Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: snot on September 23, 2013, 08:35:02 AM

Title: How could I collect block on one online computer, and send it on a offline one ?
Post by: snot on September 23, 2013, 08:35:02 AM

Like I say in the subject, I've got access to some IBM Dataplex rooms, with both CPU and GPU calcul's units. I would like to exploit this but they aren't connected to internet, we could only access by ethernet with restricted access ....

So the question, How could I send "block's job" by ethernet and work on it "offline". A node computer could be used to access to internet and use a mining software, but I need an over software to mining a job that was send by the node. I don't know if I'm clear ?! sorry for the mistaken language ....

Title: Re: How could I collect block on one online computer, and send it on a offline one ?
Post by: RaTTuS on September 23, 2013, 08:49:47 AM
basicly you don't as this is probably against all the terms and conditions you have ...
though you could run a stratum mining proxy on your connected machine and build and run miners on the other's

but you are not going to collect a lot via the GPU's [and nothing via the CPU]
apart from getting done for misuse of resoources

Title: Re: How could I collect block on one online computer, and send it on a offline one ?
Post by: snot on September 23, 2013, 09:40:31 AM
basicly you don't as this is probably against all the terms and conditions you have ...
though you could run a stratum mining proxy on your connected machine and build and run miners on the other's

but you are not going to collect a lot via the GPU's [and nothing via the CPU]
apart from getting done for misuse of resoources

Thank's for you answer, for the collect I did some calcul about ressources, and 26000 CPU + 2500 GPU .... and lot over, I thing it's a good idear to put some minning process. CPU are all Xeon Multicore (between 10 and 20 Mh/s by Unit) and GPU are NVIDIA GTX 5 series (Between 100-150 MH/s), so 260Gh/s-520Gh/s for CPU, and 250Gh/s - 375Gh/s for GPU, and I could use 3 mores rooms with between 700 - 2500 more CPU units ... It will be insane for me to not use this waiting for my ACICS modules ...

Could you tell me which miner I could use for this process ?

Title: Re: How could I collect block on one online computer, and send it on a offline one ?
Post by: snot on September 23, 2013, 10:21:38 AM
I think for GPU it's cgminer the best ? but for CPU could someone tell me which one to use ?

Title: Re: How could I collect block on one online computer, and send it on a offline one ?
Post by: RaTTuS on September 25, 2013, 07:47:40 AM
no Idea about cpu mining -

Title: Re: How could I collect block on one online computer, and send it on a offline one ?
Post by: vayvanne on October 01, 2013, 01:21:07 AM
I guess you need develop custom software for this purpose.
If proxy is an option then any opencl miner for gpu-s and cpuminer for cpu-s.