Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: djurinac on February 23, 2018, 08:19:40 AM

Title: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: djurinac on February 23, 2018, 08:19:40 AM
Claymore lins er like this:
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x5d44df9c7820a6f4613b57115af*** -epsw x -mode 1 -ftime 10 -mport -3333 -mclock 2075,2000,1900,2000,2225,2000,2200,2200,2015,2160,2000

Problem is that PC reboot every night on the same time. But from 07 AM its working in like 10 hours without reboot and same again. See picture:

Any Suggestion?

Tnx ;)

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: toptek on February 23, 2018, 08:31:54 AM
if your using windows turn off windows update . or adjust it.

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: fapar on February 23, 2018, 08:43:14 AM
Claymore lins er like this:
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x5d44df9c7820a6f4613b57115af*** -epsw x -mode 1 -ftime 10 -mport -3333 -mclock 2075,2000,1900,2000,2225,2000,2200,2200,2015,2160,2000

Problem is that PC reboot every night on the same time. But from 07 AM its working in like 10 hours without reboot and same again. See picture:

Any Suggestion?

Tnx ;)

Check the activity period:
Start  button, select Settings  > Update & security  > Windows Update , then select Change active hours

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: phuocduong on February 23, 2018, 10:10:32 AM
turn off windows update, window defender ...

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: Marvell2 on February 23, 2018, 12:23:14 PM
turn down overclock , I had same issue with some rigs

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: Agozyen on February 23, 2018, 12:28:50 PM
turn off windows update, window defender ...

DYOR on how to disable Windows Update.  I hate Windows 10 because of the updates.  In Windows 7 it was easy to manage but for Windows 10 you have to do some digging around to turn it off.  Seriously, if you your rig is otherwise stable and you have good AV then disable Windows updates. 

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: gt_addict on February 23, 2018, 03:37:03 PM
As already said turn windows update off. I managed to find out how to change the registry to stop it updating by itself and my rig has been stable for over 300hours before i switched it off to dust the other day.

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: RYXES on February 23, 2018, 03:51:25 PM
1. Apply 'Windows Ethereum mining registry tweaks' (google it)
Download it and say yes to everything.

2. Then start menu - RUN - type 'services.msc' press go.
Scroll down to Windows update in list.
Double click
Change update to 'Disabled' in scroll down tab.
And there should be a button somewhere to change it to not start up when windows loads up.

Once you've done both of these reset Windows and double check nothing has reverted.
If it hasn't then all good and it worked and you can crack on with the mining without interruptions.

If it does it again then theres a chance it may be something to do with your rig.

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: zorachus99 on February 23, 2018, 04:11:54 PM
My very first guess would be power related, a minor brownout or sudden voltage sag due to electric turning on could be at work here.

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: djurinac on February 23, 2018, 08:30:57 PM
Hi, thanks for being so many who will help.

I have now disabled Windows updates.
I have run the Windows Ethereum mining registry tweaks.
Unfortunately, it did not help.

What is interesting is that the reboot PC at AM 00.04 so AM 01.02 so AM 02.09. And like this every night until AM 06.04, than it work until noon. PM 05.30 and one more reboot PM 08.00

And so its like this every day. I do not think PSU can reboot it every night at the same time.

i check Changing active hours but i can change it to max 18 hours.

Do you have some more idea what can be the reason.

Thank you.

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: Souran on February 24, 2018, 12:55:47 AM
Hi, thanks for being so many who will help.

I have now disabled Windows updates.
I have run the Windows Ethereum mining registry tweaks.
Unfortunately, it did not help.

What is interesting is that the reboot PC at AM 00.04 so AM 01.02 so AM 02.09. And like this every night until AM 06.04, than it work until noon. PM 05.30 and one more reboot PM 08.00

And so its like this every day. I do not think PSU can reboot it every night at the same time.

i check Changing active hours but i can change it to max 18 hours.

Do you have some more idea what can be the reason.

Thank you.

I notice some of your cards are running at memory clock of 2200+ mhz, check in HWMonitor if any of the cards produce memory errors; if you got a card producing alot of errors, then the card is most probably crashing after accumulating alot of errors.
What about core clock speed? are you leaving it on default? cuz that would be too high for mining, and wont increase hashrate alot; alot of power draw, heat, and stress on PSU can cause the crashes. (Assuming those are AMD Cards, clock speed of 1150-1200 is good enough, and some will argue to lower it even more).

Check windows 10 reliability monitor (assuming you are using windows 10), its a nice tool, but you will need some googling to understand how to work with it to understand system crashes.

Try reading the last bits of claymore log files for when the crash happens, maybe you'll get a hint if some card acts funny.

Maybe hardware logging (I think gpuz has a log feature to write to a file), and check for when the crash happened, what was ur hardware status.. if its a gpu crash, you will probably see that the clock and memory speeds went down to P0 state before the crash occurs (usually 300mhz).

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: lunobird on February 24, 2018, 02:48:49 AM
Not all gpus of the same model and type are created equal, I notice certain algos on one of my weak link video cards will cause a reboot once or twice a week
. I need to declock it slighty to fix it I bet.

I do noticed keeping all the cards the same on a rig has less to no issues. Only my mix and match systems sometimes act up once a week like 1080 ti with 1070 and 1070 ti cards on a rig

Make sure you have software miner.bat file shortcuts on your startup folder so in case of a reboot it will run the miners automatically. Make sure afterburner option is checked on to load on window startup so it auto apply your settings. Make sure you enable miner mode on motherboard bios so it auto reboots during a power surge or outage

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: xio13 on February 24, 2018, 12:08:18 PM
its a problem with PSU

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: djurinac on February 24, 2018, 08:54:14 PM
It works 👌👍

The problem was windows update. Had to deactivate in register too. And now its working 24h without reboot.

Tnx 🙌🙌

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: on February 24, 2018, 09:16:13 PM

I had the same problem with windows 10 (including automatic GPU drivers update).

Disabling windows update also solved my problem. Just did it in policies template.

Title: Re: PC with Claymore reboot during night. Almost equal time every night
Post by: oni4an on February 25, 2018, 07:56:37 PM
There are several options: Windows Updates (disable the service, or in Group Policies), not a successful acceleration, event planner, possibly built-in antivirus.