's brain cells.

 Yeah. Very very true.
 I suppose to ignore all that.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: bitplane on July 18, 2011, 02:22:23 AM
Quote from: Good Citizen
Atlas banished me back to the newbie area. Of course, I was posting as FAtlas, had a fat version of his avatar, and was quoting each of his posts and adding a lisp. Still, it was kind of a dick move.

Dunno why, but this tickled me :D

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: Raoul Duke on July 18, 2011, 02:39:13 AM
Hey, Atlas, at least wrap that link around code tags, or your intention is to give them backlinks?  :D

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: BusinessMan on July 18, 2011, 02:39:46 AM
If mods need further proof they are in here:

JeffK, Giraffe.BC, digigalt, bosschair and possibly PinkiePie among others I'd imagine. They are on these forums just to troll and do nothing else. A lot of the proof is in their posting history.

This thread was created in the development forum just to troll and mock Vegetta:

How is this not grounds for ban?

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: theymos on July 18, 2011, 02:52:22 AM
Report any trolls you see.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: onesalt on July 18, 2011, 02:55:50 AM

It seems we have a group of dissident rogues that wish to harass us and -- at times -- damage the property of members of our community. It's best we keep ourselves aware, especially the proprietors of this forum. They create accounts to only lay waste to otherwise great conversation.


I hate to break it to you but somethingawful has been trolling this forum for ages now, causing enough disruption for that awful market crash back in june.

Also if you're gonna start a troll witchhunt you're going to alienate a lot of innocent people, just so you know.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: BusinessMan on July 18, 2011, 02:58:09 AM

It seems we have a group of dissident rogues that wish to harass us and -- at times -- damage the property of members of our community. It's best we keep ourselves aware, especially the proprietors of this forum. They create accounts to only lay waste to otherwise great conversation.


I hate to break it to you but somethingawful has been trolling this forum for ages now, causing enough disruption for that awful market crash back in june.

Also if you're gonna start a troll witchhunt you're going to alienate a lot of innocent people, just so you know.

It's not a witchhunt if they have all low post counts all dedicated to Vegetta and Atlas threads which most of the people I listed have.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: kiba on July 18, 2011, 03:02:45 AM
This forum starts to suck anyway. If you cheerlead bitcoin or your political ideology too much, you are bound to get rude comments about it.

If you love bitcoin, we already know that you are part of the tribe.

Moar entrepreneurship, less tribal posturing.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: elk-tamer on July 18, 2011, 03:06:00 AM
Quote from: Good Citizen
Atlas banished me back to the newbie area. Of course, I was posting as FAtlas, had a fat version of his avatar, and was quoting each of his posts and adding a lisp. Still, it was kind of a dick move.

Dunno why, but this tickled me :D
ditto, except I know why.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: onesalt on July 18, 2011, 03:28:22 AM

It seems we have a group of dissident rogues that wish to harass us and -- at times -- damage the property of members of our community. It's best we keep ourselves aware, especially the proprietors of this forum. They create accounts to only lay waste to otherwise great conversation.


I hate to break it to you but somethingawful has been trolling this forum for ages now, causing enough disruption for that awful market crash back in june.

Also if you're gonna start a troll witchhunt you're going to alienate a lot of innocent people, just so you know.

It's not a witchhunt if they have all low post counts all dedicated to Vegetta and Atlas threads which most of the people I listed have.


So don't let it descend to that, tia.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: TiagoTiago on July 18, 2011, 04:02:16 AM
What post in specific is this about? I mean, is it really any news that there are people from places like that coming over here?

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: digigalt on July 18, 2011, 04:07:52 AM
Atlas has no say on my character, and I caution you to take anything he says about me with a grain of salt. Giving Vegetta constructive criticism - and backing it up with hard evidence - isn't trolling. Any idiot can verify, simply by visit his site and doing simple math, that 82% of the posts on his forum were made by him. How is that trolling?

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: Chris Acheson on July 18, 2011, 04:12:15 AM
I hate to break it to you but somethingawful has been trolling this forum for ages now, causing enough disruption for that awful market crash back in june.

Pretty sure that crash didn't have anything to do with the trolls.  There were several factors involved, all of them more significant than some fools spamming "SELL SELL SELL".

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: BusinessMan on July 18, 2011, 04:13:20 AM
Atlas has no say on my character, and I caution you to take anything he says about me with a grain of salt. Giving Vegetta constructive criticism - and backing it up with hard evidence - isn't trolling. Any idiot can verify, simply by visit his site and doing simple math, that 82% of the posts on his forum were made by him. How is that trolling?

When you laugh and mock the person offsite and encourage a forum invasion pretty much (which is against your forum's rules last I checked) that is trolling. Don't come here with this bullshit about being a white knight here to save the bitcoin community from the evils of Vegetta and Atlas and at the same time you viciously mock the community for 335 pages on your forum filled with passive aggressive, mentally broken social rejects.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: kiba on July 18, 2011, 04:23:40 AM
Mock whoever you like. Just don't contribute useless drivel, being rude and insulting to bitcoiners, and especially encouraging Atlas to go ranting about his idealogy.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: JeffK on July 18, 2011, 04:53:18 AM
If mods need further proof they are in here:

JeffK, Giraffe.BC, digigalt, bosschair and possibly PinkiePie among others I'd imagine. They are on these forums just to troll and do nothing else. A lot of the proof is in their posting history.

This thread was created in the development forum just to troll and mock Vegetta:

How is this not grounds for ban?

You are a slanderous liar and I will not let you speak of me this way. What is more damaging to this forum: my occasional dry, sarcastic tone of advice towards people like Vegetta, or his vitriol towards everyone that gives him advice combined with his sheer idiocy?

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: JeffK on July 18, 2011, 04:55:24 AM
Atlas has no say on my character, and I caution you to take anything he says about me with a grain of salt. Giving Vegetta constructive criticism - and backing it up with hard evidence - isn't trolling. Any idiot can verify, simply by visit his site and doing simple math, that 82% of the posts on his forum were made by him. How is that trolling?

When you laugh and mock the person offsite and encourage a forum invasion pretty much (which is against your forum's rules last I checked) that is trolling. Don't come here with this bullshit about being a white knight here to save the bitcoin community from the evils of Vegetta and Atlas and at the same time you viciously mock the community for 335 pages on your forum filled with passive aggressive, mentally broken social rejects.

You are very observant to spot forums full of mentally broken social rejects like that.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: wumpus on July 18, 2011, 05:04:37 AM
digigalt's post history is indeed very interesting ???

Almost all posts are bashing Atlas. Not that I'm really a fan of him or his viewpoints, but it does set off the bullshit bells.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: JeffK on July 18, 2011, 05:54:39 AM
digigalt's post history is indeed very interesting ???

Almost all posts are bashing Atlas. Not that I'm really a fan of him or his viewpoints, but it does set off the bullshit bells.

To be fair, Atlas's content-to-crazy ratio is shockingly low.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: FlipPro on July 18, 2011, 07:08:37 AM
Why the hell do these douche bags seem to think that this is a Libertarians only forum? I have seen every political ideology in the book on these forums. I myself am a Socialist Liberal... We are a forum of many different professions, backgrounds, political ideology's, and opinions. Why is that so hard to understand?

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: TiagoTiago on July 18, 2011, 07:53:52 AM
...We are a forum of many different professions, backgrounds, political ideology's, and opinions. Why is that so hard to understand?

People like to think in terms of tribes, teams etc, "us VS. them" and so on; and they like to put generalisistic labels on things; so it's not completly surprising if they have a hard time accepting a group of people can be so diverse as the forum members here are, and that at the smallest sign of disagreement they place us in the opposing party.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: TiagoTiago on July 18, 2011, 08:19:15 AM
I don't think calling them names is the best approach for keeping them away from you...

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: FlipPro on July 18, 2011, 08:26:04 AM
I don't think calling them names is the best approach for keeping them away from you...
I agree, we need to show them that we are dead serious. And then the games aren't as fun anymore.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: TiagoTiago on July 18, 2011, 08:37:45 AM
After all, we all know the Internet is serious busyness ¬.¬

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: billyjoeallen on July 18, 2011, 03:46:41 PM
Their is a high probability that many if not most of the anti-bitcoin posters ARE trolls. The circumstantial evidence is economic:

Concentrated costs and distributed benefits. Even if we assume that the skeptics are sincere, that is not a rational reason for continuing to post here.

Presumably their goal is to see bitcoin fail, but according to them, it is doomed to fail anyway, which makes their posting an unnecessary expenditure of time and effort. 

The next possible explanation is they want bitcoin to fail FASTER than it would without their "help". The problem with this is that, even if they succeeded, they and their friends reap only a tiny portion of the "benefits" resulting from their time and effort.   Most of the "beneficiaries" are people who put in no effort to effect the desired outcome.  This type of selfless crusaderism will eventually reduce the crusaders to abject poverty, especially if pursued against every bad investment idea on the Internet.

So the next reason after that is that somehow bitcoin is a <i>particular</i> threat to financial prudence and all right-thinking friends of civilization. To which it needs to be asked- which is it? Either bitcoin is a joke or it is a dangerous threat, but it can't be both.

So what is it about bitcoin, of all the topics on the Internet, that commands the attention of these nay-sayers?
Is it a scam? There are many scams on the web. Why this one? Is it a ponzi-scheme? same question. Is it a systemic threat? why? wouldn't that mean that bitcoin proponents like myself are correct?

Which leaves one last possibility: These skeptics are in it for the entertainment value, party crashers who piss in the punch bowl. There's a name for people like that: trolls.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: makomk on July 18, 2011, 04:50:40 PM
Concentrated costs and distributed benefits. Even if we assume that the skeptics are sincere, that is not a rational reason for continuing to post here.
You're assuming that people are rational and that "someone is wrong on the internet" ( isn't a good enough reason. More than that, you're assuming that no-one could be motivated by pointing out the flaws in arguments for the benefit of others; a lot of people do seem to be.

Presumably their goal is to see bitcoin fail, but according to them, it is doomed to fail anyway, which makes their posting an unnecessary expenditure of time and effort.
Of course, there's more than one way Bitcoin could fail, and some of them will harm more people than others.

The next possible explanation is they want bitcoin to fail FASTER than it would without their "help". The problem with this is that, even if they succeeded, they and their friends reap only a tiny portion of the "benefits" resulting from their time and effort.
Again, you're assuming that there's no such thing as altruism. If Bitcoin is going to fail in a ponzi-like fashion as some suspect, the longer it goes on for the more people will end up losing their money to the early adopters. Not only that, but if this is going to happen then the best way of speeding up the collapse is to help people avoid losing money to it. Ironically, "destroying" Bitcoin in this way could even help it in the long term by making it more likely to be used after the speculation implodes.

So the next reason after that is that somehow bitcoin is a <i>particular</i> threat to financial prudence and all right-thinking friends of civilization. To which it needs to be asked- which is it? Either bitcoin is a joke or it is a dangerous threat, but it can't be both.
It can be; it can be a joke that would be a dangerous threat to financial prudence and society if it did somehow succeed. It's worth arguing both ways because there are people out there that aren't convinced that Bitcoin will fail and might be more amenable to arguments based on what would happen if it succeeded, and because even if you do believe that it won't work there's always the slim possibility you could be wrong. This is an old technique.

Which leaves one last possibility: These skeptics are in it for the entertainment value, party crashers who piss in the punch bowl. There's a name for people like that: trolls.
Possibly, and the discussions here are providing a lot of entertainment value - not just to Something Awful either, have you seen some of the comments on IRC? However, if you read that SA thread, you'll notice a lack of users conspiring to undermine Bitcoins; they really do genuinely think they're a bad idea.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: error on July 18, 2011, 05:29:42 PM
However, if you read that SA thread, you'll notice a lack of users conspiring to undermine Bitcoins; they really do genuinely think they're a bad idea.

I went to read that thread, and discovered that those same people think robbery and organized crime are GOOD ideas. Makes it a bit harder to take them seriously.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: makomk on July 18, 2011, 10:10:00 PM
I went to read that thread, and discovered that those same people think robbery and organized crime are GOOD ideas. Makes it a bit harder to take them seriously.
Ooookay... don't remember seeing anything like that over there. (Here on these forums, perhaps, in a sense...)

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: error on July 18, 2011, 10:15:06 PM
I went to read that thread, and discovered that those same people think robbery and organized crime are GOOD ideas. Makes it a bit harder to take them seriously.
Ooookay... don't remember seeing anything like that over there. (Here on these forums, perhaps, in a sense...)

Oh, I ignored that section of this forum as soon as it became possible to do so.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: BusinessMan on July 19, 2011, 01:13:57 AM
Why the hell do these douche bags seem to think that this is a Libertarians only forum? I have seen every political ideology in the book on these forums. I myself am a Socialist Liberal... We are a forum of many different professions, backgrounds, political ideology's, and opinions. Why is that so hard to understand?

Somethingawful is filled with the most intolerant, far-left leaning manchildren on the internet. They have so much daddy and mommy rage against conservatives and religion that they project that hate every where they go. It's funny how much intolerance that forum contains yet they are supposed to be the enlightened ones.

Oh yea if anyone else needs proof about JeffK being a somethingawful forums member:

A something awful hosted page strangely named JeffK.

Admins you need to dump these guys they pretty much exist to belittle your community. There is no reason to keep them around. They already destroyed their once funny comedy forum and have now turned it into an overly PC killjoy of a site where transvestites, furries, overly emasculated men and adult male My Little Pony supporters dwell. Every thread over there dwells either into accusations of misogyny, racism or how much they hate conservatives/libertarians no matter what the topic. Seriously, I could make a thread about favorite lasagna recipes and by the end of page one I'll be called a racist republican/libertarian who has no idea about his white privilege and is also a wife beater. I don't think you want that kind of echo chamber here.

I said my part there isn't much else to say it's up to you guys if you want these clowns around. Good luck

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: EconomicOracle on July 19, 2011, 01:48:04 AM
I agree with the majority of that post (I've never heard of somethingawful before but I hate it now. I hate its guts so much, it makes me so mad), but why are you hating on transvestites, furries, overly emasculated men and adult male My Little Pony supporters? I happen to be two of these, and I find it vastly disingenuous to kick these people out before they have a chance. You're making a personal attack against me and that hurts. I wonder how newbies entering the forum will feel when they read your posts. So yes, I agree with most of your post, but I think your racist hate is harming the community and I expect you to stop lickety-split.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: TiagoTiago on July 19, 2011, 02:41:21 AM
Just a note, they are already here, keep that in mind when reacting to people's posts, starting your own rants about them etc.

Tighten your seatbelts, we're in for a rough ride.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: error on July 19, 2011, 03:22:31 AM
Just a note, they are already here, keep that in mind when reacting to people's posts, starting your own rants about them etc.

Tighten your seatbelts, we're in for a rough ride.

LulzSec could not break Bitcoin, and not for lack of trying. The SA trolls have no chance.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: rainingbitcoins on July 19, 2011, 04:02:52 AM
So what is it about bitcoin, of all the topics on the Internet, that commands the attention of these nay-sayers?

Posts like this one probably.

When some housewife selling acai berry juice gets made fun of, she shrugs and walks away. When it happens to members of the bitcoins forum, they write a thousand words analyzing the possible humor content of their posts and finally concluding that since their posts are completely serious to them, nobody could ever find them funny. So logically the people ripping on them must be stupid or something.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: TiagoTiago on July 19, 2011, 04:22:05 AM
Just a note, they are already here, keep that in mind when reacting to people's posts, starting your own rants about them etc.

Tighten your seatbelts, we're in for a rough ride.

LulzSec could not break Bitcoin, and not for lack of trying. The SA trolls have no chance.
I was talking about the forum, and not Bitcoin itself

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: jgraham on July 19, 2011, 04:51:36 AM

It seems we have a group of dissident rogues that wish to harass us and -- at times -- damage the property of members of our community. It's best we keep ourselves aware, especially the proprietors of this forum. They create accounts to only lay waste to otherwise great conversation.

Yes! Beware!  Keep an eye out and most importantly....get a grip. Seriously. Your post reads like cold-war era propaganda...or it would if it just didn't have the usual overtone of whining.

It seems pretty obvious to me that, to these people at SA you (and probably a few others here) are their entertainment (and considering how you address people I can almost see their point).   They want you to react and it's kind of idiotic to assume that giving them what they want is going to be any kind of deterrent.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: wumpus on July 19, 2011, 05:36:01 AM
To be fair, Atlas's content-to-crazy ratio is shockingly low.
It is. But it is a pointless waste of time calling him out every time. If 95% of your posts are bashing someone, even if he actually is crazy, it's a case of bullying. Conspiracy theories aside, that's what I consider a malignant agenda.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2011, 05:40:38 AM
Bullying usually requires a victim. I have yet to see one.

Title: Re: A growing social threat to our community.
Post by: jgraham on July 19, 2011, 03:23:33 PM
To be fair, Atlas's content-to-crazy ratio is shockingly low.
It is. But it is a pointless waste of time calling him out every time. If 95% of your posts are bashing someone, even if he actually is crazy, it's a case of bullying. Conspiracy theories aside, that's what I consider a malignant agenda.
Personally I just don't see the bullying angle.  Is Atlas somehow being coerced by these posts?  If so, coerced to do what? It doesn't appear to make him less pretentious, ignorant, cowardly or deceitful?

Besides Atlas is a full  I'm sure he knows that being less of those things I mentioned would probably garner him less heckling so he has made an informed choice to take this rather than conform to various social mores (I'd wager that in his mind he interprets their rejection as a rejection of his beliefs rather than his personality).  Simply saying "Hey you know what JeffK, et al.  - I have been a dick of massive proportions (and not in a good porn-star way)." would probably get him considerable slack.

In retrospect, I'd even figure on some level he enjoys and encourages this behavior.  Sometimes if you think you're in the right you can feel pretty good about persecution (just ask the apostle Paul however they would probably have wildly different ideas as what qualifies as "persecution").  Also it's way easier to preserve ones ideas if you can dismiss people for some other reason.

Anyway a lot of people grow out of this.