Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: cinnamon_carter on September 22, 2013, 03:51:40 AM

Title: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on September 22, 2013, 03:51:40 AM
Cinnamon Coin has been updated with checkpoints to version 1.4

A recommended but non mandatory update.
No premine - The first 300 Blocks Award Only
One Coin To Give Everyone A Fair Shot.

Note the official forum and homepage is
hosted at

Here is the link for support
Why another coin ?  
Most Alt Coins are not launched fairly and either by premining or
the design of the coin are made to give an unfair advantage to developers
or others. I did give in to vanity naming the coin after myself.
I also hope to learn from the experience.
You will not hear me begging to be listed on an exchange, paying to set up pools ect.
I hope with good support and a stable distribution to get #CIN recognized on exchanges in upcoming months.
I will not measure success of this project if these things happen or not over time.


Exchanges: NONE

Pools :

        ALL CLOSED

5 minute block target time
Scrypt algorithm Pow/Pos
3 block transaction confirmation
40 minted block maturity
Linear Difficulty Retarging
Mining award halves every two years
Total 25,228,800 coins from proof of work mining
64 Coins per block (The first 300 blocks award only 1 coin)
POW mining for 14 years
1% proof of stake after 60 days of coin age
Wallet currently not available

Full Source On GitHub

Solo Mining Information
RPC PORT 19125
P2PPORT 19126
Sample cinnamoncoin.conf


1. Start upCinnamonCoin-qt, wait for it to load, then exit.
2. Put cinnamoncoin.conf (see sample file above) in your c:/users/**yourcomputername**/appdata/roaming/cinnamoncoin
3. restart cinnamoncoin-qt, and you should connect and sync.
4. For solo mining, launch cgminer or whatever mining program you like and begin mining.
cgminer ex: cgminer.exe --scrypt -o localhost:**** -u **yourusername** -p **password** (without **)
5. Do not name the file cinnamoncoin.conf.txt or it will not work.

This was an exclusive launch on Big thanks to some others who I could not have done this without. They did not want to be thanked in public they know who they are. I can be reached on twitter at @cinnamon_carter feel free to tweet me!!  .
I will be checking the forum at CryptoCoinTalk.Com regularly for any questions.

Let's see what happens!! Cheers  

update 1 year later --- nodes remain active but due to involvment in other projects and future projects in early stages of development support is discontinued at this time ---- contact me on twitter for any questions --

Title: Re: Cinnamon Coin Launch (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: dr_chen on September 22, 2013, 04:35:56 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: thcst8 on September 22, 2013, 04:48:35 AM
the diff was 0.4 after 85 blocks

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: Oldminer on September 22, 2013, 05:20:28 AM
the diff was 0.4 after 85 blocks


Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: heatgsm on September 22, 2013, 05:24:30 AM
Fair launch  :o!?  :D Kidding` right? Fair launch means also that you have to notify people in advance  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on September 22, 2013, 06:01:47 PM
Here is your advance notice :-) It is on block number 64 , award is one coin per block until block 300
when it will be 64 coins a block !!

Fair launch  :o!?  :D Kidding` right? Fair launch means also that you have to notify people in advance  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on September 22, 2013, 08:57:58 PM
Yes , difficulty was .4 at 85 blocks but since I was forced to relaunch the coin now with the first 300 blocks only awarding 1 coin vs. the 64 award (set for the first two years) difficulty is holding much lower.  Please also keep in mind for stability of this coin  I have a 5 minute block time target which
is a little bit longer than most alt coins that are currently on the scene.
I would not want anyone to get a whirlwind orphan experience and thought it best not to have a billion coins mined in the first week. :-)

the diff was 0.4 after 85 blocks

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Version 1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: markm on September 22, 2013, 09:21:35 PM
You forgot to mention starting difficulty. 300 blocks is how many seconds if starting difficulty is not set reasonably?


Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: Den821 on September 22, 2013, 10:37:10 PM
Yeah Pools would be great

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: Eli0t on September 22, 2013, 10:53:26 PM
the wages of CIN is death

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Version 1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on September 22, 2013, 11:40:03 PM
Sorry, starting difficulty zero however since the difficulty retargets after every block the five minute desired spacing seems to be working well. Currently on block 112 difficulty now .377 although it was actually higher earlier. I suppose no one will really throw much at it until block 300 if at all.

You forgot to mention starting difficulty. 300 blocks is how many seconds if starting difficulty is not set reasonably?


Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: loveys on September 23, 2013, 02:01:03 AM
who want to mining the first 300 block? :( :( :( :( :( 1:64, so large percent!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: dmatthewstewart on September 23, 2013, 02:43:10 AM
maybe we can pool?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on September 24, 2013, 06:39:14 PM
The award is past the ramp up of one coin / Now 64 !
Difficulty pretty low so still lots of solo mining :-))

who want to mining the first 300 block? :( :( :( :( :( 1:64, so large percent!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: MAbtc on September 24, 2013, 08:26:19 PM
Cinnamon Coin?  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: rockfeng on September 24, 2013, 09:47:55 PM
where is the pool?

沃.百最近出新款贴膜啦 IPHONE5钢化膜 新款壳 5S 5C贴膜 红米贴膜 三星note3 N7100 note2 华为P6碳纤维
高清 钻石 磨砂 防指纹 防窥膜 碳纤维 应有尽有 质量至上 质感一流
华为p6电信/移动版 碳纤维膜
索尼XL39H 菱形膜
三星note3 N9000/n9005/n9002
note2 7102

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on September 26, 2013, 03:03:36 AM
I was thinking of setting up a strantum pool for Cinnamon Coin.
Can anyone recommend a good guide or thread with direction ?

I may not have time to start this until the weekend but was researching it tonight.
The difficulty retargeting every block in the design of the coin seems to be a challenge in coding a pool however others have solved this problem since I see pools available for coins like Diamonds and
Saving Coin.

where is the pool?

沃.百最近出新款贴膜啦 IPHONE5钢化膜 新款壳 5S 5C贴膜 红米贴膜 三星note3 N7100 note2 华为P6碳纤维
高清 钻石 磨砂 防指纹 防窥膜 碳纤维 应有尽有 质量至上 质感一流
华为p6电信/移动版 碳纤维膜
索尼XL39H 菱形膜
三星note3 N9000/n9005/n9002
note2 7102

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on September 29, 2013, 08:48:29 AM
The logic and reason for why Cinnamon Coin was created

2013 has been a year of cryptocurrency insanity in the eyes of some while others find it perfectly normal. Opinions range all over the place when you read about “how things should be done” there are almost endless viewpoints depending on who you are getting your information from. In this post I will first review how I see the current state of cryptocurrency before I discuss why I wanted to release yet another coin when so many are out in the wild now. This post is not intended for someone who is a novice. If you are taking the time to read this I assume you have a firm understanding of most of the items I shall discuss. There are a wealth of resources on the web if you are not up to speed on any of these items. I do not consider myself an expert however I have been researching bitcoin, litecoin, almost all other alternative cryptocurrencies and the pros and cons of each for a long time. In writing this I made every effort to avoid naming other cryptocurrencies by name since I am not trying to “take shots” at anyone elses work.

Let us begin with a discussion on bitcoin. The current state of bitcoin is one which I think is rather unexpected and in some ways pretty crazy. Bitcoin was created as an brilliant alternative to traditional money systems. Personally I got curious about bitcoin around two years ago but never considered it more than a passing fancy until the events of early 2013 including the price and technnology explosion that took place and is still taking place.

First bitcoin was mined with cpu’s , then gpu’s, fpga’s and now asic’s. Bitcoin is gaining more of a foothold almost every week being accepted for payment in more places for more things. As of the time of this writing as we approach October 2013 it is the ONLY cryptocurrency that is in widespread use to make purchases of ‘real life items’ with. There are a few things that can be purchased with some other alt currencies but bitcoin is by far king.

Bitcoin was in my eyes always created to be a currency “for the people” that could remain in the control “of the people”. When bitcoin could be mined by anyone this was certainly true. Even if you had to buy a fancy graphics card to be able to make a few bitcoins over time the technology, it’s cost and means to get the hardware was well within the reach of anyone motivated to do it. That has now changed. You can no longer mine bitcoin with a cpu or gpu and even fpga equipment is only going to earn pennies on what it would have earned you just a few months ago. So the currency ‘for the people’ is now almost being mined only by the few parties out there that control asic technology. If you want to purchase bitcoin mining equipment now you cannot even buy it. You have to preorder it, pay up front, and hope that you get it in time to still be able to make some bitcoin before the difficulty rises beyond the capability of your hardware. You also have to hope that you don’t get ripped off. You could order equipment that never gets delivered at all. You cannot go to an electronics store and buy the components take them home and mine bitcoin. You cannot build anything yourself with fancy parts that will mine bitcoin.

In short a few ‘elite’ have taken control of the ability to mine bitcoin. The difficulty of the network is moving up
so high and so fast if you ever told me where it is now a few years ago I would have had a good laugh. Maybe some of you saw this coming but I did not. So most ‘average’ people out there that want to aquire bitcoin now are mining alternative coins and turning around and selling them to convert them to bitcoin. Bitcoin purists and those who have asic technology make insulting remarks about all alternatives to bitcoin with a range of insults from A to Z. The mutation of the bitcoin difficulty I believe is one of the main causes of the explosion of so many clone coins being created. Greed is another factor. I can’t prove it but I honestly believe many alt coins were created just so the developers could make a couple dozen bitcoin from the project.

Lets move over to litecoin. Now we are using scrypt so the technology is in the hands of the people. I am not saying it is impossible to develop fpga mining for scrypt but with the current price of litecoin it will never be cost effective. The memory requirements make it unlikely asic technology to mine scrypt coins will ever be cost effective even if litecoin were to be worth one hundred times what it is worth as of this writing.

So bitcoin has the popularity of being used but it’s production is now in the hands of the elite and litecoin is in the hands of the people and likely to remain there but has not yet been able to ‘break through’ and get the breaks it needs to be accepted for payment of ‘real world items’.

Today there are well over 100 cryptocurrencies that exist. Some of them were made only as experiments, jokes or not made to last. We now have clone coins made to “honor” peoples favorite movies, purchase porn, for popular online games and a multitude of other things. So, why would I think it a good idea to add to this chaos by the release of Cinnamon Coin ?

Several reasons actually and I will discuss them all.

A majority of the altcoins that have been created have not had what I consider a ‘fair launch’. Many coins at the time of their release have premines. Some to just fatten the pockets of the developers and insiders and in other cases to pay ‘bounties’ for the first pool, first exchange ect… I feel that if a coin is premined , even if the premined coins are used to pay bounties this less than a fair launch. It allows a few people to get an unfair amount of the coins so I cannot support coins that are premined (at least as ‘fair for all’).
Many other coins including the alt coins with some of the largest market shares behind bitcoin and litecoin may not have been premined but were designed in such a way that a very large percentage of coins were mined in a short time.
I am sorry but if 85% of the coins were made in the first week of a coins release the people down the line are at an unfair advantage. The coin I am thinking of is just one example there are plenty of others. This is just another method for a few people to enrich themselves. I am not saying developers should not be compensated for thier work
but if a cryptocurrency is to be fair and for ‘the people’ these clever methods to me are just unfair.

Cinnamon Coin takes advantage of proof of stake. In my opinion most coins using proof of stake have a formula to reward too many coins for proof of stake blocks as the network ages. Some of them are set to produce 100% “interest” a year. The concept of proof of stake is brilliant but letting someone who is bag holding a large amount of coins double thier holdings in a year is just not necessary. Cinnamon Coin’s proof of stake is 1%. By keeping this low the idea behind proof of stake is preserved since the proof of stake blocks produced as the network ages and eventually fails to produce any new coins will be generated to process transactions but there is no ‘bonanza’ of wealth produced.

The speed of a coins network, i.e. how fast blocks are produced is a topic that is always debated. Slower block times allow for a more stable network but make the processing of payments slower. Coins that produce fast blocks like one per minute or faster are just not stable enough for the network to grow large in the long term. If you have a coin that has several blocks produced inside of a minute (all the time) the number of orphan blocks produced is just too high. If the coins have low monetary value I guess no one cares if they get a lot of rejects however I am thinking long term. Imagine the value of bitcoin now and how upset you would be if the network was producing 10% or more orphan blocks. This is just chaos waiting to happen and other problems can result from rapid blocks also. Cinnamon Coin has 5 minute block spacing which is twice the speed of bitcoin and 2.5 times slower than litecoin. I figured I would target it right in the middle of the two most successful long term coins.

The difficulty of Cinnamon Coin changes with each block to keep this five minute block target time as close to five minutes as possible. I will say this is the largest weakness in Cinnamon Coin. Coins that quickly retarget difficulty are able to be attacked. I have seen examples of this type of attack twice with Terracoin and Starcoin. Terracoin being sha 256 can be mined with the same ‘super fast’ asic technology that mines bitcoin and a few months ago someone torqued the hash rate up super high then let off the gas. As soon as the difficulty retargeted to very easy they floored it again producing a huge number of blocks. With StarCoin which is scrypt I am uncertain how the attack was done but the difficulty landed one day at 26 million as I turned it on when it was running on average 100 thousand. Obviously a few people got together and ran large gpu farms at it with the hope of putting it out of comission. Cinnamon Coin could be vulnerable to a similar attack but I felt that over the long term the danger of an attack
like this is a necessary risk to keep block spacing as even as possible and keep the coin production fair for all.

The final reason I wanted to launch this coin is because there are so many people new to the world of cryptocurrency.
They were not around in the early days of bitcoin or litecoin and never had a chance to get in ‘at the ground floor’.
I am not saying Cinnamon Coin is the only alternative for people new to the scene to get an early piece of the action.
There have been other coins with fair launches that do not suffer from some of what I see as flaws I pointed out earlier. I think that some of the newer cpu only coins that make use of multiple algorithms offer great promise however the technology may eventually progress to allow them to be gpu mined and they would then be in the same boat that the scrypt and scrypt jane coins are now. In a few short months we have seen these cpu only coins go from being only mined with the stand alone client to being pool mined with optimized cpu specific builds. Another issue I have with cpu only coins is the use of virtual machines by just a few insiders to mine a lions share of the coins. The best results when all is said and done for the scene will be found on the most level playing field. Cinnamon Coin is designed for those with gpu mining capability who are tired of making fewer and fewer litecoins or feathercoins every week than they did last week as the difficulty continues to rise.

I have always liked math and found a nice symmetry in the powers of two. 2^6 is 64 coins per block for two years.
Then the network will have two years each at 32,16,8,4,2 and 1 coin per block. My opinion on the coins that have been released that offer random ‘super blocks’ of large bounties of coins are fun I am by nature a serious person. If you want to win a lottery buy a lottery ticket or play a slot machine. To me awarding a few random miners large amounts of extra coins is really a bit unfair and most of these coins and clones with this feature have been studied and you can fairly well ‘know’ when such a “Monty Hall” block will be coming so it now becomes not exactly a random award but another item open to be exploited.

Since Cinnamon Coin is a longshot you can mine some now fairly easily. If you mine Cinnamon Coin you are taking a chance of wasting your hash power on a coin that may just ‘go nowhere’. This I cannot deny. I will not promise at this time that I have planed services for Cinnamon Coin or that I am going to be able to market the coin to anyone to be used to purchase ‘real world’ items like bitcoin is uesd today. That would be a lie. This is still in it’s early stages. Litecoin has been around a few years and has yet to do this.
As time goes on and Cinnamon Coin purrs along I will look into some of these things.

It is only a matter of time before severl alternatives to bitcoin become used for ‘real world’ things. The alternatives that will succeed in the future need to be available to everyone to mine with standard electronics, built to last,be stable but fast enough to get payments confirmed quickly while maintaining that stability and have a realistic model for block production to award miners and the number of coins produced. The successful coins of the future will use proof of stake since designing a network that needs more natural resources to sustain itself as time goes on is kind of crazy and unnecessary. Finally the successful alt coins of the future must be fair and not tilted to benefit a few insiders who either got in early or have access to special mining gear. Even detailed studies of the early transactions of bitcoins blockchain point to large transactions and many bitcoins produced in the early days lie hidden still.

If you made it to the end of this long post you at least know all my answers to “Why Another Coin ?”
Without naming or bad mouthing other coins I feel Cinnamon Coin has just the right blend of everything it needs to be a long term success. Almost every other alt coin out there has one or more of the things I pointed out as unfair or unwise for long term stability. If you agree I wish you the best of luck in solving the next block of Cinnamon Coin.

orig. blog post

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: sgrunger on October 01, 2013, 05:55:44 PM
Is there a mining pool for this coin yet?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 07, 2013, 05:28:59 AM
Difficulty is low tonight / I suggest solo mining / no one has set up pools

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: sgrunger on October 07, 2013, 05:34:49 AM
I have alot of cinnamon coins :D But will take a few more.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: spark_li on October 09, 2013, 02:18:26 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 14, 2013, 03:28:10 AM
Thank you for being the first to set up a pool for Cinnamon Coin :-))

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: sgrunger on October 14, 2013, 03:41:36 AM
I wrote in the Cryptsy voting poll with the CinnamonCoin information but... seems to have been ignored (for now).

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 15, 2013, 04:38:56 AM
Well ! Thank you for the consideration and vote ! 
From my observations here & elsewhere coins that hit exchanges quickly can be a 'flash in the pan'
I think it is important to be up & running a few months at least before seeking to be listed on an exchange.
I would not ask anyone to list my coin if it happens eventually would be cool I guess.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: spark_li on October 15, 2013, 05:50:02 AM
CIN mining pool

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 21, 2013, 07:21:39 AM
A big thanks to Spark_li for the pool !

I now have a little extra CIN on hand and if there is any interest I was going to start a giveaway thread of 10 to 20 CIN for each unique wallet posted.

If I get a reply or two I will start the thread in the next day or two.

Thanks to all who are mining and supporting Cinnamon Coin.

CIN mining pool

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - Pool Open - POW & POS
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 25, 2013, 11:09:50 PM
Small update on Cinnamon Coin (CIN)

Proof of Stake rewards have started.

They are set for 1% a month (30 days coin age)

Seeing roughly .055 CIN as an average proof of stake block.

Thanks to all who are mining !

5 minute block times are holding up well.

Feel free to post feedback, comments or wise cracks with your wallet & you just might get a little sprinkle sent to you.  I will start a separate official giveaway thread in the near future.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch Mandatory Update 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine
Post by: spark_li on October 26, 2013, 03:54:18 AM

A big thanks to Spark_li for the pool !

I now have a little extra CIN on hand and if there is any interest I was going to start a giveaway thread of 10 to 20 CIN for each unique wallet posted.

If I get a reply or two I will start the thread in the next day or two.

Thanks to all who are mining and supporting Cinnamon Coin.

CIN mining pool

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - Pool Open - POW & POS
Post by: sgrunger on October 26, 2013, 05:11:47 AM
Seems blockchain is stuck at 8900 and difficulty is ridiculously high.. ?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Launch 1.1.1 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - Pool Open - POW & POS
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 26, 2013, 10:37:34 PM
Blockchain is moving ! Someone else mentioned this to me. Things seem to be moving along normally now. It is possible a few heavy hitters jumped in for a spell & caused difficulty to ramp up. As of today proof of work & proof of stake blocks are being generated normally. Later on I will go back and look in the block explorer to see what went on. Thanks for pointing out !!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Update 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - Pool Open - POW & POS
Post by: cinnamon_carter on November 03, 2013, 11:55:11 AM
I released an updated English Language Qt Wallet
It is a NON MANDATORY update, includes only checkpoints.
Updated Source on Git Hub

link for CIN windows qt 1.2 (English)

updated source on github

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Update 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - Pool Open - POW & POS
Post by: cinnamon_carter on November 26, 2013, 03:25:47 AM
Second pool for Cinnamon Coin available

Thanks to everyone who is supporting Cinnamon Coin

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 03, 2013, 08:06:10 AM
Updated thread with the news that COINS-E has added Cinnamon Coin to the trading floor paired with BTC.

I appreciate that COINS-E has made the addition and many other coins were added also !

The trading interface is smooth and fast.

Deposits and withdrawals are working great.

COINS-E is under new management and really looking sharp with trading markets to Bitcoin , Litecoin, and Primecoin with more coins than I can name here.

Fees are very reasonable too: Lower than some other exchanges.

They also offer a referral program so check it out.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: sgrunger on December 03, 2013, 06:24:42 PM
Very good news, QT wallet and exchange !

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin Update 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - Pool Open - POW & POS
Post by: TheDirtybird on December 04, 2013, 09:38:07 AM
Second pool for Cinnamon Coin available

Thanks to everyone who is supporting Cinnamon Coin

Signed up cannot get my miner to connect.. looks like pool is working, just not for me.  Can you make sure the GetStarted page has the right URL and Port.  Thank you.
I know how to use pools so its not usually my end that is at fault.  ;)  Just lettin ya know.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: wheatrich on December 04, 2013, 11:36:32 PM
can't download the wallet  says not found 404 error

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: Amph on December 05, 2013, 01:25:12 PM
coin is dead, move on

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 06, 2013, 05:59:59 AM
This is FALSE / I just retested it.

can't download the wallet  says not found 404 error

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 06, 2013, 06:10:43 AM
If you don't like the coin don't mine it.

A dead coin is one with no working blockchain and nodes.

Would a Sr. Member not know this ?

coin is dead, move on

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: wheatrich on December 06, 2013, 06:17:29 AM
This is FALSE / I just retested it.

can't download the wallet  says not found 404 error

works if you go file -> download the entire thing and not individually, which I was doing b/c I only need the wallet file

thanks a lot for calling me out though instead of asking where I'm seeing that error and why.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 07, 2013, 02:58:27 AM
This is FALSE / I just retested it.

can't download the wallet  says not found 404 error

works if you go file -> download the entire thing and not individually, which I was doing b/c I only need the wallet file

thanks a lot for calling me out though instead of asking where I'm seeing that error and why.

I'm sorry , I get a little wild sometimes.
Post your wallet or pm it to me & I'll send you some coins !

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: chondrite on December 08, 2013, 11:19:03 AM
Is there an active node list?  I can't get any connections at all.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 08, 2013, 01:41:37 PM
this is the seed node
I had 63 nodes connected about an hour ago.

Is there an active node list?  I can't get any connections at all.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: MobGod on December 08, 2013, 05:08:04 PM
Anyone selling??

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: darksoft on December 08, 2013, 10:35:11 PM
Anyone selling??

Sure, I got 400... what you gimme?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: MobGod on December 08, 2013, 11:18:15 PM
Anyone selling??

Sure, I got 400... what you gimme?
How much you looking for??

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: sheinsha on December 09, 2013, 12:18:29 AM CinnamonCoin PPLNS Mining Pool

I have setup a PPLNS Mining Pool, so you are welcome to join and spread the network hashrate.

Please let me know if you find anything out of normal, comments and suggestions also welcome!

I have set pool fees to 1%, every minute fast payouts, and only 0.1 CIN payout fee to pay the actual transaction fee.

VARDIFF + Stratum PPLNS Mining Pool up :) (

Start your miner using the following parameters:
Sample command-line:
   ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// --scrypt -u username.worker -p workerPass

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 09, 2013, 01:31:07 AM
Thanks Sheinsha for setting up another pool.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: turnin on December 09, 2013, 02:24:36 AM
404's on the wallet download, hence can't mine !

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: darksoft on December 09, 2013, 02:44:03 AM
Anyone selling??

Sure, I got 400... what you gimme?
How much you looking for??

Not a clue, toss me a number...

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: gwoplock on December 09, 2013, 07:20:20 PM
im trying to solo mine with bfgminer and i get this: blktmpl error: Unrecognized block version, and not allowed to reduce or force it. whatis it and how do i fix it

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 09, 2013, 11:17:53 PM
Sorry you had trouble , I prefer cg miner 3.1 for solomining.
I was hitting some blocks but this past weekend popularity seems to have taken off.
Difficulty is now 32.15
The whole network had been running between 5-10 mhs with a few spikes since launch.
Last night it was over 100 mhs.... 
Solomining may be tough right now depending on what you run, I only have a single 7970 :-)

im trying to solo mine with bfgminer and i get this: blktmpl error: Unrecognized block version, and not allowed to reduce or force it. whatis it and how do i fix it

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: gwoplock on December 10, 2013, 12:04:11 AM
Sorry you had trouble , I prefer cg miner 3.1 for solomining.
I was hitting some blocks but this past weekend popularity seems to have taken off.
Difficulty is now 32.15
The whole network had been running between 5-10 mhs with a few spikes since launch.
Last night it was over 100 mhs.... 
Solomining may be tough right now depending on what you run, I only have a single 7970 :-)

im trying to solo mine with bfgminer and i get this: blktmpl error: Unrecognized block version, and not allowed to reduce or force it. whatis it and how do i fix it
does this look correct

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 10, 2013, 03:01:48 AM
Check the block crawler here
difficulty just over 32

Yea, it really went up last few days.

Difficulty from the coins launch was mostly 1 or below.

Sorry you had trouble , I prefer cg miner 3.1 for solomining.
I was hitting some blocks but this past weekend popularity seems to have taken off.
Difficulty is now 32.15
The whole network had been running between 5-10 mhs with a few spikes since launch.
Last night it was over 100 mhs.... 
Solomining may be tough right now depending on what you run, I only have a single 7970 :-)

im trying to solo mine with bfgminer and i get this: blktmpl error: Unrecognized block version, and not allowed to reduce or force it. whatis it and how do i fix it
does this look correct

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: gwoplock on December 10, 2013, 04:29:36 PM
Check the block crawler here
difficulty just over 32

Yea, it really went up last few days.

Difficulty from the coins launch was mostly 1 or below.

Sorry you had trouble , I prefer cg miner 3.1 for solomining.
I was hitting some blocks but this past weekend popularity seems to have taken off.
Difficulty is now 32.15
The whole network had been running between 5-10 mhs with a few spikes since launch.
Last night it was over 100 mhs.... 
Solomining may be tough right now depending on what you run, I only have a single 7970 :-)

im trying to solo mine with bfgminer and i get this: blktmpl error: Unrecognized block version, and not allowed to reduce or force it. whatis it and how do i fix it
does this look correct

if the diff is 32 why does cgminer show 146M?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 11, 2013, 01:14:29 AM

Not sure why difficulty displayed incorrectly there in cg miner !
I know the client was displaying correct difficulty on command line with 'getmininginfo'

I am solomining now with difficulty about 3
Cg miner shows 258k (which is about right for scrypt based coin)

Let me know if still having issues. I'm sending you some coins as a thanks for bringing to my attention!

Sorry you had trouble , I prefer cg miner 3.1 for solomining.
I was hitting some blocks but this past weekend popularity seems to have taken off.
Difficulty is now 32.15
The whole network had been running between 5-10 mhs with a few spikes since launch.
Last night it was over 100 mhs.... 
Solomining may be tough right now depending on what you run, I only have a single 7970 :-)

im trying to solo mine with bfgminer and i get this: blktmpl error: Unrecognized block version, and not allowed to reduce or force it. whatis it and how do i fix it
does this look correct

if the diff is 32 why does cgminer show 146M?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: gwoplock on December 11, 2013, 01:32:15 AM

Not sure why difficulty displayed incorrectly there in cg miner !
I know the client was displaying correct difficulty on command line with 'getmininginfo'

I am solomining now with difficulty about 3
Cg miner shows 258k (which is about right for scrypt based coin)

Let me know if still having issues. I'm sending you some coins as a thanks for bringing to my attention!

Sorry you had trouble , I prefer cg miner 3.1 for solomining.
I was hitting some blocks but this past weekend popularity seems to have taken off.
Difficulty is now 32.15
The whole network had been running between 5-10 mhs with a few spikes since launch.
Last night it was over 100 mhs.... 
Solomining may be tough right now depending on what you run, I only have a single 7970 :-)

im trying to solo mine with bfgminer and i get this: blktmpl error: Unrecognized block version, and not allowed to reduce or force it. whatis it and how do i fix it
does this look correct

if the diff is 32 why does cgminer show 146M?

What should I do to fix this. I can't mine at this diff. :(

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 11, 2013, 05:29:04 AM
Re 'what should i do to fix this / I can't mine at this difficulty'

... You are using a screenshot that has a date from December 9 ...
As of now , December 11 2013 difficulty is about 4 or just above.(300 to 400k scrypt)
Difficulty retargets every block. The coin was hit with a network rate over 400 mhs last night.
Network rate just under 40mhs now.
I am mining on a single 7970 , solo , maybe I will hit a block tonight?

Give it a shot. Your hash rate is lower but still possible.
I generally prefer solo mining to pooled mining.

I sent you some coins to get you started.

If you cannot mine at a difficulty for any coin based on your hash rate mine another coin.

Not trying to discourage you but there are many coins to mine.

Perhaps another has a difficulty level to suit you.  Best wishes.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: qiwoman on December 11, 2013, 06:02:49 AM
Do I need to buy a desktop to mine cinnamon coin or I need to purchase separate equipment? I would love to be able to mine a coin like this one as it is nice and new but have no clue how I would start. What is the easiest way and cheapest way for a noob to start mining with limited space? :)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: gwoplock on December 11, 2013, 03:35:33 PM
Re 'what should i do to fix this / I can't mine at this difficulty'

... You are using a screenshot that has a date from December 9 ...
As of now , December 11 2013 difficulty is about 4 or just above.(300 to 400k scrypt)
Difficulty retargets every block. The coin was hit with a network rate over 400 mhs last night.
Network rate just under 40mhs now.
I am mining on a single 7970 , solo , maybe I will hit a block tonight?

Give it a shot. Your hash rate is lower but still possible.
I generally prefer solo mining to pooled mining.

I sent you some coins to get you started.

If you cannot mine at a difficulty for any coin based on your hash rate mine another coin.

Not trying to discourage you but there are many coins to mine.

Perhaps another has a difficulty level to suit you.  Best wishes.

Ok so I think I'm confused on what cgminer's diff is saying.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: rofus on December 11, 2013, 05:10:38 PM
Is there anyone managing the pools???

I tried TWICE to contact without any reply, and now it does not allow me to send support messages anymore!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: mishax1 on December 12, 2013, 12:17:23 PM
^ also I did not receive any coins after autopayment.

*that was coins-e issue..

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: sheinsha on December 12, 2013, 01:18:47 PM
Is there anyone managing the pools???

I tried TWICE to contact without any reply, and now it does not allow me to send support messages anymore!

Already sent you your tx, it is a coins-e issue.. I hope you get it fixed with them..

^ also I did not receive any coins after autopayment.

*that was coins-e issue..

^^^^ same thing...

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: rofus on December 12, 2013, 01:30:54 PM
Yes that was a Coins-E issue as well...really BS exchange, they'll die soon and let's hope Cryptsy will become more and more reliable.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: sheinsha on December 15, 2013, 11:57:00 PM
Ok everyone, i have enabled full TX id for you to ask for coins-e support, hope you all get your coins!
If you want, you can request your payout to your own address, and then send it to coins-e.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: icecube45 on December 16, 2013, 08:13:49 PM
I have made a new cinnamoncoin pool!
0.5% fee

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.2 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 18, 2013, 03:12:18 AM
Thanks for setting up this pool. It is the 4th.
I updated the main thread and github with a new client 1.3
This Cinnamon Coin update is non mandatory but recommended.
Checkpoints added.

Also thanks to Coin Warz for listing CIN among the valuable rankings
they provide to miners about which coins are most profitable to mine vs. bitcoin.

I have made a new cinnamoncoin pool!
0.5% fee

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: icecube45 on December 18, 2013, 04:54:48 AM
No problem, happy to help out a new coin!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: icecube45 on December 19, 2013, 12:17:08 AM
Update: In order to attract new miners, (and find some blocks), all fees are now 0%

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: generica on December 19, 2013, 08:00:34 AM

Hey everyone,

Here is another PPLNS stratum pool for CIN that you can use. 

0% fees as well for the first month, as I am still learning the ins and outs but this pool is so far stable and is on a nice fast well connected machine (a dedicated server in Seattle, USA)


Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 20, 2013, 04:36:59 AM
Thanks all of you very much for your support !

There are now 6 CIN pools !

The latest with VARDIFF & Strantum

Hey everyone,

Here is another PPLNS stratum pool for CIN that you can use. 

0% fees as well for the first month, as I am still learning the ins and outs but this pool is so far stable and is on a nice fast well connected machine (a dedicated server in Seattle, USA)


Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: raoulduke33 on December 23, 2013, 05:13:13 PM
We just launched our new Cinnamon Coin pool: (

Come check it out!

Proportional payouts, one account that works to mine our other coins ( (, friendly customer service, stable servers.

(p.s. to the OP: you might want to clean up your list of pools, several of them are no longer there. if you wanted to add us to the list, that'd be great!)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 24, 2013, 02:56:11 AM
Thank you for support ! I will add to list of pools !

We just launched our new Cinnamon Coin pool: (

Come check it out!

Proportional payouts, one account that works to mine our other coins ( (, friendly customer service, stable servers.

(p.s. to the OP: you might want to clean up your list of pools, several of them are no longer there. if you wanted to add us to the list, that'd be great!)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: RENDERING on January 06, 2014, 03:45:58 PM Cinnamon Coin Pool

Here is our server setup:
Every 1 Min block stats update
Every 10 Seconds Dashboard Stats update
Instant payout once a block is confirmed
2% Fee
Payouts every 1 minute
DDOS Protection
Mobile friendly interface. (tablet and phone)
Dedicated Staff (We are here everyday for you)

Come join the army! :D

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on January 07, 2014, 01:02:53 AM
Thanks for adding Cinnamon Coin :-) Cinnamon Coin Pool

Here is our server setup:
Every 1 Min block stats update
Every 10 Seconds Dashboard Stats update
Instant payout once a block is confirmed
2% Fee
Payouts every 1 minute
DDOS Protection
Mobile friendly interface. (tablet and phone)
Dedicated Staff (We are here everyday for you)

Come join the army! :D

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No Pre-Mine - POW & POS - Now on COINS-E
Post by: RENDERING on January 08, 2014, 05:55:22 PM

Fee's are now 0%

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on January 09, 2014, 01:02:05 AM
Updated main post and thread to acknowledge trading is now active on the new open source exchange OpenEX

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: prozacsf84 on January 24, 2014, 11:56:29 AM
New pool - 0%Fee.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: Shivoreun on January 28, 2014, 11:21:29 AM
Can anybody explain me one interesting thing, please...
Beginning from yesterday, my wallet started to recieve small amounts of CIN (around 0.09 in each transaction) with label "mined", and wallet show them as "Stale". But I'am not mining Cinnamon for at least 2 weeks :)
It's some promo bonus?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on January 30, 2014, 06:25:40 AM
This is proof of stake, your reward for helping guard the network, or as some call it interest.

If the shares were orphans back up your wallet and try downloading the blockchain again it may correct that.

It is also possible that they are true orphans. 

Can anybody explain me one interesting thing, please...
Beginning from yesterday, my wallet started to recieve small amounts of CIN (around 0.09 in each transaction) with label "mined", and wallet show them as "Stale". But I'am not mining Cinnamon for at least 2 weeks :)
It's some promo bonus?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: jnada on January 30, 2014, 06:35:14 AM
Can anybody explain me one interesting thing, please...
Beginning from yesterday, my wallet started to recieve small amounts of CIN (around 0.09 in each transaction) with label "mined", and wallet show them as "Stale". But I'am not mining Cinnamon for at least 2 weeks :)
It's some promo bonus?

And you got in your wallet circa 2800 CIN? - should be arround as far I understand this quite interesting feature of CinnamonCoin PoW/PoS.

Which came out of: If 1 Block mined in PoS is proprtionally divided to all owners of CiN and one block contains 64 CiN, then 0.09 out of 64 should be equal to 2800 out of 1974200 all CiNs in circulation. Is this math correct?
Or Coins out of PoS block are only spreaded between owners of CiN on wallets that are connected to network at the time?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: Shivoreun on January 30, 2014, 03:00:20 PM
OK, I see now. My node is up 24/7, so look like it serves some transactions...

And you got in your wallet circa 2800 CIN? - should be arround as far I understand this quite interesting feature of CinnamonCoin PoW/PoS.
No. For today I've recieved ~1.5 CIN :)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: jnada on January 30, 2014, 08:55:04 PM
OK, I see now. My node is up 24/7, so look like it serves some transactions...

And you got in your wallet circa 2800 CIN? - should be arround as far I understand this quite interesting feature of CinnamonCoin PoW/PoS.
No. For today I've recieved ~1.5 CIN :)

Then we need to wait till Dev explanation, even if complicated I'm quite curious how it works

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on February 04, 2014, 12:07:09 PM
You don't have to be connected to the network.
If you are not when you do connect the number of coins held and coin age will make it more likely you can earn a proof of stake block.
Sorry I don't visit here often , I have discussed these concepts in great detail at cryptocoin talk where the official support for the coin is hosted.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: sheinsha on February 10, 2014, 06:32:07 AM
Hi, block explorer is down, any other available?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: GunPowder on February 10, 2014, 05:15:22 PM
Hi guys
Can anybody give me a wallet for CIN please? I really don't know how to pull it from
Thank you

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: Shivoreun on February 11, 2014, 12:12:19 PM
Hi guys
Can anybody give me a wallet for CIN please? I really don't know how to pull it from
Thank you

You simply need to press "File" menu, just below the filename, and then select "Download" (or Ctrl+S).

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.3 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: GunPowder on February 12, 2014, 07:35:23 AM
Hi guys
Can anybody give me a wallet for CIN please? I really don't know how to pull it from
Thank you

You simply need to press "File" menu, just below the filename, and then select "Download" (or Ctrl+S).
Of course I tried to do that. It doesn't work for me, I'm getting 404 page through.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on February 12, 2014, 08:31:41 AM
Client updated &source updated (non mandatory) with checkpoints

I added a link to media fire for those having issues with google drive

It appears the block explorer is down as someone pointed out , I will look into it

The main post is updated with links but here are the 1.4 version wallets

Thanks to everyone who continues to support the coin :-)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: GunPowder on February 12, 2014, 05:13:05 PM
Client updated &source updated (non mandatory) with checkpoints

I added a link to media fire for those having issues with google drive
There is no "Start mining" button, how can I start it?

cgminer sais:
[21:17:45] Probing for an alive pool
[21:17:45] No suitable long-poll found for
[21:17:51] API running in IP access mode on port 4028 (57024)
[21:19:23] not providing work fast enough
[21:19:51] not providing work fast enough
[21:20:05] not providing work fast enough
[21:20:33] not providing work fast enough
[21:20:47] not providing work fast enough
[21:21:01] not providing work fast enough
[21:21:15] not providing work fast enough

Is it a problem?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: GunPowder on February 14, 2014, 10:29:47 AM
Whats going on?

Est. Shares   2804 (done: 5801.93%)

It got stuck!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on February 17, 2014, 12:24:02 AM
To answer the question "Where is the start mining button"

If you want to mine with your cpu from the qt wallet type

setgeneratetrue -1

in the rpc console to mine on all availavle cores of your computer.

If you have 8 cores available and want to mine while not slowing down your computer
you can type

setgeneratetrue 7

and it will mine on 7 cores

Substitute another number here 2, 3 , whatever to suit your taste.

If you want to see your 'hash rate '



in the rpc console and it will show.

NOW - That question being answered you may not want to mine with a cpu with current difficulty.

The chances of hitting a block are very (very) low.

Gpu mining only is recommended.

Thanks to all for your support.

In just a few days Cinnamon Coin will be running Five Months Strong

More miners and activity all the time at the exchanges (Coins-E & Open Ex)

To satisfy the community I have contacted all other active exchanges I am aware of and the only reply I got was from Poloniex who e mailed me back to say they would consider adding the coin. All other exchanges did not reply or acknowledge my communication to them. I am greatful

to Coins-E and Open Ex for recognition and support and you should support these exchanges.

I try to do business ONLY with the exchanges who support my coin.

Cinnamon Coin has been and wil always be run honest and open. I have not used personal bitcoin to place false
buy orders or 'pump' the coin to get attention (using multiple fake accounts on exchanges like others)

fyi I do not check this forum daily so please visit the 'official' support forum mentioned above in the main post for any urgent questions or a faster reply

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: sheinsha on February 22, 2014, 08:03:12 PM
For all those that want to mine Cinnamon Coins Mining Pool ( is waiting for you with the latest version 1.4!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: Rolandash on February 23, 2014, 09:46:49 AM
I can not find the happy mining experience any more, used to be quite smooth.

Now after the upgrade it can be 20hrs mining just for 0 with a 2MH miner. Is there a fork with the coin? The block explorer is also down for quite some time so people have no where to check.

Will anyone check for this?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: 50tugrikov on February 23, 2014, 06:50:25 PM
I can not find the happy mining experience any more, used to be quite smooth.

Now after the upgrade it can be 20hrs mining just for 0 with a 2MH miner. Is there a fork with the coin? The block explorer is also down for quite some time so people have no where to check.

Will anyone check for this?

Hi, Rol

I'm Portu (cin.minar 3d place finder  :) )
I think CIN very cool coin. But for now it is not for GPU and pool mining. CIN net is very stable with good and quick transaction's power. CIN power is in PoS and this is very good thing. Also I suppose that CIN very very undervalued coin and will be rise  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on March 02, 2014, 05:59:31 AM
I had a moment to check in here and answer a few questions.

As far as the most recent update the only change in the last client was a checkpoint.

See the source code on github if you don't believe me & compile it yourself.

Nothing else was changed although I was testing some changes I decided not to release at this time.

What you must understand is that proof stake coins are quite different than proof of work coins only.

The money supply of CIN is currently at 1.527 million coins

It has a target of 300 blocks every 24 hours and difficulty adjusts every block for proof of work.
Cinnamon Coin was born September 21, 2013 so with 64 coins a block if the coin was proof of work only you would expect the money supply to be over 3 million.

Instead of being on or about block 48,000 my blockchain is just under 37,000 in height.

I will be very honest with you the code was not written or created by me but was cloned from another coin that I studied and some changes were made the distribution model and proof of stake parameters to what i thought would be a very fair and stable coin and one that could sustain for a very long time.

Now March 2014 even more so when this was done the world of alternatives to bitcoin to me each had flaws.

If you want exact detail read my post "the logic and reason why Cinnamon Coin was created".

Also even more so today than last fall people are very impatient.

Everyone wants big block awards , fast block times, and they want it to be an overnight sensation headed to the moon when in reality it is all mostly folly and bullshit.

Here is the best news of all:

Cinnamon Coin turned out better in design for the fairness and stability I was seeking than I ever could have hoped. Proof of Stake blocks will always take priority over proof of work blocks. This keeps the network running (slow block time but stable) and rewards those who are holding their coins. The coin age requirements for Cinnamon Coin are 30 days and 60 days for full weight.

1% Interest Per Year

Not 100% a year like most coins (some are way higher) So no runaway inflation but you do get a reward and you don't have to have a lot of coin age to get it. (compared with most coins)

Because proof of stake ALWAYS takes priority over proof of work (saving energy)
as one person stated above it is really hard to mine a proof of work block, a few days I have seen hours go by with no proof of work block on the network.

A lot of people will not mine my coin for this reason.

If you type
into the rpc console you get the proof of work and proof of stake difficulty.

So considering how cheap you can buy Cinnamon Coin at Coins-E or Open Ex
it is actually really cheap right now.

It seems to change hands frequently also.

I have seen several days where trade volume is well over 100k coins on coins-e
so that is equal to 7% of all coins changing hands in a day !!

If you are looking for a coin that is easy to mine, easy to sell for a profit to earn bit coin ,
fast with instant rewards or designed for 'pump and dumps'  there are lots of coins to suit you.

If you want to make a small investment in a coin that is stable, built to last, energy efficient , operated honestly , and has a developer who will not vanish and is going to support the coin long term wel ome aboard.

Once the nerwork is running at least a year I have several people who have approached me to use Cinnamon Coin for different services. (Many are contacts outside the world of bitcoin who I have met on Twitter over the years where I have a well established but personal account) Some of these relate to the entertainment business, music business, concert tickets, technology and other fields. Nothing is certain so I don't want to promise anyone things that may not happen.

I will promise that Cinnamon Coin will outlast all the 1 minute block time lite coin clones and most of the instamined & premined coins that clutter the alt coin world like garbage.

As far as the block explorer I am currently working on making a full block crawler for another project then I will make one for Cinnamon Coin.

I am also the developer of Photon (another coin with long term potential based on the blake 256 algorithm) and a full block crawler is a little more difficult to code due to proof of stake than something that is proof of work only.

If you have more questions on Cinnamon Coin the official support is at cryptocoin talk .

Cinnamon Coin is more alive than ever.

Thank you to all who support it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: irlandescoin on March 10, 2014, 02:09:09 PM

how many blocks are mined?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on March 10, 2014, 10:18:00 PM
just under 38,500
not all pow, some pos

money supply is now 1.538 million total


how many blocks are mined?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: Nelberg on March 14, 2014, 11:38:19 AM
No blocks since yesterday what's the deal

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on March 14, 2014, 12:02:57 PM
blockchain is moving, remember pow & pos blocks keep it going , this is not a coin you can hammer and just easily exchange for btc , i intended it to be resistant to that

please don't make false statements about my coin

with 300 block a day target it is much slower than almost every other alt coin

it was designed for long term stability not 1 minute blocks that fork

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: Nelberg on March 14, 2014, 03:02:30 PM
There's no pools and the wallet is dead, oh well.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: 50tugrikov on March 14, 2014, 09:40:34 PM
There's no pools and the wallet is dead, oh well.

so, you need to sell your CIN?

I could buy it  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on March 15, 2014, 06:41:22 AM
if you cannot set up a wallet you don't belong here,

I am looking at a node with 67 connections

oh well, go mine someone elses coin and stay the hell off of my coins thread

There's no pools and the wallet is dead, oh well.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: IMCHANGEW.IN on April 01, 2014, 04:46:35 AM
Hello, wallet does not work, help please)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: scottsecret on April 16, 2014, 03:52:24 PM

Is the network hash 20 mhash?  I have 1/10th of it for 10 hours and not 1 block.  What is wrong ?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: 50tugrikov on April 16, 2014, 05:42:12 PM
POS mining ... last six days minimum

easier to buy on the coin exchange  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: scottsecret on April 16, 2014, 07:21:58 PM

The first page says mining halves every 2 years ?

So it is no longer actually a POW coin?  Where is that announced ?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: shai_ on April 16, 2014, 07:26:43 PM
i knew i should have mine it.. long time ago :)
but didn't

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on April 16, 2014, 11:36:59 PM
Note ---

It is still a proof of work coin but needs a block solved.

The client has an error that will be patched in the future where the difficulty is not always reporting correctly.

Someone last week ran the hell out of my network and drove the difficulty over 240 where it is hanging since.

The proof of stake blocks are keeping the network running. The client has the difficulty just over 2 this is an error.

I only own 1 gpu and am also the developer of Photon (a Blake 256 clone currently with merged mining in development with Blake Coin) and would love to see someone solve the block to 'kick it lose'

The hash power required is substantial however.

If anyone has a rig powerful enough to solomine feathercoin at its current difficulty & can hit an average of 6 blocks in 24 hours or so I may consider a nice donation if that block could be solved :-)

Regardless the coin is still stable and considering it is not backed by any cartels or 'pumps' trades decent volume most days on coins e -- Even if that block is not solved for a long time the network will keep running.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: shai_ on April 19, 2014, 05:45:22 AM
maybe can setup a pool to solve that block?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: cinnamon_carter on April 19, 2014, 05:52:15 AM
possible, but not sure who would want to hash away , the proof of stake has the netwrok running and this happened a few times before and the block ended up getting solved......

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: scottsecret on April 19, 2014, 07:38:18 AM

coinwarz has/had this coin listed as 20 mhs on the network.  I mined on it for 2 mhs for 12 hours + and never got a block.  I don't understand if that was due to high difficulty or the POS angle. 

So I guess the bug reports difficulty as 2, so people mine on it..  confusing :)

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4 (CIN) No PreMine POW & POS - Now on COINS-E & OpenEx
Post by: ddwy758 on April 20, 2014, 05:22:28 PM
This is an innovative coin, it is worth having it!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on April 22, 2014, 06:25:31 AM
Thank you , while working on fixing the client to display the proper difficulty i decided to release an updated client + source is updated also version 1.4.1 just has a few stake modifiers & checkpoints added.
My eventual plan is to rebuild the client with fixes & possibly update to newer codebase & leveldb support.
Still got a long way to go before i get that done.

Cinnamon Coin was never designed to be a 'mine for profit' coin.

The blockchain will keep moving slow & steady.

There are over 100 nodes connected to the few daemons I run so clearly many are still quite involved.

Right now I have a friend running one gpu on it 24/7
There is about a 50% chance he will solve the block in 30 days --

The new client is not mandatory but may help keep stake flowing.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: turboseed on April 24, 2014, 11:50:37 AM
Cinnamon, I'll try to knock the block free. Lets see what a dozen Mh/s can do :)

----cinnamon address :   CXLXKaJdvodAaz1C3Ao1LQVX2Wc31EWoGm

-nevermind, just saw your post on the other forum. I'll wait until the testnet is done.   

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on April 24, 2014, 09:58:00 PM
Thanks for the generous offer ---

I recommend everyone stop mining the coin temporarly until i can get a fixed up client that solves the time drift issues, proof of and stake difficulty calculation problems

I tweeted coin warz recommending they delist Cinnamon Coin for now

That being said the network is running very well on proof of stake only.

I have some 'test clients' built but being a one woman operation + the fact it takes time to test things on test net & live net i don't want to promise a quick fix.

Until i get this all sorted out the network will run fine on proof of stake only.

It has been running like this for well over a week.

Ironic the price on coins e is up the highest it has been in sometime...

Cinnamon, I'll try to knock the block free. Lets see what a dozen Mh/s can do :)

----cinnamon address :   CXLXKaJdvodAaz1C3Ao1LQVX2Wc31EWoGm

-nevermind, just saw your post on the other forum. I'll wait until the testnet is done.   

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on May 22, 2014, 11:31:54 PM
I have 2 new clients running on testnet over a week, tweaking the future of cinnamon coin,  the network has actually been running really well on proof of stake only and keeping up decent trade volume on coins e the past few weeks.  Sorry no proof of work coins now but I am a developer who works on things carefully and this project is still young only born last September, I don't want to rush out a fix, fork the coin and kick everyone off the network and have another issue in 6 months.  thanks for your patience. 

And yes as someone mentioned to me in a pm I am the developer of Photon the blake 256 merme mined coin and spending time on that project also but this coin was launched 5 months before photon. 

there is no conflict of interest and I have enough time to keep these and the other coins I am involved with running .....

If tests go well I will release something in the next week......

Title: Cinnamoncoin now on
Post by: indiguy on June 02, 2014, 02:23:24 AM

Okay so I've read enough novels in my entire life :D

We've added Cinnamoncoin so it now has it's own page on a wikipedia listing all the alt coins to help you quickly find facts and links about your favorite coin.
If you know of other facts and links that can be added to the page, please feel free to update the page.

Title: Re: Cinnamoncoin now on
Post by: cinnamon_carter on June 02, 2014, 03:53:21 AM
Thank you for the add :-)

I am considering switching the algorithm of Cinnamon Coin with the next release.
That is the reason for the delay in updating the client.
When I am 100% confident I have it tested & ready it will be released.
No eta right now, the network is running on proof of stake only and very stable and the alt coin world is flooded with coins so I am taking my time.

Since this is a long term project I appreciate everyones patience.
Trading is still available at Coins-E !!

Okay so I've read enough novels in my entire life :D

We've added Cinnamoncoin so it now has it's own page on a wikipedia listing all the alt coins to help you quickly find facts and links about your favorite coin.
If you know of other facts and links that can be added to the page, please feel free to update the page.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: bigtimespaghetti on June 02, 2014, 01:53:45 PM
If anyone is interested in using their CIN for purchasing some silver plated or pure silver Commiserative Gox coins, please drop me a line or check out my thread :) I'm interested in supporting CIN as it's a coin I've traded in the past and I love how it's not just burnt out and disappeared like so many alts. (

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: vegasguy on July 05, 2014, 02:05:12 AM
Are there ANY working pools?

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on July 05, 2014, 08:00:27 AM
no proof of work at this time , i am coding a new client that will be released in the near future , the network is running now only on proof of stake ---

it will be posted when ready --

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on July 20, 2014, 03:22:18 PM










Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: bigtimespaghetti on July 20, 2014, 03:47:33 PM










Sorry to hear this.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine POS ONLY
Post by: cinnamon_carter on July 21, 2014, 09:39:44 PM
for now i left it as it was due to requests by users of cryptocointalk,

if anyone wants to make suggestions please do a gitpull,

issues are current block has a neg. timestamp thus impossible to solve (i was able to fix this issue but the difficulty went and stayed at 272 million , i even tried including new code and bumping the protocol kicking all old clients off the network to a 'test' of new client.... cannot seem to resolve difficulty issue)

to be honest I am not a pro at c++ and the coins cinnamon coin is cloned from btc, nvc, ppc ect... are well designed to prevent anyone 'tampering' with certain things ....

if anyone has ever tinkered around you know exactly what I mean

what protects coin networks like bitcoin or any coin done properly from a rogue person coding some new rules in is preventing me the developer changing the rules. 

I am sure it can be done if I was a good enough programer and knew exactly where to make the changes but I admit my skiills are not so good.

I am good at many things but proof of stake I admit has me over my head.

I suspect very few people really understand what is going on with proof of stake and how it works and how 'arbitrary' it can be.

That is another issue too. Willl post again when I have a resolution.  Was a bit fustrated yesterday after my code that worked so well on test net did not work on the network.

Someone suggested my options are either

let the coin run as it has been , no more proof of work (if i do this I know how to securly recode the client for proof of stake only and will adjust the annual percentage up a bit)  ,

relaunch the coin with a premine and do an exchange for coin holders

Now I undertsand why so many 'developers' vanish and are never heard from again.

I guess it takes a woman to 'step up' and admit I have a problem I can't solve on my own (yet) instead of running away.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on August 01, 2014, 01:02:01 AM
Note the blockchain is actually moving quite stable now.  There are other ways to correct this client but i put it aside for a week or so after the last fix i had coded up worked so well on test net and failed on main net.   Oh well another learning experiene.  Will just take a bit more time to code and I am busy researching 2 other important topics now, since the network is stable I am letting the nodes run, many connections so the proof of stake is carrying it.   In retrospect I will admit life would be a lot easier now if a different codebase had been selected when this coin was cloned.  I have learned so much since then , not everything yet , but no time machines to go back and change what was done in the past.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: icecube45 on August 01, 2014, 05:32:39 AM
Note the blockchain is actually moving quite stable now.  There are other ways to correct this client but i put it aside for a week or so after the last fix i had coded up worked so well on test net and failed on main net.   Oh well another learning experiene.  Will just take a bit more time to code and I am busy researching 2 other important topics now, since the network is stable I am letting the nodes run, many connections so the proof of stake is carrying it.   In retrospect I will admit life would be a lot easier now if a different codebase had been selected when this coin was cloned.  I have learned so much since then , not everything yet , but no time machines to go back and change what was done in the past.

If I had a time machine.. I'd be rich due to BTC.

The important thing is you've learned.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on August 29, 2014, 11:40:29 AM
yes , lol

time machine to 2009 to tell yourself to pay close attention to btc !!!

learned quite a bit about many many things ......

The Cinnamon Coin network is still running on stake only but the nodes only show 20+ connections most times vs. 100+ a few months ago.
I check them but not as many blocks being produced since most people who hold coins must have not been on the network in a long time

The most important thing I learned is proof of stake is no real protection or substitution for proof of WORK  ......

I won't bother with the mathematics or theory .... 

Proof of stake , unless centralized to a fairly strong degree is just something that requires too much maintainence from a code standpoint to keep running properly for everyday use and adoption as a network gets larger. There are at least a dozen methods to attack a proof of stake coin derived from bitcoin that I know of and I probably don't know them all.  Even if centralized (which I am not in favor of) it still has problems. 

Based on everything I have learned so far, Proof of Work is the only way to have a large , stable ,network that will hold up for years and be able to handle higher volume of transactions. Any network is only as secure as it's difficulty.  For any sha coins I still think block times <5 minutes are unwise.
A few other algorithms can be done with shorter block times and remain stable under heavy mining or attack.

There may be fewer issues with coins that are only proof of stake , not mixing proof of work and proof of stake however if it is only proof of stake you have the issue of  how the initial coins were created and who holds them. Fairness comes into play if you hope for the coin to become anything other than a passing fancy or a novelty. You create a pyramid scheme with very short proof of work or by selling the initial coins to 'investors' .     

While my research has lead me to other projects which are released now and a few that are in early or mid stages Cinnamon Coin will continue to be supported until I see no one connected to the network. I have not ruled out hardforking the coin and just kickstarting proof of work off again.

Note the blockchain is actually moving quite stable now.  There are other ways to correct this client but i put it aside for a week or so after the last fix i had coded up worked so well on test net and failed on main net.   Oh well another learning experiene.  Will just take a bit more time to code and I am busy researching 2 other important topics now, since the network is stable I am letting the nodes run, many connections so the proof of stake is carrying it.   In retrospect I will admit life would be a lot easier now if a different codebase had been selected when this coin was cloned.  I have learned so much since then , not everything yet , but no time machines to go back and change what was done in the past.

If I had a time machine.. I'd be rich due to BTC.

The important thing is you've learned.

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: bit1 on October 05, 2014, 07:21:07 PM
it is coin dead?  please advice here:

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: Armis on October 06, 2014, 06:29:04 AM
Don't feel stuck holding the bag of "worthless coin" EMC2 is willing to swap (your coin + vol work) for EMC2

let me know if you are interested, this offer is made to the developer, as well as loyal community members 

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 06, 2014, 11:05:21 PM
not dead but blockchain moving slow on stake only , nodes alive with connections.....

it is coin dead?  please advice here:

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 06, 2014, 11:06:38 PM
The chain of CIN is moving so slowly it may be difficult for others to move coins safely....

Nodes continue to be under attack from proof of stake 'timing' issues....

Don't feel stuck holding the bag of "worthless coin" EMC2 is willing to swap (your coin + vol work) for EMC2

let me know if you are interested, this offer is made to the developer, as well as loyal community members 

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: Armis on October 07, 2014, 12:00:03 AM
The chain of CIN is moving so slowly it may be difficult for others to move coins safely....

Nodes continue to be under attack from proof of stake 'timing' issues....

Don't feel stuck holding the bag of "worthless coin" EMC2 is willing to swap (your coin + vol work) for EMC2

let me know if you are interested, this offer is made to the developer, as well as loyal community members 

we could use your skills over at EMC2

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 07, 2014, 12:20:59 AM
I am involved in a few other proects right now, don't want to make commitments i cannot keep,

Send me a pm when time allows and let me know what you had in mind,

I will look over your code on github when I have a chance to get an overview of you project...

The chain of CIN is moving so slowly it may be difficult for others to move coins safely....

Nodes continue to be under attack from proof of stake 'timing' issues....

Don't feel stuck holding the bag of "worthless coin" EMC2 is willing to swap (your coin + vol work) for EMC2

let me know if you are interested, this offer is made to the developer, as well as loyal community members 

we could use your skills over at EMC2

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: kingscrown on October 07, 2014, 01:05:51 AM
cinni is totally one of best coin devs out there!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: cinnamon_carter on October 07, 2014, 01:38:44 AM
thanks but i would not say that, i am good at certain things, other aspects i am still learning, much to learn, 

to make a successful project i am convinced it is best to have a team of developers each with their own areas of excellence ,

then when things come up they get resolved much faster and better !!!

cinni is totally one of best coin devs out there!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS --- in hibernation
Post by: cinnamon_carter on March 16, 2015, 03:10:33 AM
ok someone asked me about this old little project the other day,

I could now if i wanted to fix everything 100% and start up the proof of work and proof of stake going again on CIN.

My c++  and full understanding of proof of work/stake code has improved leaps and bounds in the past several months...........

Just because I can do something does not mean it should be done ....

I am not going to do it at this time, the network nodes are alive , last I checked with 9-15 connections each .....

(which was yesterday)

I am currently involved in other projects that leave me little time or desire to work on CIN at this time.........

The network is active and continue to produce a half dozen blocks or sometimes many more a day from stake only

Here it is in a nutshell

When I launched this coin I did not really grasp the issues that proof of stake fails in , i.e. byzantine generals problem not to mention this code base and any other one based on ppc or nvc ect.... have many 'vulnerabilities' , unless you have some centralized checkpointing............the codebase this particular coin was cloned from could be attacked literally by someone with a decent amount of coins / coin age and by them playine around with the clock on their computer and connecting to the network........... sounds messed up but it is true.

I never wanted a centralized anything so I will not put in a system like ppc or feathercoin uses aka Sunny King style, (not to say I disrespect his work on the contrary I think he is a brilliant developer)

Stake is 'arbitrary'   ..........  at some point in the future I may or may not decide to hard fork this to proof of work only, and possibly change the algorithm from scrypt 1024 to something else............................ 

Since I am the only person working on it, and obviously no one else has any interest in this project I don't think it really matters what I do with it.

I keep the nodes up since I have nodes running for bitcoin, and other projects I support on several servers so no waste of resources to keep these alive. 

So that is it.    I may never post to this thread again , or who knows if I have free time  in a month or two and feel like experimenting I may
look at a change............. If I did I would likely do it in such a way that allows anyone who owned coins in the past to retain them by importing your private keys into the new wallet....................     

If anyone is up for a challenge in c++ , math, crypto, and all kinds of other lovely stuff do a gitpull with your proposal for a solution and if it looks good I would test it and merge it...........   please do not reply here , stick to the comments on github and we will work there.......... 

I don't expect that to happen and I am ok with that since I have moved on to much better projects.

I still think Cinnamon Coin was really cool for a lot of reasons

1) It was the first coin named after someone (me),

2) It was a great learning experience for me

3)  I would have never even joined this forum except to announce it , I was a lurker only for years before that since the locker room type atmosphere of 'guys only' on this forum  made me feel unwelcome as a woman.  I no longer feel unwelcome in the forum and realized for as much as i learned from this forum before I was a member I learned a lot more after I joined. 

4) Other reasons I will keep to myself

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: bigtimespaghetti on March 16, 2015, 07:03:16 AM
Nice update cin, good luck with your future efforts!

Title: Re: [ANN] Cinnamon Coin 1.4.1 (CIN) No PreMine (POW )& POS TRADE ON COINS-E
Post by: hesdeadjim on March 10, 2017, 05:24:48 AM
are there any working nodes for this coin?

